I call mine Dr. Chomsky.
是的 不然的话 他会拿戒尺打我的
Yeah, or he hits me with the ruler.
总之 唐尼跟我说 是我想要处于这样的境地
Anyway, Donny tells me that I get involved in these situations…
and that it’s deliberate.
特别是同我的前夫 杰里迈亚
Especially with my ex-husband, Jeremiah.
你知道 我是说 我以前是他的学生…
You know, I mean, I was his student and…
-真的吗? 你嫁给你老师啦? -是的 是的 当然
-Really? You married your teacher? -Yeah, yeah, of course.
这太… 这太…
That’s very…
他考试没让我过 我就爱上他了
He failed me, and I fell in love.
-有够绝! -我知道
-That’s perfect. -I know.
我和他上了床 他居然还是让我挂了
I was sleeping with him, and he had the nerve to give me an “F.”
-真的吗? -是的 真的
-Really? -Yeah, really.
别开玩笑 连补救的机会都没有? 直接让你挂了?
No kidding? Not even an incomplete? Just a straight “F.”
你知道 你的幽默感很强 真的很强
You know, you’ve got a good sense of humor. You actually do.
嘿 嘿 谢谢! 我不需要 你来告诉我这一点
Thanks. I don’t need you to tell me that.
你知道 我靠这个挣了不少钱 好多年了
I’ve been making good money off it for years…
直到我辞掉我的工作 想写这本书
till I quit my job to write this book.
现在 为此我感到很不安 你知道
Now, I’m very nervous about it, you know.
你想要… 噢 你没必要帮我付钱 真的
Do you wanna… Oh, you don’t have to pay for it.
噢 这没什么
That’s okay.
不 真的没必要 你想沿着河走走吗?
No, I’m serious. Let’s walk.
-你知道现在几点了吗? -你什么意思?
-You know what time it is now? -What do you mean?
如果我睡不足16小时 我会发疯的
If I don’t get at least 16 hours, I’m a basket case.
I’d like to hear about your book.
我真的想知道 你知道 我是个不错的编辑
I really would. I’m a good editor.
-是吗? -是的
-Yeah? -Uh-huh.
唔 我的书写的是 价值观的堕落 是关于…
My book is about decaying values. It’s about…
你看 是这样的 几年前
See, the thing is, years ago,
我写过一个短篇小说 讲我母亲的
I wrote a short story about my mother…
called “The Castrating Zionist.”
I wanna expand it into a novel.
-不错啊 -谈到我的书 我可以和你聊一个晚上
-That’s good. -I can talk about my book all night.
Isn’t it beautiful out?
是啊 真的非常之美 特别是当晨曦微露的时候
Yeah, it’s really so pretty when the light starts to come up.
是啊 我也很喜欢
I know, I love it.
这真是一座伟大的城市 我不管别人怎么认为
This is really a great city. I don’t care what anybody says.
它简直太… 它真是美得令人目眩 你知道
It’s just so… It’s really a knockout, you know?
I think I better head back.
我中午还有个约会 要和耶尔一起吃中饭
I have an appointment with Yale for lunch later on.
唔 嗨!
Mm, hi.
不 不 我醒了
No, I’m awake.
天呐 你在干… 你在干嘛? 现在才七点十五分
Jesus, what’re you doing? It’s 7:15.
哦 是吗?
Oh, yeah? Yeah.
是吗? 在博物馆碰到的?
You did, at the museum?
是啊 没错 她对女权运动比较热衷
Yeah, well, she’s very active in the feminist movement.
呃… 这么说你打算和特蕾西一起 去找房♥子看看?
So you’re gonna go apartment-hunting with Tracy?
是啊 好吧 你知道
Yeah, well, you know,
你一定能找到的 是艾萨克的电♥话♥
you should be able to find something. It’s Isaac.
对 我想你应该没什么问题
Yeah, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble.
是啊 你看 我知道你会…
Yeah, well, I knew you’d…
你看 如果你和她多处一段时间 就知道她是个出色的女人
See, she’s a terrific woman if you spent some time with her.
And you still feel the same way about her?
你对她仍然很着迷? 因为我有一阵子没听到你提起她了
You still feel hung up on her? You hadn’t mentioned it in a while.
所以我以为你… 是啊
So you… Yeah.
是啊 嗯哼 对 我知道
Right. I know.
她很不错 我知道 很不错
She’s great, I know.
所以 呃… 不 我今天一定得去找房♥子了
So, no, I gotta go apartment-hunting today.
I have to get something cheaper.
我不能继续住在现在的地方了 你知道 这太…
I can’t keep living, you know, where I do. It’s just…
-艾萨克很不错 是吗? -嗯 是啊
-Isaac’s terrific, isn’t he? -Mm, yeah.
-他说他和你在一起很开心 -他真的这么说的? 那就好
-He said he had a great time with you. -Did he really? That’s good.
真有意思 因为我一直以为 我在他旁边让他很不自在
That’s funny, ’cause I always think that he’s uncomfortable around me.
噢 怎么可能! 我好想你啊
Come on. I missed you so much.
-感觉太糟了 -噢 耶尔 这简直有点荒唐
-It’s terrible. -This is just ridiculous.
你结过婚 这… 你听我说
You’re married. It’s… Listen.
I’m beginning to sound like I’m one of those women.
