Home 喜剧电影 曼哈顿(1979)



that you didn’t rip the whole front porch of the cabin off.
带孩子出来 每次过来都这样 大吵一顿 真受不了
Get the kid. I can’t have this argument with you every time I come over.
-这太傻了 -你穿这件上衣很滑稽
-The stupidest thing. -You look funny in that jacket.
我知道 我希望找件粗布长袍穿穿 我疯了 是吗?
I know. I had hoped for something in a gabardine. It’s crazy, isn’t it?
-你想我吗? -想的 你想我吗?
-So, do you miss me? -Yeah. Do you miss me?
我当然想你 我爱你 这就是为什么我总是带你出来
Of course I miss you. I love you. That’s why I come get you all the time.
Why can’t we have frankfurters?
因为这是俄♥罗♥斯♥茶室 你只能吃到薄饼卷之类的
Because this is the Russian Tea Room. You wanna have a blintz or something.
而且熏肉肠会让你生癌 另外 你看见那边的两个女的没?
A frankfurter gives you cancer anyhow. Besides, did you see those two women?
They have very beautiful women that eat here.
你知道 我们可以好好表现
You know, we could do very well.
我想我们可以把她俩带走 要是你是个快手
We could’ve picked these two up.
I’m serious.
I think the brunette liked you.
哈喽 耶尔? 抱歉打电♥话♥给你
Hello, Yale? I’m sorry for calling.
不 没什么事
No, nothing’s wrong.
我… 唔 我不知道 我只是想 你知道
I’ve… Well, I don’t know. I just thought that it’s, you know…
今天是星期天 我想也许你可以出来一下
It’s Sunday out, and I thought maybe if you could get away…
we could go for a walk.
没错 你说过的 嗯 好的 我只是想试一下
That’s right. You mentioned that. It was just a shot.
是的 是的 好的 我不占用你时间了 好的
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I won’t keep you. Okay.
好的 再见
How you doing?
不 不 一点也没有 我没事正坐着
No, no, not at all. I was just sitting around…
looking through the magazine section.
不… 不 我没读那篇讲中国人 千人一面的文章
I didn’t read the piece on China’s faceless masses.
I was checking out the lingerie ads.
是的 那些我从不拉下的 它们真的都很性感
Yeah, I can never get past them. They’re really erotic.
You wanna go for a walk?
我不知道 我一定得出去一下 我闷在这里都快发狂了
I don’t know. I’ve gotta get out. I’m going stir-crazy here…
and Yale’s with Emily’s parents.
It’s such a beautiful Sunday.
快点啊 都闪电了 要下雨了!
Come on, it’s an electrical storm.
You wanna wind up in an ashtray?
-刚才天气多好啊 -是啊 好极了
-It was such a beautiful day out. -Yeah, wonderful.
天呐 我想我听到 “克莱斯勒大厦”被击中了
Jesus, I think I heard the Chrysler Building blow up.
-噢 不 我很害怕雷声 给你 -快点
-Oh, no, thunder scares me. Here. -Come on.
It’s not my favorite sound either.
噢 天哪! 你知道吗?
Oh, God! Do you know, every year…
每年在”中♥央♥公园”里 都有一两个人死于雷击
one or two people get killed during an electrical storm in Central Park?
是啊 我想先跑了 我们还是下个星期再聊吧
Yeah, why don’t I run up ahead and we’ll talk later in the week?
老天哪 我全身湿透了 太糟糕了
Jesus Christ, I’m soaking wet. This is awful.
你看上去好狼狈啊 你知道吗?
You look ridiculous. You know that?
下次你再想在星期天散步 你还是找别人吧
Next time you wanna take a Sunday walk, get somebody else.
我还没碰到过对一点点雨水 做出如此强烈反应的人
I’ve never seen anyone react so strongly to a little bit of rain.
不是雨水 是雷电 我可不想被闪电击中
It wasn’t the water. It was electricity. I don’t wanna get hit by lightning.
I’ll turn into one of those guys that
sells comic books near Bloomingdale’s.
-你看看我怎么样? 我狼狈吗? -让我看看
-Do you think I look terrible? -Let’s see.
-怎么样? 我看上去怎么样? -看不清楚
-How do I look? -Can’t see.
You should see your face.
你看上去不错 实际上 还蛮漂亮的
You look kinda nice actually. You’re sort of pretty.
-我真的有点生耶尔的气 -为什么?
-I’m really annoyed with Yale. -Why?
他今天应该是来陪我的 可他却脱不开身
He was supposed to see me today, and then he couldn’t.
我买♥♥了昨晚维瓦尔第音乐会的票 他自然也放了我的鸽子
I had tickets to this Vivaldi concert last night. He had to cancel on me.
-你知道 这是常事 当你跟一个… -我知道
-That’s what happens when you’re… -I know.
当你跟一个结了婚的男人 有了关系之后
When you’re having an affair with a married man.
-你这样说真是叫人很不爽 -嘿 我可没这么说
-What a terrible way to put it. -Hey, I didn’t put it that way.
我丈夫 不 我前夫有了婚外恋 可我从没…
My ex-husband was having an affair while we were married, and I never…
-真的吗? -真的 我了解到至少有一个
-Really? -Yeah, at least one that I know of.
I never mentioned anything
因为我觉得 从某种意义上来说 我也有不足
because I felt I was deficient in some way…
我在床上表现得不好 我也不够聪明
that I was bad in bed, or I wasn’t bright enough…
that I was physically unattractive.
