-Right. Jonesy, yeah? -Yeah.
抗生素 消炎药 每次吃饭前吃一片
Antibiotics, anti-inflammatories. Take one of each before each meal.
Run the course.
Give the pin dick a bit of R and R, yeah?
别盯着我屁♥股♥了 变♥态♥
Stop staring at my arse, you throbber.
What’s the fucking hurry, hat?
都注意点 有动静了
Aye up, lads, budgie express inbound.
列兵哈维 请报告风向
Wind direction please, Private Harvey.
-这家伙我是认识的对吧 -西风 史密斯列兵
-I do know this guy, right? -Out of the west, Private Smith.
呃 对
好吧 我…
OK, I’m…
我死了 我是男人 英国人 长了一脸基佬的胡子
I’m dead. I’m a man. I’m British. I’ve got a gay beard.
We think.
我们觉得 我杀了个国王 而且我不是盖伊·福克斯
We think. I, killed a king and I’m not Guy Fawkes.
Who didn’t kill anyone.
-该死的 斯图 -该死的
-For fuck’s sake, Stu mate. -Fucker!
就像看见一个白♥痴♥ 做蠢事一样
It’s like watching a retard trying to fuck a doorknob.
I thought you knew your fucking history.
你自己猜啊 不然我给你一拳试试
Just fucking guess, will you, before I slit my fucking wrists.
-我跟亚瑟王有关系吗 -没有
-Am I anything to do with King Arthur? -No.
你能猜3次 还猜错就得吃5拳
You got three guesses and then it’s five bines for mush.
-这坑人呢 -嘿 规矩就是规矩 对吧斯图
-This is a fucking stitch-up. -Hey, rules is rules. Right, Stu?
When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains
and the women come out to cut up what remains
就为了吃你的肉 烤你的脑子
just roll to your ri?e and blow out your brains…?
然后像士兵一样 光荣的见上帝
And go to your God like a soldier.
For fuck’s sake.
What you doing putting this shit in your fucking head?
还是有点看法的 对吧
Well, it’s a bit of perspective, innit?
Perspective on what?
What a dour-faced bastard Rudyard Kipling was?
You fucking pricks.
It’s Quasimodo and Wurzel Gummidge.
-无所谓 -怎么了 肯
-It’s alright… -What happened, Ken?
明天你就能拿到你的东西了 好吗
You can get your own fucking shit tomorrow, OK?
Did you get the three-fifty chargers?
For fuck’s sake.
-你们俩滚蛋 -普罗塞还有其他的
-Fuck off the two of youse. -Prosser’s got another unit.
-没关系吧 -没事
-Alright cock smokers? -Yeah.
肯 你怎么总是被分配些 操蛋的工作
Here, how come it’s always you that gets the crap jobs then, Ken?

Fuck off.
Crap hat, crap job.
你也可以滚了 克伦威尔
Eh, you can fuck off too, Cromwell.
-我是奥利佛·克伦威尔 -你个白♥痴♥
-Am I Oliver Cromwell? -You’re an idiot.
别人说的不算 对吧
It doesn’t count if someone fucking tells you, does it?
-规矩就是规矩 5下 -轻点
-Rules is rules, Smudge, yeah. Five bines. -You absolute knob.
Ma shot…
我发誓 斯玛奇
I swear to fuck, Smudge,
看你能不能 让吉米再干一次克兰克
see if you make me Jimmy fucking Krankie one more time…
来 斯玛奇 看着这个 准备
Here, Smudge, watch this. Ready?
忍♥者的手指 伙计
Ninja fingers, mate.
蛋黄酱 你这怪胎
Mayo on sausage? You fucking weirdo, mate.
那是甜的 伙计 三明治上
It’s sweet, mate. Mate, sausage,
就要奶酪 蛋黄酱和香肠
cheese and mayo on a fucking sandwich.
我对天发誓 别那样看着我 我说着呢的
Swear to God, mate. Don’t look at me like that, I’m telling you.
快点 我他妈饿死了
Hurry up, man. I’m fucking starving.
那边有很大动静 mush
There’s a lot of fucking about down there, mush.
Oh. Fucking petrol station again, mate.
-去叫斯图 -好
-Here, go get Stu. -Sure.
斯图 斯图 醒醒
Stu, Stu, Stu, Stu. Wake up, mate.
加油站有动静 快起来
Activity at the petrol station. Come on, get your arse up.
-快点 -见鬼 好了 来了
-Come on. -Fucking hell. Alright, come on.
妈的 锅盖头 我正做好梦呢
Bloody hell, Jar Head. I was just getting to the good bit.
