我或许一星期可以挣 一百至一百五十元
Takes home net maybe $100, $150 a week.
Point is, of course, you gotta worry about the supermarkets.
There’s two in the neighbourhood and an A&P comin’ in, at least that’s the rumour.
马蒂 我觉得你是真心想要买♥♥下那肉店 是吗
Marty, it’s my feeling that you really want to buy this shop.
Well, that’s true. I do.
但我必须要向银行长♥期♥贷款 八千元吧
But it means I gotta take a loan out in a bank of $8,000.
That’s a big note to carry.
马蒂 我只认识你三小时 但我知道你是个好肉贩
Marty, I’ve known you for three hours, but I know you’re a good butcher.
你很聪明 也很高雅
You’re an intelligent, decent, sensitive man,
and… well, I have a feeling about you.
Like, well, like sometimes one of my kids comes to see me about something,
and some of these kids, Marty, in my classes, they…
they have so much warmth and so much capacity.
Well, that’s the feeling I have about you.
如果你是我的学生 我会说
If you were one of my students, I’d say to you
去买♥♥下肉店吧 你是个好肉贩
“Go ahead and buy the butcher shop. You’re a good butcher.”
Well, there’s lots of things I could do with this shop.
I could organise my own supermarket.
Get a bunch of neighbourhood merchants together.
That’s what a lot of them are doin’.
What do you think?
I think anything you wanna do you’ll do well.
我是天主教♥徒♥ 你是不是?
I’m Catholic. Are you Catholic?
Yes, I am.
我现在身上只剩三元 我住在离这里一条街的地方
Look, I only got about $3 on me now, but I only live about eight blocks from here.
我们到我家我回去拿一些钱 我们再到别地方去
Why don’t we go back to my house, I’ll get some dough and we can go somewhere?
I… I really should get home.
It’s only a quarter of 12. The clock’s right up there.
我该回家了 我告诉过我父亲
I… I really should get home. I told my father…
Well, I… I suppose a little while longer…
这里有没有 我可以补妆的地方
Do you suppose there’s someplace around here I could put on some makeup?
麦克 这里有没有女洗手间
Oh. Hey, mac! You got a ladies’ room around here?
在后面 – 在后面
In the back. – In the back.
她告诉我她剩下的这后半辈子 – 她一定会很难过
She told me, at the risk of her life. – She always had thin hips.
她说 大夫告诉她 如果她有孩子会比较好一点
She told me the doctor told her, if she had more babies, it’d be at the risk of her life.
当告诉她的时候 她已经有六个孩子了
When she told me that, she already had six!
Every time I saw her, she was either goin’ to the hospital or comin’ from it.
她很照顾他们 – 她的丈夫是一个瘦小的家伙
She was hatchin’ ’em out like eggs. – Her husband’s a skinny fella.
我在街上看到她 她失意万分
Well, I bumped into her on the street and she was as big as a barrel.
我对她说 玛丽 – 路易 有没有看到马蒂
I said to her “Mary…” – Lou, seen Marty?
没看到 – 人都到那里去了
No, I ain’t seen him all night. – Where’s everybody?
你不是说如果再有一个 他会杀了你吗?
“Didn’t you say if you had another it’d kill you?”
And her husband’s a little bit of a man.
Well, last week on Tuesday she gave birth to her baby in St Elizabeth’s Hospital.
一个健康的男婴 9磅重 – 医生出了差错
A fine, healthy boy. Nine pounds. – That’s fine. So the doctor was wrong.
Oh, no. She died right there in the hospital.
Oh, that’s a sad story.
而她丈夫还在那里 – 对
And her husband’s that little fella? – That’s the one.
That’s a sad story.
搬到切斯特港 我上班变成很麻烦
moving out to Port Chester. It’s silly to think of commuting.
我先搭地下铁到125街 然后搭巴士到火车站
I’d have to take the subway down to 125th, then take the bus to the railroad,
然后到纽约 纽黑文和哈特福德
and then take the New York, New Haven and Hartford out to Port Chester.
然后我搭二十分钟巴士 到切斯特
Then I think I have a 20-minute bus ride out of Port Chester.
Somebody suggested that I buy a car, but I’m terrified of cars.
但我不敢开车 我怕撞到人
I’m always afraid I’ll kill someone.
Of course, it is a fine opportunity for me.
I could never hope to be the head of a department in the New York City system,
especially not in the science courses.
Of course, I’m not sure I want to be a department head.
It’s mostly executive and administrative work.
On the other hand…
Well, anyway I told you about my father
and, well, he depends on me a great deal.
克丽儿 我正想说这个 你在欺骗自己
Well, let me tell ya, Clara. I think you’re kiddin’ yourself.
我是说 我也常想离开家
I mean, I used to think about leavin’ home, you know.
我常如此说 我母亲需要我
And that’s what I used to say: “My mother needs me.”
但是当你真正去面对时 事实上根本不是你所想像的
But when you really come down to it, that ain’t it at all.
我们只是怕独自一人 当走出自己时就是一个大的进步
We’re just afraid to go out on our own. It’s a big step when you go out on your own.
