印度 底特律 伊丽莎白 新泽西 纽约
Buffalo, Detroit, Elizabeth, New Jersey and New York.
Well, in New York and Philadelphia,
我是可怜的马克拉特兰 为了一个女孩伤脑筋
I ‘ ll be poor old Mark Rutland who lost his head over a pretty girl.
另外我只是法律 跟事实的附加物
In the others I’m just an accessory after the fact and equally liable under the law.
那么让我走 他们 不会责怪你的 因为你不知道
Well, then let me go! They can’t blame you because you didn’t know!
在你发现前我就逃走了 让我离开
After you found out, I ran away. Just let me go!
如果我现在让你走 那么所以事就不能隐瞒了
If I let you run out now, nothing could keep the lid on it.
他们知道你的真名 他们会保留你的档案的
They’ve got your real name. They’ll work up a complete dossier on you.
当他们最后抓住你时 他们会抓住你的
When they finally catch you, and they will catch you,
they’ll throw the New York City Library at you.
But, suppose we don’t lose our heads?
我们要对抗的是斯特拉特的 大嘴巴 我们还有时间
All we’ve got to fight is Strutt’s big mouth. That gives us time.
坐下来 听我说 我们可以做两件事中的一件
Sit down. Listen. We can do one of two things.
我们雇佣一位 律师和精神病医生
We can hire a lawyer and a psychiatrist,
立刻自愿招供 做出赔偿
and make an immediate voluntary confession and an offer of restitution.
That’ll make the whole thing public.
但是机会很好 你可以得到延缓的判决
But the chances are very good that you’ ll get a suspended sentence.
Now the alternative.
我们可以私自 拜访你偷窃的地方
We can go together and make private calls on all the places you’ve robbed.
你要表达深深的歉意跟 悔意
You’ll express deep sorrow and repentance,
真诚跟 悔悟
sincere and vocal contrition. And while you sob,
当你哭泣时我会给他们 被偷的相同面额的支票
I show a check for the amount stolen.
放到他们的手中 作为一个 疯狂的丈夫叫他们
Press it into their hands
and ask as a special favour to a distraught husband,
但是如果他们其中一个说 谢谢 我会拿钱的 但是我不会撤销控诉
to withdraw the charge. But if one of them says,
then we ‘ve had it.
After that it’s an open court case, and very probable sentence.
另一方面 我们 可能好运气可以赢呢
On the other hand, with a bit of luck we might pull it off.
Think it over.
-很晚了 你最好去睡觉 -你要去狩猎
– It’s late. You better get some sleep. – You gotta be up for the hunt.
-你不会希望我去狩猎的 -不 我希望你去
You don’t expect me to ride in the hunt!
一方面我想在斯特拉特 来到这里时你不在
For one thing, I want you out of the house when Strutt comes here.
另一方面我不想 让莉看到你的胆小
For another, I don’t want to give Lil the satisfaction
玛尔尼 今晚打开门
And, Marnie, tonight the door stays open.
枪 给我一支枪 我的马在尖叫
A gun! Give me a gun! My horse is screaming!
-给我一支枪 -你想射杀你的马
– Get me a gun! – You want to shoot your horse?
嘿 等一下
Hey, wait a minute!
我不会给你枪的 我的主人不在家 我不想他
I can’t give you a gun, my mister isn’t home. I don’t know what he’d –
You must be crazy!
Mrs Turpin!
梅华琳小姐 这位夫人 哭着要求我给她一支枪
Miss Mainwaring, this woman comes tearing in here
告诉这笨蛋给我一支枪 弗丽欧受伤了
Tell this fool to give me a gun. Forio ‘s hurt!
-玛尔尼 等一下 我打电♥话♥ 叫兽医来-兽医没有用的
Marnie, wait. I ‘ ll call a vet. There’s nothing a vet can do.
我们这里没有电♥话♥ 梅华琳小姐
We don’t have a phone anyway, Miss Mainwaring.
如果这马伤得太严重的话 我会给她杰克的手♥枪♥
If the horse is hurt bad, I could give her Jack’s pistol.
快点 噢 快点 它在受苦
Hurry. Oh, hurry, please. He’s suffering.
Go get the gun!
我来吧 玛尔尼 你在这里等着
I’ll do it, Marnie. You wait here.
Are you still in the mood for killing?
别这样 玛尔尼
Please, Marnie!
Stay out of my way!
玛尔尼 别这样
Marnie, please!
如果你不想我这样做 那么让我回去叫一个人来
If you don’t want me to do it, then let me go back for one of the men.
There now.
所以你明白 斯特拉特先生 多不利
So you can see, Mr Strutt, how very disadvantageous,
any action on your part would be for everyone.
对我 那是当然的
For me, certainly.
对那个病了的女孩 对你自己
For a sick girl… and for you.
是的 我确信这是流行的观点 拉特兰先生
Yes, I ‘m sure that’s the fashionable attitude, Mr Rutland.
But just wait until you’ve been victimised.
试着从生意角度 来看这情形吧
Try to look at the situation from a business point of view.
We ‘ve been business friends for a number of years now.
