Home 喜剧电影 曼哈顿(1979)



He’s not gonna be able to get
像以前那样坐个好位置了 你知道
as good a seat in the synagogue.
下一年 他得坐到后排去了 离上帝远了 离活动远了
This year he’s gonna be in the back, away from God, far from the action.
特蕾西怎么想的? 你跟她说过这事吗?
What about Tracy? Have you said anything to her?
你什么意思? 我决定要和她断了
What is it? I gotta get out of that situation.
她是个年轻的姑娘 我成了什么…
She’s a young girl. What am I…
我成了… 你知道 这太荒唐了
I’m… It’s ridiculous.
我想说 要是这一年过去之后
I mean, what happens if the year goes by
and my book doesn’t come out?
嘿 你的书会写出来的 你的书一定会写得很棒的
Your book is gonna come out. Your book is gonna be wonderful.
我是说 大不了 你也可以 了解一下你自己
At worst, you’re gonna learn something
看看你的潜力 对吗?
about yourself, right?
听着 你听着 我真的很为你骄傲
Listen, I’m really proud of you.
This is a very good move.
This is a wonderful turnout…
“现代艺术博物馆”非常感谢 大家一直以来的支持
and the Museum of Modern Art has been very generous.
“男女平权修正案”的力量 得到了充分的印证
And the proof of the strength of the Equal Rights Amendment…
因为你们当中有那么多人 以前从没戴过黑领结
is that so many of you who would never do it before…
put on a black tie tonight.
我们喜欢你们这样 我们需要你们 你们已经慷慨解囊
We love you for it. We need you, and you’ve come through.
好了 不多罗嗦了 祝各位过得愉快
Now, no more talk, enjoy yourselves.
-你怎么也在这儿? -见到你很高兴
-What are you doing here? -Nice to see you.
祝贺你的新书 我认为写得很棒
Congratulations on your book. I thought it was terrific.
-谢谢! -写得绝对棒
-Thanks. -Absolutely terrific.
-见到你真高兴 -认识一下我朋友 艾萨克·戴维斯
-Nice to see you. -Meet my friend, Isaac Davis.
-嗨 你好! -你好!
-Hi, how do you do? -How are you?
-艾萨克 你好! -嗨! 你怎么也在这儿?
-Isaac, hello. Hi. -What are you doing here?
唔 我在这儿 我当然得在这儿
Well, I’m here. Of course, I’m here.
真是巧得很啊! 我们以前见过 见过面
What a funny coincidence. We met before. We met.
We know one another.
-对不起打断你们了 -不 没事儿
-I’m sorry. -No, it’s all right.
I heard you quit your job.
是的 真是一时的冲动 自我毁灭啊
Yeah, real self-destructive impulse.
你知道 我想写一本书 所以…
I wanna write a book.
你们当中有没有人看到 纳粹要在新泽西游♥行♥的消息?
Has anybody read that Nazis are gonna march in New Jersey?
我是在报纸上读到的 我们应该也去那儿 多召集些人
I read this in the newspaper. We should go down there, get some guys together…
准备好砖头和棒球棒 好好地教训教训他们
get some bricks and baseball bats and really explain things to ’em.
There was this devastating satirical piece on
that on the Times op-ed page.
A satirical piece in the Times is one thing…
而砖头和棒球棒才能真正地 给他们点颜色瞧瞧
but bricks and baseball bats really gets right to the point down there.
可是能真正击中要害的讽刺文章 总是比诉诸蛮力要有效得多
But really biting satire is always better than physical force.
不 不 对付纳粹蛮力总是有效得多
Physical force is always better with Nazis…
因为你根本不可能讽刺一个 脚蹬闪亮皮靴的家伙
because it’s hard to satirize a guy with shiny boots on.
你太情绪化了 我知道
You get emotional, I know.
对不起 我们刚才谈论的话题是性高♥潮♥
We were talking about orgasms.
-噢 不 拜托 等一下 -真的吗? 对不起了
-No, please, wait. -Really? I’m sorry.
-等一下行吗? -我们是在谈论
-Give me a break. -We were.
我是从费城来的 我们从不在公众场合谈论这样的话题
I’m from Philadelphia. We don’t talk about that in public.
You said that the other day.
那时我就不明白 现在我还是他妈不明白
I didn’t know what it meant then, either.
我正打算导演一部电影 是我自己的本子
I’m just about to direct a film of my own script…
大致是说 有个家伙干起来特带劲…
and the premise is: This guys screws so great…
-干起来特带劲? -干起来特带劲
-Screws so great? -Screws so great…
当他给那女的带来高♥潮♥时 她爽到了极点 于是就死了
that when he brings a woman to orgasm, she’s so fulfilled that she dies.
可是刚才这一位 对不起 觉得这太恶毒了
Now this one… excuse me… finds this hostile.
恶毒? 天哪 岂止是恶毒 这简直是恶意的谋杀
Hostile? God, it’s worse than hostile. It’s aggressive-homicidal.
-她死了吗? -你得原谅丹尼斯
-She dies? -You have to forgive Dennis.
-他一出哈佛就去了贝弗莉山庄 -你是哈佛出来的?
-He’s Harvard direct to Beverly Hills. -Is that where you’re from?
他本应该成为西奥多·莱克 却受到了查尔斯·曼森的影响
It’s Theodor Reik with a touch of Charles Manson.
我最终有了高♥潮♥ 可我的医生跟我说那根本不对
I finally had an orgasm, and my doctor told me it was the wrong kind.
说你那根本不对? 真的吗?
Did you have the wrong kind?
我从来没有不对过 从来没有过
I’ve never had the wrong kind ever.
My worst one was right on the money.
