Is a nanny who can give commands
你记下来了么 威妮弗蕾德
You getting this, Winifred?
噢 是的 亲爱的 一字不差
Oh, yes, dear. Every word.
A British bank is run with precision
A British home requires nothing less
传统 纪律和规则是我们的工具
Tradition, discipline and rules must be the tools
失去了这些 将陷入混乱 灾难 无政♥府♥状态
Without them, disorder catastrophe, anarchy
总之 可怕的混乱
In short you have a ghastly mess
精辟 乔治 很有启迪
Splendid, George! Inspirational.
The Times will be so pleased.
-父亲 -什么
-Father? -Yes?
We’ve discussed everything…
对今天的所做作为 我们感到非常抱歉
and we’re very sorry about what we did today.
I should certainly think so.
-从卡蒂保姆那里跑走是不应该的 -是这样
-It was wrong to run away from Katie Nanna. -It was indeed.
And we do so want to get on with the new nanny.
很明智 我很高兴在这件事上能得到你们的帮助
Very sensible. I shall be glad to have your help in the matter.
我们认为你会同意的 所以我们写了一份广♥告♥
We thought you would. That’s why we wrote this advertisement.
-什么广♥告♥ -招聘新保姆的
-Advertisement for what? -For the new nanny.
-你们写了一份广♥告♥ -乔治 我想我们应该听一听
-You wrote an advert… -George, I think we should listen.
You said you wanted our help.
但我是 哦 好吧
But, I… Oh, very well.
“Wanted: A nanny for two adorable children.”
极其可爱的 应该说是”极其难管”的
“Adorable.” Well, that’s debatable, I must say.
If you want this choice position
Have a cheery disposition
-简 我不是 -面庞红润 没有疣子
-Jane, I don’t… -Rosy cheeks, no warts
-那是我加进去的 -精通各种游戏
-That’s the part I put in. -Play games, all sorts
你必须善良和蔼 聪明机智
You must be kind You must be witty
甜美可爱 且美丽漂亮
Very sweet and fairly pretty
-好了 简直荒唐透顶 -乔治 别这样
-Well, of all the ridic… -George, please!
带我们出游 款待我们
Take us on outings Give us treats
为我们唱歌♥ 还要带上甜点
Sing songs Bring sweets
Never be cross or cruel
Never give us castor oil or gruel
Love us as a son and daughter
And never smell of barley water
I put that in too.
如果你不斥责我们 压制我们
If you won’t scold and dominate us
We will never you give you cause to hate us
我们不会藏起你的眼镜 让你找不到
We won’t hide your spectacles so you can’t see
把青蛙放在你的床上 或把胡椒粉倒进你的茶里
Put toads in your bed or pepper in your tea
好保姆 快点来
Hurry, Nanny
此致 敬礼
Many thanks Sincerely
Jane and Michael Banks
谢谢 非常有趣
Thank you. Most interesting.
And now I think we’ve had quite enough of this nonsense.
Please return to the nursery.
他们毕竟是个小孩子 他们只是想帮帮忙
They were only trying to help. They’re just children.
I’m well aware they’re just children, Winifred.
I only congratulate myself that I decided to step in and take a hand.
“游戏 唱歌♥ 甜点”
“Play games, sing songs, give treats.”
荒唐 毫无疑问
Ridiculous. There’s no question in my mind whatsoever.
Now is the time for action.
Give me the Times, please.
不 我当然不知道号♥码
No, I do not know the number.
哦 乔治 你总是这么强势
Oh, George, you’re always so forceful.
泰♥晤♥士♥报♥ 我是乔治·班克斯
The Times? George Banks here.
樱桃树大街17号♥ 我要在你们的栏目上登一则广♥告♥
17 Cherry Tree Lane. I wish to place an advertisement in your column.
-报时枪准备好了么 -准备完毕 将军
-Time gun ready? -Ready and charged, sir.
请报告 宾纳克先生
I’ll take the report, Mr Binnacle.
是 风向已经转变 好像来自一个新的区域
The wind has changed, sir. Seems to be comin’ in from a new quarter.
-是的 -先生 什么事
-So it is. -Sir? What is it?
Bit of somethin’ or other taking place off the port bow.
我不得不说 一群可怕的人
Ghastly looking crew, I must say!
门外的保姆排起了长队 先生 能让她们进来了么
Coo! There’s a fair queue of nannies outside, sir. Shall I show ’em in?
艾伦 我说过了8点钟开始 就8点
Ellen, I said 8:00, and 8:00 it shall jolly well be.
