你好 妈妈
Hello, Mama?
不 我没事 我很好
No, I ‘m alright. I ‘m perfectly alright now.
因为我流感了 所以不能写信给你
I had a bad case of the flu and just didn’t feel up to writing.
我不是 我也咽喉炎了
I couldn’t. I had laryngitis too.
是的 我声音有点嘶哑哑
Yes, I am still a little hoarse.
妈妈 我不能聊太久
Look, Mama, I can’t talk long.
我给你打电♥话♥只是要告诉你我很好 这个星期我会给你寄些钱的
I just called to tell you that I’m alright and I’ll send some money soon.
不 我能 我不知道 我什么时候可以回巴尔的摩
No, I can’t. I don’t know when I’ll get to Baltimore.
不是几个星期 但迟点我会跟你说的
But not for a few weeks anyway. But I’ll talk to you soon.
如果你需要什么 写信寄到费城相同的邮箱去
If you need anything, write to me at the post office box in Philadelphia.
我要走了 妈妈
I’ve got to go now, Mama.
再见了 再见了 妈妈
Goodbye. Goodbye, Mama.
噢 弗丽欧 噢 宝贝
Oh, Forio! Oh, beauty!
Well, she said she could ride a little.
-马克 -嗯
– Mark? – Hm?
马克 听我说 如果你需要 我的话我是一个很好的战士
Mark, listen. I’m a good fighter if you need me.
I mean, if you are in some kind of trouble.
我会毫不犹豫的跟 警♥察♥说谎什么的
I have absolutely no scruples. I’d lie to the police or anything.
What on earth are you talking about?
我听到你跟玛尔尼 今早在这里说的话
I heard you and Marnie this morning right out here.
听到 好吧 我偷听了
– Heard? – OK, I eavesdropped.
我们应该让你上大学 或者出去什么的
We should’ve made you go to college or come out or something.
-现在我明白了 -别骗我 马克
– I can see that now. – Don’t patronise me, Mark.
那个玛丽-玛尔尼 金发碧眼
That Mary-Marnie, brown-haired blonde
你娶她娶得那么着急 那么隐蔽
you married so fast and sneaky
and tried to hustle off to the South Pacific!
我不用偷听 你不想进监狱这句话
I didn’t have to overhear stuff about your not intending to go to jail too,
to know that you’re in some sort of fix.
-拜托 马克 让我帮你 -你可以帮忙
– Please, Mark, will you let me help? – Alright, you can help.
对玛尔尼友善一点 她需要一个朋友
You can help by being nice to Marnie. She needs a friend.
我想那女孩 最好的朋友是她妈妈
I always thought that a girl’s best friend was her mother.
可怜的马克 她妈妈真的是很可怕吗
Poor old Mark. Is her mother that ghastly?
我是说当岳父母太严酷时 你不敢请他们来参加婚礼
When the in-laws are so grim, you don’t invite them to the wedding.
通常的借口都是身体不好 会晕车等等
The usual excuse is poor health or the strain of the trip, you know?
But to claim they’re dead, now, come on!
好了 莉 你想怎样 说出来吧
Alright, Lil, what is it you’re up to? Out with it.
我 我只想想帮你
Me? I’m just offering you my services.
游击战士 伪证者 间谍
Guerrilla fighter, perjurer, intelligence agent.
-好了 间谍 -巴尔的摩
– Alright, intelligence agent. – Baltimore.
There’s a mother in Baltimore.
Marnie made a phone call this morning.
她说因为流感了 所以不能写信给她
She said she hadn’t been able to write because she ‘d had the flu.
她不知道什么时候可以回 巴尔的摩 但这个星期会寄钱回去
She didn ‘t know when she ‘d go to Baltimore, but she ‘d send money.
她说写信给她寄回 同一个邮箱就行了
She said to go on writing to her at the same post office box.
I listened through the library door.
她骗你了 莉
She’s having you on, Lil. It’s some sort of gag.
你就像老鼠 要叫她教教你礼貌
You’ve been ratty. She’s set out to teach you some manners.
-你知道了 莉 -你可以再说
– You’re being had, Lil. – You can say that again!
但是我不想说 我不想再说这个
But I don’t want to say it again. I don’t want to have to say it again.
好了 马克
Alright, Mark.
你好像长大了 莉
You seem to be growing up, Lil.
我希望我们帮你 找一个年轻伙子
I expect what we should do is find you some young man.
-喜欢什么类型 -我在等你
– What’s your type? – I was waiting for you.
I’m queer for liars.
真的 你喜欢 什么类型的说谎者
Really? Well, what sort of liar do you fancy?
我们要登一个广♥告♥ 你喜欢 室内的还是室外的说谎者
We could run an ad. Do you prefer an indoor liar or an outdoor liar?
Playboy or Field and Stream?
有人在家吗 你好 玛尔尼在哪里
Anybody home? Hi! Where’s Marnie?