-晚安 很高兴认识你 -我也很高兴
-Good night. It was nice to meet you. -Same here.
-再见 -再见
-Bye-bye. -Bye.
It’s an interesting group of people your friends are.
-我知道 -像是费里尼电影里的角色
-I know. -It’s like a cast of a Fellini movie.
他们很有意思 都是很不错的人
They’re such fun. They’re such wonderful people.
海伦是我很好的朋友 一个才华横溢女人 你知道
Helen is really a good friend. She’s a very brilliant woman, you know.
-是吗? -她的确是个天才
-Is she? -She’s really a genius.
I met her through my ex-husband, Jeremiah.
你们俩是因为什么离的婚? 我一直有点好奇…
How come you guys got divorced? That’s something I never…
我不明白你的意思 你什么意思? 我们为什么离的婚?
I don’t understand. What do you mean, how come we got divorced?
你这算什么问题? 我和你不算太熟吧
What kind of question is that? I hardly even know you at all.
不 要是你不愿意 你尽可以不说 我只是有点好奇
No, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t. I’m just curious.
我们之间存在很多问题 我们经常争吵
We had a lot of problems. We fought a lot.
我厌倦了将我的个性埋没于 一个非常杰出的 强势的男人
I was tired of submerging my identity to a very brilliant, dominating man.
-他是个天才 -他是个天才
-He’s a genius. -He was a genius…
海伦是个天才 丹尼斯是个天才
Helen’s a genius, and Dennis is a genius.
你看 你认识的天才可真不少啊
You know a lot of geniuses.
你偶尔也应该认识个把个愚蠢的人 这样你可以学点东西
You should meet some stupid people once in a while. You could learn something.
好的 那么你告诉我 你为什么离婚?
Okay, tell me, why’d you get a divorce?
为什么? 我离婚了是因为我的前妻
Why? I got a divorce because my ex-wife
离开我和另一个女人跑了 知道吗?
left me for another woman. Okay?
真的吗? 天呐 这一定对你打击巨大
Really? God, that must’ve been demoralizing.
唔 我不知道 我想面对这样的情况我还扛得住
Well, I don’t know. I thought I took it rather well under the circumstances.
I tried to run ’em both over with a car.
我想象不出来 我是说
I can’t imagine.
就你性方面而言 这简直是奇耻大辱
That’s incredible sexual humiliation.
It’s enough to turn you off of women.
I think it accounts for the little girl.
嘿 小女生有什么不对! 天哪
Hey, the little girl is fine. Jesus.
What’s with the little girl?
噢 当然 我了解的 相信我
Oh, sure, I understand, believe me.
她才十六岁 对你完全没有威胁
Sixteen years old, no possible threat.
啊哈 她十七岁了 马上要十八…
She’s 17. She’s gonna be eight…
有的时候 你的性格真让人受不了 玛丽
Sometimes you have a losing personality.
我只是比较诚实 你想怎么样? 我心里怎么想就会怎么说
I’m honest. What do you want? I say what’s on my mind.
要是你受不了 那么还是去你的吧
If you can’t take it, then fuck off.
不过我喜欢你的表达方式 非常精炼 但是很颓废
I like the way you express yourself too. It’s pithy, yet degenerate.
有很多人约你出去吗? 我想不会有
You get many dates? I don’t think so.
当然有 实际上 现在就约着
I do. Actually, now I do.
你不会相信的 我从来都不觉得自己很漂亮
You’ll never believe this, but I never thought I was very pretty.
噢 到底怎么才算是漂亮?
Oh, what is pretty anyway?
我讨厌变得漂亮 那都是非常主观的
I hate being pretty. It’s so subjective.
我是说 最聪明的男人一见到张
The brightest men just drop dead
漂亮的脸孔 也会立马犯晕
in front of a beautiful face.
一旦你爬上♥床♥去 给他们哪怕一丁点的暗示
The minute you climb into the sack, if you’re the least bit giving…
they’re so grateful.
-是啊 我就是这样的 你知道 -你有孩子吗?
-Yeah, I know I am, you know. -Do you have any kids?
我? 有 我有个儿子 此刻他正由两个女人抚养着
Me? Yeah. I got a kid who’s being raised by two women at the moment.
I think that works.
我在精神分♥析♥季刊上 读到过一份研究报告
I read a study in one of the psychoanalytic quarterlies.
你根本不需要男人 两位母亲绝对可以做得很好
You don’t need a male. Two mothers are absolutely fine.
我一直认为光一位母亲 就已经很让人够呛了
I always feel very few people survive one mother.
嗯 听着 我要去把我的狗牵出来
Well, listen, I gotta get my dog.
你能等一会儿吗? 我要遛一下
You wanna wait? I gotta walk it.
Are you in a rush or something?
不 没有 你有条什么样的狗?
No. Sure. What kind of dog you got?
最糟的狗 是达克斯矮脚猎犬
The worst. It’s a dachshund.
你知道 那是我的阳♥具♥替代物
It’s a penis substitute for me.
要是这样的话 我认为你应该养一条大丹麦犬
I would’ve thought then in your case, a Great Dane.
-这么说 你和耶尔是认真的还是怎么? -认真?
-So, are you serious with Yale or what? -Serious?
-你知道 他是个已婚男人 -那又怎样?
-Yeah. You know, I mean, he’s married. -So what?
我不知道 我想我不应该 再纠缠在里面了 哈?
I don’t know. I guess I should straighten my life out, huh?
Donny, my analyst, is always telling me…
-你喊你的心理医生唐尼? -是的 我叫他唐尼
-You call your analyst Donny? -Yeah, I call him Donny.
-你叫他唐尼 你的心理医生? -没错
-You call him Donny, your analyst? -Yes.