Well, he’s a clod. He’s not a gentleman.
Listen to who’s talking.
谁听说过一位绅士 还为房♥客擦皮鞋?
Whoever heard of a gentleman blacking the lodger’s boots?
那样说是不好的 只因为妈妈太穷
That’s a wicked thing to say. Just because Mama was poor.
Lionel will be very rich one day.
– 我可能有一天会成为一个公爵 – 猪也可能会飞
– I might be a duke one day. – Pigs might fly.
不,我会的,真的,我会的 你知道,妈妈是公爵女儿-
No, I might. Really, I might. You see, Mama was the daughter–
Oh, yes. I know.
Well, when you are a duke…
你来找我,给我看你的王冠, 或者不管你怎么叫它…
you just come and show me your crown, or whatever it’s called…
然后我会觉得自己非常傻, 会吗?
and then I’ll feel awfully silly, won’t I?
Yes, you will.
不管怎么说,我要嫁给莱昂内, 现在我要上♥床♥了
Anyhow, I’m going to marry Lionel, and now I’m going to bed.
– You will. – [ Giggling ]
[ Louis Narrating ] If there was a precise moment…
我不切实际的梦想 变成坚定意志的话…
At which my insubstantial dreaming took on solid purpose…
That was it.
德·阿斯科内家的人不只 错待了我母亲…
The D’Ascoynes had not only wronged my mother…
他们还是我得到 我想要的东西的障碍
They were the obstacle between me and all that I wanted.
我越想到他们那些人, 我研究过他们…
The more I thought of them, these people whom I had studied…
对他们的名字和历史 熟悉的象对我自己一样熟…
Until I knew their names and histories as well as I knew my own…
他们就越变得象 傲慢而残忍♥的怪物…
The more they became monsters of arrogance and cruelty…
他们在这世界上的唯一功用 就是剥夺我的出生权
Whose only function in the world was to deprive me of my birthright.
我只在妈妈画的画上 见过查尔方特
I had seen Chalfont only as Mama had painted it.
To pass in through that magnificent gateway…
On visitor’s day at a cost of sixpence…
Was a humiliating experience…
But I forced myself to undergo it.
我想近距离地看看 我决定瞄准的目标
I wanted a closer view of the target at which I had determined to aim.
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
I little expected to catch a glimpse of the bull’s-eye.
Excuse me, sir.
那时候有八个人 在我和公爵爵位之间…
There were then some eight people between me and the dukedom…
All seemingly equally out of reach.
It is so difficult to make a neat job ofkilling people…
With whom one is not on friendly terms.
我几乎要放弃了, 因为那看起来根本不可能…
I was almost resigned to its being an impossibility…
但是一个下午,有一刻, 当我的想法离目标越来越远的时候…
When one afternoon, at a moment when my thoughts were furthest from the subject…
Fate took a hand.
如果你们没有更好的了, 只好要那些了
If you’ve nothing better, those will have to do.
These London shops are so far behind Paris.
快点把它们包起来, 我们要带走
Parcel them up quickly, and we’ll take them with us.
– 记在我的帐上 – 是,先生,名字是什么?
– Charge them to my account. – Yes, sir. What is the name?
Mr. Ascoyne D’Ascoyne.
[ Louis Narrating ] At last, I was face to face with one of them.
这是银行家 阿斯科内·德·阿斯科内勋爵的儿子…
This was the son of Lord Ascoyne D’Ascoyne, the banker…
Whose refusal to help me towards a more dignified career…
Had led to my present ignominious occupation.
What right had this arrogant puppy…
To be standing on the other side of the counter ordering me about?
在激动与愤怒中, 我公然倾听他们的对话
In my excitement and anger, I listened openly to their conversation.
我在梅登海德的 克鲁克山旅馆定了房♥间
I’ve booked rooms at Cruickshanks’ at Maidenhead.
We’ll go down late on Friday afternoon.
Are you sure it’s safe?
那是最秘密的地方 实际上,是匿名登记的
It’s the most discreet place. In fact, anonymous.
嘿,你,赶快包装, 不要偷听我们谈话
Hey, you. Get on with that parcel, and never mind what we’re talking about.
Don’t you dare touch me like that!
I’m not interested in your idiotic conversation.
如果你想在偷听之外 再加上无礼的话…
If you want to add impertinence to your eavesdropping…
we’ll soon see about that.
结果就是我被 从那个位置上解雇
[ Louis Narrating ] The upshot was that I was dismissed on the spot.
I decided to repay him in kind…
把他从这个世界上 以同样突然的方式解雇
By dismissing him with equal suddenness from this world.
他的谈话告诉了我 也许可以在哪里找到机会杀了他
His conversation had told me where I could probably find the opportunity to kill him.
