You get paid very easily. You have to bring the badge of the man they killed.
我们要杀了你 婊♥子♥
We’re going to kill you, you bitch!
割了你的脸 切成碎片
We will cut your face. We’ll wipe it off!
We will kill you and your whole family!
The law quickly sets it’s exchange rate in the slums.
死一名警员 十人被处决
Ten executions for each dead police officer.
They see every teenage boy as a future sicario.
我不是问你 是命令你
I’m not asking you. I’m ordering you.
给你24小时 按我说的做
I’m giving you 24 hours to do what I say
或者 我会杀了你母亲 你父亲 你祖母
Or, I will kill your mother, I will kill your father, I will kill your grandmother.
不久 所有的死亡 无论是被巴勃罗还是他的敌人所杀害的
Soon, all of those dead, whether killed by Pablo or his enemies
will haunt me as well.
杀戮 士兵 杀戮
Kill, soldier, kill!
杀戮 因为上帝宽恕
Death for God forgives!
The Colombian government creates a special unit exclusively for my boyfriend.
麦德林 搜索总部
这里有500人 都来自波哥大
There’s 500 men here. All from Bogota.
Devoted only to capturing Pablo Escobar.
We can’t take anyone from here.
自带食物 免遭毒害
Even bringing our own food so they won’t poison us.
为什么缉毒署 认为你来这里有必要
Why makes the DEA think we need you here?
Extradition treaty isn’t working, is it?
所以 既然人送不过来 我们就亲自过来
So if you don’t send them up to us, we come down and get them.

使用陆地三架接收器 可以精确地计算信♥号♥♥
Using three receivers on land we can precisely calculate the signal
定位精度 半径180米
in a 200-yard radius.
如果有人捕获相关信息 则启用该协议
If one of the posts detects well enough information, it activates the protocol.
打开开关 有一个声音 表示录音中
Hit the switch, you’ll hear a sound cue which will inform your officer the the recording is in progress.
先生 埃斯科巴 他在2区 拉维多利亚地区
Sir! Escobar! He’s in Sector 2, La Victoria.
是无线线路 长官
It’s a mobile line Sir.
缉毒署建立了复杂的跟踪系统 来精确定位巴勃罗
The DEA set up sophisticated tracking systems to pinpoint Pablo.
埃斯科巴 他要去埃尔多拉多吃午饭 来自公用电♥话♥
Escobar! He’s coming lunch at El Dorado. It’s a public phone.
7 区 埃斯特雷亚 – 在城市的另一边
Sector 7, La Estrella. – It’s on the other side of town.
埃斯科巴 在战斗中 先生 埃斯科巴
Escobar! At the battle, sir. – Escobar!
Is he everywhere?
They didn’t take into account on the local people’s astuteness.
I saw Pablo on the corner of Bolivar Avenue.
仔细听好了 昨天在第七和纪念碑街
Listen carefully. Yesterday at 7th and Independencia.
不存在永恒 弗吉尼亚
Nothing lasts forever, Virginia.
我们有新合作伙伴 他们要求改变
You know we have new partners and they have requested changes.
而你的替补 她身后有人
And your replacement, she has the right people behind her.
她操谁不是问题 问题是我♥操♥谁
Who she fucks is not the problem, it’s who I fuck.
别搞花样 弗吉尼亚
Don’t turn this around, Virginia.
We don’t care what you do in your personal life here.
They told you to fire me.
没人叫我做任何事 这是出于艺术的需要
Nobody told me to do anything. It’s an artistic decision.
用贱妓♥女♥代替我 是艺术需要 几时开始的
Replacing me with that cheap whore is an artistic decision? Since when?
说啊 快说吧
Say it. Just say it.
这是因为他 说啊
This is because of him. Say it.
Say it!
We don’t care what that gentleman lover of yours does for a living.
那么从现在开始 你得关心了 垃圾
You might care from now on, you motherfucker. Garbage.
And you better watch out!
因为我要告诉巴勃罗 炸了你全家
Cause I’m gonna tell Pablo to blow your fucking building with you and your family inside!
And that’s gonna be an artistic decision too!
What’s wrong with men?
没人告诉过你 如果想见女士 应先电♥话♥吗
Nobody ever told you that if you want to see a woman, you’re supposed to call first?
别给我看徽章 我接受
Don’t show me your badge. I accept.
That’s good news then?
好消息 电视台和男人一样
Great news. TV networks are like men.
Sometimes you have to leave them to be appreciated.
So what’s your plan?
佛罗里达有个职位 我可能会去
I have an offer from my network in Florida. I might take.
Start a new life.
But I would need a man.
