Who the fuck do you think you are? – I’m just trying…
我来这里 你根本就不知道我是谁 要做什么
I come in here. You don’t know me. You don’t know who I am, what my life is…
…and you have the balls, the indecency to ask me a question about my life?
夫人 别激动好么?- 还有你这个混♥蛋♥ 不许你叫我夫人!
Please, lady, calm down. – Fuck you too! Don’t you call me lady!
我进来这里 我把处方交给你们
I come in here, I give these things to you…
你们竟然要检查 还打电♥话♥
…you check, you make your phone calls…
还要怀疑 还要问这问那!
…look suspicious, ask questions.
I’m sick.
我的一切都要完蛋了 你们竟然还向我问这问那?
I have sickness all around me, and you fucking ask me my life?
What’s wrong?
Have you seen death in your bed? In your house?
Where’s your fucking decency? And then I’m asked fucking questions.
What’s wrong?
让我♥操♥了你! 你想要这个是吧!
You suck my dick, that’s what’s wrong.
还有你 也他妈配叫我夫人?
And you. You fucking call me lady?
Shame on you!
Shame on you. Shame on both of you.
Why don’t they have the same last name?
因为你看 他们姓氏不一样
Because they don’t have the same last name.
我知道 但是很难解释清楚 不过
I know, and I can’t really explain that, but I think-
I have a feeling there is something, you know, a situation between them…
…like they don’t know each other much or well, you know?
Something like they don’t talk much anymore, even.
Uh- huh.
天哪 听起来很怪异是吧?
You know? God, does this sound weird?
Ha, ha. I just don’t understand why you’re calling me.
Well, there’s no number for Frank in any of EarI’s stuff…
…you know, and he’s pretty out of it.
我说了 他已经不行了
I mean, like I said, he’s dying.
Dying of cancer. So…
什么癌?- 脑和肺
What kind of cancer? – It’s brain and lung.
我母亲得过乳癌 – 对不起
My mother had breast cancer. – Oh, I’m sorry.
现在好了是么?- 对 现在好了
ls she all right? – Oh, she’s fine now.
太好了 – 不过还是吓死人了当时
Oh, that’s good. – It was scary, though.
这种病真的是害死人 – 真的是这样
Oh, it’s a hell of a disease. – Oh, it sure is.
对 – 好吧 嗯
Yeah. – Well, so, uh…
对了 真抱歉 到底为什么给我打电♥话♥来着?
Wait, I’m sorry. So why call me?
我知道这么做很傻 也很荒唐
I know this sounds silly, and I know that I might sound ridiculous…
…like this is the scene of the movie…
…where the guy is trying to get ahold of the long- lost son…
…you know, but this is that scene. This is that scene.
我觉得 他们之所以会把这种故事写进电影
And I think they have those scenes in movies…
…because they’re true, you know.
Because they really happen.
你一定要相信我 这是千真万确的
And you gotta believe me, this is really happening.
我把我的号♥码给你 你可以去检查
I mean, I can give you my number and you can go check…
随便怎么检查都行 只要给我回电♥话♥就好
…with whoever you gotta check with…
…but do not leave me hanging on this.
好吗?拜托啦 我实在… 求你了
All right? Please. I’m just… Please.
See, this is, uh, the scene of the movie where you help me out.
你挺厉害 你这些问题很漂亮
You’re great. These are great questions.
谢谢 很好 – 真的很好
Thank you. Good, good. – This is going great.
好吧 我认为你是在这一带长大的
See, I thought you grew up here in the Valley.
是啊 我刚才说过 这一带
Yeah. You know, like I said. Around.
You went to Van Nuys High, right?
我不止上过 我当时天天上
I wouldn’t say I went. I frequented.
教得相当烂 我当时绝对不像现在的弗兰克•T•J•麦吉
I was misguided, pathetic. Not the Frank T.J. Mackey…
…you’re so eagerly, uh, wanting to put on national television.
Because I was swimming in what was as opposed to what I wanted.
你的姓是怎么来的?- 我的姓?
Where does that name come from? – What name? My name?
Yeah. It’s not your given name, right?
实际上 这是我妈妈的姓 干得漂亮 继续审问我吧
It’s my mother’s name, actually. That’s good. Good. Done your research.
那名字弗兰克呢?- 是我外祖父的
And Frank? – Frank is my mother’s father.
事实上 是这样 我遇到了些困难
Oh, okay. That’s why. See, I had some trouble…
…locating your school records at, um, UCLA and, uh, Berkeley.