哈沃德医生的药房♥ 给我提供了一个方法
Dr. Hallward’s dispensary had provided me with a means.
用我在通知处 拿到的一周的薪水…
With the week’s wages I had received in lieu of notice…
我买♥♥了一套合适的衣服 准备去梅登海德度周末
I invested in suitable apparel for a weekend at Maidenhead.
It was possible they might remember me…
But I thought it unlikely…
商店售货员通常 被看作是低等种族…
Shop assistants being commonly regarded as an inferior race…
Who never emerged from the other side of the counter.
I decided to take the bull by the horns.
请原谅,请问是否可以 赏光借个火
Forgive me. I wonder if you could oblige me with a match.
– 当然 – 谢谢
– Certainly. – Thank you.
– 我们以前在什么地方见过吗? – 没有
Haven’t we met before somewhere? – I don’t think so.
有趣,因为我几乎 敢发誓我认得你的脸
Funny, ’cause I could have sworn I knew your face.
– 你去年去过蒙特吗? – 前年
– Were you at Monte last year? – The year before.
啊,一定是了 能和我一起坐吗?
Ah, that must be it. Won’t you join me?
Thank you. Not this evening.
We are rather tired.
[ Louis Narrating ] I deprecated their retiring so early…
But it was hard to blame them…
For weekends, like life, are short.
第二天上午, 我等着他们下来-
The next morning, I waited for them to come down- –
and the next afternoon.
They didn’t appear the whole day.
Nor the morning after.
I no longer felt sentimental.
周末几乎结束了, 我几乎看不到有什么天意…
The weekend was nearly over, and I could hardly expect providence…
要照顾我, 再给我一次机会
To offer me so promising a chance again.
I was in a state of desperation…
我跟踪他们, 希望我不曾经历
And I followed them, hoping for I knew not what.
我身上带着毒药,但他们 甚至连野餐的篮子也没有带着
I had the poison with me, but they hadn’t even taken a picnic basket.
当然,还是有可能,他们会 在某地停下来吃点东西
It was possible, however, that they might stop somewhere for refreshment.
They did stop shortly afterwards…
But not for that.
根据以往的经验判断, 他们会在那里停留几小时
Judging by past experience, they would be there for hours.
该河段每天下午两点拦河坝闸关闭时会有危险, 游河者届时请泊好小艇, 桥上出现红旗为危险警告标志
The rest followed automatically.
我碰巧在克拉凡姆 市立游泳池学过游泳…
I had fortunately learned to swim at the Clapham Municipal Baths…
Though I never had occasion to try it underwater.
我可不希望 在他们鼻子底下浮上来…
I had no wish to surface under their noses…
虽然我怀疑就算那样 他们也不会注意到我
Though I doubt if they would have noticed me even if I had.
It was beautifully timed.
[ Bell Tolling ]
I was sorry about the girl…
值得安慰的是,根据她的 反应推测,在那个周末…
But found some relief in the reflection that she had presumably, during the weekend…
她正经历的命运 比死亡还不好
Already undergone a fate worse than death.
我决定推迟考虑 下一次出手的地点和方式…
I decided to defer consideration of where and how I should next strike…
直到我的神经 完全恢复过来
Until my nerves were thoroughly restored.
必须记住 我曾经非常年轻…
It must be remembered that I was very young…
而且, 我不是天生无情
And, furthermore, I am not naturally callous.
我突然想到了 一个非常妙的主意
I suddenly conceived a brilliant idea.
我要给老阿斯科内·德·阿斯科内 写一封措词优美的吊唁信
I would write a carefully phrased letter of condolence to old Ascoyne D’Ascoyne.
那是对他对妈妈的 冷酷无情的最佳报复
It would be an agreeable feeling of revenge for his cruelty to Mama.
也是为我自己报仇, 他在那时没有给我…
And, further, it had not failed to occur to me that there was, at the moment…
A vacancy in the banking house.
阿斯科内·德·阿斯科内 适时地上钩了
Ascoyne D’Ascoyne duly rose to the bait.
Please be seated, Mr. Mazzini.
How do you do?
My late son.
A great loss.
He was young and foolish…
但我相信他直到 成年都是悠闲的-
but I believe had he been spared until his maturity–
我的良心让我来 用我的同情安慰你
It was my consciousness of that which led me to presume to tender you my sympathy.
I am glad that you did so.
巨大的损失会使他们 合适的前景看起来微不足道
A loss so tragic serves to put lesser matters in their proper perspective.
If I remember rightly, Mr. Mazzini…
几年前, 我接到过一封信…
some years ago I received a communication…
from your mother.
My late mother.
## [ Phonograph: Waltz ]
你好,路易 你看起来非常得意
