We met upon the level and We met upon the level, and we’re parting on the square.
In my fucking sleep, Burt.
五 四 三 二 一
And five, four, three, two….
这里是来自加州博班克的现场直播 小孩儿都知道?
Live from Burbank, California, its What Do Kids Know?
这是节目播出第33个年头 美国史上最长的一场智力挑战赛
Going into our 33rd year on the air, it’s America’s longest- running quiz show…
就在这里 三位孩子将与三位成年人展开较量
…and the place where three kids get to challenge three adults…
让我们拭目以待 谁是最后的胜者吧!
…and in the end, we’ll see who’s the boss.
Moving towards their eighth consecutive week as champions…
少年组 他们是理查德 茱莉亚和斯坦利
…we have the kids: Richard, Julia, and Stanley.
和本次挑战者 成年组的米姆 路易斯和陶德
And our new adult challengers today are Mim, Luis, and Todd.
And me, I’m Dick Jennings…
…and now say hello to your favorite host and my boss…
…Jimmy Gator.
好!好!好!我是吉米•加托 真是令人无法相信
Back again, again, again. I’m Jimmy Gator, and believe it or not…
连续七周卫冕成功 即将挑战第八周的
…we are at the end of Week 7, heading towards Week 8…
我们这三位天才少年 你们好!
…with these three incredible kids, who- Hello, hello.
只差两天也就是两场比赛 距离现在的小孩儿都知道的纪录
are just two days and two games away from the What Do Kids Know? record…
…for the longest- running quiz show in television history.
目前 我们已经得到家庭教师协会
Now, we are, as you know, endorsed by the PTA…
…and the North American Teachers’ Foundation.
We keep our standards high, and that’s why we are the longest- running quiz show…
因此成就了美国电视史上的辉煌 我想要对孩子们说的是
…in television history. I wanna say something about these kids now.
These kids right here, I think they’re gonna be here a while.
But today is a dangerous day…
…because I have just met with the adult challengers backstage…
说实话 他们将是孩子们遇到的最强大的敌人
…and let me tell you, they are a terrific challenge for our kids.
那么 现在就让我们进入比赛吧!
So let’s get this show up and away, shall we?
We wanna know where your son is.
Jerome Samuel Hall. Did he fight your husband? ls this the Worm?
他们或者发生了打斗 或者仅仅是场意外 – 他外号♥是叫蚯蚓吗?
They had a fight. An accident. – They call him Worm?
We wanna know where your son is.
告诉我们 玛茜 – 他就是蚯蚓吗?
Help us, Marcie. – Do they call him Worm?
这对你的孩子有好处 玛茜 – 他就是蚯蚓吗?
Help us help your son, Marcie. – Do they call him Worm?
帮我们 也帮你儿子
Help us help your son, Marcie.
你的儿子 还有你孙子 说出来吧 想想他们
Your son and your grandson. Help us help them.
ls this the Worm?
Let’s jump right in.
A quick recap for those who don’t know.
Round One. Three categories. Steals are okay.
分值从25到250不等 其中包括连续谈话奖励
Point scale escalating from 25 to 250, one of which is a conversation bonus.
嗨 – 一共是31.90元
Hi. – That’ll be 31.90.
The categories are authors, chaos versus superstring, and rub- a- dub.
刚刚好 谢谢 – 再见
Max. Thanks. – Bye.
成年组掷硬币是反面 因此他们将先回答
Adults won a coin toss backstage, so they get to pick first.
队长是 米姆
Team captain: Mim.
第一题 25分
First question, for 25.
This female author’s most famous work: O Pioneers!
是H- E- R
H- E- R
斯坦利 – 薇拉•卡瑟
Stanley? – Willa Cather.
薇拉•卡瑟 25分!
Willa Cather for 25.
作为著名的悲剧大♥师♥ 这位剧作家…
Best known for the tragedy- of- blood genre, this playwright…
斯坦利 – 托马斯•基德
Stanley. – Thomas Kyd.
Thomas Kyd.
This French playwright and actor joined the Bejart troupe of actors…
斯坦利 – 莫里哀
Stanley. – Moliere.
你得告诉我他的全名 斯坦利
Oh, I’m afraid I’m gonna need a full name, Stanley.
Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere.
What the fuck is this?
God damn. My little fucker. Ha- ha- ha!
I have no idea where he gets this shit. He’s a fucking genius, really.
《诱惑与征服》 我是查德
Seduce and Destroy. This is Chad.
Can I have your phone number?
是《诱惑与征服》么?- 是的 能告诉我你号♥码么?
ls this Seduce and Destroy? – Yes, it is. Can I have your phone number?
好 我不想要求什么 呃 你知道
Okay, I don’t want to order anything. Uh, you see….
