我告诉过你不要娶我的 我说过了
I told you not to marry me. I told you!
我 上帝 为什么不让我离开
Oh, God, why couldn’t you have just let me go?
-不要 拜托 不要 -我给你调杯喝的
– Don’t! Please, don’t! – Let me fix you a drink.
-我不想喝东西 -白兰地
– I don’t want a drink. – A brandy
我不想要 让我静静
I don’t want it. Just leave me alone!
除非我知道发生什么事 找到方法帮你
Not till I find out what’s the matter, and some way to help.
你唯一可以 帮我的就是让我静静
The only way you can help me is to leave me alone!
你不明白吗 说得不清楚吗 我不能忍♥受别人碰我
Can’t you understand? Isn’t it clear? I cannot bear to be handled!
-任何人吗 还是只有我 -你们 男人
– By anybody? Or just me? – You. Men.
那天在我办公室 或是在马房♥你不介意的
You didn’t seem to mind at my office that day, or at the stables.
And all this last week I’ve handled you.
I’ve kissed you many times.
为什么你不离开 那个角落呢
Why didn’t you break out into a cold sweat and back into a corner then?
我觉得我可以忍♥受的 如果我必须这样做
I thought I could stand it if I had to.
I see.
Have you always felt like this?
-是的 总是这样 -为什么 发生什么事了
– Always, yes! – Why? What happened to you?
什么事 没事发生
Happened? Nothing. Nothing happened to me.
I just never wanted anybody to touch me!
You ever tried to talk about it,
to a doctor or somebody who could help you?
不 我为什么要 我不想结婚
No, why should I? I didn’t want to get married.
那是可耻的 是动物的行为
It’s degrading. It’s animal!
总之 我在做我觉得正确的事情
Anyway, I was doing alright the way I was.
我可不那样认为 如果我没有 抓住你 你会继续偷下去
I wouldn’t say that. If I hadn’t caught you, you’d have gone on stealing.
不 我不会的
No. No I wouldn’t.
不 你会的 一次又一次的
Yes, you would, again and again.
Eventually, you would’ve got caught by somebody.
You’re such a tempting little thing.
一些有 性感觉的坏人 会把魔手伸向你的
Some other sexual blackmailer would’ve got his hands on you.
The chances of it being someone as permissive as me are pretty remote.
Sooner or later, you’d have gone to jail.
或者被粗鲁生意人 锁在办公室角落
Or been cornered in an office by some old bull of a businessman
who was out to take what he figured was coming to him.
You’d probably have got him and jail.
所以我不会说你做得 都是正确的 玛尔尼
So I wouldn’t say you were doing alright, Marnie.
-我要说的是你需要帮助 -我不需要你的帮助
– I’d say you needed help. – I don’t need your help.
我不认为你有能力判断 你需要什么 从什么人身上得到
I don’t think you’re capable of judging what you need.
我觉得你需要的是 一个精神病医生
What you do need, I expect, is a psychiatrist.
噢 男人
Oh… men!
你不用说谢谢 你是乐趣园的候选人
Say “no thanks to one”, and bingo, you’re a candidate for the funny farm.
It would be hilarious if it weren’t pathetic.
我们休息一下吧 我们明天在谈
Let’s try to get some rest, hm? We’ll talk this out tomorrow.
没什么好说的 我已经告诉你我的感受
There’s nothing to talk out. I’ve told you how I feel.
明天 后天 大后天也是一样的感受
I’ll feel the same way tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that!
好的 玛尔尼 我们不谈了 除非你要说
Alright, Marnie. We won’t talk about it until you want to.
但是我们要在这船上 度过很多天
But we’re gonna be on this damn boat for many days and nights.
Let’s drop this for the present and try to get through this
bloody honeymoon cruise with as much grace as possible.
Let’s try at least to be… kind to each other.
噢 友善
Oh. Kind!
如果那样你觉得很困难的话 我会对你友善
Alright, if that’s too much, I’ll be kind to you,
-你对我有礼貌就行了 -你不用
– and you’ll be polite to me – – You won’t –
I won’t.
I give you my word.
现在我们休息一下吧 如何
Now, let’s try to get some rest, hm? How ’bout it?
你睡那边的床 我睡这边的
You in your bed over there, and me, light years away in mine here.
Thank you.
我想我喜欢在这里呆一下 但是 谢谢
I think I’d like to stay out here for a while, but… thank you.
亲爱的 你想带回 一些东西回去
You’re gonna bring a little pazazz down to the old farm, my dear.
在我们离开前我发现 爸爸脱下他的丝绸外套
I noticed before we left, Dad was pulling out his silk shirts.
你是什么意思 我可以做什么
What do you mean, what will I do with myself?
我一定可以成为一个 上流社会的女主人
I had of course assumed I would become a society hostess.
在非洲 在肯尼亚 有一种很漂亮的花
In Africa, in Kenya, there’s quite a beautiful flower.
是珊瑚 开花时 尖尖带有一点绿
It’s coral coloured with little green-tipped blossoms,
rather like a hyacinth.
