

[noun] a wonderful or astonishing person or thing
[名词] 一个精彩绝妙或令人大为惊奇的人或事物


对于漫威迷们来说, marvel 这个单词是再熟悉不过了的,从漫威漫画(Marvel Comics)、漫威影业(Marvel Studios)、漫威电影宇宙(Marvel Cinematic Universe)到惊奇队长(Captain Marvel)等等,随处可见。

该词与 miracle (奇迹)同源,都是源自拉丁语 mirus (精彩的、绝妙的),14世纪经古法语 merveille (奇迹、奇观、惊奇)进入英语后即用来表示“奇迹”或“令人惊奇的人或事”,侧重指因非凡、奇异或异乎寻常而使人大为惊奇、赞叹或感到钦佩,比如:

  • 在我看来真不可思议,他们能这么快推翻过渡政府。
    It’s a marvel to me how they’ve managed to oust the interim government from power so quickly.

其复数 marvels 还可以用来表示“不平凡的成果、令人惊奇的成就”,比如:

  • 医生们为这个濒临死亡的病人创造了奇迹。
    The doctors have done marvels for the moribund patient.

用作动词时, marvel 相应表示“大为赞叹、惊讶不已、感到惊奇”,常用搭配 marvel at sth 指人对某物充满了惊奇、惊叹或钦佩,比如:

  • 他们把六个园丁,加上领队和大量行李塞进一辆非常小的货车里,我对这一壮举惊讶不已。
    I marvelled at their feat of cramming six gardeners, plus tour leader and an enormous supply of luggage, into a remarkably small van.


Standing on the Tian’anmen Rostrum, one could only marvel at the extraordinary journey traveled by this major Party, a journey of Chinese Communists leading the Chinese people, in their hundreds of millions, in an unyielding struggle against all obstacles and challenges, and scoring spectacular, epoch-making achievements over the past century.



  • The line’s Chinese leg is a modern marvel: a silk-smooth ride through a blur of birch trees and red-roofed farms.
  • The thin plastic skin on Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner is an engineering marvel, a mix of carbon fibers and epoxy molded into large barrel-shaped sections that are then baked at up to 350 degrees in giant ovens.


marvel 的用法和中文解释如下:


  1. Marvel at – 对…感到惊奇/赞叹
    • I marvel at her ability to speak multiple languages fluently.(我对她能够流利地说多种语言感到惊奇。)
  2. Marvel over – 对…感到惊奇/惊叹
    • We marveled over the stunning sunset.(我们对壮丽的日落感到惊叹。)
  3. Marvel with – 以…感到惊奇/赞叹
    • She marveled with joy at the sight of her favorite singer.(她欣喜地看到了她最喜欢的歌手,感到惊奇。)


  1. A marvel of – …的奇迹/奇迹般的事物
    • The Great Wall of China is a marvel of engineering.(中国的长城是一项工程奇迹。)
  2. The marvels of – …的奇迹/奇迹般的事物
    • The book explores the marvels of the natural world.(这本书探索了自然界的奇迹。)


  1. Wonders and marvels – 奇迹和令人惊叹的事物
    • The museum is filled with wonders and marvels from ancient civilizations.(博物馆里陈列着来自古代文明的奇迹和令人惊叹的事物。)


与动词 “marvel” 相关的短语及其中文解释:

  1. Marvel at – 对…感到惊奇/赞叹
    • I marveled at the breathtaking beauty of the sunset.(我对壮丽的日落美景感到惊叹。)
  2. Marvel over – 对…感到惊奇/惊叹
    • The audience marveled over the magician’s incredible tricks.(观众对魔术师令人难以置信的魔术感到惊叹。)
  3. Marvel with – 以…感到惊奇/赞叹
    • She marveled with delight as she unwrapped her birthday present.(她高兴地打开生日礼物,感到惊奇。)
  4. Marvel at the beauty – 对美景感到惊叹
    • Tourists from around the world come to marvel at the beauty of the Grand Canyon.(世界各地的游客都来到大峡谷欣赏美景。)
  5. Marvel at the skill – 对技巧感到惊奇
    • The judges marveled at the skill displayed by the gymnast during her routine.(裁判对体操运动员在比赛中展示的技巧感到惊奇。)
  6. Marvel at the talent – 对才能感到惊奇
    • The audience marveled at the talent of the young singer.(观众对这位年轻歌手的才华感到惊叹。)
  7. Marvel at the creativity – 对创意感到惊叹
    • The art critics marveled at the creativity of the abstract painting.(艺术评论家对抽象画的创意感到惊叹。)
  8. Marvel at the architecture – 对建筑感到惊叹
    • Visitors marveled at the architecture of the ancient cathedral.(游客们对古老大教堂的建筑感到惊叹。)
  9. Marvel at the technology – 对技术感到惊叹
    • People marveled at the advanced technology used in the new smartphone.(人们对新款智能手机中使用的先进技术感到惊叹。)
  10. Marvel at the craftsmanship – 对工艺感到惊叹
    • The exquisite details of the handmade jewelry made everyone marvel at the craftsmanship.(手工珠宝的精致细节让每个人对工艺感到惊叹。)
  11. Marvel at the strength – 对力量感到惊叹
    • The weightlifter’s ability to lift heavy weights made the crowd marvel at his strength.(举重运动员能够举起沉重的重量让观众对他的力量感到惊叹。)
  12. Marvel at the intelligence – 对智慧感到惊叹
    • The professor’s vast knowledge and ability to solve complex problems made his students marvel at his intelligence.(教授广博的知识和解决复杂问题的能力让学生们对他的智慧感到惊叹。)
  13. Marvel at the resilience – 对坚韧不拔感到惊叹
    • The survivor’s ability to overcome adversity and rebuild her life made others marvel at her resilience.(这位幸存者克服逆境、重建生活的能力让其他人对她的坚韧不拔感到惊叹。)
  14. Marvel at the speed – 对速度感到惊叹
    • Spectators marveled at the incredible speed of the Formula One race cars.(观众对一级方程式赛车的惊人速度感到惊叹。)
  15. Marvel at the precision – 对精确度感到惊叹
    • The surgeon’s precise movements during the surgery made the medical team marvel at his precision.(外科医生在手术过程中精确的操作让医疗团队对他的精确度感到惊叹。)



miracle: an amazing product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something
sensation: a person, object, or event that arouses widespread interest and excitement
prodigy: an amazing or unusual thing, especially one out of the ordinary course of nature

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
