

[noun] a book or other collection of financial accounts of a particular type
[名词] 一种特定类型的财务账目的账簿或其他集合


作为一个财会术语, ledger 不仅是一个时不时就会在《经济学人》中看到的单词,同时从上面的外刊例句也不难发现这是一个与区块链(blockchain)技术息息相关的单词。

该词很可能源自中古英语动词 leyen, leggen (放置),在中古英语中拼作 lygger, leger ,表示“永久存放在某一特定地点的书本,尤指教堂中天主教、东正教神职人员每日念诵的日课经或者说祈祷书的大副本”以及“横梁”。

从这个概念出发, ledger 先是在16世纪40年代用作形容词表示“固定在一处的、不动的”,虽然这个含义现已不再流行,但仍然可以从 ledger bait (沉于水底的“固定底饵”)、 ledger tackle (固定底饵钓具)这些钓鱼术语中看出端倪。


其中,根据一级会计科目设置的账簿叫总分类账(general ledger),它提供各类经济业务的总括情况;根据二级或明细科目设置的账簿叫明细分类账(subsidiary ledger),它提供各类经济业务的详细情况。比如:

  • 他甚至篡改了他的银行里的分类账簿,以帮助受害者。
    He even doctored the ledgers in his bank to help the underdog.

此外, ledger 现在还可以用在建筑领域表示脚手架上用于垂直支撑的“横木”,也可以指覆盖坟墓的扁平“盖墓石板”。


When you come to one of the many moments in life where you must give an account of yourself, provide a ledger of what you have been, and done, and meant to the world, do not, I pray, discount that you filled a dying man’s days with a sated joy, a joy unknown to me in all my prior years, a joy that does not hunger for more and more but rests, satisfied. In this time, right now, that is an enormous thing.

出自美国神经外科医生保罗·卡拉尼什(Paul Kalanithi)于2016年出版的生命笔记《当呼吸化为空气》(When Breath Becomes Air)。


  • In essence it is a shared, trusted, public ledger that everyone can inspect, but which no single user controls.
  • She has been collecting and analyzing leaks from the Bitcoin blockchain, the immutable public ledger that has recorded all transactions since the cryptocurrency’s launch in January 2009.


  1. Accounting ledger: 会计分类账
  2. General ledger: 总分类账
  3. Double-entry ledger: 复式分类账
  4. Digital ledger: 数字分类账
  5. Financial ledger: 财务分类账
  6. Ledger entry: 分类账目
  7. Ledger balance: 分类账余额
  8. Ledger sheet: 分类账页
  9. Ledger account: 分类账户
  10. Ledger book: 分类账簿
  11. Ledger transaction: 分类账交易
  12. Ledger reconciliation: 分类账对账
  13. Sales ledger: 销售分类账
  14. Purchase ledger: 采购分类账
  15. Cash ledger: 现金分类账
  16. Ledger management: 分类账管理
  17. Ledger system: 分类账系统
  18. Ledger report: 分类账报告
  19. Ledger analysis: 分类账分析
  20. Ledger control: 分类账控制
  21. Ledger posting: 分类账核算
  22. Ledger accuracy: 分类账准确性
  23. Ledger maintenance: 分类账维护
  24. Ledger closure: 分类账结算
  25. Ledger review: 分类账审查
  26. Ledger verification: 分类账核对
  27. Ledger journal: 分类账日记账
  28. Ledger record: 分类账记录
  29. Ledger tracking: 分类账追踪
  30. Ledger control account: 分类账控制账户


book: a set of records or accounts
log: an official record of events during the voyage of a ship or aircraft
register: an official list or record, for example of births, marriages, and deaths, of shipping, or of historic places

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
