没了 全没了
Robbed! Cleaned out!
Nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven dollars.
正如我在电♥话♥里 告诉你的一样
Precisely as I told you over the telephone.
And that girl did it. Marion Holland!
就是那个女孩 玛丽安·霍恩
That’s the girl. Marion Holland!
你可以描述一下她吗 斯特拉特先生 当然可以
– Can you describe her, Mr Strutt? – Certainly I can.
5尺5寸高 重110磅
Five feet five. A hundred and ten pounds.
Size eight dress.
蓝眼 黑色的 卷发
Blue eyes. Black, wavy hair.
容貌匀称 漂亮的牙齿
Even features. Good teeth.
What’s so damn funny?
There ‘s been a grand larceny committed on these premises!
是的 先生 你是说黑色的
Yes, sir. You were saying, ah, black hair,
卷发 容貌匀称 漂亮的牙齿
wavy, even features, good teeth.
-她在这里工作四个月了 -是的
– She was in your employ 4 months? – Mmm.
她有什么推荐书吗 先生
What were her references, sir?
呃 事实上
Well, as a matter of fact –
是的 我确定 她有推荐书的
Yes, uh, she had references, I ‘m sure.
噢 斯特拉特先生 你忘记了吗
Oh, Mr Strutt, don’t you remember?
She didn’t have any references at all.
Well, she worked the copying and adding machines.
No confidential duties.
Mr Rutland.
I didn’t know you were in town.
被盗了 将近1♥0♥0♥0♥0♥美元
Just had a robbery. Almost $1 0,000.
所以我推断是那个 没有推荐书的美女偷的
So I gathered. By a pretty girl with no references.
你记得她 上次你来这里时 我指给你看的那个
You remember her. I pointed her out to you last time you were here.
你还说我怎么提高 这里的品味什么的
You said something about how I was improving the looks of the place.
噢 那个啊 那个长腿美女啊
Oh, that one! The brunette with the legs.
失陪一下 拉特兰先生是客户
Excuse me. Mr Rutland’s a client.
我想你今天没有时间谈生意 斯特拉特先生
I don’t think you’ve got time to discuss business today, Mr Strutt,
what with your crime wave on your hands.
噢 我的时间都是跟 拉特兰先生你谈生意的
Oh, no, no. Always time for Rutland business. You know that.
费城那边的事情 办得怎样
How are things in Philadelphia?
那婊♥子♥ 我会追查你20年的
The little witch! I’ll have her put away for 20 years!
我觉得她太完美了 所以不真实
I knew she was too good to be true.
总是希望加班 从来不出错
Always so eager to work overtime, never made a mistake.
Always pulling her skirt down over her knees
as though they were a national treasure.
她看起来如此的美好 如此的能干
She seemed so nice, so efficient.
如此的 聪明
– So – Resourceful?
维明顿 巴尔的摩 华盛顿
Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington,
理查孟特 彼得堡 洛杉机
Richmond, Petersburg, Rocky Mount,
维尔逊 菲冶特 佛罗伦萨
Wilson, Fayetteville, Florence,
查理斯顿 大草原 杰克逊
Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville,
迈阿密 坦帕 圣彼得堡
Miami, Tampa, St Petersburg.
你好 梅特兰夫人
Hello, Mrs Maitland.
噢 很高兴你回来了 艾德格小姐
Oh, so nice to have you back, Miss Edgar.
给你同样的房♥间 谢谢 梅特兰夫人
– We put you in your same room. – Thank you, Mrs Maitland.
有人现在可以开车送我到 伽洛德那里吗 有
Can someone drive me over to Garrod’s right away?
随时为你准备 我换好衣服就可以
– Of course. Anytime you’re ready. – Soon as I change.
你好吗 艾德格小姐 好高兴你回来了 你好 伽洛德先生
How do, Miss Edgar? Good to have you back.
啊 亲爱的
Hello, Mr Garrod.
你那宠坏了的大家伙 知道你要来了
Ah, there’s my darling!
就今天早上 就想咬我两次了
That big spoiled baby of yours knew something was up.
弗丽欧 如果你想咬人的话 就咬我好了
Forio, if you want to bite somebody, bite me.
噢 是你啊 我妈妈在哪
Oh, it’s you. Where’s my mother?
她在弄核桃馅饼 给我做的
She’s makin’ a pecan pie… for me!
That figures.
杰希 是谁啊
Who is it, Jessie?
-你好 妈妈 -我只是闲着 玛尔尼
– Hello, Mama. – Well, I just swan. Marnie!
If you’re not the very limit.
I can’t take in the way you jump all over the place like you do.
波斯顿 麻萨诸塞州 伊丽莎白 新泽西
Boston, Massachusetts. Elizabeth, New Jersey.
I brought you some chrysanthemums.
