Kilo Two, this is Kilo Two Bravo, come in.
For fuck’s sake!
斯图 克里斯 快点啊 我们在干河床有人受伤
Stu, Chris, come on, man, man. We’ve got a man down in the wadi!
法兹 跟他们说我们需要立即救援
Faz, you tell them we need a cas evac fucking smart, alright!
Now go! Go!
斯图 斯图 醒醒
Stu! Stu! Now fucking wake up.

你会没事的 好了
You’re gonna be alright, OK.
Yeah, well I’m fucking not, am I?
你是的 好吗 听我说
No you are. OK, listen to me, OK.
I’m gonna check you for other injuries, yeah.
给你打点吗♥啡♥ 好吗 你要坚持住 好吗
Get some morphine into you, buddy. Yeah? You just fucking hang tight, OK?
Kilo Two Bravo.
Kilo Two Bravo.
锅盖头 怎么回事 谁看到什么了吗
Jar Head, what the fuck’s going on? Did any youse see anything?
-没有敌军动向 -妈的
-No enemy movement. -Fuck.
好吧 盯着公路和河床
Right. I want eyes on them, I want eyes on the wadi.
如果有什么动静 管他♥娘♥的♥开枪
If anything moves, fucking smash it.
好了 伙计们 我们走
OK lads, let’s fucking go.
K5呼叫K2 那边怎么回事
Kilo Five to Kilo Two. What the fuck’s going on over there?
K2 遭遇地雷
Kilo Two. Mine strike.
-遭遇地雷 -K2
-Mine strike. -Kilo Two?
0号♥ 这里是E79
Zero, this is Emerald Seven Nine…
大卫 杰伊 卢克 肯
Dave, Jay, Luke, Ken
mine strike on Normandy.
塔格 有人受伤 需要医疗 快走
Tug, man down, mate. Med Bergen, let’s go, yeah.
-还有人有急救箱吗 -这里有个
-Anyone else got a med kit? -One here, mucker.
好 杰伊拿上我们跟着
Alright, get on, Jay and we’ll follow.
-我有 我是队医 -好 好伙计
-I’ve got one. Team medic. -Alright, good lad.
-快点 有人受伤 我们快点 -马克
-Come on, man down, boys. Let’s fucking go. -Mark.
马克 你不知道前面的情况
Mark, you don’t know what you’re moving into.
Well, someone’s got to fucking do it.
法兹 怎么回事
Faz, what the fuck’s going on!
-斯图踩地雷了 -见鬼 多严重
-Stu stood on a mine. -Fuck! How bad?
腿没了 伙计
His fucking leg’s gone, mate.
猪头 呼叫直升机来雅典
Bomb Head. Get a Nine Liner to Athens.
是斯图·哈尔 已经确认 1人 需要绞盘
It’s Stu Hale, confirmed. P one, winch required.
快点 塔格 有个兄弟 在下面快死了
Come on Tug, one of our boys is fucking dying over there!
马上还会有人快死的 妈的
There’ll also be another one over here in a minute, fucking hell!
Mine strike on Normandy?
-他们是这么说的 -上车
-That’s what they said. -Get in.
很快就好 斯图 好吗
Not long now, Stu. Alright?
好了伙计们 骑兵来了
Alright lads, the fucking cavalry’s here.
好了 斯图 斯玛奇来了
Alright, Stu boy. Smudge is here, mate.
来 抬着这个
Here, Smudge. Get this would you, mate.
抓住了 抓住了 松手
I’ve got it, I’ve got it. Go on. Go on, mate.
盖伊 你做了什么
Guy, what the fuck have you done now, aye?
-怎么样 锅盖头 -绑上止血带了
-How we doing Jar? -Yeah. Got a tourniquet on.
Given him a shot of morphine… in the good leg.
怎么样 大伙计
How we doing, big fella?
Heard you screaming all the way from the top, you big homo.
我只听到”我的腿 我的腿啊”
All I heard was ‘Oh my leg! My fucking leg.
我心想 那声音我认识啊
I thought to myself, here I know that big poofy voice.
You reckon I’ll still be alright for selection, mucker?
当然可以 伙计 你会没事的
Course you will, buddy, alright. You’re gonna be fine.
I was fucking joking, mate.
躺好了 好吗 我们会带你离开这的
Just sit tight, alright? We’re gonna get you out of here.
嘿 你没事吧
Hey. You alright, yeah?
Maybe we can carry him up?
我不知道 得让他保持平躺
I don’t know, mate. We need to keep him level.
One times P one casualty.
坐标H0983 需要绞盘
ZAP Hotel Zero Nine Eight Three. Winch required.
Kilo Two to Kilo Five.
K5 这里是K2
Hello Kilo Five, it’s Kilo Two.
Fucking piece of fucking shit.
What’s happening?
斯图·哈尔去巡逻 好像踩到地雷了
Stu Hale went on a patrol. Think he trod on a mine.
河谷下面 皮尔森带上斯玛奇去了
Down the wadi. Stu Pearson took Smudge to check him out.
There’s no comms on the ground.
What’s that?
“我是基佬” 锅盖头 现在不是时候
I. Am. Gay. Jar Head, mate, now’s not the time.
喂 斯玛奇
Oi, Smudger.
You couldn’t check my prick for me, mucker?
它没事 还在呢 小小的
Yeah, it’s alright. It’s still there, still tiny.
Give us a fag, would you.
小心脚下 有地雷
Watch your step, mate. There’s mines.
I’ve got a med kit.
Oi, follow our line in, mush.
-好的 -从雅典的救援小队来了
-Yeah, you got it. -Rescue party’s come down from Athens.
Mark’s got a stretcher.
Fuck me!
-你怎么样 -别客套了行么
-How you doing? -Yeah, no fucking drama, mate.
还在流血 我还有止血带
It’s still bleeding. I got another tourniquet.
坚持住 斯图 坚持住
Hold on, Stu, yeah. Hold on, mate.
-等一下 -别动
-Right, ju… Hey, give me a second, right. -Now, hold on.
坚持住 伙计
Hold on, mate.

