You can’t sleep here.
-离我远点儿 -为什么不去找家旅馆
– Get away from me. – Why don’t you go to an inn?
-你以为呢 -你有敲门去问过别人吗
– Why do you think? – Did you knock on doors and ask people?
都问遍了 别烦我
l asked everywhere. Leave me alone.
You didn’t ask there.
Knock on that door.
Who can that be?
Do you have food?
-进来 -听着 我是个罪犯
– Come in. – Look, l’m a convict.
我叫冉阿让 我服了十九年的劳役
My name is Jean Valjean. I’ve served 19 years’ hard Iabor.
四天前才放出来 现在是假释期
They let me out four days ago. l’m on parole.
我必须在星期一赶到第戎去报到 否则就要被送回监狱
l have to go to Dijon to report Monday, or they’ll send me back to prison.
这是我的证明文件 但我知道上面写什么
Here’s my passport. I can’t read,
他很危险 -我不认字
but l know what it says. “He’s dangerous.”
先生 我们像待客一样欢迎你和我们一起吃饭
Monsieur, you’re welcome to eat with us as my guest.
我是个罪犯 你看下我的文件
l’m a convict. You saw my passport.
l know who you are.
You’re gonna let me inside your house?
What crime did you commit?
Maybe l killed someone.
How do you know l’m not going to murder you?
How do you know l’m not going to murder you?
A joke?
l suppose we’ll have to trust each other.
l didn’t kill anyone.
我是个贼 我偷食物
l’m a thief. l stole food.
我偷了东西 但已偿付了十九年的镣铐生活
l stole, but l paid for it. Nineteen years in chains.
所以他们把我放了出来 并给了我一个黄色证件
So they let me out, and they give me a yelIow passport.
What can l do with a yellow passport?
I have to go to my parole officer in Dijon,
然后又能怎么样呢 饿死吗
and then what? Starve to death?
十九年 而现在真正的惩罚才刚开始
Nineteen years, and now the real punishment begins.
-人并不是平等的 -人 不是神吗
– Men can be unjust. – Men? Not God?
好了 不管你是谁 谢谢
All right. Whoever you are, thank you.
A meal and a bed to sleep in.
A real bed.
明天一早 我会焕然一新
And in the morning, I’ll be a new man.
ls anybody there?
我们可以用木勺 我不想听到更多的抱怨
So we’Il use wooden spoons. I don’t want to hear anything more about it.
-很抱歉打扰您 -你抓到他了
– l’m sorry to disturb you. – You caught him!
l had my eye on this man.
Thank God.
我感到很气愤 冉阿让
l’m very angry with you, Jean Valjean.
你的眼睛怎么了 阁下
What happened to your eye, monseigneur?
-他没告诉你他是我们的客人吗 -哦 他说了
– Didn’t he teIl you he was our guest? – Oh, yes.
After we searched his knapsack and found all this silver…
he claimed…
that you gave it to him.
是的 没错我给的
Yes. Of course l gave him the silverware.
但是你为什么不拿走烛台 真是太笨了
But why didn’t you take the candlesticks? That was very foolish.
吉拉特女士 把银烛台拿来
Mme Gilot, fetch the silver candlesticks.
这至少值2000法郎 为什么不一起拿走呢 快点
They’re worth at least 2,000 francs. Why did you leave them? Hurry!
M. Valjean has to get going.
He’s lost a lot of time.
Did you forget to take them?
-你是说他讲的是实话 -当然
– Are you saying he told us the truth? – Of course.
谢谢你带他回来 这我就放心了
Thank you for bringing him back. l’m very relieved.
Release him.
You’re letting me go?
Didn’t you understand the bishop?
吉拉特女士 给这些人倒点酒 他们一定口渴了
Mme Gilot, offer these men some wine. They must be thirsty.
And don’t forget–
千万别忘了 你承诺要重新做人的
don’t ever forget you’ve promised to become a new man.
Why are you doing this?
冉阿让 我的兄弟 你再也不属于魔鬼了
Jean Valjean, my brother, you no longer belong to evil.
用这些银器 我已买♥♥下了你的灵魂
With this silver, I’ve bought your soul.
I’ve ransomed you from fear and hatred.
Now l give you back to God.
下午好 队长 我叫沙威 新任督察
Good afternoon, Captain. l’m Javert, the new police inspector.
Here are my orders from the Paris prefect.
哦 是吗你好 沙威督察
Oh, yes. Hello, lnspector Javert.
我正期待着您的到来 我是博韦队长
I’ve been expecting you. l’m Captain Beauvais.
