我要你 一直随身带
I want you to carry it with you all the time, all the time.
巴勃罗 – 打开
Oh, Pablo. – Open it. Open it.
Open it.
这 玩笑吗
Is… This is a joke?
不是玩笑 事情会极其复杂 弗吉尼亚 真的
This is a not a joke. Things are going to get very complicated, Virginia. Very.
我不需要枪 巴勃罗 我不用
I don’t need a gun, Pablo. Not me.
弗吉尼亚 等那一天到来时 你会明白的
Virginia, I need you to understand what will happen the day they come for you.
他们会剥掉你的衣服 还有
They will rip off your clothes that you are wearing then. What is…
蒂埃里·穆勒(法国高级时装) – 那个啊
Thierry Mugler. – That one.
他们会把你那衣服拉到脚踝 把你按在地上
They’ll put it around your ankles and they will hold you down on the ground
while many, many soldiers take turns to rape you.
他们来自丛林 渴望女人
And they will bring them just for you from the jungle, hungry for a woman.
他们会一个接一个 直到插烂你的下♥体♥
And they will get on you one after another until they turn your back down into pieces
然后打破瓶子 再用瓶子接着干
Then they will break bottles and they will stick those broken bottles in it
And they will stick blenders and hair dryers…
and they will turn them on full blast inside of you yes.
你快要晕倒时 会被冷水泼醒
And when you think you are going to faint, they will wake you up with cold water,
你清醒了 继续下一组士兵
so you are awake for the next group of soldiers.
让你流血 死于内伤
Then they will let you bleed till you die from inside.
所以这是最好的礼物 亲爱的 拿去吧
So this is why this is the best gift I can ever give you my love. Take it.
如果有三个人向你扑来 打死最靠近的那个人
If there are three coming at you, take out the first one, the one whose closest.
I mean, if they are four more… then
是啊 你最好自杀
Yes, you better kill yourself.
I want to go. I want to go
别哭 – 我想现在就走
Don’t cry. – I want to go.
Okay, I’ll bring you home.
萨瓦内塔农场 摩托刺客学校
The narcos give the boys in the slums
提供的 政♥府♥不能给予的教育
the education they don”t get from the government.
他们不介意死 因为他们的母亲会得到2万的保险费
They don’t mind dying if they can leave 20,000 to their mothers.
Because they know that’s more than they will make in a lifetime.
要想成为优秀杀手 就得多做准备
To be a good sicario, you have to be more than just prepared to kill.
You have to be prepared to die.
The motorcycle!
Closer! Closer!
哥伦比亚充满了 像你这样的天才和聪明的人
My God, Colombia is full of geniuses and intelligent people like you.
胡安·卡洛斯 非常感谢你
Juan, Carlos Andrés, thank you very much.
And now lets go to Cartegena de Indias
where they are celebrating one of the biggest events in Colombia.
不 我们刚收到消息 说
No. We just received a news update saying…
Oh my God.
Saying that Minister of Justice Rodrigo Lara Bonita
几分钟前 在波哥大被暗♥杀♥了
has been assassinated only minutes ago in Bogota.
总统贝利萨里奥·贝坦库尔 紧急呼吁
In an emergency release, the President Belisario Betancur has
称谋杀部长 是危害人类罪
called the minister’s murder a crime against humanity…
妈妈 怎么了 – 并宣布全国进入紧急状态
Mom, what’s wrong? – And insure the county in a stage of siege.
有进一步的消息 我们会及时播报 谢谢
We’ll be back with more information as we compile more facts about what happened. Thank you.
The government takes on the mafia.
贝坦库尔总统 承诺启动引渡协议
President Betancur promises to activate the extradition agreement.
The corporation relocates.
Where they keep the money.
巴拿马 1984年5月29日
The cartel proposes a negotiation with the government.
派一位前总统 来听取巴勃罗的建议
Which sends an ex-president to hear Pablo’s proposal.
Which currently controls roughly about 80% of global traffic.
我们将收拢国外资金 以促进国民经济
We offer the repatriation of our capital abroad to boost the national economy
并且支付我国目前的外债 估计为120亿美元
and also pay our country’s external debt presently estimated at $ 12 billion.
作为交换 我们请求大赦
In exchange, we request amnesty
and the guarantee that under no circumstances, no circumstances
we will be extradited to another country
for any illicit activities that may have occur to date.
部长意外后 局势很紧张
You know things are very hard over there after the minister.
很抱歉听到这个消息 先生
Yes, we were sorry to hear about that sir.
继续之前 请仔细听着
Listen closely before we go on.
