Yes. They did.
那是什么意思来着 玩转生活?
What does that mean, a spoke in the wheel?
生活这么一天天转着 不是么?
Things go round and round, don’t they?
是的 转着 转着
Yes, they do. They do.
But I’ll make my dreams come true.
Sounds sad as a weeping willow.
I used to be smart.
But now I’m just stupid.
Shall we drink to that?
Um, I wanna talk a little bit more about your background.
You made, um, some references earlier…
经历了一些人生经验 和悲惨的事情
…to, uh, subjective human experiences and terrible things, and, um….
事实上 我对你的过去有一些困惑
Actually, I’m confused about your past, is the thing.
这个还没问完啊?- 这很无聊的
ls that still lingering? It’s so boring. – Just to clarify….
只是想把一些地方弄清楚 – 至少 嗯
Just wanna clear some things up. – Useless. Mm.
打扰了 谢谢 有趣的是
Excuse me. See- Thank you, Muff. It’s a funny thing that-
This is an important element of Seduce and Destroy.
Facing the past is an important way of not making progress.
我这么告诉我的听众 一次一次又一次
This is something I tell my men over and over and over.
This isn’t meant, um…
See, I try to teach my students to ask:
What is it in aid of?
你是在问我吗?- 是
Are you asking me that? – Yes.
嗯 为了试着弄清楚你到底是谁 – 为了什么?
Well, in trying to figure out who you are. – In aid of what?
弗兰克 我正在回答啊 是为了搞清你是谁
Well, Frank, I’m saying that in trying to figure out who you are-
I have more important things…
需要投入 – 我想这事就很重要
…to put myself into. – Well, no, it’s all important.
I think this is something important…
可能需要思考的问题 让自己投入进去
…that you might need to think about putting yourself into.
不见得 – 嗯 听着 弗兰克
Mm. Not really. – Um, look, Frank…
…it’s not like I’m trying to attack you here.
不 – 我只是…
No. – I just…
你只是想进行你的采访 快 快 快
Okay. Hey, this is how you wanna spend your time, then go, go, go.
不过你马上会发现 这纯粹是浪费时间
But you’re gonna be surprised at what a waste it is.
世界上最没有意义的事情 就是回顾过去 第三章
The most useless thing in the world is that which is behind me. Chapter Three.
We talked earlier about your mother…
…and we talked about your father and his death.
我不是想冲撞你 只是想问一问
I don’t want to be challenging, but I have to ask, um…
I just wanna clarify something. Something that I understand…
我好像没听到什么问题啊 – 我正在想法子巧妙地问出来
I’m not sure I hear a question in here. – I’m trying to put this as delicately as I can.
What’s the question?
还记得西姆斯小姐吗?- 我认识太多女人
Do you remember a Miss Simms? – I know a lot of women.
不过我肯定她还认识我 – 从你还是个孩子时
I’m sure she remembers me, ha, ha. – She does. From when you were a boy.
是吗?- 她就住在塔桑纳
Yeah? – She lived in Tarzana.
That’s my old stomping ground.
ls this the attack portion of the interview?
这个女孩要冲进来杀我吗?- 不是的 只是想弄清楚一些事
Is the girl coming in for the kill? – No. This is about getting something right…
…and clarifying answers to an earlier question.
What question?
我听说你母亲已经不在了 弗兰克
I was told that your mother died, Frank.
That’s what you heard.
Do you remember Miss Simms?
不 – 我和西姆斯小姐交谈过
No. – Well, I talked to Miss Simms…
她是你的邻居还是管♥理♥员♥ 就在你母亲1980年去世时
…your neighbor and caretaker after your mother died in 1980…
…and in my research…
… I have you listed as the only son of Earl and Lily Partridge.
而我又从芭芭拉•西姆斯那里听说 你的母亲莉莉
And what I learned from Barbara Simms is that your mother, Lily…
…died in 1980.
所以 我猜想之前的信息
So, see, it’s my understanding that information supplied…
…by you and your company…
以及你刚才的回答 都是不真实的
…and the answers to the questions I’ve asked is incorrect…
我若真想弄清楚你是谁 你为什么要这么做的话
…and if I wanna get to the bottom of who you are and why you are…
那么我想关于你家庭的一些情况 你真实的家庭背景
…then I think that your family history, your actual family history…
嗯 是非常重要的
Well, this is important.
What is your fucking question?
嗯 我想问的就是
Well, I guess my question is this:
你为什么要撒这些谎呢 弗兰克?
Why would you lie, Frank?
少年组 成人组
Kids, adults…
… I would like you to put yourself at a picnic.
Uh, place yourself there with your family and friends, if you’d like.
你们将听到三个音乐代号♥ 你们得告诉我
You’ll hear three musical notes, and you are to tell me…
…what it might represent that you would find at a picnic.
第一组 少年组 各位?
The first three notes. Guys?
是的 陶德 – 嗯 吉米 我有答案了
Yes, Todd. – Well, Jimmy, I know this.