我这里有点事情 非常棘手的一件事
I have a situation, uh, that’s just come up that’s really pretty serious…
我现在不知道该找谁 该怎么做
…and I don’t know who to talk to or what I should do…
不过也许你能帮我找到那人 我应该先解释一下 是吗?
…but maybe you could put me in touch with somebody if I explain myself?
我们这里只是受理订单的啊 先生
Uh, we’re really only equipped to take orders here, sir.
I mean, it’s just us with the phones, and that’s what we do, you know-
Okay, okay, okay. Could you connect me with somebody else, you think?
Well, what’s the situation?
好吧 听我讲
Okay, great, um….
我来解释一下整件事 才不会让你糊里糊涂
All right. Let me try to explain myself without it seeming crazy.
But here I go. I’m- No.
Uh, my name is Phil Parma…
…and I work for, uh, a man named Earl Partridge.
嗯 厄尔•帕特里奇先生
Uh, Mr. Earl Partridge.
我是他的护理 他病得非常重
I’m his nurse, and he’s a very sick man.
快要不行了 他已经非常虚弱了
He’s a dying man, and he’s sick…
…and he has asked me to help him.
To help him find his son.
喂?你还在吗?- 在 正在听
Hello? Are you there? Hello? – No, I’m here. I’m listening.
好 是这样
Okay. Um, you see…
Frank T.J. Mackey is Earl Partridge’s son.
So where are you from originally?
就是这里 – 就这一带么?
From around here. – Valley?
大概是好莱坞那边 – 你的父母是做什么的呢?
Well, Hollywood, mainly. – What did your parents do?
我的父亲在电视台工作 我的母亲…
Uh, my father- Well, he was in television. My mother…
说起来很尴尬 – 告诉我
This is going to sound silly to you. – Try me.
她是位图书馆管♥理♥员♥ – 怎么会觉得尴尬呢?
Uh, she was a librarian. – Why does that sound silly?
不知道 或许也不会啦
I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t.
你的母亲还在工作么?- 不 她已经退休了
Does your mother still work? – No, she’s retired.
你们关系好么?- 她是我的母亲啊
Are you close? – She’s my mother.
是啊 不过 她也是一位女性啊
Yes, but, uh, I mean, she’s a woman too…
我是说 她对你的《诱惑与征服》怎么看?
…so how does she feel about Seduce and Destroy?
I mean, what does she say?
好吧 她说 去做你的吧 亲爱的
Well, she says, uh, You go get them, honey.
Uh- huh. And what about your father?
我父亲 哦 很不幸 他已经去世了
Oh, my father. Unfortunately, he passed away.
非常抱歉 我无意的 – 不 没关系
Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea. – No, please.
I wouldn’t have brought that up if I had known.
这对你太残酷了 – 拜托
That’s a very hard thing. – Please.
没关系的 是的 很残酷 不过 听着
Yes, it is, but listen.
还是应该往前看 过去的终究已经过去了
I mean, you have to move forward. The past has its place.
已经很久以前的事了 生老病死 – 是
It was a long time ago, and people die. – Yeah.
Okay, let’s switch gears here. Um…
根据你书里写的 你毕业于伯克里大学是么?
According to your book, you ended up at UC Berkeley?
对 84年到89年
’84 to ’89.
心理专业 – 没错
Psychology major. – That’s right.
没完成硕士?- 嗯?哦
Get your masters? – Hmm? Oh.
差这么一点儿 – 噢
This close. – Wow.
在校园的五年生活非常难忘吧 – 伙计 来杯咖啡好么?
That’s impressive in five years. – Cap, can I have some coffee?
Can I get you anything?
不不不 我很好 谢谢 – 你确定?好吧
No, no, no, I’m good. Thank you. – You sure? Okay.
她要很好 我要咖啡 – 哈哈
She’s good. I need coffee. – Ha, ha.
东西还真不少啊 是吧?
Cats and dogs out there, huh?
Must have a lot going on for all that stuff back there, huh?
You could, uh…
Heh. You could have quite a party, all that stuff.
You been on Prozac long? Dexedrine?
我不… – 真厉害
I don’t…. – Interesting drugs.
Dexedrine’s basically speed in a pill, you know.
I guess a lot of the doctors are balancing out the Prozac with the Dexedrine, so….
That liquid morphine will knock you down, out…
毫无知觉 如果一旦使用不当的话
…around, up and down, someone’s not careful.
You can’t mix those up, you know.
强得吓死人啊 我说
Strong, strong stuff here, boy. Wow!
你到底有什么问题 竟然需要这些玩意儿?
What you have wrong, you need all this stuff?
畜牲! – 什么?
Motherfucker. – What?
你♥他♥妈♥的混♥蛋♥! – 你说什么?
Motherfucker. You fucking asshole. – What are you talking about?
你以为你♥他♥妈♥的是谁啊?- 我只是…