太糟糕了 我一点也不喜欢
It sounds terrible. I hate it.
Why don’t I just move out?
不 噢 千万别 我可不想你这样做
No, I don’t want you to do that.
I don’t wanna break up a marriage.
再者说 我也不想纠缠得太深
Besides, I’m not looking for any big involvement here.
这简直… 我不知道… 疯了 都疯了
It’s just… I don’t… It’s crazy. It’s crazy.
你不在的时候 我也很想你
I think about you when you’re not around.
-你想让我怎么做? -没什么可做的 我不知道
-What do you want me to do? -Nothing. I don’t know.
我真的不知道 我只是… 我想我应该找个单身的男人
I really don’t know. I just… I guess I should see someone who’s not married.
-天呐 你太漂亮了 -噢 耶尔 别这样 住手!
-God, you are so beautiful. -Oh, Yale, stop it. Stop it.
我们这是在”布鲁明戴尔商店”里 有人会看见我们的
We’re in the middle of Bloomingdale’s, and somebody’s gonna see us.
噢 我跟你说过吗? 我可能要去采访博尔赫斯
Oh, did I tell you? I think I may have an interview with Borges.
我告诉过你 他上次来这儿时我们见过面
I told you that we met before when he was here.
He seems to feel very comfortable around me.
-我们找个地方亲热一下吧 -你什么意思? 现在可不行
-Let’s go somewhere and make love. -What do you mean? Not now.
现在不行 天呐 一小时后你还要去上写作课呢
Not now. Jesus. You’ve got a writing class in an hour.
你的学生会发现的 因为你会有…
Your students are gonna know. You’re gonna have this…
this big grin on your face.
我不想去你住的地方 因为我受不了那狗
And I don’t wanna go to your house ’cause I can’t stand the dog…
-为什么受不了? -还有电♥话♥ 老是响个不停
-Why can’t you? -and the telephone ringing all the time.
谢谢 你能不能就抱我一下呢?
Thank you. Can’t you just hold me?
Does your love for me always have to express itself sexually?
What about other values,
like warmth and spiritual contact?
你想去旅馆 对吗? 天呐 反正我太容易迁就你了
A hotel, right? Jesus, I’m a pushover anyway.
-嗨! 威利准备好了吗? -好了 进来吧
-Hi. Is Willie ready? -Yeah, come on in.
-他马上就下来 -你怎么样 艾克?
-He’ll be right down. -How you been, Ike?
-还行 你怎么样? -很不错
-Good. How you been? -I’ve been terrific.
-是吗? -是的 完成了不少工作
-Yeah? -Yeah, been getting lots of work done.
Things are going really well.
-你想要来点咖啡还是什么? -呃… 不用
-You want some coffee or something? -No.
How’s Willie doing?
威利很好 他开始显示出 某种真正的绘画才华了
Willie’s fine. He’s beginning to show some real talent in drawing.
是吗? 这他从哪儿获得的? 你不画画我也不画画
Yeah? Where does he get that? ‘Cause you and I don’t draw.
I draw.
对头! 可是你不大可能是他的生父吧
Yep, but there’s no way that you could be the actual father.
我们在想16号♥周末那天 你能不能来接威利
I’m hoping that you’ll take Willie the weekend of the 16th…
’cause Connie and I are thinking of going to Barbados.
我来问你一下 你仍然打算写
Let me ask you… Are you still gonna write that
那本无聊的书 是吗? 你是当真的?
stupid book? You serious?
我当然很当真 这是本诚实的书 你没必要觉得丢人
I’m very serious about it. It’s an honest book. Don’t be ashamed.
我能不能和你稍微谈一下? 对不起 就给我一分钟
Can I talk to you for a minute? Excuse me for a minute.
我来问你一下 有些事情我到现在也没弄明白
Let me ask you something. Here’s what I still don’t understand.
你要跑哪儿去? 每次我来这里 你都…
Where are you running? All the times I come over here…
我死活也不明白 你为什么会喜欢她而不是我?
I can’t understand how you prefer her to me.
-你不明白? -是的 对我来说是个谜
-You can’t understand that? -No, it’s a mystery to me.
You knew my history when we married.
是的 我知道 我的心理医生警告过我
Yeah, I know, my analyst warned me…
可你太漂亮了 我没听进去 我把心理医生也换了
but you were so beautiful that I got another analyst.
You think we can be ever just friends?
你想在书中把所有细节都和盘托出 对吗?
You putting in all the details?
没有 我不打算把你试图用车 轧死她的那部分写进去
No, I won’t dwell on the part where you tried to run her over with a car.
我试图用车轧死她? 你这是什么话?
I tried to run her over with a car? What are you talking about?
那天晚上已经很晚了 你知道我的驾驶技术不行
It was late at night. You know I don’t drive well.
天下着雨 黑漆抹乌
It was raining. It was dark.
还有 你在那小屋外面鬼鬼祟祟的 那又是在干嘛?
What were you doing, lurking around outside the cabin anyway?
我盯你们两个的梢 因为我知道出什么事了
I was spying on you guys ’cause I knew what was happening.
You were falling in love.
So you felt you had to run her over with a car?
我看上去是那种 想用车轧死别人的人吗?
Do I look like the type of person that would run someone over in a car?
-你知道我开得有多慢吗? -你是开得够慢
-You know how slowly I was going? -Not slowly enough…
