Mr. Mazzini, please sit down.

You have exhibited the most delicate feelings.
I know nothing of the history to which you refer…
but I have often felt that the attitude of my husband’s family…
没有能够与时俱进 –
has failed to move with the times —
that they think too much of the rights of nobility…
and too little of its duties.
你的行为的特别诚实 显示给我证明他们的错误
The very honesty of your behavior would appear to me to prove them wrong.
难道泰尼森爵士写这段话的时候 是完全错误的吗:
Was Lord Tennyson far from the mark when he wrote:
“Kind hearts are more than coronets…
and simple faith than Norman blood”?
I hope you will stay to luncheon.
哦,在那种情况下, 我将非常高兴而荣耀
Oh, in that case, I shall be delighted and honored.
我扮演的有着 纯正品格的角色…
[ Louis Narrating ] My impersonation of a man of sterling character…
Was such a resounding success…
德·阿斯科内夫人邀请我 和他们共度周末
That Mrs. D’Ascoyne invited me to spend the following Saturday-to-Monday with them.
当我回到克拉凡姆 那完全相反的气氛中时…
When I returned to the somewhat contrasting atmosphere of Clapham…
我发现整个房♥子都在忙着准备 茜贝拉和莱昂内的婚事…
I found the house in a whirl with preparation for Sibella’s wedding to Lionel…
Which was to take place next day.
在那天晚上上♥床♥睡觉之前, 我漫步进旧婴儿室…
Before going to bed that evening, I wandered into the old nursery…
To fetch a book I’d left there.
Penny for them.
Oh, hello, Louis.
你看起来不象那些和你一样 处境的年轻女士们那样容光焕发
You’re not looking as radiantly happy as young females in your situation are supposed to look.
我刚才在想我们 在这间屋子里的欢乐时光
I was just thinking of all the fun we’ve had in this room.
– 你和我和格拉汉 – 还有莱昂内
– You and I and Graham. – And Lionel.
Yes, and Lionel.
[ Sobbing ] Oh, Louis, I don’t want to marry Lionel!
– 为什么? – 他太沉闷了!
– Why not? – He’s so dull! [ Sobbing Continues ]
我必须承认他表现了 中年男人才有的最特殊的品质…
I must admit he exhibits the most extraordinary capacity for middle age…
是我遇到的24岁的 年轻人里最老的一个
that I’ve ever encountered in a young man of 24.
但是,今天再来想这个 有点迟了,不是吗?
However, it’s a bit late in the day to think of that, isn’t it?
我知道 那只会使事情更糟
I know. That only makes it worse.
– 我一直跟你说你应该嫁给我 – 我知道
– I always told you you should marry me. – I know.
That makes it worse too.
[ Chattering ]
你今天比以往任何时候 看起来都更可爱
You look more lovely today than I’ve ever seen you.
你是一个幸运的人,莱昂内 记住我的话
You’re a lucky man, Lionel. Take my word for it.
我无法抑制地感觉到 即使茜贝拉的撒谎能力…
[ Louis Narrating ] I could not help feeling that even Sibella’s capacity for lying…
Was going to be taxed to the utmost.
Time had brought me revenge on Lionel.
And as the Italian proverb says.
“报复是喜欢 吃凉菜的人的最爱”
“Revenge is a dish which people of taste prefer to eat cold: ”
接下来的星期六, 我在半夜离开了伦敦…
The following Saturday I left London in the middle of the night…
And reached Henry’s house just before dawn.
仅仅用了三分钟时间 我就把暗室灯里的…
It took a mere three minutes to substitute petrol
For the paraffin in the darkroom lamp.
然后我去到一块草地, 睡了几个小时…
And I then repaired to a meadow and took a few hours’ sleep…
等待我可以合理地 到达房♥子的时间
While awaiting the hour at which I could reasonably arrive at the house.
那天在我焦虑不安的 苦恼中过得很慢
The day dragged by in an agony of suspense for me.
Henry took photograph after photograph…
但是似乎没有任何需要 进暗室做进一步操作
But seemed to have no urge whatever to follow it up with a visit to the darkroom.
Bravo, Edith!
我开始害怕 他突然改变了爱好
[ Louis Narrating ] I began to fear that he had suddenly taken the pledge.
我想我要在喝茶前去冲洗这些 介意跟来吗?
I think I’ll just go and develop these before tea. Care to come?
我非常想,但是我有一点头痛 – 我想,是太阳造成的
I would, indeed, but I have a slight headache — the sun, I think.
And I’m afraid the chemicals wouldn’t improve it.
Mr. Mazzini and I will have tea under the tulip tree.
I’ve always found that most beneficial for a headache.
我恐怕亨利会认为 我是一个没有热情的人
I’m afraid Henry will think me a poor enthusiast.
我有时候会认为 他是一个很伟大的人
I sometimes think that he is too great a one.
In a way, I am to blame for it.
在我们结婚前, 他几乎没有爱好
Before we were married, he had few interests.