You see? Twelve seconds to go.
10 9 8 各就各位
Ten, nine, eight… Posts!
7 6 5 4
Seven, six, five, four…
3 2 1
three, two, one!
艾伦 现在8点整了
Ellen, it is now 8:00.
是的 先生
Yes, sir.
艾伦 我已经告诉你多遍
But I have told you time and time again, Ellen…
I dislike being hurried into things.
我不明白 他们一点也不符合咱们的广♥告♥
I don’t understand. They’re not what we advertised for at all.
迈克尔 看
Michael, look!
Perhaps it’s a witch.
当然不是 巫婆都是骑着扫把
Of course not. Witches have brooms.
就是她 咱们想要的人 她看了我们的广♥告♥
It’s her. It’s the person. She’s answered our advertisement.
Rosy cheeks and everything.
艾伦 你可以把她们带进来了 一次一个
Ellen, you may now show them in, one at a time.
是的 先生
Yes, sir.
-请进 每次一位 -谢谢
-You may come in one at a time. -Thank you.
You are the father of Jane and Michael Banks, are you not?
我说 你是简和迈克尔的父亲吗
I said, you are the father of Jane and Michael Banks.
噢 是的 当然
Well, well ye… Yes, of course, I mean. Uh…
你带了推荐信吧 我可以看看吗
You brought your references, I presume. May I see them?
哦 我的原则是不提供推荐信
Oh, I make it a point never to give references.
依我看 那已经过时了
A very old-fashioned idea to my mind.
是么 我们还是有必要看一看
Is that so? We’ll have to see about that then, won’t we?
现在 看看广♥告♥上的要求吧
Now then, the qualifications.
第一条 开朗活泼
“Item one: A cheery disposition.”
I am never cross.
第二条 面庞红润
“Item two: Rosy cheeks.”
第三条 会做各种游戏
“Item three: Play games, all sorts.”
Well, I’m sure the children will find my games extremely diverting.
这张纸 你从哪里弄到的 我记得我已经把它撕了
May I? Eh, this paper? Where did you get it from? I thought I tore it up.
抱歉 第四条 必须善良和蔼
Excuse me. “Item four: You must be kind.”
我很善良 但非常严格
I am kind, but extremely firm.
你丢了什么东西吗 啊 是
Have you lost something? Ah! Yeah.
那张纸 我想我
That paper, you see. I thought that I…
-你是乔治·班克斯先生吗 -什么
-You are George Banks, are you not? -What?
你登了广♥告♥招聘保姆 是吗
And you did advertise for a nanny, did you not?
-乔治·班克斯 -那就好
-George Banks. -Very well then.
我撕了它 转过来
I tore it up, turned it over.
又撕了一下 然后扔在哪儿
Tore it up again and threw it in there. Yes.
请原谅 你生病了吗
I beg your pardon. Are you ill?
I hope not.
现在谈谈我的薪水吧 关于这一点这上面很模糊
Now, about my wages. The reference here is very obscure.
-是很模糊 -我们有必要明确下来
-Very obscure. -We must be very clear on that point, mustn’t we?
-的确有必要 -每隔一个星期二我得休息一天
-Yes, we must indeed. -I shall require every second Tuesday off.
Every Tuesday.
另外 规定一个试用期也许是明智的做法
On second thoughts, I believe a trial period would be wise.
Hmm. I’ll give you one week. I’ll know by then.
我去看看孩子们 谢谢你
I’ll see the children now. Thank you.
迈克尔 把你的嘴闭上 我们不是鳕鱼
Close your mouth please, Michael. We are not a codfish.
别光站在那儿看 走吧
Well, don’t stand there staring. Best foot forward.
Spit spot!
-乔治 -啊
-George? -Aah!
乔治 你到底在做什么
George, what on earth are you doing?
-我还以为你正在面试那些保姆呢 -刚才还是
-I thought you were interviewing nannies. -I was! I was!
You mean you’ve selected one already?
-是的 都结束了 -那么 她在哪儿
-Yes, it’s done. It’s, it’s all done. -Well, where is she?
什么 她在孩子们的房♥间里
What? Well, eh, she’s in the nursery of course, I mean.
-我的意思是让她开始工作了 -你太英明了
-I put her to work straightaway, I mean. -How clever of you!
I would have muddled the whole thing.
告诉我 她是不是符合我们的所有要求
Tell me, is she everything that we’d hoped she be?
一切都发生得太快了 我的意思是
Well, i-it all happened rather quickly. I mean, I… I, uh…