当你说你父亲需要你时 我认为你这话并不是真心的
And I think you’re kiddin’ yourself when you say your father needs you.
事实上是你需要你的父亲 你知道我意思么
Actually, you need your father. You know what I mean?
Well, you know what I mean.
你回家 父母都在
You’re livin’ at home now and you’ve got your father and mother there.
You could go on like that, be a little girl all your life.
I’m afraid of being lonely.
你不会孤独的 你是一个容易交往的朋友
You won’t be so lonely. You’ll make friends right away.
Well, actually, I don’t make friends easily.
你说什么 你是一个非常令人喜爱的人
What are you talkin’ about? You’re a real likeable person.
You’ll make friends in Port Chester one-two-three.
人们都喜欢听你说话 我会去找你
You’ll have people visitin’ you all the time. I’ll visit you.
我向我兄弟借车 当你感到失意时 也可以打电♥话♥来
I’ll get my brother Freddie’s car or you can call me up when you feel blue.
Or I’ll call you up and…
一定会很好的 不要怕
It’ll be real nice. Don’t be so afraid.
Hey, Marty!
马蒂 这里
Hey, Marty! Hey, over here!
哈啰 罗夫 – 马蒂 过来一下
Hello, Ralph. – Hey, Marty. Come over here a minute.
我失陪一下 – 好
Excuse me a minute. – Sure.
你会喜欢他的 他人不错 – 谁 马蒂吗
You’ll like this guy. He’s nice. – Who? Marty?
对 – 对 这个人不错
Yeah. – Oh, this guy’s a nice guy, this guy.
哈啰 罗夫 – 哈啰 里奥 马蒂
Hi, Ralph. Hello, Leo. – Hiya, Marty.
马蒂 过来一下
Hey, Marty, come here a minute.
马蒂 我们有好节目 有兴趣吗
Hey, Marty, we got an odd squirrel. You interested?
你说什么 罗夫
What do you mean, Ralph?
露意丝 这位是马蒂费拉迪 马蒂 后面这位是露意丝凯帝
Hey, Louise, meet Marty Piletti. Marty, that’s Louise Kelly.
你好 – 我们要整晚坐在这里吗?
Hiya. – We just gonna sit around here all night?
马蒂 他们是护士
Listen, Marty, these three squirrels are nurses.
Money in the bank, man.
我们要到里奥家 他家没人
All goin’ over to Leo’s house later because there’s nobody there.
These are the girls I told you about.
要上车吗 有好节目
Wanna get in the car? She’s a pretty nice-lookin’ doll.
我和一个女孩在一起 罗夫 – 放弃她 有钱在银行
I’m with a girl, Ralph. – Get rid of her. This is money in the bank.
我不想这样 因为今晚我有事
I can’t do that, because somebody already brushed her off once tonight.
这是千载难逢的机会 马蒂
This is a good deal here, Marty.
没办法 罗夫 谢谢你
I can’t do it, Ralph. Thanks anyway, huh?
那好吧 – 我们快走吧
Nice seein’ you all. – Come on, let’s get outta here.
好 走吧 – 回头见 里奥
Yeah. We might as well get goin’. – I’ll see ya, Leo.
再见 罗夫 – 再见 马蒂
So long, Ralph. – So long, Marty.
等一下 我开灯
Wait a minute. I’ll find the light.
I guess my mother ain’t home yet.
我表弟汤姆和他太太维琴一定是去看电影了 至少一点以前不会回来
My cousin Thomas and Virginia must be at the movies, so they won’t be home yet.
这是厨房♥ – 我知道
This is the kitchen. – Yes, I know.
Come on in the dining room.
Sit down.
要不要吃东西 冰箱里有烧鸡
You want somethin’ to eat? We got chicken.
不 谢谢 我不该待太久的
No, thank you. I don’t think I should stay long.
当然 那先把外套脱下好了
Oh, sure. Well, just take off your coat a minute.
我说过我弟弟费迪 他在上周日结婚了 场面不错
I was tellin’ you my brother Nicky got married last Sunday. It was a nice affair.
They had a statue of a woman and there was whisky spoutin’ out of her mouth.
I never saw anything so grand in all my life. And what a meal!
我是个肉贩 所以我一看就知道都是好肉食
I’m a butcher, so I know a pretty good hunk of meat when I see it.
This was choice fillet right off the top of the chuck. $1.80 a pound.
如果你有便宜一点的 就要切去一些 要牛排
If you want a cheaper cut of meat, why, get rib steak.
许多人都浪费了 其实它可以有1/4磅肉
It’s got a lot of waste on it, but it comes to a buck and a quarter a pound,
if it’s trimmed.
克丽儿 放轻松一点 你看来很不自在
Listen, Clara… Make yourself comfortable. You look all tense.
Oh, I’m fine.
你要我送你回家吗 我送你回家
You want me to take you home, I’ll take you home.
Maybe it would be a good idea.
不 马蒂 – 我喜欢你 我向你说了整晚了
No, Marty. – I like you. I been tellin’ you all night I do.
马蒂… – 我想吻你
Marty… – All I want is a kiss.
求求你 – 不 马蒂
Please. Please. – No, Marty.