If you reach out to touch it,
you’d discover that the flower was not a flower at all,
那是由成 百上千的小虫组成的
but a design made up of hundreds of tiny insects called Fattid bugs.
They escape the eyes of hungry birds
by living and dying in the shape of a flower.
如果你不介意的话我要关门 灯光打扰我了
I’ll close the door, if you don’t mind. The light bothers me.
嗯 什么 亲爱的 灯光 噢 可以
Hm, what’s that, dear? The light? Oh, yes, of course.
这些天我都在看说 你都没说什么 真好
You’ve been an absolute darling about my sitting up reading so late.
I’m boning up on marine life
since entomology doesn’t seem to be your subject,
我想找一个话题 玛尔尼 任何话题都行
and I ‘m eager to find a subject, Marnie, any subject.
好 这里有一个话题
Alright. Here’s a subject.
How long? How long do we have to stay on this boat, this trip?
How long before we can go back?
拉特兰夫人 你在提议
Why, Mrs Rutland! Can you be suggesting
that these halcyon honeymoon days and nights,
只有我们两个在一起 应该结束
just the two of us alone together… should ever end?
如果你不介意的话 我要睡觉了
If you don’t mind, I’d like to go to bed.
我告诉过你起居室的 灯光打扰我了
I’ve told you the light from the sitting room bothers me.
我们当然不能 有东西打扰你 不是吗
We certainly can’t have anything bothering you, can we?
如果你不想睡觉的话 请出去
If you don’t want to go to bed, please get out.
但是我很想睡觉 玛尔尼
But I do want to go to bed, Marnie.
I very much want to go to bed.

对不起 玛尔尼
I’m sorry, Marnie.
Why the hell didn’t you jump over the side?
我想自杀 但是不想喂鱼
The idea was to kill myself, not feed the damn fish.
噢 很高兴见到你们 斐济群岛可怕吗
Oh, I’m so glad to see you. Was Fiji grisly?
我们没有去斐济群岛 我们在 檀香山跳船了 然后飘回来的
We didn’t get to Fiji. We jumped ship in Honolulu and flew back.
我们在机场坐车回来的 现在又累又脏
We had to take a cab from the airport. We’re tired and grimy.
记得你六岁时 你想去纽约吗
Remember when you were six? You wanted to go to New York.
我告诉过你旅行 是很脏的事情
I warned you then that travelling was a nasty business.
可怜的家伙们 你们一定累坏了
You poor thing. You must be exhausted.
我想我们要做的事就直椄 上楼痛快喝一杯然后睡觉
I think that we’ll go after the first drink and pop up to bed.
The travel lecture will have to wait for morning.
-你们其他行李呢 -在机场里
– Where’s the rest of your luggage? – A t the airport.
晚安 爸爸 明早跟你 一起吃早点 晚安了 莉
I ‘ ll have breakfast with you in the morning, dad. See you then, Lil.
来吧 玛尔尼 这不是装♥修♥好的房♥子
Come on, Marnie. It’s not exactly a house of correction, you know.
Look, Marnie,
我们得到的礼物是在 这房♥子正面 我们要住在这里
for the present all we’ve got is the facade, and we ‘ve got to live it.
爸爸每天早上8点半 在楼下吃早点
Dad has breakfast downstairs at 8::30 every morning.
我通常跟他一起 所以自然而然你要跟我一起
I always join him. So, naturally, as you want to be with me as –
亲爱的 这是训练
This is the drill, dear.
妻子跟随丈夫到前门 给一个或得到一个亲吻
Wife follows husband to front door. Gives and or gets a kiss.
Stands pensively as he drives away.
Oh, a wistful little wave is optional.
马克 你是回办公室吗
Mark, are you… going to the office?
蜜月期后的的一天 多么奇怪
On the first day back after our honeymoon? How indelicate.
不 我出去完成一件小任务 迟点见
No, I’m going down the road on a little errand. I’ll see you later.
马克 我 呃 我没有钱
Mark, I, um… I don’t have any money.
对不起 玛尔尼 我会叫鲍勃给你开一个帐号♥
I’m sorry, Marnie. I’ll have Bob make out an account for you.
开始不会有很多钱 你知道我的开支很大
It won’t be much for a while. You see, I’ve had a lot of heavy expenses.
你也应该知道 我还钱给斯特拉特了
And you might as well know I ‘ve paid off Strutt.
Anonymously, of course.
But that’s all over! – So?
所以 所以你没有1♥0♥0♥0♥0♥美元了
So, you’ve given away $10,000,
so you’ re a prize fool!
可能 他们不能 把一个笨蛋关进监狱里
Possibly, but they don’t put you in jail for being a fool.
我不是警♥察♥追捕的人 不是
I’m not the one the cops are after. Not yet.
我不想成为那样 如果我可以做一些东西来防止它
And I don’t intend to be. Not if I can prevent it.
可能你是 夫人 但不是我
Perhaps you, madam, but not me.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