他通常在他的俱乐部 度过一天里的大部分时光
He used to spend the greater part of each day at his club.
[ Explosion ]
我感觉那样的一种生活是不健康的, 于是说服他住在这里的乡下
I felt that such a life was unhealthy and persuaded him to live here in the country.
我希望也许他能在我们佃农的 福利方面找到兴趣,就象我一样
I hoped that perhaps he would interest himself in the welfare of our tenantry, as I do.
但他在我们的蜜月里 变得对摄影有兴趣…
But he became interested in photography on our honeymoon
从那时起,那变成了 他生活中的当务之急
And since then it has become the major preoccupation of his life.
– 马兹尼先生 – 是的
– Mr. Mazzini. – Yes.
我希望你原谅 我跟你谈这件私事…
I hope you will forgive my speaking to you on a personal matter…
但我很担心亨利 在他的业余爱好方面花费了太多的时间…
But it worries me that Henry should spend so much time on his hobby…
以至于他没有太多时间 来忙其他更有用的事情
that he has little left for any more useful activity.
Am I right to let him go on like this?
我几乎想指出 亨利现在再也没有时间…
[ Louis Narrating ] I could hardly point out that Henry now had no time left…
For any kind of activity…
So I continued to discuss his future.
他从没有表现任何愿望 想要一份政♥治♥方面的职业吗?
He has never shown any wish for a career in politics?
– 没有 – 也没有其他任何野心?
– None. – Nor any other ambitions?
只有一个- 赢得布鲁塞尔 摄影沙龙的大奖
One only– to win a prize at the Salon Photography in Brussels.
What is it?
They’re just burning some leaves at the bottom of the garden.
But they can’t be at this time of year.
– 亨利! – 不,你留在这里
– Henry! – No. You stay here.
[ Louis Narrating ] Needless to say, I was too late.
[ Bell Tolling ]
葬礼是在查尔方特的 乡村教堂里举♥行♥的…
The funeral service was held in the village church at Chalfont…
Prior to interment in the family vault.
[ Tolling Continues ]
德·阿斯科内夫人, 已经了解了我…
Mrs. D’Ascoyne, who had discerned in me…
一个有着脆弱的敏感 和高度目的心的人,…
A man of delicate sensibility and high purpose…
Asked me to accompany her on the cross-country journey.
“To everything there is a season…
“and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
A time to be born, and a time to die.”
那场合很有趣, 它提供给了我…
[ Louis Narrating ] The occasion was interesting in that it provided me…
看见全部德·阿斯科内家族 所有人的第一次机会
With my first sight of the D’Ascoynes en masse.
Interesting and somewhat depressing…
因为它强调了 我还必须要走多远
For it emphasized how far I had yet to travel.
There was the duke.
有我的雇主, 阿斯科内·德·阿斯科内勋爵
There was my employer, Lord Ascoyne D’Ascoyne.
There was Admiral Lord Horatio D’Ascoyne.
There was General Lord Rufus D’Ascoyne.
[ Snoring ]
– There was Lady Agatha D’Ascoyne. – [ Snoring Continues ]
在讲坛上, 还有说着冗长废话的…
[ Louis Continues ] And in the pulpit, talking interminable nonsense…
The Reverend Lord Henry D’Ascoyne.
The life cut short was one…
rich in achievement and promise…
of service to humanity.
德·阿斯科内家族 当然似乎符合…
[ Louis Narrating ] The D’Ascoynes certainly appeared to have accorded…
With the tradition of the landed gentry…
And sent the fool of the family into the church.
Well, good-bye, my dear.
– 再见 – 现在别烦恼
– Good-bye. – No fretting now.
毕竟,有一件事值得一说 – 我们都会有这一天
After all, one thing to be said — we all have to come to it.
伟大的东西,你知道,象我们的家族墓地 总是提醒着一个人的遗产
Great thing, you know, family vault like ours. Constant reminder of one’s heritage.
Now, take this new cremation nonsense.
谁愿意看见他最亲近的人 被放进焚尸炉?
Who wants to see his nearest and dearest put in an incinerator?
我认为,先生,德·阿斯科内夫人应该离开了 风转凉了
I think, sir, Mrs. D’Ascoyne should leave. The wind is turning cold.
As Mrs. D’Ascoyne thinks best.
很高兴我们有亨利堂弟 来承担这服务
Glad we had Cousin Henry to take the service.
无聊的旧习惯, 但它一直保持了家族的传统
Boring old ass, but it keeps the thing in the family.
People getting strange ideas these days.
Had a fellow write to me not so long ago…
想把他的母亲从图庭 还是什么地方葬在这里
wanted to bury his mother here from Tooting or somewhere.
一旦开始允许陌生人进来, 这地方就会被塞满
Start letting strangers in, the place will be full up.
No room for us, eh?
我私下里向他承诺 我会把它当成是我自己的事情…
[ Louis Narrating ] I privately promised him that I would make it my business…
To see there was room for him.
[ Hoofbeats ]
艾斯瑞德叔叔 不是最圆滑的人
