哪有 我差点就进了他们乐队
No, I was nearly in the band.
你没有 你只是去过一次劳瑞的厨房♥
No, you weren’t. You stood in Larry’s kitchen once.
That’s his great claim to fame.
至少我参加过他们的甄选 尼尔 光这点我就赢了
Well, at least I auditioned for them, Neil. That’s more than you ever did.
Where’d you get this anyway?
-刚刚碰到波诺了 -什么
-Oh, I bumped into Bono. -What?
Down at The Vinyl Frontier.
-我让他听了我们的样带 -太棒了
-I played him our demo. -Great.
So now he’ll pinch all my lyrics for his next album, will he?
He reckons he can get us signed.
-签我们 -签约 签约
-Signed? -Signed, signed.
-什么 -是的
-What? -Yes!
We can get out of this bleeding garage, boys.
And you wanna follow in their footsteps?
不 我们不是U2的跟班
No. We are not playing catch up with U2.
现在不是 将来也不是
Not now. Not ever.
我们有自己的出路 我们有自己的方式
We’ll do this our own way. And we will get our own deal.
等等 我在这看不到出路 尼尔
Well, hang on. I don’t see that happening here, Neil.
那好 我会让它出现的
Yeah, well, I can make it happen.
是吗 什么时候 你去哪
Yeah, when? Where are you going?
我刚告诉你了 我去找出路
I just told you. To make it happen.
天哪 U2的歌♥迷们真卖♥♥力
Jesus, it’s the U2 fucking fanzine in full effect.
-你想来个波诺胸章吗 -你觉得我疯了吗
-Do you want a Bono pin-badge? -Do I bollocks?
你瞧这是谁来了 莫琳
Well, would you look at that, Maureen?
A rare sighting of our most elusive scribe, hmm?
How’s the work allergy?
奈尔 别老挖苦我
Hey, Niall, don’t come all proddy work ethic with me.
I’m not the one pretending to be disabled.
你可别忘了你的薪酬 靠的就是保险费
Hey. The insurance pay-out on this little baby pays your wages.
你都去哪了 拜伦大人 又写了哪些狗屁不通的诗歌♥
So where have you been, Lord Byron? Fannying about penning poetry again?
其实 我一直都在录音室 录一些新歌♥
Actually, I’ve been in the studio, yeah? Laying down some new tracks.
还有 我已经完成了这个星期的任务
Besides, I’ve already filed my article for this week.
Yeah, but it was meant for last week.
好在你写得不错 我想说的就这么多
Lucky you can write, that’s all I can say, hmm?
“In his search for the singular identity in the landscape of the bland,
Adam Ant has somehow evolved into a post-punk,
Dick Turpin with a pirate fetish”.
我喜欢这个 “平淡无奇的景观”
I like that. “Landscape of the bland”.
是的 我认为”屎海”更贴切
Yeah, well, I thought it preferable to “a sea of shit”.
Are you giving it the cover?
不 我认为它敌不过爱尔兰最火的乐队
No, I think Ireland’s hottest band just pushed it out.
哪个 加里关于U2的报道
What? Gary’s U2 piece?
因为你拒绝了 只好交给加里了
It’s only Gary’s U2 piece ’cause you turned it down.
You picky bastard.
谢谢 我就站在这 知道么
Thanks, I am standing right here, you know?
是的 我并不想把它给一个新手
Yeah, and I didn’t want to give it to a rookie.
-是吗 -是的 很奇怪 但是我
-Yeah. -Well, it’s weird, but I…
很不可思议 但我的确不想去
It’s weird, but I didn’t really much fancy
采访我的旧同学 谈及他们有多了不起
talking to my old school mates about how brilliantly amazing they are
有多少少女钟情于他们 知道吗
and how much hot sex they’re getting, you know?
是的 但这样确实比较好
Yeah, there’s a little bit more to it than that.
是的 我明白 “U2的确不错
Yeah, I bet. “U2 are brill.
And hasn’t Bono got lovely hair.
And he’s dead good at singing and that”.
你就是嫉妒 因为没人去写你那破烂乐队
You’re just jealous ’cause no one writes about your poxy band.
噢 是吗
Oh, really?
我滴天 尼尔 不要发那些样带了
Ah, Jesus. Neil, not more fucking demo tapes.
你已经地毯式轰炸了 我电♥话♥簿上所有人
You’ve already carpet-bombed every poor bugger in my address book.
还没呢 实际上 我才发到以P字母开头的人而已
That’s not true, actually. I’ve only gone up to P.
