So, Butters,
it seems like you hate crime in a sort of personal way if you don’t mind me saying.
I’m not going to buy a hemorrhoid cushion. I’m not going to get corns!
– I got corns!
要你再回电 第一分钟很贵
when you call back, they charge you…for that first minute again at that high rate.
我的想法是 那是艘奴隶船 …
The way I see it, those are slave ships out there…and I’m freeing slaves.
Breaker, breaker. I got a crazy ass with a phony badge trying to pull me over!
就算他跑了 还是抓得回来
And if he gets away we can track him down later with a howitzer or something.
等我开马戏团再说 臭矮子
We’ll work together soon as I open up a cereal shop, you fucking leprechaun!
最近查得严 很难偷渡进来
They’ve red-flagged Asian visas lately. Those weren’t easy to slip through.
不用想男的 我想女的名字就好
I don’t think we have to discuss boys’ names because we’re having a girl.
We might need backup. Spend some time with him. You might learn to love him.
他是我好友 我不会害他
He’s my best friend. It’d be wrong to mess with him. I won’t mess with him.
Move back in and old Grandpa Rog’ll be up all night taking care of the baby.
What happened to, “Bring me your tired, your poor, your wretched masses…
不好好念书 我就会碎碎念
And the grades too. Consider this a down payment on a future ass-chewing.
How about scanners? They get your phone number and call all over the world!
在他腿上打麻针 他就跑不了
Let’s shoot his legs with Novocain and watch him try to get out of here.
萝娜怀孕罗 你要当爸爸了
I wasn’t supposed to tell you, but Lorna’s pregnant. You’ll be a father!
他生气我倒楣 拜托成熟点
I’m the one that gets it in the neck. Can we exercise a little maturity?
当时局势混乱 中国动荡不安
Those were troubled times. Old China dissolved in a welter of unrest…
Just because I don’t get around in nifty suits like you. Not many cops do.
你待着别走 我们马上来
Stay there, that’s beautiful. We’ll be right there. We’ll be right there.
That general’ll be shitting kittens when he sees the money’s counterfeit.
它突然跳出来 被我辗过去
…and he jumped out of the box…and I ran him over with the back tire.
Know anything about a boatload of illegals that went aground last night?
These machines take your plastic, they wreck it, then give you the camera.
I want to see grades! I see the tuition. I want to see some grades, okay?
We got no hard evidence but we’re pretty sure the big boss is Benny Chan.
Sir, let me just say, it’ll be an honor to share some egg rolls with you.
As soon as we find the Hongs, me, you and Rianne is getting into this.
难怪他要讨好罗杰 替他跑腿
No wonder he sucks up to Rog. Brings him apples, blankets, coffee…
我不会说的 他会宰了我
I won’t tell him anything. He’d shoot me just for being the messenger.
That’s how many bullets were zinging around my neighborhood growing up.
你们很照顾我 对我很好
And you guys really looked after me a lot more than you really had to.
They fuck you with cell phones. They’re fucking you with the cell phone.
…because the 3-hour battery you got only lasts 20 fucking minutes.
I was hoping we could get together around the holidays, say Christmas.
Bringing over his family could’ve been how he was paid to do the job.
I hope you need a lot of toilet paper because that’s all it’s good for.
我就说吧 我怀孕后就变笨了
I’ll tell you what it is! This pregnancy destroyed my brain cells!
别再闹了 这是本队长的命令
Can we knock this shit off, please? This is your captain speaking.
我很厉害 改天可以联手合作
Maybe we’ll work together someday! I’m the bomb! They’ll tell you!
I take the dog home. I dye the dog, it looks exactly like their dog.
We’re looking for a black Mercedes and a black Lincoln Continental.
Why the hell should we get together and see each other on Christmas?
答应我 对天发誓你绝对不说
Promise me. Swear to me you’ll never say a word about this, ever.
Spent most of my formative years nose-to-nose with the family beagle.
私♥家♥侦♥探♥啦 有枪好办事
PI! A gumshoe! You get in ugly situations. I got guns, everything.
-改变主意就找我 -他有惧高症
– Lf you change your mind, call us. – He’s a down-to-earth guy.
Wait! What is it this time? Recurring dreams about flying dwarfs?
问题是 凶手向我们开枪
The problem is, he shot at me and Rog too, and that pisses us off.
旧的肩伤 我得弃权
It’s an old shoulder injury. I’m going to have to toss in the towel.
就算 知道也不会讲三小时电♥话♥
Even if I did, I would not talk to their Afghan ass for 3 hours!
他只是老百姓 又没做坏事
But just a normal guy? What the fuck did he ever do to anybody?!
So the chief’s using a special privilege and making you captains.
One of the ship’s crew shot an illegal, apparently under orders…
没有 他们得替蛇头工作还钱
Didn’t. Got to work it off from the snakeheads, the smugglers.
…womanhood reach peaks that would rival the highest Himalayas”?
我搭档马丁瑞格 这是萝娜
Hey, Hong. This is my partner, Martin Riggs, and this is Lorna.
刑♥警♥都有心理学位 像是白特
Guys with guns and psychology degrees, like Butters out there.