可能是因为你换名字 因为他们没有你的正式注册纪录
And it’s your name change. See, they had no official enrollment for you.
不不不他们不会有的 – 不会?
No, no, no, they wouldn’t. – They wouldn’t?
不会的 因为我本来就没有正式注册过
No, because I was never officially enrolled there.
还不清楚么?- 有点
Was that unclear? – Kind of.
拜托 我可不希望有误解
Oh. God, I wouldn’t want that to be misunderstood.
No, uh, my enrollment was totally unofficial.
当时很可怜 付不起它们的学费
Sadly, I couldn’t afford to pay the tuition up there.
不过有三个非常优秀的教授 热情地让我听他们的课
There were three wonderful professors who let me to sit in their classes.
他们是麦克里迪 霍恩和兰特里
Their names were Macready, Horn, and Langtree, among others.
需要的话你可以给他们打电♥话♥ 我成功的并不轻松
You’re welcome to call them if you like. See, I didn’t get a free ride…
…so, what we’re looking at here is a true rags- to- riches story.
That’s why people respond so strongly to Seduce…
因为在当今的年代 征服不仅仅局限于…
…because at the end of the day, Seduce may not be just…
分开她双腿 插♥进♥去 占有她
…about picking up chicks, sticking your cock in.
It’s about finding out what you can be in this world…
告诉自己 驾驭自己 对自己暗示 我会拿到属于我的东西
…defining it, controlling it, and saying, I will take what is mine.
And you happen to get a little blow job out of it…
总之 嘿 管他妈是什么呢 – 哈哈 没错
…then, hey, what the fuck? Why not? – Ha, ha, okay. There you go.
第一回合结束 都很棒
End of Round One. Excellent work, ladies and germs.
I think we should take a look at the scores here.
少年组1500分 稍稍领先
Kids are up a leg with 1500…
成年组紧随其后 是1025分
…and the adults are down a little bit with 1025.
我们马上进入第二回合 最后进入叮叮咚!
So we’ll be back for Round Two in a ring- ding- do.
Whoa, hello, hello. Bonus musical question.
And the winner is…
他们目前领先 并且将有机会拉大距离
Uh, kids are in the lead. They get a chance to pull further ahead…
…if they can answer the following secret- bonus musical question.
好 我现在要念某部歌♥剧中的一句唱词
Now, what I’m going to do is read a line from an opera.
Give me that line back…
…in the language in which the opera was written…
如果想要多加250 250 250分的话
…and for a bonus 250- Um, 250- Uh, 250…
…uh, you can sing it. Heh.
Here’s the line.
Love is a rebellious bird that nobody can tame…
若它不理睬你 什么样的呼唤都会是徒劳无功
…and it’s all in vain to call it if it chooses to refuse.
Yes, Stanley.
嗯 这句是从法语翻译过来的
Well, that was in French…
…and that was from the opera Carmen…
…and that goes:
你这儿刚煮了些咖啡啊 – 是的 不是刚煮
You got some coffee brewing here. – Yeah. It’s not…
It’s been on for a bit.
我喜欢喝冰咖啡的 平时
Yeah, I like iced coffee, generally…
…but a day like today, you know, with the rain and whatnot…
… I enjoy a warm cup.
Do you want a cup?
ls that all right? Just raining cats and dogs out there.
我恐怕还真不想立刻就出去 呵呵
I’d just as soon not go back in it. Heh.
I don’t know how fresh it’s gonna be.
肯定没事儿的 克劳迪娅
Oh, I’m sure it’s fine, Claudia.
Do you, um, take cream or sugar?
可以啊 嗯
That would be fine. Um-
好吧 克劳迪娅 我得把话说完 这样我才算完成巡警的职责
So, Claudia, let me just say, so I can get my role as an LAPD officer…
…out of the way before we enjoy our coffee.
I don’t like to talk shop over coffee.
I’m not gonna write you up.
I’m not gonna give you a citation here…
不过问题是这样 周围住着其他人
…but the real problem we have here is that you got people around you…
那些下班回家的 累了一天想休息一下的人们
…people who work from home trying to get some work done…
而你要是老这么大声音听音乐的话 会给他们造成很大不便
…and if you’re listening to your music that loud, they’re inconvenienced by that.
如果你工作过的话 应该不难理解这些
lf you had a job, you’d probably understand, but…
当然 你喜欢听你的音乐 这没什么错
You like listening to your music. That’s fine. That’s fine. Um….
You’re just gonna wanna keep an eye on the volume level.
You know, maybe memorize what number you see on the dial.
如果中午时我要听音乐 我就是这么调的
