All right, Meats?
-好了 兄弟们 -心理学
-All right, mate? -Psychos.
-另一本书 -他们都没看过
-Another book. -They don’t give a flying fuck.
We know that.
Is that the latest research from Stanford?
你不能和他们谈判 也不能劝他们
You can’t negotiate with ’em, you can’t reason with ’em. Right?
You’ve just gotta fuck ’em up. You’ve gotta scare the shite out of ’em.
你要让他们知道 这没有必要
You’ve gotta make them think “This is not fucking worth it.”
他们是一大帮混♥蛋♥ 是吗
They’re a big gang of thugs, aren’t they?
我是说他们都很强壮 都很有劲
I mean, like they got muscles coming out of their arse, ain’t they?
And they got, like… they got guns and baseball bats.
I don’t care about all this bullshit gangster talk.
听着 谁喝酒 我给你们去端来
Listen, does anyone want a drink? I’ll get ’em in.
-说一下谁要 要什么喝的 -给我来一圈
-Right. who, who’s on what here? -Get me one.
-好的 来一品脱苦味啤酒 -好的 好的
-Yeah, get us a pint of bitter. -Right, okay.
我就告诉他还和以前一样 他知道的
Oh, I’ll just say fucking “same again”. he knows.
Hurry up.
-谢谢你 埃里克 -好的 没事
-Thanks, Eric. -All right, all right.
I still say we’ve gotta phone the police.
Oh, will you fuck off with the police?
史蒂夫 请再来一杯
Steve. Can I have a round, please?
老样子吗 埃里克
Usual, Eric?
他们也还是一样 老兄
Yeah, yeah, same again for them lot, please, mate.
-埃里克 -你在做什么
-Eric. -What the fuck are you doing here?
He that sews thistles shall reap prickles.
他既然自己种下蓟 就要自己被刺扎
He that sews thistles shall reap prickles.
-蓟 刺? -对
-Thistles, prickles? -Yeah.
如果他们比你快 不要试着逃跑
If they are faster than you, don’t try and outrun them.
如果他们比你高 不要跟他们比跳高 懂吗
If they are taller, don’t out-jump them. Right?
如果他左手强壮 你就攻击右手
If they are stronger on the left, you go right.
-记住了吗 -记住了 记住了
-Remember? -Yeah. Yeah.
好的 但这只是一般情况
Right. But not always.
要给他们意外 首先得给自己个意外
To surprise them, got to surprise yourself first.
-对 对 对 -听懂了吗
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Right?
-懂了 好的 -那就好
-Yeah. okay. -Okay.
Fuck, yeah.
好了 埃里克 你的酒
Here you go, Eric. There’s your drinks.
好 好 非常好 听着
Right, yeah. Cheers. Listen.
Stick the rest of ’em on the bar there along with me change, right?
-好的 谢谢 -很好 老兄 干杯
-Okay. Thank you. -Nice one, mate. Cheers.
-Nice one.
酒来了 酒来了
Here we are, here we are.
-好家伙 -自己拿自己的
-Good man. -Who wants what?
-都要了吗 -要了 要了 都要了
-Have you got ’em all there? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get ’em.
-给你 -好
-Here you go. -Right.
-更大的 苦味啤 -拿错了 斯普林
-Lager. Bitter. -Wrong one. Spleens.
好了 听着
Right, listen.
What is he frightened of?
-斯普林 斯普林 -他害怕什么
-Spleen. Spleen. -What’s he frightened of?
混♥蛋♥ 其他的混♥蛋♥
Gangsters. Other gangsters.
-不是 不是 -警♥察♥
-No. No. -Police.
-他奶奶 -不是
-His nana? -No.
打晕他 他好了还会来报复你
Knock fuck out of him, he’ll come up smiling just to spite you.
-联盟 -不是
-Unions. -No.
继续 还有什么
Go on. What?
Give us a clue.
丢脸 他害怕丢脸 对不对
Losing face. He’s frightened of losing face, ain’t he?
Think about it.
Fucking wide-boy like him.
That’s what I was saying.
零钱 找我的零钱
Change. Me change, as well.
所以 看看我们有什么办法让他丢脸
So if we could think of some way of embarrassing him?
-对 -对 让他心里难受
-Yeah. -Yeah, his psyche.
Showing him up?
对 就那样
Yeah. Something like that.
-Youtube视频网 -Youtube视频网
-Youtube. -Youtube?