前任总统迈克尔逊和我 不在这里
Ex-President Michelsen and myself are not here.
The president of the country has not authorized this meeting.
这没有发生 明白了吗 – 很及时的澄清
This isn’t happening. Is that clear? – A timely clarification.
Imagine the very same way that my clients are sitting at this table,
代表第三方 而不是自己
representing third parties, rather than their own.
The extradition part is non-negotiable.
没有北美伙伴的同意 我们不能作任何保证
We can’t guarantee anything without the agreement of our North American partners.
北美伙伴 是外国佬 谁需要他们
Ah, the North American partners, their gringos. Who needs them?
This is a matter between Colombians.
Oh my God…
你必须取消引渡条约 并删除
You have to remove the extradition treaty. Remove it.
Go on tell your president, the one you’re not representing here.
还有别的选择吗 战争
Yes, what’s the other option? War.
And we all know what war is about.
谁有钱谁就赢 看看我们
The one who has more cash wins it. And look at us.
We have more cash here.
Pablo couldn’t keep his word.
His daughter is born outside Colombia.
He holds the people who drove him from the country responsible.
杀害了报纸编辑 因为报导了他的过去
The editor of the newspaper that published his past gets killed.

你的礼物呢 弗吉尼亚 在哪里
You don’t carry the present I gave you Virginia. Where is it?
看到楼下你的人 我就该猜到了
I should have guessed when I saw your boys downstairs.
No, no my boys are not downtairs.
Miss Virginia.
有很多特工跟着你 你家附近都没法停车
You have so many agencies following you that it’s impossible to park on your street.
I’m used to men following me.
Or you are seeing someone else.
别忘了 我能监听你
Don’t forget that I listen to your conversations.
是吗 你有没有听到威胁
You do? Then you’ve heard the threats?
自从你开始暗♥杀♥政客 我一直接到电♥话♥
Since you’ve started killing ministers, people keep calling me.
他们打开电锯 向我播放哀乐
They turn on chainsaws. They play funeral marches for me.
部长的事 完全是他的错
What happened to the minister was entirely his fault.
现在这个国家 将要发生的事 是政♥府♥的过错 不是我的
And what is going to happen to this country now is the government’s fault, this is not my fault.
现在外国佬想在拉瑞事件后引渡我 无论如何都得取消条约
And now the gringos want to extradite me after Lara’s we have to stop that treaty no matter what.
而我们这些处于被引渡位置的人 要发送消息
And those of us who are in the position to be extradited, we are going send a message
给政♥府♥ 法官和记者
to the government, and to the judges and to the journalists.
会没事的 一切都会好起来的
It’s gonna be fine. It’s gonna be fine
巴勃罗 你疯了 为什么
Pablo, you’re losing your mind. – Why?
You don’t listen to anyone.
You think you can take on everyone just by yourself.
Your head is straight for suicide.
你跟着我吧 做我生命中的诗人
You’re coming with me. You’ll be my life poet if I remember.
The one who will tell the story.
给谁 已经剩不下人来听了
To whom? There won’t be anyone left to hear it.
是 但我不能让你进去
Yes, but I can not let you in.
对不起 我有命令
No, I’m sorry. I have received my orders.
等等 拿走 你找错房♥子了
No wait. Take that away. You got the wrong house.
卡洛斯·阿尔贝托·阿♥拉♥贡法官 – 那是我
Judge Carlos Alberto Alarcón? – That’s me.
这是给你的 来自唐·巴勃罗·埃斯科巴·加维里亚
This is for you. It’s from Don Pablo Escobar Gaviria.
怎么了 看在上帝的份上 救命
What is it? For God’s sake, help me!
巴勃罗把威胁人 变成了自己的艺术风格
Pablo turn threating people into its own genre.
帮帮我 上帝
Help me! Oh my God!
不 不 不
No no no!
Only one thouseand million pesos! Only!
他们在侮辱我们 混♥蛋♥ 不不不
They’re insulting us. Motherfuckers. No, no, no, no.
接下来 请贫民窟多拿枪 越多越好
This is what we’ll we do. Hand more guns in the slum. The more the better.
2000把 3000把枪 我不在乎
2000 guns, 3000 guns, I don’t care.
Hail the boss!
死一个警员 我付2000美元
For every dead cop, I will pay $ 2,000!
警司 5000美元
And for every sergeant I will pay $ 5,000
警督 1万美元
For a lieutenant I will pay 10,000 dollars.
警监 2万美元
For every cops, 20,000 dollars.
警长 5万美元
For every major $ 50,000.
很容易得到报酬 拿着带有死亡痕迹的徽章就行
