Oh, please, when do you expect them home?
I really couldn’t say.
And now if you’d be good enough to compute my wages, I’ll…
噢 天 卡蒂保姆 你不是要走吧
Oh, gracious, Katie Nanna! You’re not leaving?
What will Mr Banks say?
He’s going to be cross enough
as it is to come home and find the children missing.
艾伦 把这些拿开 你知道这东西会让他多恼火
Ellen, put these things away. You know how the cause infuriates Mr Banks.
是的 妇人
Yes, ma’am.
卡蒂保姆 我请求你 再想一想
Katie Nanna, I beseech you. Please reconsider.
想想孩子们 想想班克斯先生
Think of the children. Think of Mr Banks.
He was just beginning to get used to you.
Posts, everyone!
4 3 2 1 点火
Four, three, two, one. Fire!
-卡蒂保姆 我请求你 -我的薪水 请
-Katie Nanna, I do beseech you… -My wages, if you please.
今晚早了点是吗 将军
Bit early tonight, aren’t you, Admiral?
胡说 正点报时 跟往常一样
Nonsense. Bang on the dot, as usual.
How are things in the world of finance?
从没有比现在更好的时候了 货币坚挺
Never better. Money’s sound.
Credit rates are moving up, up, up.
And the British pound is the admiration of the world.
-很好 先生 -你那儿的情况怎么样
-Good man. -How do things look from where you stand?
Bit chancy, I’d say.
起风了 气压也下降了
The wind’s coming up and the glass is falling.
-我不喜欢这种情况 -好 好 好
-Don’t like the look of it. -Good, good, good.
班克斯 毫无疑问
Banks, shouldn’t wonder
if you weren’t steering into a nasty piece of weather.
班克斯 你听见了么
Banks! Do you hear me?
你好 卡蒂保姆 那一定很重吧
Hello, Katie Nanna. That must be heavy.
Allow me.

What a very pretty hat.
I feel a surge of deep satisfaction
骑着他的骏马 谢谢
Much as a king astride his noble steed. Thank you.
当我摆脱白天的喧嚣 回到家 回到妻子身边
When I return from daily strife to hearth and wife
我是多么心满意足 我的生活多么愉快
How pleasant is the life I lead
亲爱的 有件事和孩子们有关
Dear, it’s about the children.
是的 是的 是的
Yes, yes, yes.
I run my home precisely on schedule
6点01分 我走进家门
At 6:01 I march through my door
6点02分 放下我的手套和手杖
My slippers, sherry and pipe are due at 6:02
Consistent is the life I lead
-乔治 孩子们不见了 -太美妙了
-George, they’re missing. -Splendid. Splendid.
It’s grand to be an Englishman in 1910
做一位英国男人是多么光荣 这是一个男人唯上的时代
King Edward’s on the throne It’s the Age of Men
我是城♥堡♥的主人 统治者
I’m the lord of my castle The sovereign, the liege
我管理着我的仆人 孩子们和妻子
I treat my subjects, servants children, wife
严格且温和 贵族的行为理应高尚
With a firm but gentle hand Noblesse oblige
现在6点03分 我领地的继承人们
It’s 6:03 and the heirs to my dominion
已经洗过了 吃饱了
Are scrubbed and tubbed and adequately fed
我会拍拍他们的头 打发他们去睡觉
And so I’ll pat them on the head and send them off to bed
啊 我的生活多么气派
Ah, lordly is the life I lead
威妮弗蕾德 孩子们在哪儿
Winifred, where are the children?
他们不在这里 亲爱的
They’re not here, dear.
什么 他们当然应该在这儿 他们会在别的地方吗
What? Well, of course they’re here! Where else would they be?
-我不知道 乔治 -你不知道
-I don’t know, George. -You don’t know?
他们不见了 卡蒂保姆到处都找遍了
Well, they’re missing. Katie Nanna has looked everywhere.
Very well. I’ll deal with this at once.
请给我接警♥察♥局 快
Give me the police station, quickly, please.
我想这件事不必麻烦警♥察♥ 事实上
I don’t think we need bother the police, dear. The facts of the matter…
Kindly do not attempt to cloud the issue with facts.
One fact,
很明显 卡蒂保姆不能胜任她的工作
and one fact alone is crystal clear! Katie Nanna’s faltered at her post.
她使得这个家陷入混乱 我要教训教训她
She’s let the family down. And I shall bring her to bo…
哦 她已经走了 是吗
Oh. She’s left us, hasn’t she?