她跟爸爸还在外面骑马 他带她去狩猎场了
She and Dad are still out riding. He is taking her over the hunt country.
厉害 她去骑马打猎了
Big deal! She’s going to ride with the hunt.
爸爸说要介绍 她一些盛会 噢
And Dad’s throwing some kind of bash to introduce her.
-我在等一个长途电♥话♥ 有打来吗 -不 我不知道
– Has a long-distance call come in? – No. Not that I know of.
I’ll get it.
你好 是的
Hello. Yes.
等一下 我用另外一个电♥话♥再说
Hold on, I want to take it on another phone.
我上楼听 我一听就挂电♥话♥
I ‘ ll take it upstairs. Hang up as soon as I get it.
啊 莉 你会挂电♥话♥吧
Uh, Lil, you will hang up, won’t you?
好了 莉
OK, Lil.
喂 是的 我跟他说
Hello? Yes I ‘ ll talk to him now.
喂 鲍尔先生 你在那里 发现什么有趣的事情吗
Hello, Mr Boyle. Found anything interesting down there?
等一下 我拿支笔 好了 可以了
Hold on. Let me get a pencil. OK, ready.
Bernice Edgar.
万步任街道116号♥ 巴尔的摩
116 Van Buren Street, Baltimore.
好 我记下了 继续
Yeah, I got that. Go on.
Wait a minute!
You say she killed him?
Well, when was that?
那就是说 这小女孩才5岁 对吧
That means the little girl must’ve been about five, is that right?
她发生什么事了 不 不是那夫人 是那小孩
Well, what happened to her? No, not the woman. The child.
我想知道那小孩 发生什么事了 她女儿
I want to know what happened to the little girl, the daughter.
不 不 留在那里 继续查找
No, no! Stay on there. Get me anything else you can.
Look, have photostats made of all the court records.
立刻发送给我 是的 送到我办公室
Send them to me immediately. Yes, to my office. Registered.
做得好 鲍尔先生
You’re doing an excellent job, Mr Boyle.
Did you have a good ride?
是的 啊 鲍尔先生 发送一些复印件给我 是的
Yeah. Ah, Mr Boyle, get the photostats to me. Yes.
有关于那小孩的进一步 消息就通知我
And call me the minute you get anything further on the child.
谢谢 再联络
Thank you. I’ll expect to hear from you.
妈妈 噢 妈妈 别哭
Mama? Oh, Mama, don’t cry.
别哭了 妈妈
Please don’t cry, Mama.
不 不
No! No!
妈妈 别哭
Mama, don’t cry.

Mama? Mama?
-妈妈 -起来了 玛尔尼
– Mama? – Wake up, Marnie.
妈妈 玛尔尼
– Mama? – Marnie?
妈妈 噢 别伤害我妈妈
Mama? Oh, don’t hurt my mama.
-玛尔尼 -别伤害我妈妈
– Marnie. – Please don’t hurt my mama!
-玛尔尼 -不 不要 不要
– Marnie. – Oh, don’t, don’t!
-怎么了 -她做恶梦了
– What’s going on? – She’s having a nightmare.
-不 妈妈 妈妈 -玛尔尼 起来了 只是恶梦而已
– No, Mama. Mama? – Marnie, wake up, it’s just a nightmare.
-没事了 -我很冷
– She’s alright. – I’m cold.
那时你的房♥子 不是吗
That’s supposed to be your department, isn’t it, ol’ boy?
Good night, all.
给你一杯白兰地 嗯
– Let me get you a brandy. – Uh-uh.
Where did you get these things?
想要的时候 可以随时得到更多
I can get more anytime I want them.
Yeah, of course you can. You can also find, at your convenience,
绳子 烤箱 甚至塑料袋
heights, ropes, ovens, even plastic bags.
The world’s full of alternatives.
I’d like to go back to sleep now.
为什么 你醒来时 比睡觉时更惬意
Why? Your sleep seems even less agreeable than your waking hours.
呃 那梦
That, uh, dream.
You know, you’ve had it before.
Is it about something that really happened to you?
不 我我不知道 那时什么意思 不知道
No, I… I don’t know what it means. Nothing.
那是关于你妈妈的 她想要你起来
Well, it’s about your mother. She wants you to get up.
是的 但开始是三声敲打声
Yes, but first there are the three taps.
然后她会说”起来了 玛尔尼 你要起来了”
And then she says, “Get up, Marnie. You have to get up now!”
但我不想 如果我
But I don’t want to. If I –
如果我起来了 我会很冷的 而且他们会伤害她的
If I get up, I’ll be cold and they’ll hurt her!
谁 谁会伤害她
Who? Who’ll hurt her?
Th-Th- Them!
我不知道 我不知道
I don’t know! I don’t know!
但我听到噪音 我很冷 我听到噪音
But I hear the noises. I’m cold and I hear the noises!
什么噪音 怎样的噪音
What noises? What are they like?
Who makes them?

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
