路易,我们必须非常 认真地考虑你的将来
Louis, we must think very carefully about your future.
Well, it should be quite easy to get a job.
不是一份工作,亲爱的, 是一个职业
Not a job, dear. A career.
I had hoped for Cambridge for you.
The D’Ascoynes always go to Trinity.
And then, perhaps, the diplomatic.
But I’m afraid it’s no use looking as high as that.
无论如何, 等你通过了你的考试…
However, when you’ve passed your examination…
那应该能让你在这些专业之中 有一个好的开始
that should equip you for a start in one of the professions.
我的理解是,好人家的孩子 现在都要成为专业人士
People of quite good family go into the professions nowadays, I understand.
现在,谁是我们认识的 能帮助我们的人呢?
Now, who do we know who could help us?
我们不认识任何人, 除了家族以外,但他们又不认识我们
We don’t really know anyone, except the family, and they don’t know us.
The least we can do is try once more.
I shall write to Lord Ascoyne D’Ascoyne.
他肯定能在他的银行里 为我们做点事情
He can surely do something in that bank of his.
Bank, Mama? Is that a profession?
This is a private bank, Louis, dear.
They don’t pass money over the counter.
[ Louis Narrating ] The letter was duly dispatched…
And this time we did get an answer.
“Madam, I am instructed by Lord Ascoyne D’Ascoyne…
“to inform you that he is not aware of your son’s existence…
as a member of the D’Ascoyne family.”
Signed by his secretary.
他非常愚蠢 – 他们都是 – 竟然不承认你…
It’s very stupid of him — of them all — not to admit your existence…
也许有一天,你会成为 查尔方特公爵
when one day you might be duke of Chalfont.
It’s a very big “might,” Mama.
There must be at least 12 people before me…
to say nothing of the ones who haven’t been born yet.
Stranger things have happened.
我不希望粗野, 但是看了他们的态度…
I don’t wish to be unchristian, but in view of their attitude…
我几乎希望那12个人 一夜之间就全死掉
I could almost wish those 12 people should all die tomorrow.
All except one, Mama.
因为你必须在我成为公爵之前 成为查尔方特女公爵
Because you must be duchess of Chalfont before I’m duke.
那肯定是一份工作,而不是职业, 不管怎么说,妈妈
It will have to be a job, not a career, after all, Mama.
I’m afraid so, Louis.
A D’Ascoyne in trade.
[ Louis Narrating ] Did poor Mama’s silly dreaming…
在我的大脑里种下了一些种子, 日后长成了…
Plant in my brain some seed which was afterwards to grow…
Into the most sensational criminal endeavor of the century?
如果那样,我当时 并没有意识到…
If so, I was not conscious of it at the time…
因为有更值得 立即关注的事情
For there were things of more immediate concern.
就算是未来的公爵, 也得要吃饭
Even potential dukes have to eat.
柏金斯先生, 我们家15年的房♥客…
Mr. Perkins, our lodger for nearly 15 years…
Did his best to be helpful.
他在一家本地纺织品 商店做巡视员…
He was employed as shopwalker in a local drapery store…
And found employment for me there.
The possible future duke of Chalfont…
Became what was known as a general assistant at the drapery.
This humiliation continued for two dispiriting years.
然后有一天, 妈妈的眼镜碎了…
And then one day, Mama, who had broken her glasses…
And could not afford to have them mended…
在克拉范交叉路口 被一辆电车撞倒…
Was knocked down by a tram near Clapham Junction…
And fatally injured.
– 路易 – 是,妈妈
– Louis. – Yes, Mama.
I should like to be buried at Chalfont…
in the family vault.
Yes, Mama.
我给公爵写信 告诉他妈妈的遗愿
[ Louis Narrating ] I wrote to the duke informing him of Mama’s dying wish.
他的回答是 最简略的拒绝
His reply was the curtest possible refusal.
站在可怕的郊区墓地里 妈妈的可怜的小坟墓旁边…
Standing by Mama’s poor little grave in that hideous suburban cemetery…
我发誓要对她的家族 对她的不公正进行报复
I made an oath that I would revenge the wrongs her family had done her.
那不过是 一片年轻的虚张声势…
It was no more than a piece of youthful bravado…
但它也是那些注定 要长成橡树的橡子之一
But it was one of those acorns from which great oaks are destined to grow.
即使在那时, 我就开始去查家谱…
Even then I went so far as to examine the family tree…
把它剪裁到 只剩下活着的成员
And prune it to just the living members.
But what could I do to hurt them?
What could I take from them…
Except, perhaps, their lives?
