I think I could be a good influence on her.
I think that under my personal vibrations…
她的生活会变得 怎么说呢 井然有序
I could put her life in some kind of good order.
是啊 那时你也是这样说吉尔的
That’s what you said about Jill,
你知道 在你亲自感应之下
and under your personal vibrations…
she went from bisexuality to homosexuality.
是的 可是死马当成活马医 我还是努力过一阵子的
Yeah, but I gave it the old college try there for a while.
-听着 你真的应该给她打电♥话♥ -别开玩笑
-Listen, you should call her up. -You’re kidding.
What’d she say about me?
She said that she likes you very much.
She thinks you’re smart.
-她认为你… 很有吸引力 -接着说 别停下来
-She thinks you’re attractive. -Keep going. Don’t stop.
-真的吗? 你别逗我! -真的
-Really? No kidding. -Yeah.
稻垣浩的《忠臣藏》 多弗岑科的《大地》
稻垣浩的《忠臣藏》 多弗岑科的《大地》
在我看来 W.C.·菲尔茨 拍过一部伟大的电影
To me, a great movie is with W.C. Fields.
我非常欣赏《大幻影》 它…
That’s what I like. Grand Illusion, that’s…
电视上每次重播我都会看 只要让我知道
I see that every time it’s on television, if I’m aware of it.
你这里有什么吃的没? 什么都没有 对吗?
What do you got to eat here? Nothing, right?
噢 天哪 这是什么? 你这里有个咸牛肉三明治
Oh, Jesus, what is this? You got a corned beef sandwich here…
是1951年做的 我猜是
from 1951 , I think.
-你看看这个 -我知道 我知道
-Look at this. -I know. I know.
听着 我没时间弄吃的
I don’t have time to cook.
Corned beef should not be blue.
噢 真太可怕了
Ooh, it’s really terrible.
-嘿! -什么?
-Hey. -What?
Come here.
-你这是干嘛? -我这是干嘛?
-What are you doing? -What am I doing?
这你还用问吗 我在干嘛? 我在亲吻你的红唇
You have to ask what I’m doing? I was kissing you flush on the mouth.
我… 天呐 我无法理顺我现在的生活
I cannot get my life in any kind of order.
It’s something I wanted to do for the longest time, and…
-是啊 我知道 -你知道?
-Yeah, I know. -Do you?
因为我想我一直藏掖着 试着若无其事地装酷
I thought I was hiding it. I was trying to be cool and casual.
我认为那天在天文馆里 你想吻我来着
I thought you wanted to kiss me that day at the planetarium.
是的 我是这么认为的
Yeah, I thought so.
可是那时你还和耶尔好着 所以打死我也不会…
But you were going out with Yale then, and I’d never in a million years…
interfere in anything like that.
-那时你希望我吻你吗? -我也不知道我希望什么
-Did you want me to kiss you then? -I don’t know what I wanted.
I was so angry at Yale that day.
可是那天你好性感 你知道 雨水把你浇个通透
But you were so sexy. You were soaking wet from the rain…
我当时就有种疯狂的冲动 想把你按倒在月球表面
and I had a mad impulse to throw you down on the lunar surface…
and commit interstellar perversion with you.
我不能刚结束一段关系 马上又来一段
I can’t go from relationship to relationship.
这毫无意义 我不能这样
It’s senseless. I can’t do it.
那么 你仍然放不下耶尔? 是因为这个问题吗?
Well, are you still hung up on Yale? Is that the problem?
我有太多的问题 我只是真的…
I’ve got too many problems. I’m just really…
我不适合与人交往 我是个麻烦
I’m not the person to get involved with. I’m trouble.
嘿 亲爱的 我的中间名就叫”麻烦”
Honey, trouble is my middle name.
-是的 -你说什么啊?
-It is. -What are you saying?
实际上 我的中间名叫莫蒂默 可是我…
Actually, my middle name is Mortimer, but I…
I’m kidding.
我的问题是男人的那玩意儿 既吸引我又让我感到厌恶
My problem is I’m both attracted and repelled by the male organ.
所以 你知道 我总是把握不好 和男人之间的关系
So it doesn’t make for very good relationships with men.
你怎么样? 你和女人之间的关系怎么样?
What about your relationships with women?
你从来没告诉过我 你第一个妻子的事
You never really told me much about your first wife.
My first wife was a kindergarten teacher.
她赖上了药物 就搬到旧金山去了
She got into drugs. She moved to San Francisco…
参加了”埃哈德研讨训练班” 变得整天恍恍惚惚的
and went into EST, became a Moony.
She’s with the William Morris Agency now.
Do you like that?
这一件 我认为有种 奇异的个性 你知道
This, I think, has a wonderful otherness to it, you know.
It’s kind of got a marvelous negative capability
赋予了某种奇妙的能量 你看呢?
a kind of wonderful energy to it, don’t you think?