好 什么情况
Right, what we looking at?
It’s that fucking petrol station again, mush.
他们都是死不悔改的小畜生 让他们尝尝厉害
They’re persistent little bastards, I’ll give ’em that.

K2 这里是K5 完毕
Kilo Two, this is Kilo Five, over.
K2 这里是K5 完毕
Kilo Two, this is Kilo Five. Over.
For fuck’s sake.
K5呼叫K2 刚才什么情况 完毕
Kilo Five to Kilo Two. What the fuck was that? Over.
K2 敌人在加油站附近有活动 完毕
Kilo Two. Enemy activity in the vicinity of the petrol station. Over.
收到 待命中
Roger, wait out.
急什么 我们有一晚上时间
What’s the rush, you fuckers. We got all night.
Call it in.
-去个人叫马克 -我来了 什么情况
-Somebody get Mark. -I’m here. What we got?
Contact from petrol station.
0号♥呼叫 这里是E79 完毕
Hello Zero, this is Emerald Seventy-Nine. Over.
Kilo Four to Kilo Five,
enemy fire from direction of petrol station.
-要不要干掉那里 -全部是阿富汗安♥全♥部♥队的呼号♥
-I thought we’d smashed that? -All ANA call signs…
明显不行 阿富汗安♥全♥部♥队呼号♥已占线 先等等
Apparently not. ANA call sign engaged. Wait out.
收到 K4 完毕
Roger, Kilo Four. Out.
开火点附近安全 请求近距空中支援 马克 你上
Area around firing point clear. Request CAS. Mark, you’re up.
0号♥ 这里是E79 攻击引导员
Hello Zero, this is Emerald Seventy-Nine, JTAC
需要紧急空中支援 完毕
requests immediate close air support. Over.
收到 等待
Roger, wait out.
呼叫E79 这是0号♥
Hello Emerald Seven Nine, this is Zero.
One Dutch F-sixteen available,
呼号♥杀手11 预计到达时间2分钟 完毕
call sign Hitman One One. ETA two, out.
-收到 2分钟 -抓紧
-Roger last. Two minutes. -Tidy.
收到 K1 正在执行 完毕
Roger Kilo One, we’re on this. Out.
杀手11 这里是W13
Hello Hitman One One, this is Widow One Three.
你得快点狠揍这些混♥蛋♥ 完毕
You got to hit those bastards hard and fast. Over.
-收到 完毕 -W13 杀手11
-Roger. Out. Again. -Widow One Three, Hitman One One…
即将到达 这次注意 激光别被♥干♥扰了
has you five by five. Be advised no laser munitions on pod at this time.
杰伊 去放哨
Jay, take post.
杀手11 我们要消灭目标
Hitman One One, we will illuminate target.
I will clear hot on your confirmation of target.
收到 W13
Copy, Widow One Three.
火力任务2号♥ 照射 X13
Fire Mission number two, illum, X-ray one three.
2号♥ 照射 X13
Number two, illum, X-ray one three.
Guess we’re not the only ones who got re-supped today.
Ammo ready.
Number two, fire.
Number two firing.
Firing… Now!
5 6 7 8 砰
Five, six, seven, eight, boom.
看好了 杰伊
Spot on, Jay.
-杀手11 目标已经点亮 -这发打的漂亮
-Hitman One One, target is lit. -Master craftsman, this one.
加油站在低地 靠在正斜面上
Petrol station in low ground, base of forward slope.
-标记目标 -W13 全部发射
-Tally target. -Widow One Three, clear hot, clear hot.
杀手11 目标清楚 杀手11 所有武器发射
Hitman One One, clear hot. Hitman One One all hot, nine seconds.
He needs double tops…
-需要投两颗了 -他在那边干什么
-Still needs double tops. -What’s he fucking doing over there?
杀手11 没有命中
Hitman One One, missed target.
That cunt couldn’t finish off his dinner.
Target is two-hundred metres west…
-起码让他们停下了 -请求再次攻击
-Well it shut ’em up at least. -…of impact point. Request another run.
Hitman One One
拒绝 W13 我燃料不足 完毕
negative Widow One Three, I am bingo fuel. RTB. Out.
0号♥ 这里是S28 呼叫
Zero this is Sandstone Two Eight, contact.
袋熊林方向发射了几颗中国火箭弹 完毕
Multiple Chinese rockets fired from Wombat Wood. Over.
-用机♥枪♥还击 -那是桑金
-Returning fire with GPMG… -That Sangin?
-点50机♥枪♥和迫击炮 完毕 -对