Fucking… Fuck you!
干得好 干得好 伙计
Well done. Well done, mate.
最近的安全直升机降落点在兰开夏 现在合适的降落点
Nearest secure HLS is Lancaster. No emergency HLS identified at this time.
需要吊篮直升机 完毕
Winch requested. Over.
伤亡人员能到转移到直升机降落点吗 完毕
Can casualty be extracted to HLS? Over.
这个不清楚 请求直升机 完毕
Unknown. Winch requested. Over.
Wait out.
听说你需要对讲机 马上来了
Heard you needed comms. Eight oh eight.
-你有多少 -还有2个
-How many have you got? -Two more.
你呆在这 对讲机给我
You stay here. Give me the comms.
我带一个去诺曼底 另一个送下去给医生
I’ll take one up to Normandy, put the other on the ground with the medic.
好 我是K5A K5B
Right, I’m Kilo Five Alpha. Kilo Five Bravo,
在河谷 诺曼底有K2
in the wadi. Normandy stays Kilo Two.
-好 我们走 快 -好
-Alright, let’s go, come on. -Yeah.
你做得很好 伙计
You’re doing brilliant, buddy.
你做的非常好 好吗
You’re doing absolutely fucking brilliant, alright?
Keep the leg still, yeah?
Any of youse know how to cannulate?
-你来了真好 塔格 -我下山速度更快点
-Glad you could join us, Tug. -I’m faster downhill.

沿着线走 马克
Follow the line in, Mark.
Dressing to the knee.
塔格 塔格 我没外敷药了 伙计
Tug. Tug, I’m out of dressings, mate.
Grab a stretcher, buddy.
这里还在滴血 伙计
There’s still dripping on the stump here, mate.
OK, everybody.
-什么都没了 伙计 -闭嘴
-Nothing left, mate, at all. -Shut the fuck up, now!
锅盖头 把下面放好
Jar Head, get them buttons done.
Tell me what’s going on, pal.
右腿 你也看到了
Alright, right leg as you see it, mate.
-还有右手 -好
-Right hand. -Yeah.
-左腿受伤 -好
-Damage to left leg. -Yeah.
Says his right knee’s giving him jip, too.
我绑了止血带 给他注射了吗♥啡♥
I’ve strapped it off, given him a pen of morphine, marked it up.
-医药箱都用空了 -好了 杰伊
-I’m fucking shit out of med kit now, mate. -Right, Jay?
-情况报告 伙计 -我又上了第二根止血带
-SITREP, mate. -I applied a second tourniquet.
-我帮他包扎了 -我们周围都是低地
-I’ve wrapped it up… -We’ve got deep ground all round, buddy.
I’ve got the OP keeping an eye on us,
