You’re gonna sort through those, right?
-彩色白色不能混 -多谢
-Colors and whites don’t mix, Aaron. -OK, thanks.
Oh wait, you’ve never done your laundry before either, have you?
Well, maybe I’ve just never done everybody’s.
因为我是新人 菜鸟必须做
That’s what I have to do, ‘cos I’m a greeny. The new guy.
我必须帮大家洗衣服 预言上记载的
So I have to do everyone’s laundry, in accordance with prophecy.
傻啊 老兄 你真好骗
Sike! Dude, you’re way too easy.
哦 别人也这么说
That’s what I’ve heard.
Well, thanks for the laundry tips.
Geez, Elder.
You’re a thousand miles away over here.
-你感觉怎么样 菜鸟? -还好
-How you doing, Green? -Good.
-你肯定? -嗯
-Yeah, you sure? -Yeah.
我当新人的时候 日子很难熬
You know, when I was a Green, it was really tough.
I used to pray that I would die during the night
不用醒来 继续这样的生活
so I wouldn’t have to wake up to another day of this.
You’re joking me, right?
I couldn’t take going back to the family, you know, Salt Lake and all.
I had two of the general authorities at my missionary farewell.
你肯定明白 你父亲是教区主席 对吧?
You know what’s that like, your dad is a stake president, right?
They set this thing up to be difficult, OK?
我们不能听音乐 看电影
We can’t listen to music, we can’t watch movies,
we’re never supposed to be alone.
大家才19或20 连自♥慰♥都不允许
I mean we’re 19, 20 years old, and we’re not even allowed to beat off.
有几次夜里醒来 床头板上竟有自己的牙印
Some nights I wake up and I find teeth marks on my head board.
我投入时间在这里 为了我可以回家
Look, I put my time in here so that I can go home,
跟Jennifer结婚 然后上♥床♥
so I could marry Jennifer, so that I can finally nail her.
看到没? 为了上♥床♥我们真拼了老命
See? It’s amazing what we’ll do for sex.
-我知道你做了! -没有 我向你保证
-I know you did! -I did not, I promise you.
-你肯定做了! -在胸口划十字发誓
-Yes you did! -I cross my heart.
Oh, that means something.
-嘿 我们想用这片场地 -我们正在兴头上
-Hey, we’d like to play here. Yeah, we’re playing here.
-你们明明在磨时间 -真会说话 我们的确在玩
-You’re just farting around. -How vivid. We’re playing, see?
-拍皮球 拍皮球 -少来 别耍我们
-Bounce the ball, bounce the ball. -No, you’re just jerking us around.
一周只有一下午可以当正常人 打打球
There’s one afternoon a week where I can just be normal and play some hoop,
and you have to come and get all ignorant about it?
听听 摩♥门♥教♥徒喜欢发牢骚(与喝酒谐音)?
Oh, listen to that, Julie. I didn’t think Mormons liked whine?
-没听说玻璃爱运动 -玻璃? 你多幼齿啊?
-I didn’t know fairies liked sports. -Fairies? Oh, how seventh grade.
Why don’t we just play two on two?
-但你是… -女生不能打篮球?
-But you’re… -A girl, so I can’t play?
我天生是黑人 也许很厉害哦
But then I am black, so maybe I can.
Your only problem is deciding which one of your
narrow-minded stereotypes can kick your lilly white ass.
究竟是哪种呢 黑人美眉…还是基佬?
Which one will it be? Black girl… and a fag?
We’ll mop you like a dirty floor.
我们是上衣队 你们是光膀队
Fine. We’re shirts, you’re skins.
哦 不行
Uh… no…
算了 我们脱
Fine, we’ll be skins.
那也不公平 穿好衣服 我们很容易区分
That’s unfair put your shirts back on we can keep the teams straight.
-你技术不错 -我有许多花招
-You can play. -Yeah, we can learn a skill.
我高中打校队 运动员都玩那个
I played in high school, when I learned all the jocks were doing it
but only with other jocks.
Maybe we should cut the chatter.
懒鬼们 学习怎么样了? Ryder? 算了
OK slackers, how’s the studying coming? Ryder? Right.
谁来背《哥林多前书 7:1》?
All right, First Corinthians 7,1. Ryder? Right. Anybody? Gil.
