What the fuck is going on, Ryan?
我不知道该怎么办 埃里克
Don’t know what to do, Eric.
-你朝别人开枪了 -没有
-You shot someone? -No.
最初的时候 他告诉我这枪是假的
First he told me it was just a fake.
他只是拿它来防身 我只是负责保管
Then it was only to defend himself. I was just hiding it.
Just hiding it?
Someone else just pulls the trigger.
And some kid just gets his head blown off.
I didn’t think that were gonna happen.
Zac asked me to do it as a favour just for one night.
Did he pay ya?
Just sort of like brought me to the games. Nightclubs.
Gave me sort of…
后来我告诉他 我不想再保管这个了
After a week, I said, I told him, “I don’t wanna look after it any more.”
但是他就摇头 大笑了
But he just shook his head and started laughing.
Why doesn’t he hold it?
It’s back to prison if he gets caught.
But he needs it close.
And he can get it from me in five minutes.
And if you get caught?
我最少会被判五年 埃里克
I get five years, Eric, Minimum.
瑞安 那可是你的宝贵青春啊 该死的
Fuck, Ryan! That’s five years out your life, you fucking prick!
He shot someone.
-一个毒贩 -没有
-A drug dealer? -No.
你不知道 埃里克 有人在酒吧里侮辱他
You’ve got no idea, Eric. Someone insulted him at the club.
你是说有人侮辱他 他就朝人家开枪
You’re telling me he shot someone because he insulted him?
Jesus fucking christ.
-那他打死人没 -没有
-Did he kill him? -No.
他朝他后背开的枪 他不会死的
He shot him in the back. He’ll live.
好吧 咱们去自首 现在就去
Right, that’s it. We’re going to the cops, right fucking now!
-走去自首 -不 不 不行 埃里克
-Come on! Cops, now! -No. No. No. You can’t, Eric.
-埃里克 -为什么不行
-Eric! -Why the fuck not?
咱们去找警♥察♥ 向他们自首
We just go to the cops and tell ’em everything.
不 听我说 他们拿杰西威胁我
No. Listen to me. You can’t. They said they’d get Jess.
相信我 他们这么干过 我听他们说过
Trust me. They’ve done it before. I’ve heard them talking.
求你了 埃里克 听我说
Please, Eric, Listen to me.
如果我们报♥警♥ 他们就放狗咬杰西
If we go to the coppers, yeah, They’ll fucking set the dogs on Jess.
They’ll rip his fucking face apart.
Fuck’s sake.
该死 这到底是怎么了
Fucking… What the fuck’s going on?
I can’t fucking believe it.
如果我退出 他们就会对杰西下手
If I get off, they get jess. That’s how…
事情就是这样 明白了吗
That’s how it fucking works, do you know what I mean?
I’ve got to speak to him.
你不能告诉他 他不像你和你的那帮同事
You can’t speak to him. He’s not like you or your mates.
They don’t give a fuck.
But we can’t fucking live like this.
我们不能报♥警♥ 你也不能跑
We can’t go to the cops. You can’t run off.
我还不能去找他 对吗
I’ve gotta find him, ain’t i?
不能 埃里克 答应我 不要去找他
No, you can’t. Eric, Listen. Promise me, you won’t.
-给我他的号♥码 -不行
-Right, Give me his number. -No.
-把他的号♥码给我 -不 你不能
-Give me his number. -No, you don’t…
瑞安 把他的号♥码给我 不然我就不管你了
Ryan, Give me his fucking number or I’ll wash me hands of ya, period!
电♥话♥号♥码 快说
Fucking number, now.
你好啊 杰克
Fuck me. How are you, Jack?
我很好 我叫埃里克
I’m all right. Name’s Eric.
杰克 杰克·尼科尔森 飞越疯人院的那个
Jack. Jack Nicholson. One flew over the cuckoo’s nest and all that shit.
听说你最近不怎么顺利 是不是
Heard you’ve been having a bit of a bad time of it recently, ain’t ya?
In with the fruitcakes and the loonies and all that.
听说你很讨厌他们 杰克
Nasty rumours them, Jack.
听着 请你把这个拿回去
Listen. You’ve gotta take this back, right.