-旅途还好吗 -你还没有看我的手令
– How was your journey? – You haven’t Iooked at my orders.
哦 我肯定他们不会弄错的 你吃了吗
Oh, l’m sure they’re all right. Have you eaten?
-或者你 -我希望你照程序来办
– Or wouId you– – l’d like you to foIlow procedure.
好吧 所有的东西看起来都
Well, everything seems…
有条不紊 督察
to be in order, lnspector.
You are now in charge of the Vigau police.
在巴黎 治安状况很差
ln Paris, things are miserable.
Crime is rampant.
街道非常肮脏 这里的情况好多了
The streets are filthy. Conditions here are much better.
是的 没有比生活在维高更好的了
Yes. Life in Vigau has never been better.
Shall l take you to our brick f actory?
-那是我们这儿最主要的支柱产业 -好极了
– That’s our biggest business. – Very well.
This way.
-工厂是谁的 -市长
– Who owns the factory? – The mayor.
He was one of the workers.
但当五年前它破产的时候 现在想起来真是难以置信
But when it went bankrupt five years ago– incredible to think of now–
he bought the whole works for Iess than 500 francs.
l shouId report to the mayor as soon as possible.
-先做这件事吧 -好的 先生
– Let’s do that first. – Yes, sir.
听起来好像市长管理着所有的事 他一定是个天才
The mayor seems to be the force behind everything. Must be a man of genius.
他确实很了不起 不过我警告你 他的脾气挺古怪
He is extraordinary. But I should warn you, he is also a little eccentric.
古怪 怎么个古怪法
Eccentric? ln what way?
嗯 他很害羞 生活的像个隐士
Well, he’s shy. Lives Iike a hermit.
Didn’t even want to be mayor.
想拒绝这个荣誉 但是城市的长老们一再坚持
Tried to refuse the honor, but the town fathers insisted.
没有一点野心 然而却是这么成功
Not ambitious, yet he’s this successful.
他就像一个谜团 有些人认为他是个疯子 但我喜欢他
He’s a mystery. Some people think he’s crazy, but l like him.
-我喜欢他 并且感到对不起他 -你觉得对不起市长
– l like him, and l feel sorry for him. – You feel sorry for the mayor?
因为他很孤单 我们到了
Because he’s lonely. Here we are.
-他住在这儿 -很奇怪 是吗
– He lives here? – Strange, isn’t it?
Little better than a worker’s house.
下午好 马德兰先生 新上任的督察来了
Good afternoon, Monsieur Ie Maire. The new inspector has arrived.
-他想向你报到 -可以了 没有这个必要
– He wants to report. – That’s all right. He doesn’t have to.
但是 马德兰先生 如果你不允许他这么做的话
But Monsieur le Maire, if you don’t permit the inspector to report…
I think he will burst into tears.
马德兰先生 我是沙威督察
Monsieur le Maire, l’m Inspector Javert.
l have the honor of reporting to my post as your prefect of police.
-对不起 你叫什么名字 -沙威
– l’m sorry. What’s your name? – lnspector Javert.
-你已催过几次了巴黎方面应该 -你的证件呢
– You were expecting me. Paris should– – You have papers?
是的 我很抱歉我应该马上呈上来的
Yes, l apologize. l should have presented them immediately.
好 感谢你到这儿来
Good. Thank you for coming.
队长 要把督察安置好
Captain, make sure the inspector is settled comfortably.
-是 -日安
– Yes. – Good day.
-男女是分开工作的 -对
– The men and women work separately? – Yes.
马德兰先生重新设计了工厂 好使男女可以分开
Monsieur le maire redesigned the factory in order to keep the sexes apart.
-我告诉过你他很古怪 -不古怪 队长 一点都不
– l told you he’s eccentric. – Not eccentric, Captain. No.
He cares about honest working women and wants to protect their virtue.
非常正确 非常英明
Very proper. Very wise.
-对不起 -请等一会儿
– Sorry. – Excuse me.
你又搞砸了一个 他们会扣掉我的薪水的
You’ve ruined another one! They’re going to dock my wages.
好了 够了 芳汀 把你的东西捡起来
AIl right! Enough. Fantine, get your things.
-我要给你换个地方 -把她炒了吧
– l’m gonna move your place. – Good riddance!
让人难忘的经历 但我会忘得一干二净的
An unforgettable experience, but I’ll forget it anyway!
回去工作 快点
Let’s go. Back to work! Come on.
游戏时间结束了 快点回去工作