等等 你听着
Look, look.
我认识城里的一个场子 我介绍你去 如果
I know the owner of a place in town, and I could get you a slot if…
你能帮我报道”马套”乐队的演唱会 来作为交换条件
If you cover the Horse Slips gig for me. Quid pro quo.
不行 因为我上回写的那篇报道
No way. Their singer still wants to murder me
after that last piece I wrote.
Where’s the venue?
-“麦格雷迪家” -不会吧
– McGarrety’s. – Fuck off!
-不会吧! -我希望你答应了
-Fuck off! -I hope you said yes.
当然答应了 在”麦格雷迪家”诶 传奇诞生的地方
Of course I said yes, it’s McGarrety’s. Legends are born in the place.
-什么时候 -下周六
-When is this? -Next Saturday.
等等 那天教皇来这
Hold on. That’s the day the Pope is in town.
-什么 -教皇
-I’m sorry? -The Pope?
戴着大大的教皇帽 坐在教皇专车上 那就是教皇
Wears a big popey hat. Drives a popemobile. He’s the Pope.
谁会去看教皇 那只是教皇而已
Who’s gonna go and see the Pope? It’s only the Pope.
-又没有什么了不起的 -我要去
-It’s not like it’s anyone good. -I’m going.
I’m an altar boy.
Fuck off!
埃里克 十年后你想成为什么样的人
Eric, who do you wanna be in ten years time, eh?
凯思·莫恩 和世界上最棒乐队一起演出
Keith Moon? Rocking out with the biggest band in the world?
沉醉在美女 美酒 毒品里 是不是
Neck deep in girls and booze and drugs, yeah?
Or a piss-poor, 30 year old altar boy,
who sits in at the weekend and pulls his winky?
Didn’t Keith Moon die?
听着 埃里克
Listen, Eric…
I am asking you to make a choice.
It’s me or God.
I can’t believe the Pope fucked our band.
我从来没有喜欢过他 他根本就不懂得欣赏现场演唱
I never liked him. He has no appreciation of the live music scene.
And not a single person here.
矮油 麦考密克兄弟
Bugger me. The McCormick’s?
Yous great pair of arse bandits.
你在这里做什么 普拉格
What are you doing here, Plugger?
我老板 丹尼·麦金 负责这里的保安工作
Me boss, Danny Machin, runs security here.
I keep the eejits in line.
当然 得有人来我才能干活
Well, when they show up I do.
What? Danny Machin the criminal?
He prefers enpreteneur.
He doesn’t mind if I deal a bit of gear on the side, you know?
So, if you want anything.
比如说可♥卡♥因♥ 迷幻药 大♥麻♥ 可以找我
Coke, acid, weed, I’m your man.
不用 谢啦 普拉格
No, you’re all right, Plugger, but…
It’s good to see you’ve done well for yourself.
And those tossers at Mount Temple said I’d never amount to shite.
What about Bono and the lads, yeah?
-一举成名了 -是的
-Away to the big time. -Yeah.
我们应该投靠他们的 那样我们每晚也有妞泡了
We should have stuck with them, we’d be getting a ride every night.

Hasn’t your man, Machin, got a venue or two of his own?
别这样 尼尔 他会阉了我们的
No, Neil. He’ll cut off our balls.
普拉格 你能引荐一下我们么
Could you put in a word for us, Plugger?
看在以前的情分上 能让我们开一场演唱会
You know, maybe get us a gig for old time’s sake?
交给我吧 伙计们 我刚好知道有个地方
Leave it with me, lads. I know just the place.
我不喜欢这样 我从来没有离都柏林这么远过
I don’t like this. I’ve never been this far out of Dublin before.
# Sleep keeps playing tricks on me
又过了一天 当我还在期盼夜晚的时候
# Dragging out the day while I’m waiting for the night
# Darkness got a fix on me
寂静伴随着我 我试图变得安静
# Playing with the silence I’m trying to keep it quiet
# Shake your dreams from your hair
当你醒来时 已不知身在何处
# When the break up comes you’re going to be nowhere
# And I’ll meet you there
如果车轮还完整 我会带上你一块梦游
# When the circle’s complete I’ll take you walking in my sleep
# In my sleep
-我在梦游 -在梦游
-# I’m walking in my sleep -# Walking in my sleep
-我在梦游 -在梦游
-# I’m walking in my sleep -# Walking in my sleep
# Wake up #
-谢谢 -非常感谢
-Thank you. -Thanks very much.
人很多 你们很棒
What a crowd. You guys were great.
God almighty. Oh.