我认为那酒非常棒 你说呢?
I thought that wine was wonderful. Didn’t you think?
都让我上脸了 又红又热
It just made my face all flushed and hot.
你看上去太美了 我都没法专心看仪表盘了
You look so beautiful, I can hardly keep my eyes on the meter.
-去那儿花了14块 -我知道 不过那餐馆真是不错
-It’s 14 bucks to go there. -I know, but it was a great restaurant.
-你不喜欢吗? -喜欢 我爱吃海鲜
-Didn’t you love it? -Yeah, I love seafood.
当然 我喝醉了 我不知道你能不能看出来
Of course, I’m drunk. I don’t know if you can tell or not.
你知道吗? 这是我第一次喝到 来自华沙的基安蒂红酒
That was the only time in my life I ever had Chianti from Warsaw.
-吻我一下 -好的
-Give me a kiss. -Okay.
What are you thinking?
I was just thinking there must be something wrong with me…
because I’ve never had a relationship with a woman…
从来没超过过希♥特♥勒♥和 伊娃·布劳恩的关系
that’s lasted longer than the one between Hitler and Eva Braun.
I think you’re still drunk.
这很棒 这…
It’s great. It’s…
我不会吹口琴 可这口琴真让人…
I don’t play the harmonica, but it’s an incredible…
harmonica is what it is.
你说你想学的 我想发掘一下你那方面的才能
You said you wanted to learn. I’m trying to open up that side of you.
特蕾西 你这是将你极其大量的
You’re throwing away an enormous amount
of real affection on the wrong person.
That’s not wrong for me.
听着 我认为…
Listen, I don’t…
I don’t think we should keep seeing each other.
Why not?
因为我认为你越来越粘上我了 你知道
Because I think you’re getting too hung up on me.
“粘上我了” 我说话的口气 也开始有点像你了
“Hung up on me.” I’m starting to sound like you when I talk.
我没有粘上你 我是爱上你了
I’m not hung up on you. I’m in love with you.
你不可以爱上我 我们已经讨论过这个
You can’t be in love with me. We’ve been over this.
你还是个孩子 你不知道爱的含义
You’re a kid. You don’t know what love means.
我也不知道爱的含义 没人知道爱是怎么回事
I don’t know what it means. Nobody knows what the hell’s going on.
我们在一起很开心 我很关心你
We have laughs together. I care about you.
你关心的也是我关心的 我们在床上很和谐
Your concerns are my concerns. We have great sex.
But you’re 17 years old.
等你到了二十一岁 你会交上十几个男朋友
By the time you’re 21 , you’ll have a dozen relationships…
相信我 会比现在这个有激♥情♥得多
believe me, far more passionate than this one.
Well, don’t you love me?
The truth is that I love somebody else.
You do?
嘿 别这样 好么? 我们… 你…
Hey, come on. Will you? We… You…
我们之间本来就只是一种 暂时的倾慕 这你知道的
This was supposed to be a temporary fling. You know that.
You met someone?
Don’t stare at me with those big eyes.
You look like one of those barefoot kids
from Bolivia who needs parents.
Have you been seeing someone?
没有 是的 年纪比你大
No. Yes. Someone older.
你知道 没… 没有我这么大
You know, not as old as I am…
but in the same general ball park as me.
天 现在我感觉真不太好
Gee, now I don’t feel so good.
这样不对 你知道 你不应该和我…
It’s not right. You shouldn’t get hung…
我是说 你应该过得更加开放
You should open up your life.
你应该认识… 你知道 你必须那样
You should see… You’ve got to.
You keep stating it like it’s to my advantage…
when it’s you that wants to get out of it.
嘿 别显得这么早熟 行吗?
Hey, don’t be so precocious, okay?
我是说别那么聪明 我四十二了 我的头发开始脱了
Don’t be so smart. I’m 42 years old. My hair’s falling out.
我右耳的听力也开始下降了 这就是你想要的吗?
I’m starting to lose some hearing in my right ear. Is that what you want?
I can’t believe that you met somebody that you like better than me.
我为什么要为此内疚啊? 这太没道理了嘛
Why should I feel guilty about this? This is ridiculous.
我不是一直鼓励你出去结识 和你年龄相仿的男孩吗?
I’ve always encouraged you to go out with guys more your own age…
kids from your class.
比利 毕夫 斯库特啊什么的
Billy and Biff and Scooter, you know.
Little Tommy or Terry.
嘿 别这样 别哭
Come on. Don’t cry.
Don’t cry.
别这样 别哭
Come on. Don’t cry.
特蕾西 别… 行了 别哭了 特蕾西
Tracy, don’t… Come on. Don’t cry.
Just leave me alone.
-别这样 别… -别来烦我!
-Come on. Don’t… -Leave me alone.
