I get the feeling little ol’ Lil plans to stay on… permanently.
无论如何 正如我所说的 老拉特兰先生 是马克的父亲
Anyway, like I was saying, old Mr Rutland – that’s Mark’s father –
they say he’s never even been inside this place.
当马克椄手时 公♥司♥不是很好
The company was headed into the ground when Mark took over.
他们说第一个星期 他就退休了 哈 退休了
They say the first week he was here he retired… ha, retired,
这里有三个主要成员 代理总裁 总裁秘书 助理秘书
three board members, the acting president, the president’s secretary.
下午茶时间 女士们
Coffee time, ladies.
-介意帮我倒杯咖啡吗 -就普通咖啡吗 丹麦咖啡如何
– Do you mind bringing me a cup? – Just coffee? Donut, Danish?
-小姐 我帮你倒杯丹麦咖啡吧 -不用了 普通咖啡就行了
– Lady, have I got for you a Danish! – No, just coffee.
-噢 我用完红色墨水了 -噢 来 用我的
– Oh, I’m out of red ink. – Oh, here, use mine.
-我去拿 -不用 我来
– I’ll get it. – No, no, I will.
泰勒夫人 受伤了吗
Mrs Taylor, are you hurt?
Mrs Taylor!
我想她受伤了 去看看
I think she’s hurt. Find out!
玛丽 你还好吧
Mary, are you alright?
我当然好 我只是 把墨水沾到衣服上而已
Of course, I’m alright. I just spilled a little ink on my blouse.
你那样跑出办公室 拉特兰先生就站在外面
The way you rushed out of the office – Mr Rutland’s standing out there.
-他说他以为你受伤了 -噢 我没事
– He said he thought you were hurt. – Well, I’m not.
我只是把墨水 沾到衣服上而已
All that happened was I spilled a little ink on my blouse.
天啊 真是刺♥激♥
Good heavens! What a lot of excitement over nothing.
Why in the world does he keep locking and unlocking that drawer?
他从来都记不起 保险柜的密♥码♥
He never can remember the safe combination.
号♥码就锁在抽屉里 拉特兰现在和我也有钥匙 为了紧急情况
Mr Rutland and I have keys too, for emergencies.
天啊 那只有5个号♥码
It’s only five numbers, for Pete’s sake.
泰勒夫人 拉特兰先生 打电♥话♥过来 泰勒夫人
Mrs Taylor? I’ve just had a call from Mr Rutland, Mrs Taylor.
He remembered your saying you’d be willing to work overtime.
他想知道你星期六 准备工作吗
He wondered if you’d be prepared to work on Saturday?
-星期六 可以 华特先生 几点 -2点半
– Saturday? Of course. What time? – Two-thirty.
我会告诉拉特兰先生 你可以加班
I ‘ ll advise Mr Rutland that you are available.
进来 泰勒夫人
Come in, Mrs Taylor.
下午好 拉特兰先生
Good afternoon, Mr Rutland.
你对哥伦布前期的艺术 感兴趣吗 泰勒夫人
Are you interested in pre-Columbian art, Mrs Taylor?
那些是我太太收集的 她去世了
Those were collected by my wife. She’s dead.
The only things of hers I ‘ve kept.
那是苏菲 它是只豹猫
And that’s Sophie. She ‘s a jaguarundi.
南美的 我 呃 训练过它
South American. I, uh… trained her.
噢 你训练它做什么
Oh? What did you train her to do?
To trust me.
Is that all?
对于豹猫来说 那已经是很困难的
That’s a great deal… for a jaguarundi.
Shall we get to work?
You can use the typewriter over there.
I want an original and one copy of this.
如果你不明白的话 就说出声
If you can’t decipher any of this, speak up.
我自己来打字 我是一个很好的打字员
I typed it myself and I’m a very creative typist.
“Arboreal Predators of the Brazilian Rain Forest.”
在我进入拉特兰公♥司♥工作前 泰勒夫人
Before I was drafted into Rutland’s, Mrs Taylor,
I had notions of being a zoologist.
-我仍然跟上我的领域 -动物园
– I still try to keep up with my field. – Zoos?
Instinctual behaviour.
噢 动物学包括人类吗 拉特兰先生
Oh. Does zoology include people, Mr Rutland?
嗯 在某种意义上 它包括所有动物的祖先
Well, in a way. It includes all the animal ancestors
from whom man derived his instincts.
也有女 性本能吗
Ladies’ instincts too?
That paper deals with the instincts of predators.
你怎样称呼动物 世界中的犯罪阶层
What you might call the criminal class of the animal world.
母动物大部分 都是肉食动物
Lady animals figure very largely as predators.
如果你喜欢的话 就打开头顶的灯
Put on the overhead light if you like.
The switch is by the door.
怎么不做下来 泰勒夫人
Why don’t you sit down, Mrs Taylor?
如果暴风雨让你不舒服 我帮你倒杯喝的
If the storm worries you that much, I’ll get you something to drink.
Mrs Taylor?
公♥司♥在楼下 泰勒夫人
The building is grounded, Mrs Taylor.
