What is it then?
是孩子们的事 说起来话长
It’s just the boys. It’s a long story.
我只是在想如何应付这件事 仅此而已
I just, gotta figure out how to cope, that’s all.
这么说出事了 出什么事了
So there is something wrong. What is it?
Shit. It’s not worth moaning about.
I just need time to figure it all out.
你知道吗 埃里克
D’you know what, Eric?
Sometimes you just have to risk it. Share things.
I’ll get there.
Fancy a coffee?
Yeah, okay.
Armed police!
武装警♥察♥ 趴在地上
Armed police officer. Get on the ground!
-趴在地上 -该死
-Get down on the floor! -Fuck off!
不许动 不许动
Fucking not moving. Fucking not moving.
不许动 不许动
Not moving. Not moving.
Put your hands behind your back.
把手背后 你们两个
Put your hands behind your back. Both of ya.
照我们说的做 不会伤害你们的
Just do as they say, no harm will come to you.
照我们说的做 没事的
Do as we say. It’s all right.
没事的 莉莉
It’s all right, Lily.
别伤害我们 别伤害他们
Leave us. Leave ’em alone.
没事的 莉莉
It’s okay, Lily.
There’s a fucking baby!
莉莉 莉莉 冷静点
Lily. Lily, Calm down.
把他带过来 你站起来
Bring him here. Up on your feet!
-救命啊 -没事的 莉莉
-Help me. -All right, Lily.
好的 起来 站起来
All right. All right. Come on. Onto your knees.
-站起来 -我在起
-Onto your knees. -I’m on me knees.
站起来 出去 走
Onto your feet. Right, outside. Just keep going.
没事的 宝贝 没事了
It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s all right now.
-出来一个 -出来一个
-That’s one out. -One out.
Fuck’s going on?
该死的 杰西
Fuckers! Jess.
-爸爸 -萨姆 你没事吧
-Dad! -Sam, are you okay?
-萨姆 你还好吧 -爸爸
-Sam, are you all right? -Dad!
萨姆 萨姆 到底出什么事了
Sam! Sam! What the fuck’s going on?
莉莉 你没事吧 亲爱的 你还好吧
Lily, are you all right, love? Lily, are you all right?
Oh, Fucking hell.
莉莉 你没事吧 到底出什么事了
Lily, are you okay? What the fuck is going on?
Where have the fucking lads gone?
What the fuck’s going on?
They’re looking for a gun.
Are the lads in a gang?
-没有 别瞎想 -看着我
-No, don’t be daft. -Look at me.
Is there a gun in the house?
如果家里真有枪 你还邀请我们去
If you invited me, Daisy and Sam into that house with a gun in it,
你知道那意味着什么吗 埃里克
You know what that means, don’t you, Eric?
当然 莉莉 我当然知道那意味着什么
Yeah, Lily. Course I know what that means. Yeah.
告诉我 你的眼到底怎么回事 埃里克
Now, what really happened to your eye, Eric?
-我的眼 -是的
-To me eye? -Yes.
我告诉过你了 莉莉
I told you what happened, Lily.
裹包裹的东西碰的 我告诉过你了
Some nutter on the post round just hit me. I told ya.
We’ve got your daughter and grandchild in a
Police car outside waiting to take them home.
请跟我来 我带你去
If you wanna follow me, we’ll take you right now, okay?
-好的 -好的
-Okay. -All right?
枪不在了 他们把地板掀起来了
I don’t get it. They’ve lifted the floorboards.
Where’s it gone?
Fucking state of this.
他们掀起地板看过了 枪呢
They’ve lifted the floorboards. Where’s it gone?
That’s a good question.
-吓一跳吧 -埃里克 你真是太棒了
-Are you surprised? -Eric, you fucking beauty.
-很惊讶吧 -真的很惊讶
-Eh? You surprised, eh? -Very surprised.
Oh. So was the fucking chicken.
-该死的 -太棒了 爸爸
-Fucking hell. -Yes, dad!
我一向不喜欢鸡 但我喜欢这只
Hey, I’ve never been a lover of chicken, but I love this one.
-上帝啊 -是他 扎克
-Oh, god’s sake. -It’s him. Zac.