我乐感很好的 它们应该是 A- D- E
I have perfect pitch, you see, and that would be A- D- E…
代表的应该就是柠檬了 – 加 250 分 下一组 请听
…and that would represent lemonade. – For 250. Next notes, please.
陶德?- 有了 这是 E- G- G 就是鸡蛋
Todd? – That’s E- G- G, which would be egg.
500分 下面第三组 各位?
For 500. And the third set of notes. Guys?
你不喝水吗?- 不 我只是…
You don’t want any water? – No. I just….
我快受不了了 阿伦
I’m so fucked up right now, Alan.
全是一团糟 全乱了 – 你是不是嗑药了?
There’s just so much. So many things. – Are you on drugs right now?
我能跟你讲些事情么 你是律师 不是么?
lf I tell you something, if I say things, then- You’re a lawyer, right?
你不能告诉任何人 就像是保密权 律师和客户之间
You can’t say anything, tell anybody. It’s like a privilege. Attorney/client.
明白吗?- 不太懂
You understand? – Not exactly.
就像心理医生那样 看心理医生时 他们就得保密
Like a shrink. lf I go see a shrink, I’m protected.
我就能随便说 操!
I can say things. Oh, fuck.
不知道自己到底在干什么 – 琳达 你很安全 没事的
I don’t know what I’m doing. – Linda, you’re safe, okay? It’s all right.
你是我的朋友 你和厄尔又是我的客户
You’re my friend. You and Earl are clients.
Whatever you wanna say won’t leave this room.
你有事情想要和我说 是么?
You have something you wanna say to me….
我有话想告诉你 我想告诉你
I have to tell you something. I have something to tell you.
我想改他的遗嘱 我能改吗?我需要改
I wanna change his will. Can I change his will? I need to.
不 你不能改他的遗嘱 只有厄尔自己行
No, you can’t change his will. Only EarI can.
不不不 听着
No no no You see um
… I never loved him.
I never loved him. Earl.
我一见到他 就和他上♥床♥ 然后就嫁给他
When I met him- When I started- I met him, I fucked him, and I married him…
我只是因为钱 明白么?
…because I wanted his money. You understand?
Uh, I’m telling you this.
从来没告诉过别人 我以前不爱他
I’ve never told anyone. Uh, I didn’t love him…
但现在 我知道我也在遗嘱中
…but now- I know I’m in that will. We were all there.
遗嘱中我还继承了那么多钱 我不想要钱 因为我现在太爱他了
We made that thing. And the money I’ll get. I don’t want it, because I love him now.
我现在真的太爱他了 他就要死了
I’ve fallen in love with him now for real, as he’s dying, and…
我看着他 他就要死了 阿伦 他马上就
Uh, I look at him, and he’s about to go, Alan. He’s moments…
我照顾他直到结束 然后呢?
I took care of him through this, Alan. What now, then?
Let’s listen.
Hello, Mary. How are you and the seven kids?
如你所听到的那样 为了波普的钱 我们当然会放了他
As you probably heard by now, we sure gave that Pope a run for his money.
米姆 – 应该是罗伯特•E•李
Mim. – Um, that would be Robert E. Lee.
他的妻子是玛莉•帕克•卡斯蒂斯 我记得他有七个孩子
His wife was Mary Parke Custis. I know he had seven children.
他应该是在说波普 波普在马纳萨斯战役中被他打败了
Um, and he would be talking about Pope, who he defeated at the Battle of Manassas.
完全正确 米姆小姐 下一题
Absolutely right, Miss Mim. Next question.
加油 振作起来 伙计
Come on, come on, come on. Snap out of it, man.
加油 斯坦利
Come on. Stanley.
Bonjour, Josephine. Maintenant je suis en Egypte.
是的 米姆
Yes, Mim.
Um, that would be Napoleon speaking to Josephine.
完全正确 加 500分 下一题
Absolutely right, for 500. Next voice.
我不想他死 我原先不爱他
I don’t want him to die. I didn’t love him when we met…
…and I did so many bad things to him that he doesn’t know.
我要和他坦白 我现在爱他
Things that I want to confess to him. But now I do. I love him.
琳达 你到底吃什么药了?- 别他妈老提什么嗑药了!
Linda, what kind of medication are you on? – This isn’t any fucking medication talking!
你能别把钱给我吗?你是律师 你可以的
Can you give me nothing? You have power of attorney.
Can you go in the final fucking moments and change the will?
l- I don’t want any money.
不然我无法原谅自己的 我做太多坏事了
I couldn’t live with myself with this thing that I’ve done.
我到处乱搞 我不停地骗他
I fucked around. I fucking cheated on him. I fucking cheated on him.
听着 听着 你是他的律师 我们的律师
There. There. You’re his lawyer, our lawyer.
我是他妻子 我们结了婚 我背叛了他
I am his wife. We are married. I broke the contract of marriage.
我和别的男人上过无数次床 我帮他们口♥交♥
I fucked around on him many times. I sucked other men’s cocks.