You’ re quite safe here…
from the lightning.
颜色 不用那颜色
The colours! Stop the colours!
What colours?
过去了 都过去了 没事了
It’s over. All over. You’re alright.
现在还好吧 要喝杯什么吗 喝白兰地吗
OK now? Would you like something to drink? Some brandy?
-不用了 谢谢 真是很抱歉 -噢 别傻了
– No, thank you. I’m awfully sorry. – Oh, don’t be silly.
-什么颜色使你感到烦扰 -颜色
– Why do colours bother you? – Colours?
You seem to be terrified of some colours.
不 不 我只是怕打雷闪电
No, no. What I’m terrified of is thunder and lightning.
I wouldn’t have pegged you as a woman terrified of anything.
Well, we’ve all got to go sometime.
看 这里遭破坏了 而你有没有状态工作
Look, this place is wrecked and you’re in no state to work.
我开车送你回去吧 你另外找时间来做这事吧
Suppose I drive you home. You can do this job some other time.
谢谢 我 去拿你的东西吧
– Thank you. I – – Go get your things.
It’s cold and damp here.
I must get the maintenance people in.
-对那橱柜我真的很抱歉 -为什么呢
– I’m really sorry about the cabinet. – Why should you be?
You said it was all you had left of your wife.
我说那是我留下的 属于我妻子的东西
I said it was all I had left that had belonged to my wife.

天生闪耀第二 无望第三
“Native Winkler is second. Hopeless is third.”
噢 请别关 我喜欢听
Oh, no please. I’d like to hear.
-你喜欢赛马 -我喜欢马 一有空我就去骑马
– You like racing? – I like horses.
-你丈夫是赛马迷吗 -是的
– Was your husband a track fan? – Yes.
-你现在一个人去吗 -是的
– And you go alone now? – Yes.
亚特兰大赛马场 开到这个月底
Atlantic City track’s open till the end of the month.
我们下个星期六 可以开车到那里去
We could drive out there next Saturday.
-你喜欢马吗 -不 一点也不喜欢
– Are you fond of horses? – No, not at all.
“Fast Return moving up on the outside. ”
噢 是另外一只
Well, that’s another one.
噢 我喜欢像这样呆在这里
Oh, I like it here like this.
你是专家 下一场你买♥♥哪一个
You’ re the expert. What do you like in the next race?
柠檬布丁 最后三次它都是第三
Lemon Pudding. He’s finished third his last three times out.
-今天有一个出色的骑师 -就柠檬布丁
– Got a good jockey up today. – Lemon Pudding it is.
今天说它是4赔1 我就买♥♥它
The morning line says he’s four to one. I’ll get on him.
Pardon me.
But you’re Peggy Nicholson, aren’t you?
Remember me?
-对不起 你说什么 -我说
I’m sorry. What did you say?
-你是佩吉尼克松吗 -不 我不是
– Aren’t you Peggy Nicholson? – No, I’m not.
呃 我非常确定你是 在我在那里第一次见到你时
Yeah? I was pretty sure you were. When I first saw you down here –
对不起 你搞错了 我不是尼科小姐
I’m sorry, you’ve made a mistake. I am not Miss Nichols.
-尼克松 -尼克松
– Nicholson. – Nicholson.
弗兰克艾纳提几年前 在底特律介绍我们认识的
Frank Abernathy introduced us a couple of years ago in Detroit.
弗兰克艾纳提 你记得弗兰克
Frank Abernathy. You remember Frank.
不 我不认识叫 弗兰克艾纳提的人
No, I do not know anyone named Frank Abernathy.
我从不认识叫 弗兰克艾纳提的人
I have never known anyone named Frank Abernathy.
-麻烦你离开好吗 -啊 别这样 宝贝
– Now, will you please go? – Aw, come on now, honey.
You’re trying to pull my leg, aren’t you?
Now, why should any young lady want to pull your leg?
噢 对不起 我觉得我认识这位女士
Oh, sorry. I thought I recognised this lady.
-他认识你吗 -不认识
– Did he recognise you? – No.
-你不认识她 -我说我想我认识她
– You did not recognise her. – I said I thought I recognised her.
-我说对不起 -行了 你已经道歉了
– I said I’m sorry. – Good for you. You’ve apologised.
You may go now.
-你回来得真快 -是啊 谁是你的迷
– You came back so quickly. – Yes. Who’s your fan?
I just seem to have one of those faces.
那么 你下一场买♥♥什么
Well, what do you like in the next race?
我们可以去马厮吗 我想看看心灵感应
Can we go to the paddock? I’d like to see Telepathy.
自从在它两岁时比赛时 见过它后我一直有留意它
Been watching him ever since I saw him work out once as a two-year-old.
噢 我想这就是 我们的老朋友心灵感应了
Oh, I believe that’s our old friend Telepathy.
是的 8号♥ 心灵感应
Yeah, number eight. Telepathy.
它长得很瘦长 但是我相信你高超的知识
He ‘s a lanky-looking piece of business, but I bow to your superior knowledge.
-怎么了 发生什么事了 -我们别买♥♥它了

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
