What about Isaac? I mean, we can’t abandon him, you know?
除了纽约 任何其他地方 他都呆不下去 你知道的
He can’t function anywhere other than in New York. You know that.
Very Freudian.
You writing a book about our marriage?
Will you leave me alone?
你是不是在写我们分手的事? 快告诉我!
Are you writing something about our breakup? Just tell me.
We’ve said everything that needs to be said to each other.
I happen to know you are,
因为我有个朋友在”兰登书屋” 知道吗?
because I have a friend at Random House, okay?
-我愿意怎么写就可以怎么写 -是的 可那也会影响到我
-I’m free to do as I please. -Yeah, but this affects me.
-我有急事 -你会对所有人说出所有的事情 对吗?
-I’m in a rush. -You’re gonna tell everything, right?
我们的生活 我们的性生活 所有的细节 对吗?
Our life, our sexual life, all the details, right?
-你想干嘛? 你在监视我? -不 我不用监视你
-Do you spy on me? -No, I don’t have to spy.
I was at a party,
有个家伙说他 读了我老婆正在写的…
and a guy said he read an advance chapter…
一本书的初稿中的一章 说是绝对爆料
of a book that my wife was writing, and it was hot stuff.
他说那绝对爆料 我把杯中的酒都洒到了裤子上
He said it was hot stuff. I spilled wine on my pants.
-我不想和你讨论这个 -你不想和你讨论这个
-I don’t care to discuss it. -You don’t care to discuss it.
-威利怎么样? -不错
-How’s Willie? -Fine.
多给我说些细节啊 怎么个”不错”法?
Give me some details. What do you mean, “fine”?
我是说 他玩棒球吗? 他穿校服吗? 还是怎样?
Does he play baseball? Does he wear dresses? What?
He doesn’t wear dresses.
轮到你去看他的时候 你自然会知道所有的细节的
You’ll find out all the details when it’s your turn to see him.
嗨 别写这本书了 这太令人难堪了
Don’t write this book. It’s a humiliating experience.
It’s an honest account of our breakup.
天呐 每个人都会知道 我们所有的事情了
Jesus, everybody that knows us is gonna know everything.
瞧瞧你 你那么害怕
Look at you, you’re so threatened.
嘿 我没害怕 因为我又不是… 我们两个之中
I’m not threatened, because I… of the two of us…
我不是那个不道德的 变♥态♥的 滥交的那一位
I was not the immoral, psychotic, promiscuous one.
I hope I didn’t leave out anything.
你是说我是… 在和我之前你已经谈过三次恋爱啦?
Are you telling me that I’m… that you’ve had three affairs before me?
这太令人难以相信了 你知道 我彻底糊涂了
That’s really hard to believe. You know, it’s mind-boggling.
我在你这样的年纪 我还要我爷爷奶奶给我掖被子呢!
When I was your age, I was still being tucked in by my grandparents.
他们只是毛头小子 我是说 他们和你完全不一样
They were really immature boys. They were nothing like you.
是啊 你这是什么意思?
Yeah, what does that mean?
唔 我告诉过你… 我想我是爱上你了
Well, I told you before… I think I’m in love with you.
咳 别太投入了 好么?
Don’t get carried away, okay?
虽然这是件很棒的事 过去点
This is a terrific thing. Move over.
你知道 这很不错…
You know, and it’s a wonderful…
我们一起度过了一段美妙的时光 可是你还是个孩子啊
We’re having a great time and all that, but you’re a kid.
I never want you to forget that.
你知道 你在生活中 会碰到很多出色的男人…
You’re gonna meet a lot of terrific men in your life and…
你知道 我当然希望你欣赏我…
I want you to enjoy me…
我古怪的幽默感 我禀赋惊人的性♥技♥巧♥
my wry sense of humor and astonishing sexual technique.
可是你千万别忘了 你知道 在你面前你的人生才刚刚开始
But never forget that you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.
-你对我没有一点感觉吗? -你怎么能问出这样的问题?
-Don’t you have any feelings for me? -How can you ask that question?
我当然对你很有感觉 除了感觉没有别的…
Of course. I’ve got nothing but feelings for you…
可是 你知道 你不希望结识 和你年龄相仿的人吗?
but you don’t wanna get hung up with one person at your age.
他们英俊迷人 你知道 性趣盎然
It’s charming, you know, and erotic.
这点毫无疑问 只要警♥察♥不来打断我们 我们会…
No question about that. As long as the cops don’t burst in, we’re…
我想我们会打破 一系列的纪录的 你知道
I think we’re gonna break a couple of records, you know.
可是你不能… 你不能这样做
But you can’t… you can’t do it.
这样做… 是不对的
It’s not a good thing.
你应该把我当成 比如说
You should think of me, sort of,
在你人生的主干道之外 遛了一趟小弯
as a detour on the highway of life.
所以你赶紧穿好衣服 因为我想你应该离开这里了
So get dressed because I think you gotta get outta here.
-你不想让我留下来吗? -我不想让你养成这样的习惯
-Don’t you want me to stay over? -I don’t want you to get in the habit.
因为一开始 你知道
The first thing you know,
你留下 过个一夜 然后过个两夜
you stay over one night and then two nights…
然后 你知道 你就会住在这里了
and then, you know, you’re living here.
-是啊 那听上去也不坏啊 -不 这不是个太好的主意
-That doesn’t sound too bad. -No, it’s not such a great idea.
你不会喜欢的 相信我 我这人很难相处的
You won’t like it. Believe me. I’m tough to get along with.
明天 我们去”布里克街影院”
Tomorrow we’ll go to the Bleeker Street Cinema…
我带你去看维罗妮卡·莱克的电影 行吗?
and I’ll show you the Veronica Lake movie, okay?