The boat is registered under a dummy corporation out of Indonesia.
你有权保持缄默 给我闭嘴
You got the right to remain silent! So shut the fuck up, okay?!
才不是 是狗的主人
No, the dog didn’t hire me. The people that lost the dog hired me.
我只想说 你是我的偶像
I don’t really know how to say this, but you really inspire me.
多半都在北百老汇 这是地址
He operates mainly out on North Broadway. Here’s the address.
Last night I noticed you were, let’s say, more than slightly miffed.
When I’m working on a crime… I ain’t thinking about the crime.
Benny said something about paying… buying back his forefathers.
But with the new boats… and putting 2 kids through college,
他会抓狂的 别跟他说
…he’ll blow his top. It’ll be awful. Just don’t say anything.
队长也说:新警队 新气象
You know what the captain said: “New people, new department.”
她怕你生气 所以不敢跟你说
She was afraid to tell you. She was afraid you’d get angry.
-Yeah. -Okay, you run. Flame-O turns, sees you in your undies.
两位警探 你们怎么在这儿?
Sergeant Riggs, Sergeant Murtaugh. What are you doing here?
Instead, I see a bunch of kids whose names I barely remember.
some corrupt Chinese general brought the Four Fathers here…
我也不信 可是你开销那么大
I think it’s crazy too! But you’re spending a lot of money!
不是比蛙仔好 只是不同
You’re not better friends than Froggy. You’re just different.
-有结婚登记吗? -不 我们没有 拜托别走
– You got a license? – No. Rabbi, please don’t go.
船上有三个死人 归我们管
We found 3 bodies full of holes, so now it’s a cop problem.
…we’ll provide you with the dumbest fucking lawyer on Earth!
Somebody took my number and called Afghanistan! Afghanistan!
How are we going to find them? We got to catch them assholes!
He took my gun apart with one deft move. How did he do that?
等生完孩子 我让你火山爆发
When you have that kid, we’ll blow up Mount Saint Helens.
I’m thinking about that goddamn floor and it pisses me off.
-我没有同伙 -你跟着他跑
– I don’t have a partner! – The guy you were running with.
我最近都很惨 那晚…
I mean, I’ve been feeling it lately. You know the other…
…but… I think there’s something you need to know about me.
我们现在要结婚 阵痛又来了
Right now. We’re getting married. Here comes another one.
有用个头 我只想看你出糗
You think it helped? I just wanted to see if you’d do it.
It costs more to go to school now than it did when you went.
I catch that asshole who put my picture up there, that’s it.
但不是我 别再骚扰我
Not in this department but…You have to stop bothering me!
The gun he dropped matched slugs on the bodies on the boat.
他有点难过 他想找爸妈
He’s a little bit sad. He’s talking about his mom and dad.
咱们去大干一场 如何?
I say we just find them and shoot them. What do you think?
You get a break from real police work. Play golf, tennis…
A young brother in a police car is automatically a perp?
古华辛 那是他哥哥
Wah Sing Ku. The Four Father with him is his older brother.
你想一个人 我不打扰你
I’ll leave you alone, okay? I guess you want to be alone.
不 是麻烦老爱找上我
It seems to know pretty much where I am most of the time.
翠西马上出来 好好大采购
Trish’ll be right down. Have fun shopping for the baby.
I still look out there expecting to see all the old faces.
我们快作古了 该怎么办?
Murphy’s right. We’re dinosaurs. What am I going to do?
电♥话♥公♥司♥恶整我 连你也要整我
$3 to answer a call. They’re fucking me, now you are.
大夫 抱歉 有个紧急状况
Doctor, I’m sorry to bother you. We have an emergency.
把我弄痛 就在你屁♥眼♥塞春卷
You hurt me, I’ll stick an egg roll right up your ass.
他老拍我马屁 帮我拿咖啡
He’s always kissing my ass, giving me coffee and shit.
你早说嘛 这么有意义的事
Why didn’t you say so? This is not going to be boring.
都是你害的 叫我扮母鸡
It’s your fault. It’s your fault. All the chicken shit.
…for police officers with real needs and real problems.
In-law-enforcement. It pays to know your fellow officer.
Who’s this guy? Is he appraising your furniture, or what?
Mao began helping in the fields when he was 6 years old.
我们不老 还打得动
We’re not too old for this shit. We’re not too old for…
Where do you think it’s coming from? Where do you think?
Trish gave me some money, and from my Aunt Anne who died.
你要有小孩了 快用意志力
You going to have a baby. Will me, you son of a bitch.
And… I just thought that maybe that might be relevant.
You know how long it took me to fill that thing? All day!
你太秀逗了 不能拿枪
Permit or not, you don’t deserve this. You’re not safe.
海岸警备队 我们正在追货船
Coast Guard, this is Code 7 in pursuit of freighter.
We’ll hang right here. Coast Guard’ll be here any minute.
男生女生都适合 可爱吧?
I figured it was good for a girl or a boy. Cute, huh?
He led a rebellion early against his domineering father.
Like the other night on the ship when that guy nailed me.
I wondered if you’d be willing to investigate my privates.
A man walked in off the street. He’s in a lot of pain.
