Craving to make a name for himself in early-1930s Germany, the passionate stage actor, Hendrik Höfgen, has dedicated himself–body and soul–entirely to his art. But, pretty soon, as the Nazi Party rises to power, the ambitious artist will find himself before a pressing dilemma: renounce his apolitical stance and comply with the Third Reich‘s doctrine, or face oblivion. However, Faustian bargains never end well. What is the price to pay for one’s soul?
—Nick Riganas


在20世纪30年代初的德国,激情澎湃的舞台演员亨德里克·霍夫根(Hendrik Höfgen)渴望成名,他全身心地致力于自己的艺术。但是,很快,随着纳粹党上台,这位雄心勃勃的艺术家将发现自己面临一个紧迫的困境:放弃他的非政治立场,遵守第三帝国的教义,否则将被遗忘。然而,浮士德式的讨价还价永远不会有好结果。灵魂的代价是什么?-尼克·里加纳斯

body and soul全身心地; 全心全意
apolitical不关心政治的; 不重视政治的; 与政党无关的
comply with服从,遵从
Third Reich第三帝国(1933至1945年间的德国纳粹政权)
pay for支付; 付开销; 赔偿; 付出代价;