那是什么东西 是什么男用发油吗
What the fuck’s? Is that, is that a new kind of brylcreem or what?
不是 他说的很对 说的很对
No, he’s right. He’s fucking right.
Youtube 听着 下一场球赛是什么时候
Youtube. Listen. When’s the next away match?
What sort of video?
好了 现在我们在东兰开夏郡通往沃斯里路的A580
Okay. Here we go. It’s the east Lancs A580 directly to Worsley road.
Take the…
左转 到A572道上会合 到达时间12点
Left turn on to A572 for rendezvous, eta 1200 hours.
完毕 听到了吗
Over. Do you hear me?
膘哥 你在哪
Meatballs, are you near me?
Getting me head down.
特拉维斯 是你吗 你们在哪 我联♥系♥不上你
Travis, are you, where are you? I have lost radio contact.
Where are you?
你在哪 膘哥 你在哪 该死
Where are you? Meatballs, where are you, for fuck’s sake?
马上就要开始了 都计划好了
This is going to cock. This has all been planned.
-二号♥客车在哪 -在那 白♥痴♥
-Where’s coach two? -There, dickhead.
二号♥客车在哪 在哪 出什么事了
Where’s coach two? Where is it? What the fucking hell is going on?
你比巴格达棒球队还差劲 差劲
You’re worse than the fucking yanks in Baghdad, you!
What the fuck is going on in here?
What are you doing?
让他慢点 你在做什么
Tell him to slow down. What are you doing?
慢点 司机 快点 该死
Slow down. Driver, hurry up, for fuck’s sake.
完蛋了 还是坐下吧
Spoil it. Just fucking sit down!
好吧 伙计们 好好护航 跟在后面
Okay, men, take convoy. Stay back.
好了 伙计们 坚持到底
Okay, men, stay in let’s get it done.
快走 快 前进啊
Let’s go. Come on, let’s fucking go.
Come on, let’s sort this out now.
不要再乱想 要知道我们该干什么
Stop fucking about. You know what you need to do.
我们要进去 还要出来 完成任务
We need to get in and out of there, get that job done.
我们有45分钟 我们不希望有人掉队
We got 45 minutes. We don’t wanna miss kick-off.
-大家都听明白了吗 -明白了
-Are we all right for it? -Yes!
-我们能完成任务吗 -能
-Are we all up for it? -Yes!
Operation Cantona!
耶稣是我们亲爱朋友 是救世主
What a friend we have in Jesus he’s our saviour from
耶稣是我们亲爱的朋友 他的名字是坎通纳
Afar what a friend we have in Jesus and his name is Cantona
坎通纳 坎通纳 坎通纳…
Ooh, ah, Cantona ooh, ah, Cantona ooh, Cantona, ooh,
坎通纳等一下 有狗
Ah, Cantona wait a minute. Fucking dog.
-多大 -很大
-How big is it? -Fucking big.
大 非常大
Big. It’s fucking big.
Should have brought some steak.
Give us them sausages.
-这里 这里 -这里 他妈的快过来
-Here are, here are. -Here, for fuck’s sake.
-好了 逮住了 -他在这
-Come on, get him. Get him. -He’s here.
该死的 这狗这么大
Fucking hell, look at the size of that!
闭嘴 别说话
Shut up, shut up.
天啊 你个饭桶 扔进圈里
God, you big ugly git. Get it in the loop.
-好了 坚持住 老兄 -快点
-All right. Hang on. Fuck’s sake, man. -Come on.
快点 我的手快掉下来了
Come on. It’s gonna have me fucking hand off.
-这里 这里 好了 -继续 继续
-Right. Here, here, here. Right. -Go on, go.
抓住这个蠢货 好了 好了 吃这个
Get the fucker. That’s it, that’s it, take it.
他进了 进了 进圈了
He’s going, he’s going, going, going.
好 逮住了
That’s it. Got the fucker.
闭嘴 闭嘴
Shut up, shut up.
邮递员 特快专递
Post, special delivery.
Come on.
好的 索尼 抓住这狗
Right, Sonny. Get hold of this bloody dog.
好的 伙计们 坎通纳行动
Okay, men. Operation Cantona.
-把自己表现出来 -表现出来
-Express yourselves. -Express yourselves.
Come on!
Fucking hell’s going on?
Go and get Fenner.
-芬纳 -芬纳 赶快起来
-Fenner. -Fenner, get out of fucking bed.
-芬纳 -狗哪去了