可是我这么跟你说吧 说到底 他本身是个烂人
But I’ll tell you something. In the end, he was just a louse.
是啊 我知道 烂知识分子
Yeah, I know, an intellectual louse.
噢 天哪 以前我认为他那么才华横溢
Oh, God, was he brilliant.
我完全被他迷住了 而且在性方面 是他开♥发♥的我
I was so crazy about him. He really opened me up sexually.
什么都是他教的我 女人都觉得他难以抗拒
He taught me everything. Women found him devastating.
噢 你看 那个是土星
Look, there’s Saturn.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.
土星的卫星 你有几个可以叫出名字?
How many of Saturn’s satellites can you name?
听着 有米玛斯 泰坦 狄俄涅[土卫1 2 4 7]
There’s Mimas, Titan, Dione, Hyperion,
of course.
我一个都叫不上来 幸运的是 也从来没人问过我这个
I can’t name any of them. Fortunately, they never come up in conversation.
事实 我的手指尖都知道无数的事实
Facts. Yeah, I’ve got a million facts on my fingertips.
没错 但那些都和思考无关 对吗?
That’s right, and they don’t mean a think, right?
因为任何值得去探究的东西 都不能通过心智去理解
Because nothing worth knowing can be understood with the mind.
任何真正有价值的东西 必须通过其它通道进入你的身体
Everything really valuable has to enter you through a different opening…
原谅我打这样一个 有点令人恶心的比方
if you’ll forgive the disgusting imagery.
I really don’t agree at all.
人要是没有了 理性的思考 会变成什么样子?
Where would we be without rational thought?
你… 你太依赖于你的大脑了
You rely too much on your brain.
我… 我认为大脑 是被夸大得最厉害的器官了
The brain is the most overrated organ, I think.
我知道你的意思 你也许认为我太自以为聪明了
I know you. You probably think I’m too cerebral.
唔 是有那么一点 你知道 你是有那么一点聪明
Well, you are, you know, kinda on the brainy side.
我怎么看你有什么关系? 天知道你是怎么看我的啊
What’s the difference what I think about you? God knows what you think of me.
我认为你还不错 你开玩笑?
I think you’re fine. Are you kidding?
我是说 你是有点跟我作对的倾向
You have a little hostile tendency…
but I find that attractive.
哦 是吗? 好啊 我很高兴你这么想
Oh, yeah? Well, I’m glad you do.
这么说你认为我缺乏感情 是这样的吗?
So, you think I have no feelings, is that it?
嘿 你这是… 你太敏感了
Well, you, I… You’re so sensitive.
天哪 我从没那样说过
Jesus, I never said that.
我认为你… 我认为你很棒
I think you’re terrific.
真的 我认为 你知道 我只是…
Really, I think, you know, I just…
你有点缺乏安全感 我真的觉得你很好 真的
You’re very insecure. I really think you’re wonderful, really.
你觉得怎么样? 外面的雨会不会停了?
What do you think? It’s probably stopped raining out.
You wanna grab a bite or something like that?
今天晚上我约了人 我想可能不行了
I gotta see somebody this evening. I don’t know if it’s such a great idea.
是啊 好吧 那么下个星期 找个时间怎么样?
Right. Well, so what about some time next week?
我可以打电♥话♥给你 你什么时候有空呢?
I might give you a call. Do you have any free time?
我想我可能没什么空 你知道 因为…
I don’t think I’m gonna have any free time, you know, ’cause…
我想我可能不行 我要忙于写书了
I don’t think it’s such a great idea for me. I’m working on this book.
因为这很… 你知道 这很花我的精力
And it’s, you know, it takes a lot of my energy up.
好吧 好的
Okay, yeah.
你父母心情不错啊 我也被他们影响了
Well, your parents are in a good mood. I almost had a good time.
Who was that you called after dinner?
噢 是大卫·科恩 他想让我为那本
David Cohen. He wants me to review
the new book on Virginia Woolf.
他已经写了一个 你想不到吧?
He’s written another one, if you can believe it.
-你怎么啦? -我没怎么 你什么意思?
-Are you okay? -Yeah, I’m fine. What do you mean?
You seem sort of nervous.
得了 我没有 我很好 我倒正想问你 你怎么啦?
Nah, I’m not. I feel good. I was gonna ask you.
-不 我很好 -在饭桌上你看上去有点奇怪
-No, I’m okay. -You seemed strange at dinner.
唔 我还是在想孩子的事情
Well, I just… more thoughts about kids.
噢 拜托
Come on.
我说 我告诉科恩 我路过时去取一下书 可以吗?
Listen, I told Cohen I’d stop by and pick up the book. Is that okay?

嘿 里面人不算太多
Hey, it’s not too crowded.
是啊 对星期天来说不算太糟 我以为里面挤满了人
No, not too bad for Sunday. I thought it would be jammed.
So did I.
我很高兴今晚你能出来 你知道 因为我真的很想见到你
I’m glad you could get out tonight, ’cause I really did want to see you.
我喜欢你被无法抑制的欲望 所控制的样子
I like it when you get an uncontrollable urge.
是啊 我知道 这是我的最佳特征…
Yeah, I know, it’s my best feature…
my boyish impetuosity.
You look adorable.
你看 我得到了个去伦敦学习的机会
So, I have a chance to go to London and study…
with the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts.
真的吗? 这是什么时候的事?