我在白日梦里沉迷了一段时间, 希望所有那12个人…
I indulged for a moment in a fantasy of all 12 of them…
在一次家庭团圆聚会中 被同时消灭…
Being wiped out simultaneously at a family reunion…
By my unseen hand…
把一个从克拉凡姆来的贫穷的男孩 神奇地赋予他长子继承权
Of the penniless boy from Clapham being miraculously transplanted to his birthright.
我甚至思索 关于我应该怎样计划它
I even speculated as to how I might contrive it.
But there were other more urgent problems.
妈妈的微薄的养老金收入 随着她的去世已经停止了
Mama’s tiny income came from an annuity and had died with her.
每周只有25先令, 如何解决如何生存的问题…
The problem of how to live on 25 shillings a week was solved for me…
我接到了哈沃德医生的邀请, 寄宿在他们家
By an invitation from Dr. Hallward to lodge with them.
It was galling to accept the status of a poor relation…
但是每天都能见到茜贝拉 是一个太难拒绝的诱惑
But the certainty of seeing Sibella every day was too tempting to be refused.
Louis, I’m so glad you accepted.
It was my idea, you know.
– 我给你带了点东西 – 哦,路易,你不应该这样
– I’ve brought you something. – Oh, Louis, you shouldn’t have.
You can’t possibly afford it.
[ Horn Honking ]
哦,多讨厌啊 莱昂内在那里
Oh, what a bother. There’s Lionel.
See you at supper.
[ Door Closes ]
[ Car Departing ]
接下来的几年 充满了许多失望…
[ Louis Narrating ] The next few years brought many such heartbreaks…
But they also brought promotion- –
卖♥♥花边和彩带, 30先令一周…
laces and ribbons at 30 shillings a week…
Fabrics at 32 and six.
最后,卖♥♥妇女内衣, 35先令一周
– Finally, ladies’ underwear at 35. – [ Door Opens ]
我决定如果我不得不 做一个布料商…
I decided that if I was to be a draper…
At least I would not be a suburban draper.
于是我跳槽到一个刚刚在西区开张的 大型的现代商店…
So I migrated to a large modern store which had just been opened in the West End…
At the gigantic salary of two pounds a week.
每天午饭时间我去看 我的继承进行的如何
Every lunchtime I went to see how my inheritance was proceeding.
有时候死亡栏 带来好消息
Sometimes the deaths column brought good news.
有时候出生栏 带来坏消息
Sometimes the births column brought bad.
公爵的双胞胎儿子的出生 真是一个可怕的打击
The advent of twin sons to the duke was a terrible blow.
幸运的是, 传染性白喉…
Fortunately, an epidemic of diphtheria…
Restored the status quo almost immediately…
而且甚至给我带来了 一个女公爵的形式的奖品
And even brought me a bonus in the shape of the duchess.
那年夏天 哈沃德家举办了一场晚会
That summer the Hallwards gave a party.
##[ Piano ]
##[ Ends ]
– 晚上好,茜贝拉 – 你好,路易
– Good evening, Sibella. – Hello, Louis.
– 你看起来不错 – 你也是
– You do look nice. – So do you.
– 不是吗,莱昂内? – 非常好
– Doesn’t he, Lionel? – Very. [ Clears Throat ]
## [ Piano Resumes ]
[ Louis Narrating ] Emboldened by her kindness to me…
我做了一个决定, 我已经琢磨了很长时间
I made a decision I’d been toying with for some time.
哦,最后一个了, 谢天谢地
Well, that’s the last of them, thank heaven.
– 多好的夜晚啊 – 我想这是一个非常棒的夜晚
– What an evening. – I thought it was a very nice evening.
It may have been for you. [ Groans ]
作女人真可怕, 必须要和那么多无趣的人跳舞…
It’s awful being a woman, having to dance with a lot of dull men…
在他们踩你的脚的时候, 还得对他们讲的笑话发笑
laugh at their jokes while they’re treading on your feet.
– 我没有踩你的脚 – 你不无趣
– I didn’t tread on your feet. – You’re not dull.
– 而且你的笑话很有趣 – 谢谢
– And your jokes are funny. – Thank you.
– 茜贝拉? – 嗯?
– Sibella? – Mm-hmm?
茜贝拉, 你会嫁给我吗?
Sibella, will you marry me?
[ Giggles ]
Louis, of course not. Do get up.
你可能是半个意大利人, 但即使那样…
You may be half Italian, but even so…
你看起来还是很傻, 象是在演舞台剧里的情人
you do look silly playing the stage lover like that.
– 哦,我看起来很傻,是吗? – 是的,非常傻
– Oh, I look silly, do I? – Yes. Very.
Do I still look silly?
Now, will you marry me?

– 为什么? – 因为我刚说了我要嫁给莱昂内
– Why not? – Because I just said I’d marry Lionel.
– 不行 – 为什么?
– You can’t. – Why not?
好,他是一个乡巴佬 他不是一个绅士