好吧 维罗妮卡·莱克是
All right. Veronica Lake’s the pinup
with the red hair?
不 那是丽塔·海华斯 怎么每次你都稀里糊涂的?
No, that’s Rita Hayworth. Do we have to go over this all the time?
-丽塔什么? -丽塔·海华斯
-Rita who? -Rita Hayworth.
你是在逗我玩吗? 我没想到…
Are you joking with me? I never know.
Of course I’m joking.
Do you think I’m unaware of
any event pre-Paul McCartney or something?
-你看 我觉得这些照片很有意思 -是啊 我也觉得
-I find these photographs interesting. -Yeah, so do I.
-你用过我给你买♥♥的相机吗? -噢 用过 我一直在用
-Do you ever use the camera I got you? -Yeah, all the time.
-在我们的表演课上我拿来拍照 -是吗?
-I was taking pictures in drama class. -Were you?
很有意思 真的很不错
It’s fun. It’s really neat.
你说话的时候 你的声音很像 《猫和老鼠》卡♥通♥里的老鼠
You sound like the mouse in the Tom and Jerry cartoons when you talk.
-你别逗了! -不 我发现很像
-Are you kidding me? -No, I figured it out.
那像你的说话吧! 你的声音吱吱唔唔的
You should talk. You have a whiney voice.
你听起来和那老鼠的声音 一模一样 很有艺术感
You sound exactly like the mouse. It’s really an art.
我知道 我是个吱唔者…
I know I’m a whiner.
你怎么在这里? 你来了有多久了?
What are you doing here? How long have you been here?
-是啊 我们正聊到你呢! -太有趣了
-We were just talking about you. -That’s hilarious.
你这是… 你是跟在我们后面还是什么?
What’re you… You walking around behind us or what?
-你怎么样? -不错 很好 这太有意思了
-How are you? -Okay, good. That’s so funny.
你知道 我们正打算这个周末
We’re all gonna do that Shakespeare
in the Park thing this weekend.
-到时候看能不能去成 -会很有意思的
-See if we can go ahead and do that. -That would be fun.
噢 这是我朋友玛丽·威尔奇
This is my friend, Mary Wilke.
Isaac Davis and Tracy.
-你好! 你好! -很高兴认识你
-How do you do? How are you? -Nice to meet you.
-我也很高兴认识你 -你好!
-You too, you too. -Hello.
我们在楼下的”列奥·卡斯台利画廊” 刚看了摄影展览
We were downstairs at the Castelli Gallery, saw the photo exhibition.
-太出色了 绝对出色 -真的很不错
-Incredible, absolutely incredible. -It’s really good.
-真的吗? 你很喜欢? -楼下的那些照片?
-Really, you liked that? -The photographs downstairs?
很棒 绝对棒!
Great, absolutely great.
-你呢? -不 我真的觉得它们了无新意
-Did you? -I felt it was very derivative.
在我看来 那些照片就像是出于
To me, it looked like it was
戴安·阿布斯之手 却没有了她的机智
straight out of Diane Arbus, but none of the wit.
是吗? 你看相比起来 我们也更喜欢那座
Really? We didn’t like ’em as much as
有机玻璃的雕塑 这我承认
the Plexiglas sculpture.
是吗? 你喜欢那有机玻璃 哈?
Really? You liked the Plexiglas?
You didn’t like the Plexiglas sculpture either?
啊 有意思…
That’s interesting.
它比那个钢筋块好得太多了 你看过那个钢筋块吗?
It was a hell of a lot better than that steel cube. Did you see that?
-简直糟糕透了 -可是那在我看来非常出色 绝对出色!
-That was the worst. -That was absolutely brilliant to me.
-钢筋块绝对出色? -是的!
-The steel cube was brilliant? -Yes.
在我看来 它非常有构造感 你知道我的意思吗?
To me, it was very textural. You know what I mean?
它整合得非常完美 它有种绝妙的”消极感受力”
It was perfectly integrated. It had a marvelous kind of negative capability.
The rest of the stuff downstairs was bullshit.
You wanna go see the Sol LeWitts?
当然 一定很有意思 你想去看吗?
Sure, that’d be fun. Wanna see it?
He’s having an opening at the Modern.
I’m doing a piece on Sol for Insight.
你知道那份杂♥志♥吗? 你知道 是那些小杂♥志♥中的一种
Do you know that magazine? It’s one of those little magazines.
我是说 有那么多蠢蛋写的蠢文章
I mean, they’re such schmucks up there.
Really mired in ’30s radicalism.
你是做什么的 特蕾西?
What do you do, Tracy?
-我在上高中 -哦 真的吗?
-I go to high school. -Oh, really.
纳博科夫要躲在哪里窃笑了 你明白我的意思吧
Somewhere Nabokov is smiling, if you know what I mean.
我认为勒威茨名不副实 我认为把他归入老派一类还差不多
I think Lewitt’s overrated. I think he may be a candidate for the old academy.
Mary and I invented the Academy of the Overrated…
-没错… -为那些名人 比如…
-That’s right… -for such notables as…
古斯塔夫·马♥勒♥ 斯科特·菲茨杰拉德
Gustav Mahler, Scott Fitzgerald.
And Isaac Denison and Carl Jung.
Lenny Bruce.
我们不能把莱尼·布鲁斯漏了 对不对?
We can’t forget Lenny Bruce now, can we?
Norman Mailer and Walt Whitman…
这些人都很棒啊 每个你们提到的人
Those people are all terrific.
Who’s that great one you had last week?
不 不 不是我提的 是你提的