我什么都没见过 我不会说出去的
I haven’t seen it. I won’t say anything.
Got to? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
你知道 我不能碰那东西
I can’t fucking… you know, I can’t touch that now.
那东西太脏了 你明白我什么意思吗
More germs than a sailor’s cock them things, you know what I mean?
Put it away.
-知道我外号♥叫什么吗 -不知道
-D’you know my nickname? -No.
The prophet.
I can sense the future, me.
And I sense that you’re gonna fuck off
Home with your tail between your fucking legs.
然后掀起地毯 把枪放回地板下面
Up the carpet, up the floorboard and you’re gonna put that back.
会的 会的 你一定会的
Yes, yeah, you fucking are.
不会的 听着
I can’t. Listen.
如果你不要 我就把枪扔掉
If you don’t want it, right, I’ll just throw it away,
And that’s the end of it.
-你想把枪扔了 -是的
-Throw it away, will ya? -Yeah.
过来 波仔 快过来 波仔
Here are, Buzz. Come on, Buzz, let’s have ya.
上帝啊 该死
Oh, For fuck’s sake. Fuck off.
I’m fucking kidding.
-咬他 去咬他 -放我走 你这混♥蛋♥
-Get him. Go on. Go on, boy. -Let me go, you bastards!
-你想好了吗 -去咬他
-Made your mind up? -Fucking have him.
-快去 咬他 -该死
-Go on. Get him, boy. -Fuck off.
让我走 你这混♥蛋♥
Let me go, you bastards.
-想好了吗 杰克 -去咬他
-What d’you wanna do, Jack? -Go on, boy.
该死 把它弄出去
Fuck off. Get it out.
咬他 去咬他
Bite him! Bite the bastard! Get him!
You all right?
准备好了吗 来喝一口
You ready? Ready? Here we go.
Open wide.
Lovely, eh?
-真好吃 真好吃 -是不是
-Tasty. Tasty. -Yeah?
很好吃 是不是
That’s nice, isn’t it, eh?
来来来 看看这个
Here we are. Look at this.
不是吧 看这个
Oh, no way. Look at that.
Made by me.
You made that?
是啊 别笑话我啊
Yeah. Don’t laugh.
不是他做的 是他买♥♥的
He didn’t even make it. He bought it.
我从网上学的做法 但还是我做的
Well, I got the recipe from the internet, but still I made it.
-是我花钱让他做的 -是吗
-I had to bribe him to do it. -Did ya?
Lt’d have been cheaper for me to get Gordon Ramsay round.
-那至少是我做的 -说真的
-Well, at least I made it. -I’m not kidding.
我就说吧 杰西 看起来真不错 小子
I tell you what, Jess, it does look nice, lad.
-是啊 -看起来真好吃
-It does. -That looks gorgeous.
来看看 杰西叔叔做了什么
Look what your uncle Jess has made.
好啊 我一定得吃点
Yes, I’ll have some of that definitely.
Here you are.
说不定还能让你吃点 对不对
Might even put some in the liquidiser and give you some, mightn’t we?
-干杯 干杯 -妈妈 爸爸
-Cheers. Cheers. -Well, Mum, Dad.
Here’s to you both.
说实话 我真不知道怎么感谢你们
Seriously, I cannot thank you enough for what you’ve done.
I would never have managed without ya.
-好了 -别冒险了
-Come on. -Don’t tempt fate.
没有 我的导师说我学的不错
Well, no. My supervisor said that my work’s pretty good.
我知道 虽然有点晚
So, I know it’s a bit late,
But I should be able to graduate with everybody else.
说实话 亲爱的 你真的很努力
Tell you what, love, though, you’ve worked really hard for it.
-这是你应得的 -谢谢
-You don’t half deserve it. -Thank you.
Well, that’s down to you two.
说实话 我现在过的不错
Seriously, I managed to get a good run at it,
没有你们的话 我不会过的这么好
And I could not have done it, honestly.
I can’t thank you enough.
-你还好吧 埃里克 -我很好
-Are you okay, Eric? -Yeah, I’m fine.
I’ve just got this headache I can’t get rid of.
Hope it isn’t us.
当然不是 今晚真是高兴 莉莉
No. It’s been a lovely night tonight, Lily.
