jostle 英 [ˈdʒɒsl] 美 [ˈdʒɑːsl]



  • This spending spree explains why optimism still abounds, even as more startups jostle to carve out a niche.
  • The jostling for position starts in kindergarten, with some rich parents spending thousands of dollars a month on private tutoring to help their children secure spots in elite prep schools and top universities.


[verb] push, elbow, or bump against (someone) roughly, typically in a crowd
[动词] (尤指在人群中)粗暴地推、肘挤或撞(某人)


Jostle 源自英语单词 joust (竞争、角逐;中世纪骑士马上长矛比武),由 joust + le (反复)构成,现主要表示“(在人群中)挤、推、撞、搡”,以便穿过人群或获得更大空间,比如:

  • 足球迷们挤挤插插进了体育场。
    The football fans jostled into the stadium.

在人群中挤挤插插费了老大劲,无非是想抢个好位置。由此引申而来,常用 jostle for sth 表达与人“争夺、争抢(某物)”,强调竞争十分激烈,比如:

  • 有大量各种题材的报道争着上今天报纸的头版。
    There is a wide spread of stories jostling for coverage on today’s front pages.

从人挤人这个摩肩接踵的场面出发, jostle 还可以引申表达“与……贴近、紧贴”,比如:

  • 渔船互相紧靠着停泊在河边。
    Fishing vessels lay jostling each other at the riverside.

另外, jostle 还可以用来表达对人的内心所进行的“挤、推、撞、搡”,即“搅扰、使不安定”或“煽动”,比如:

  • 被搅得七上八下的心情
    a mind jostled into turmoil
  • 煽动他挥霍他父母的财产
    jostle him into squandering his parents’ wealth


How oddly do life and death jostle each other in this strange world of ours! How nearly allied are smiles and tears!

出自英国威尔士黑人女歌手雪莉·贝西(Shirley Bassey,1937年1月8日-)。1959年,她凭 As I Love You 成为首位拥有英国冠军单曲的威尔士歌手。2000年,她获英女王伊丽莎伯二世颁发大英帝国勋章(DBE),成为女爵士。


jostle” 意为推挤、挤、碰撞,通常用来形容拥挤场景中人们争夺位置或与他人碰撞的情况。

以下是包含单词 “jostle” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. jostle for position – 争夺位置
  2. jostle in the crowd – 拥挤中挤来挤去
  3. jostle in the queue – 排队中挤来挤去
  4. jostle in the subway – 地铁里挤来挤去
  5. jostle in the stadium – 体育场内挤来挤去
  6. jostle in the market – 市场中挤来挤去
  7. jostle for attention – 争夺注意力
  8. jostle for the ball – 争球
  9. jostle for the spotlight – 争夺聚光灯
  10. jostle for power – 争夺权力
  11. jostle for influence – 争夺影响力
  12. jostle for resources – 争夺资源
  13. jostle for control – 争夺控制权
  14. jostle for advantage – 争取优势
  15. jostle for the microphone – 争夺麦克风
  16. jostle in the elevator – 电梯里挤来挤去
  17. jostle in the bus – 公交车里挤来挤去
  18. jostle in the crowd – 人群中挤来挤去
  19. jostle in the rush hour – 高峰时段挤来挤去
  20. jostle for the front row – 争夺前排位置
  21. jostle in the concert – 音乐会中挤来挤去
  22. jostle for the best view – 争夺最佳视野
  23. jostle in the festival – 节日里挤来挤去
  24. jostle for the last seat – 争夺最后一个座位
  25. jostle for space – 争夺空间
  26. jostle in the store – 商店里挤来挤去
  27. jostle in the mall – 购物中心里挤来挤去
  28. jostle for the interview – 争夺面试机会
  29. jostle for the job – 争夺工作机会
  30. jostle for the promotion – 争夺晋升机会
  31. jostle in the theater – 剧院里挤来挤去
  32. jostle in the airport – 机场里挤来挤去
  33. jostle for a better view – 争夺更好的视野
  34. jostle for the camera – 争夺摄像机
  35. jostle in the nightclub – 夜总会里挤来挤去
  36. jostle for the position of captain – 争夺队长职位
  37. jostle in the conference – 会议中挤来挤去
  38. jostle for the last piece – 争夺最后一块
  39. jostle in the restaurant – 餐厅里挤来挤去
  40. jostle for the attention of the teacher – 争夺老师的注意力
  41. jostle for the front seat – 争夺前排座位
  42. jostle in the theme park – 主题公园中挤来挤去
  43. jostle in the crowd during the parade – 游行期间人群中挤来挤去
  44. jostle for the best spot – 争夺最佳位置
  45. jostle for a glimpse – 争夺一瞥
  46. jostle for the limited edition – 争夺限量版
  47. jostle in the rush – 奔忙中挤来挤去
  48. jostle for the awards – 争夺奖项
  49. jostle in the voting – 投票中挤来挤去
  50. jostle for recognition – 争夺认可


  • jolt: push or shake (someone or something) abruptly and roughly
  • hustle: force (someone) to move hurriedly or unceremoniously in a specified direction
  • thrust: push (something or someone) suddenly or violently in the specified direction