亲爱的弟兄 我们既有这等应许
And therefore these promises, dearly beloved,
就当洁净自己 除去身体 灵魂一切的污秽
let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit,
敬畏神 得以成圣(出自《哥林多后书 7:2》)
perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
好样的 新人 如果Gilford
Well, all right Green! You know, if Gilford wouldn’t be
不吃醋 你就是我的新宠了
completely heartbroken, you would be my new best friend.
Yeah, Harmon, I got your heartbreak right here.
Oh, man! Elder, you got the devil in you!

该死的 神啊 不好意思 我被划伤了
Oh, shit. Jesus Christ! Sorry, I snagged myself.
Looks like you’re bleeding.
You okay?
不 我没事 你继续看书吧
No, I’m fine. Just go back to your reading.
-怎么了? -你晕倒了
-What? -I think you… fainted.
I don’t bleed very well.
-我还好 -别硬撑 得把你送回去
-I’m OK, really. -No, maybe we should get you inside.
Ryder 能帮把忙吗?
Ryder! Wanna give me a hand?
揍你丫的 让你知道痛
I’m gonna hit you and it’s gonna hurt.
-痛 -早提醒过你了
-That hurt! -I warned you.
-好了 -Aaron 别走 帮帮我
-I’m OK, really. -No, maybe we should get you inside.
You’ve got to take a look at it…
tell me if I need stiches or something.
I can’t really tell.
拜托 又不会吃了你 看一下就好
Look! Come on I’m not going to lunge at you just take a look at it.
Let’s see here…
-情况很糟吗? -没有 只是一个小口子
-Is it bad? -No, it’s just a little cut.
-有消毒药水吗? -有
-Do you have any disinfectant? -Yeah.
很奇怪 我胆子特别大
It’s funny, you know. I’m not squeamish.
高中的时候 我们参观医院
In high school, we went to this hospital,
只有我一个人敢去看手术 医生带我进去
but only I wanted to watch surgery. They brought me in
给我消毒 然后让我穿上绿大褂
and they scrubbed me down, and put me in these green things
You have Band-Aids?
I watched as they opened this guy’s chest
and there it was, this heart, this human heart.
它在跳动 更象在舞蹈
You think about it beating and all but it’s more of a dance.
And I couldn’t get over it
That’s all that tethers us to this planet
只是那脆弱的 小小的肌肉
That fragile little muscle
在这偌大世界 渺小的微不足道
and it’s tiny you know, in the scheme of things…
if you think about all the things that can stop it
there’s got to be something else
some miraculous thing that keeps that valiant little muscle dancing
you know what I mean?
不好意思… 我该少说几句
I’m sorry… I’m gonna stop talking.
I need to lay down now.
It’s hot.
I’m hot.
-也许我该给你一块冷毛巾 -嗯
-Maybe I should get you a cool cloth? -Yeah…
I haven’t done anything
anything like this… I haven’t…
It’s OK… this doesn’t have to mean anything.
Yes it does.
就算是一点点乐趣… 朋友间的
It can be just a little fun… between friends.
我的第一次 对你来说只是乐趣?
My first time could just be a little fun for you?
Maybe you can equate sex with a handshake.
那算什么… 一个奖章?
That’s what… like a badge?!
你想我怎么样? 表扬你?
What do you want me to congratulate you?
嘿… 别对我说教
Hey… don’t preach to me, OK?
你以为你是谁? 土包子?
I mean who are you, some kid from the sticks?
You come in here and fucking judge me?
是啊 我是乡下小城的傻基友
Yeah… I am some dudah pudnacker from Pocatello…
they ship us here from dork island.
I’m saying I know how retarded you think I am, OK?
你看穿我了 满意了吧?
You found me out, alright?
My worst secret.
我颜面扫地 你成功了
Now I’m humiliated so your work is done here.
等一下… 我不认为你呆
Wait… I don’t think you are a dork.
既然你知道可笑 为什么还要这么做?
But if you know how ridiculous you look, why would you do it?
Don’t you believe in anything?
-当然有… -告诉我
-Yeah… -Then tell me…
Tell me one thing in your life beyond a shadow of a doubt that you believe.
我相信Ann Margret应该得影后的
I believe Ann-Margret has never been given her due as an actress.
没错 就拿《巨星汤美》来说 当她…
Duh! For ‘Tommy’ alone, I mean, did you see her when she was…
Is that something you can build a life on!
Look at yourself!