打开扬声器 打开
Put it on loudspeaker. Put it on.
Yeah, it’s me.
Have they gone?
走了 你怎么知道的
Yeah. How the fuck do you know?
瑞安 枪还在吗
Right, Ryan. You still got it or what?
是的 还在
Yeah, I still got it.
好吧 你是不是想要点奖金了
Right, this calls for a bit of a bonus, then, eh?
-听见我说话了吗 -听见了
-D’you hear me? -Yeah, yeah.
很好 回头我再用它 不会太久的
Good. I’m gonna need it soon. Very fucking soon.
你打算怎么办 瑞安
So what are you gonna do now then, eh, Ryan?
Let that fucker shoot another kid in the back for laughing at
然后他在一旁洋洋得意 而你为他背黑锅吗
His shirt or something, then stick it under your bed for him, eh?
你会毁了别人的生活 你弟弟的 萨姆 莉莉
Fucking ruining other people’s lives. Your brother’s. Sam. Lily.
-还有你的 老爸 -对 还有我的
-And yours, Dad. -Yeah. and mine.
If we ever get through this shit,
Things are fucking changing round here big time.
Oh, what fucking now?
What’s that about?
They’ve put a video of you on Youtube.
Who’s put me on fucking youtube?
你觉得是谁 你最好还是自己看看吧
Who d’you think? Think you better have a look.
That fucking twat with the camera!
That’s why that fucking twat had that camera!
咬他 咬他 宝贝
Come on, boy. Come on, boy.
让我出去 把这家伙弄出去 上帝啊
Let me out. Get him out. Get him out, for fuck’s sake.
把那家伙弄走 混♥蛋♥ 让我出去
Get me away from it. Bastards! Let me out!
我就在那坐着 埃里克 和我的两个儿子
I’m sat there, Eric, with me two sons, right?
我看着自己 看着自己被人戏耍
And I’m looking at meself, I’m looking at meself being humiliated.
就好像自己又摔了出去 看着地上的自己
And it was like being out of me body again, looking down on meself,
Yet again being humiliated.
我真的受不了 伙计
I can’t fucking cope with it, mate.
我该怎么办 埃里克
I don’t know what to do, Eric.
There’s not I can do.
Always got more choices than we think. Always. More possibilities.
其他的也不行 我都试过了
Oh, not another shave? I’ve done that.
Different possibilities. Different thing.
试一种方法 不行的话
You try something, it doesn’t work.
Try something else. Always.
Like what?
Your teammates.
Oh, god, I, couldn’t even begin to think about telling me mates.
我是说 我从何说起啊
I mean, where do I start?
你有时间吗 老兄
“Have you got a minute, lads, yeah?”
给你说个事 是关于我儿子的
“It’s about my lad.”
他手里有把枪 是当地一个痞子的
He’s minding a gun for the local psychopath “who shoots
若果谁惹了那家伙 他就开枪打谁
Kids in the back if they laugh at the colour of his shoes.”
上帝啊 我真惭愧 都不知道人家会怎么想
I mean, god, I’m just too ashamed. I don’t know what they’d think.
他们是你的朋友 是吧
They are your friends, are they?
是 他们是我的朋友
Yeah, they’re me mates, yeah.
You think you can say everything to your friends?
能吧 我想我能
Yeah, I suppose you can, yeah.
So trust them.
-用他的方法戏耍他 -让他烦恼
-Play him at his own game. -Harass him.
-比如 -把枪放到他家 然后报♥警♥
-Like what? -Put the gun in his house and phone the fucking dibble.
-可是 枪在他家 -你不能那么做
-Yeah, but gun in his house. -You can’t do that because if…
-为什么不行 -因为他还会找你们麻烦
-Why can’t you do that? -‘Cause he’s gonna get fucked over.
The only thing you can do is phone the police.
It’s out. Out of the question.
-枪是在你家里 -闭嘴吧
-There’s a gun in your house. -Shut up.
别在这添乱了 伙计们
Stop going on about lynch mob, fuck’s sake.
-他来了 他会有办法的 -膘哥
-Here are, he’ll know. -Meatballs.
你好 肉肉