是的 亲爱的 刚刚走
Yes, dear, only just.
喂 呃 我是乔治·班克斯
What, uh… Yes. George Banks here.
樱桃树大街17号♥ 出了件急事
Yes. 17 Cherry Tree Lane. It’s a matter of some urgency.
I should like you to send a policeman around immediately.
乔治 警♥察♥来了
The policeman’s here, George!
什么 噢 真及时 服务真好
What? Oh, how very prompt. What wonderful service.
谢谢 晚安
Thank you so much. Good night.
-请进 警♥察♥先生 请进 -谢谢
-Come in, Constable. Come in. -Thank you, sir.
While going about my duties on the other side of the park…
I noted some valuables that had gone astray.
-我相信是你的 先生 -贵重物品
-I believe they’re yours, sir. -Valuables?
来 过来
Come along, now. Come along.
简 迈克尔
Jane! Michael!
威妮弗蕾德 请别激动
Winifred, please don’t be emotional.
哦 他们今天走了很多路
Oh, I wouldn’t be too hard on ’em, sir.
They’ve had a long, weary walk today.
孩子们 过来
Children, come here at once.
-怎么回事 -对不起 我们和保姆卡蒂走散了
-Well? -I’m sorry we lost Katie Nanna, Father.
你知道的 今天风很大
You see, it was windy.
And the kite was too strong for us.
在某种意义上说 先生
In a manner of speaking, sir,
it was the kite that ran away, not the children.
谢谢 警♥察♥先生 我想我能够控制这件事
Thank you, Constable. I think I can manage this.
说实话 这风筝并不好 我们自己做的
Actually it wasn’t a very good kite. We made it ourselves.
Perhaps if you helped us to make one…
哦 那很重要 先生 风筝很难控制
Ah, that’s the ticket, sir. Kites are skittish things.
就在上周 我和我的孩子们
Why, only last week with me own youngsters…
I’m very grateful to you, Constable, for returning the children.
And I’m sure that if you go to the kitchen,
Cook’ll find you a plate of something.
谢谢你 先生 我该回去工作了
Thank you, sir. I shall now return to my duties.
谢谢你 警♥察♥先生
Thank you, Constable.
晚安 小姐 晚安 夫人 晚安 先生
Good night, miss. Good night, ma’am. Good night, sir.
厨师会给我弄些吃的 我从没
Cook’ll find me something. I never…
乔治 我非常非常抱歉
I’m awfully sorry about this, George.
I’ll expect you’ll want to discuss it.
I would indeed!
艾伦 带简和迈克尔到楼上去
Ellen, take Jane and Michael upstairs straightaway.
好的 先生
Yes, sir.
I knew it.
When all’s said and done, who bears the brunt of everything around here?
我 就是这样
Me, that’s who!
They don’t want an honest, hard-workin’ girl around here.
They need a ruddy zookeeper.
我很抱歉 亲爱的 我当初之所以选中了卡蒂保姆
I’m sorry, dear, but when I chose Katie Nanna…
I thought she would be firm with the children.
She looked so solemn and cross.
威妮弗蕾德 不要把效率和急躁混为一谈
Winifred, never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint.
I’ll try to do better next time.
下次 亲爱的 过去的四个月里你已经换了六个保姆
Next time? My dear, you’ve engaged six nannies in the last four months!
-个个都是不称职的灾星 -我同意
-And they’ve all been unqualified disasters. -I quite agree.
Choosing a nanny for the children is an important and delicate task.
它要求深入的观察 公正的判断 还有识别人的能力
It requires insight, balanced judgment, and an ability to read character.
Under the circumstances,
I think it might be apropos to take it upon myself to, uh…
呃 处理了
select the next person.
-噢 乔治 -显然想要选出一位合适的保姆
-Oh, would you, George? -Obviously the way to find a proper nanny…
is to go about it in a proper fashion.
我要在《泰♥晤♥士♥报♥》上登一则广♥告♥ 请你记下来
I shall put an advertisement in the Times. Take this down please.
-当然 是的 亲爱的 -招聘
-Yes, of course, dear. -Wanted.
呃 不 呃 要求一位
Uh, no. Uh, required.
严厉 受人尊敬 言谈稳重的保姆
Nanny: Firm, respectable, no nonsense.
A British nanny must be a general
The future empire lies within her hands
And so the person that we need to mould the breed