I want you to apply them all for my benefit.

噢 对不起
Oh, sorry.
是的 莉 怎么了
Yes, Lil, what is it?
好 我明白了 我要挂电♥话♥了
Yes, I understand. I ‘m hanging up now.
对不起 狩猎场 那里出现麻烦了
You’ ll have to forgive me, I ‘ve had a bit of trouble at the hunt.
我可能明天再跟你谈 对不起我要出去了
I’ll talk to you again, possibly tomorrow. I’m sorry to run out.
我带你回家 玛尔尼
I’ll take you home, Marnie.
没事了 亲爱的
It’s alright, darling.
你只是累坏了 别惊慌
You’re just exhausted. Now, don’t panic.
我跟斯特拉特谈了 我想我可以说服他的
I’ve spoken to Strutt. I think I’ll be able to talk him around.
I’ll just put this away.
继续 你想要钱
Go on. You want the money.
你想要钱 否则 你不会拿钥匙的 不是吗
You wanted the money, or you wouldn’t have taken my keys, would you?
你拿了钥匙 现在拿钱吧 我说拿钱吧
You took the keys, now take the money! I said take it!
我的就属于你 它是你的
What’s mine belongs to you. It’s yours!
You’re not stealing.
你想要钱 拿去 我说拿去
You want the money, take it. I said take it!
玛尔尼 现在我们去巴尔的摩 看你妈妈
Marnie, now we’re going to Baltimore to see your mother.
-不要 -要
– No! – Yes.

Come on.
我知道你要逃走 你想要钱
So, I knew you’d run away, and you’d want money.
我一分钟都不用就发现 抽屉里的钥匙不见了
It didn’t take me a minute to find out the office drawer key was gone.
如果你把我的事告诉我妈妈 我会杀了你
If you tell my mother about me, I’ll kill you.
If you mean about the robberies,
I’ve no intention of telling her anything.
It’s your mother who’s going to do the talking.
玛尔尼 来
Marnie, come on.
-不 -来
– No! – Come on.
-没事了 玛尔尼 你进来了 -怎么
– It’s alright, Marnie. You’re inside. – What in the wide world –
对不起这样撞进来 艾德格夫人
I’m sorry to crash in on you like this, Mrs Edgar.
我猜你知道 玛尔尼害怕暴风雨
I guess you know how Marnie feels about storms.
-玛尔尼 不要再傻了 -对不起
Marnie, stop acting like such a ninny.
你是谁 先生 你不是潘德顿先生
Who are you, mister? You’re not Mr Pendleton.
不 我不是 潘德顿先生是谁
No, I ‘m not. Who ‘s Mr Pendleton?
那么你跟我的 玛尔尼是什么关系
Then what have you got to do with my Marnie?
我是马克拉特兰 玛尔尼丈夫 艾德格夫人
I’m Mark Rutland, Marnie’s husband, Mrs Edgar.
Marnie hasn’t been very well.
-我不认为自从你的事故后 她会过得很好 -我的什么
– I don’t believe she ‘s been well since your accident. – My what?
I think you’ve always called it “your accident.”
What do you think you’ re talking about?
这样进来我家 谈论我的事故
Comin’ into my house like this, talking about my accident!
你没有娶玛尔尼 我不相信你
You’re not married to Marnie. I don’t believe you.
-玛尔尼 -你女儿需要帮助 艾德格夫人
– Marnie? – Your daughter needs help, Mrs Edgar.
你要告诉她真♥相♥ 她对那天 晚上发生的事情没有记忆
You’ve got to tell her the truth. She has no memory of what happened that night.
她需要记起所有事 你必须帮助她
And she needs to remember everything! You must help her.
先生 你一定是疯了
Mister, you must be plumb crazy.
如果你不告诉她 我来 我知道所有的事情
If you won’t tell her, I will. I know everything that happened.
-我会告诉她整个故事 -噢 不 你不能
– I’ll tell her the whole story. – Oh, no you won’t,
因为你不知道整个故事 除了我没有人知道了
because you don’t know the whole story, and nobody does but me!
噢 因为你是这样的有才能 艾德格夫人
Oh. Well, since you’re so very knowledgeable, Mrs Edgar,
do you also know that your daughter,
你漂亮的 年轻的女儿
your beautiful, young daughter,
不能忍♥受男人触摸她吧 任何一个男人
cannot stand to have a man touch her? Any man?
她不知道为什么 但是你知道
She doesn’t know why, but you do.
难道你不觉得你应该 帮她明白发生什么事
Don’t you think you owe it to her to help her to understand what happened
-让她变成这样 -她发生什么事吗
– to make her like this? – What matters what made her?
这样是她的运气 完全是运气
She’s lucky to feel like that! Just plain lucky!
那真有趣 艾德格夫人
That’s very interesting, Mrs Edgar.
但是我有一个 调查员在这里工作
But I’ve had an investigator working here.
我看过抄本了 嗯
I ‘ve read the transcript. Hm?
The records of your trial for murder.
In the records it states quite plainly
that you made your living from the touch of men.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