你还没结婚吗 谢帕德探员
Are you still married, Agent Shepard?
Until you’ve made love to a Colombian woman…
That changes everything.
请别把我的生命置于危险之中 弗吉尼亚
Please don’t put my life in danger, Virginia.
Pablo doesn’t need an excuse to kill a DEA agent.
他倒下时 我会带你走的
I’ll take you with him when he goes down.
你知道的 是吗
You know that, don’t you?
弗吉尼亚 你被电视台开除了
Virginia, you were fired by the network.
没有任何职位 没人会雇你的
And you don’t have any offers. No one will hire you.
这里没有 迈阿密或任何地方都没有
Not here. Not in Miami. Nowhere.
You’re marked for life.
So you have to find something else to tell. Anything.
And you’re not 20 anymore.
腿不像以前那么漂亮了 或者你的笑容
Your legs are not as pretty as they used to be, or your smile.
你有什么建议 – 帮助我们
What do you propose? – Help us.
交换什么 保护
In exchange for what? – Protection.
保护 它不存在
Protection? There is no such thing.
无论我去哪里 巴勃罗都会找到我的
Pablo will find me no matter where I go.
You think he doesn’t scare me?
你认为 所有的威胁 死亡和烤尸的气味不影响我吗
You think all the threats, and death and smell of burned flesh don’t affect me?
Help us find him.
You know what?
The TV networks only want little girls now.
They don’t value the experience of a woman.
Is that what Pablo values in you?
对 还有我的忠诚
Esactly. And my loyalty.
The bill has been paid.
Wait here.
不不不 听我说
No no no no. Listen to me.
Tell me what does that gringo want?
所有的外国佬想抓住你 巴勃罗
What all the gringos want Pablo: to catch you.
混♥蛋♥ 他住在麦德林吗 – 你在跟踪我吗
Motherfucker. Is he staying in Medellin? – Are you following me?
不 我没有跟着你 你有所隐瞒吗 弗吉尼亚
No, I’m not following you, What if I’m following you do you have something to hide Virginia?
巴勃罗 别跟着我 别再打给我 好吗
Pablo, don’t follow me and don’t call me anymore, okay?
You’re ruining my life!
You are ruining my life You know that I got fired because of you.
人们像瘟疫一样躲避我 没有人会靠近我
People keep avoiding me like the plague. Nobody will come near me.
外国佬不会再靠近你了 – 别再说他了 听着
Well that Gringo have no problem coming near you. – Stop talking about him and listen!
离我远点 求你了
Stay away from me, I beg you! Stay away!
你这样说 是因为你知道他们在录音吗
You’re saying that because you know they are recording this.
And you want them to think it is over between us!
我们已经结束了 听着 一切都结束了
It is over between us! Hear it, it is over!
如果有人在听 就录音
If anyone’s out there listening, please record this!
我和电♥话♥线另一侧的精神病杀手 没有任何关系
I have nothing to do with the psychopathic killer on the other side of the line!
I’ll call you back. I’ll call you back.
That bitch is really angry.
你喜欢鸟吗 – 看 他们代表自♥由♥
Do you like birds? – See, they represent freedom.
巴勃罗的恋人 来自贫困社区的少女
Pablo’s lovers: Teenage girls from poor neighborhoods
handed over by their families for a few thousand pesos.
和哥伦比亚最受通缉的人睡在一起不容易 而且要保守秘密
It isn’t easy sleeping with the most wanted man in Colombia and keeping it a secret.
相信我 我知道
Believe me, I know.
只需她们之一开口 搜索行动组就能找到他
It just takes one of them to talk to have the search bloc find him
直升机 直升机
Helicopters! Helicopters!
Oh my God!
来吧 巴勃罗 快点
Come on, Pelao! Hurry up!
鸟儿们 释放鸟
The birds! Release the birds!
我去巴勃罗 我们在迈阿密的朋友已经失控了
Listen, I need to reach Pablo. Our people in Miami are getting out of line.
路线正在瓦解 卡利贩毒集团抢占了所有地盘
The routes are falling apart and the Cali cartel is getting all territory.
如果停止生意 就不能资助这场战争 明白吗
We can’t finance this war if the business stops working. Do you understand?
不不 你这孙子 我不想你杀了他们
No, no, no, you son of a bitch. I don’t want you to kill them.
我只想让你找到巴勃罗 这很难理解吗 你能…
I just want you to find Pablo. Is that difficult to understand? Could you…
蒙赫的死 意味着贩毒集团金融分部的垮台
Monje’s death meant the fall of the cartel’s financial wing.
他代表着最难攻坚的分部 垮台了
Garza’s death meant the fall of the toughest wing.
