回头见 妈
I’ll see ya later, Ma.
我们有… 我不想这样批评他
We had… I don’t wanna talk like that fella.
We had the extreme privilege
约到了杰克李 今晚到我们的电视秀上
of having Jackie Gleason make his TV debut on our show.
So tonight on our anniversary show…
I’m doing it, huh?
不要烦我 好吗
Oh, now, leave me alone, will ya?
你知道吗 他有一点怕我
You know, he scares the life out of me.
几点了 – 八点了
What time is it? – It’s about eight o’clock.
You don’t feel like goin’ to 72nd Street?
我腰酸背痛 今晚玩够了
It’ll take an hour and an hour back. The whole evening’s gone.
我们去看“福米乐” 我想他演的那部“天堂”不错
What’s playin’ on Fordham Road? There’s a good picture in the Loew’s Paradise.
Feel like workin’ up a game of cards?
我们到72街 去散散步 一定会有好玩的
Come on, let’s go down to 72nd Street. We’ll wind up with somethin’.
我永远忘不了 到纽约市的布斯加
I’ll never forgive La Guardia for cuttin’ out burlesque outta New York City.
有个布乐加联合城 我们去联合城
There’s a burlesque in Union City. Let’s go to Union City.
You don’t even wanna ride a half-hour on the subway,
都没有耐性 还想去联合城
now you wanna go all the way down to Union City.
我想玩牌 理查不是说要玩牌吗
I feel like playin’ cards. I saw Richie Rizzo. That’s what he said he felt like doin’.
我不想玩牌 你想作什么 安吉
I don’t feel like playin’ cards. What do you feel like doin’, Angie?
我不知道 你想作什么
I don’t know. What do you feel like doin’?
我不知道 乔治 你今晚要作什么
I don’t know. George, what are you doin’ tonight?
今晚要作什么 我不知道什么
“What are you doin’ tonight?” “I don’t know. What are you doin’?”
The burlesque! Loew’s Paradise!
又糟又无聊 又愚昧
Miserable and lonely. Miserable and lonely and stupid.
我是不是发神经了 我有好事可以做
What am I, crazy or somethin’? I got somethin’ good here.
What am I hangin’ around with you guys for?
马蒂 等一下 你怎么回事
Wait a minute, will you? What’s the matter with you?
你不喜欢 我妈也不喜欢 她是个丑女孩 我很肥
You don’t like her. My mother don’t like her. She’s a dog, and I’m a fat, ugly man.
但我们昨晚在一起很快乐 为何今晚不在一起
Well, all I know is I had a good time last night. I’m gonna have a good time tonight.
如果我们够愉快 我会向那女孩屈身求婚
If we have enough good times together, I’m gonna beg that girl to marry me.
如果新年有舞会 就有人和我一起去跳舞了
If we make a party on New Year’s, I got a date for that party.
你不喜欢吗 真遗憾
You don’t like her, that’s too bad!
安吉 你什么时候要结婚
Hey, Ange, when are you gonna get married?
You oughta be ashamed of yourself.
你三十三岁了 你弟弟都结婚了
You’re 33 years old. All your kid brothers are married.
You oughta be ashamed of yourself.
失陪一下 安吉
Excuse me, Ange.
哈啰 克丽儿吗
Hello, Clara?