那些剑兰很新鲜 柯顿小姐昨晚拿给我的
Those gladiolas are brand fresh. Miss Cotton brought ’em last night.
我不能忍♥受剑兰 我要丢了它们
I never could stand gladiolas. I ‘ ll get rid of these.
拜托 玛尔尼 看看那水滴
For land’s sake – Marnie, now watch the dripping.
杰希卡 拿回家给你妈妈好吗
Here, Jessica, why don’t you take these home to your mother?
She don’t get home from work till 6::00.
I’m supposed to stay here till 6::00.
把它们拿到厨房♥里 不然我丢了它们
Take them to the kitchen then. Just get rid of them.
在它们滴水前 把它们拿到厨房♥去
Take ’em to the kitchen before they drip all over.
We could stand gladiolas!
我给您寄了很多钱 你不需要做保姆
I send you plenty of money. You don’t have to be a baby-sitter.
谁说我被迫的 我喜欢做
Whoever said I did have to? It’s my pleasure.
That smart little ol’ Jessie.
玛尔尼 如果你可以 听听她说的话
Marnie, if you could just hear some of the things that she says.
噢 我有听啊
Oh, but I do.
Seems I get a report in exhaustive detail
on all the bright sayings of ol’ Jessie Cotton.
而且 每一次我回家来时 她都在这里
What’s more, every time I come home, she’s roosting here.
我看看 你染头发了 玛尔尼
I see that you’ve lighted up your hair, Marnie.
-有点 怎么了 你不喜欢吗 -不喜欢
– A little. Why? Don’t you like it? – No.
太金黄的头发看起来 就像是在勾引男人
Too-blonde hair always looks like a woman’s tryin’ to attract the man.
Men and a good name don’t go together.
我给您买♥♥了一些东西 妈妈
I brought you something, Mama.
Now what have you thrown good money away on?
噢 玛尔尼
Oh, Marnie.
你不应该这样把钱 都花在我身上
You shouldn’t spend all your money on me like you do.
But that’s what money’s for: to spend.
正如圣经里说的 钱能买♥♥到任何东西
Like the Bible says, “Money answereth all things.”
我们不谈论圣经 在这间房♥子里 小姑娘
We don’t talk smart about the Bible in this house, missy!
我只是无聊 我要怎样穿上
Well, I just swan! How do I wear it?
像这样 高高地围在下巴底下
Like this. Real high up under the chin.
噢 真好看 真的很好看
Oh, it’s smart, it’s very, very smart.
去买♥♥皮草就像它们 不用钱那样
Goin’ around buyin’ fur pieces like they was nothin’.
Mr Pemberton gave me another raise.
我告诉柯顿小姐说 我女儿是私人秘书
I told Miss Cotton my daughter is private
secretary to a millionaire.
他对她很好 好像她是他女儿那样
He’s as generous with her as if she was his very own daughter.
伯妮斯小姐 你可以帮我梳头
Miss Bernice, don’t you want to get my hair brushed up
在我妈妈回家之前 当然可以 宝贝
– before my mommy gets home? – I sure do, honey.
You run up and get the brush.
噢 那小孩跟她的头发
Oh, that kid and her hair.
让我想起你小时候的事情 那颜色
Puts me in mind of yours when you was little. The colour.
下午的阳光照射不到 街道的这边
This side of the street don’t get the afternoon sun.
My hip and my leg ache me somethin’ awful.
I got the hairbrush!
呃 玛尔尼 起来一下
Uh, Marnie, mind my leg.
我从来没有时间 打理过玛尔尼的头发
I never had time to take care of Marnie ‘s hair
when she was a little kid like you.
-怎样 -噢 孩子
– How come? – Oh, child!
Well, after I had my bad accident,
第一次病那么久 然后要去工作
first I was sick so long, and then I had to work.
Didn’t you all have a daddy either?
没有 我们没有
No, we didn’t. We surely did not!
As pretty as brushin’ can make you.
噢 甜心 已经6点过5分了 你最好赶回家
Oh, sugarpop, it’s five after 6:00. You better scat on home.
你要拿那些剑兰回去 给你妈妈
And you be sure to take your mama those glads.
那我的馅饼呢 我的核桃馅饼呢
How ‘ bout my pie? How ‘ bout my pecan pie?
I ‘ ll get it done tonight and bring it over to you.
杰希 现在你就 直椄回家去吧
Now, Jessie, you mind you go straight home.
好的 再见 伯妮斯小姐 再见 伯妮斯小姐
OK. Bye, Miss Bernice. See you later, Miss Bernice.
你真的喜欢这围巾吗 妈妈
Do you really like the scarf, Mama?
It’s real mink.
噢 这样 你看起来就像一个贵妇人
Oh, there. You look just like an old man’s darling.
没有一个男人曾经给过我 这样好的东西

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
