圣 安 娜 奇 迹
I can’t hear you.
It’s them bells!
I’ve had them in my ears for ten hours.
叮当 叮当 叮当
Ding, dong, ding, dong.
嘿 上士 兰斯少校在哪
Hey, sergeant. Where’s Major Lance?
我们把指挥部转移到石屋了 少校在那
We moved the CP back to that stone building. The major’s there.
叫他来 上校在这
Get him, the colonel’s here.
Hold it!
上校 见到你们真高兴
Colonel! Am I glad to see you!
那些尸体 把他们放下来
Those bodies… Get those bodies down!
还愣什么 快放下来
What are you doing? Get ’em down!
遵命 长官
Of course. Yes, sir.
我们刚受到攻击 我管不了那些
We’ve been under fire… I know you have, but I don’t care!
放下来 放下来 我不想让小伙子们吊在那
Get ’em down! Down! Don’t want those boys left up there.
不论援军何时来 我们要守住这个镇子
We’re gonna hold this town till the linkup does come, whenever it is.
今天 明天 还是等到下地狱
Today, tomorrow, till hell freezes over.
看看他们吧 除非有其他原因
For their sake, if for no other reason.
我告诉你 是 长官
Private? Yes, sir.
会有一场恶战 那是你的事
It’s a hell of a war. A privilege to serve with you.
好吧 上帝保佑 我们会尽自己的责任的
Well, God willing, we’ll do what we came here to do.
准备好了 长官 出发
Ready, sir. Move out!
伙计们 我们都曾为国家战斗过
Pilgrim, we fought for this country, too.
Five postcard stamps, please.
谢谢 圣诞快乐 圣诞快乐
Thank you. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.
非常感谢 圣诞快乐
Thank you so much. Have a Merry Christmas.
Airmail to Kingston, Jamaica.
Stamps only?
Twenty-cent stamp, please.
对不起 先生 请给20分的邮票
Excuse me, sir? Twenty-cent stamp, please.
鲁道夫 你是
Rodolfo. You.
嘿 伙计 哦 记者
Hey, buddy. Um, press.

你是里奇探长 在说我吗
Are you Detective Ricci? That’s my story.
I heard about you.
是吗 别信你那些朋友的信口胡诌
Yeah, well, you oughta change friends then.
I’m Tim Boyle. Daily News.
发生了什么 去读《纽约邮报》就知道了
What happened? Read about it in the New York Post.
They left here two hours ago along with The Times, Newsday and every channel
两小时前来过了 跟拿天线的电视记者
一起走的 你不懂捷足先登的道理吗
you can get on TV with a wire hanger. Ain’t you ever heard of the early bird?
天哪 自己对着墙哭去吧
Christ. Go find a wailing wall.
我迷路了 到这的路
I got lost. Comin’ here?
说点别的借口 或许还能让人同情
Find another way for a dollar to change pockets.
It’s my first day as a reporter.
It’s probably your last.
欢迎来到纽约 学学州长洛克菲勒:
Welcome to New York. Be like Governor Rockefeller:
来过就走吧 能给我个新闻角度吗
Come and go at the same time. Give me some angle.
我只能给你个一无所有 孩子
All I can give you is an empty feeling, kid.
罪犯在贝尔维尤大街 剧院八楼顶层被捕
The perp’s over at Bellevue, eighth floor peanut gallery.
死者当场身亡 身体都凉了
The victim’s deader than yesterday’s beer.
听说他活着时 和其他人没啥区别
Heard he wasn’t special when he was breathing.
My next job’s gonna be stuffin’ ballot boxes on Staten Island.
你提醒了我去投票 许多警♥察♥家都在那
Remind me to vote. I live there. Most cops do.
回家吧 小鬼
Go home, kid.
留在这没好处 算了吧
Don’t stop for bread. Come on.
Gotta be something I can work.
Can I give you a tip on a hot horse?
圣诞节时 我可以在警校扮演圣诞老人 或
I’ll play Santa at the PA on Christmas Day. Or I’ll…
I’ll pay Hong Kong Sue over on Forty Deuce
to blow your noodle like Satchmo.
How about I put a story in your hip pocket?
“Good Cop Helps Poor Kids.”
我敢对天发誓 你会因此
Honest to Jesus, you get three months of Saturdays
放假三个月 快同意吧
out of it. Come on.
I can’t go back to scratching out obits.
看到那些人了吗 先别转身
See those guys? Don’t turn around.
他们要去黑人住♥宅♥区 搜查罪犯公♥寓♥
They’re rolling up to Harlem to sniff around the perp’s apartment.
好奇探秘 往往竹篮打水一场空
Only case that dynamic duo has cracked has Schaefer written on the side,
你或许会看到点有用的东西 别胡编滥造
but maybe you’ll see something. Don’t quote those gumflappers.
要是你需要引证 给我打电♥话♥
You need a quote, you call me. OK.
海基特 迪利迪 哎 什么事
Haggerty, Dillard! Yeah, what’s up?
Take this guy uptown with you.
谢谢 谢谢
Thank you. Thank you.
来吧 好的
Come on. All right.
先从起居室开始 然后一路查下去
We’ll start in the living room and work our way back.
把身后的门关上 小伙子
Close the door behind you, kid.
这名罪犯非常 非常虔诚
This perp is very, very religious.
没说的 在上帝那一定有个好名声
Nothing wrong with being in good standing with the Lord.
还以一名战斗英雄 看看这枚紫心勋章
And a war hero, too. Look at this, a Purple Heart.
嘿 吉恩 拳击手“轰炸机布朗“
Hey, Keith, the Brown Bomber.
Muhammad Ali would’ve knocked him out.
Way too fast for Joe Louis.
他能后退 但他避之不及
He can run, but he can’t hide.
哎 丹 这是什么东西
Hey, Dan, what the hell is this?
找到什么了 不知道 很重
What you got there? I don’t know. It’s heavy.
估计不是什么便宜货 看起来很贵重
Whatever this is, it ain’t junior-grade. This thing looks expensive.
My wife claws around flea markets
looking for this crap every weekend.
告诉你 这可不是一般的东西
I’m telling you, this ain’t normal.
This definitely ain’t normal.
靠后 伙计 对不起
Back up, buddy. Sorry.
No problem.
布鲁克斯教授 是我
Professor Brooks? Yes.
I get a lot of these things.
古老岩石 古代珍宝
Old rocks. Antique specials.
It seems like every schmuck in the world
who finds a backyard
arrowhead mistakes me for Iris.
Put it here.
From Greek mythology.
She is the faithful voice of Zeus.
她飘往各地 让人们肃然起敬
She flies from place to place and commands respect
无论是普通人 还是得道
from mortals and from im…
到底在那找到的 一个罪犯的公♥寓♥
Where the hell’d you get this? From a perp’s apartment.
这里有印记 不 别碰
It’s got this mark… Don’t touch it.
This is over 450 years old.
It’s the missing Primavera from the Santa Trinita.
是颦塔 莲娜还是圣母玛丽亚
Is that the Nina, the Pinta or the Santa Maria?
噢 看在上帝的份上 侦探先生
Oh, for God sakes, detective.
It’s the oldest elliptic
arch bridge in the world.
它在佛罗伦萨 在意大利
It’s in Florence, Italy.
由安马纳蒂 设计建造
Built by Ammanati.
This was one of four statues on it.
叫桃花女神 意思是春之神
The Primavera, meaning “spring.”
This head has been missing
since the Nazis blew up the bridge in 1944.
我的天 这简直就是发现金矿了
My God! This is a gold mine!
A gold mine!

圣诞快乐 我是迪姆·波尔
Merry Christmas. From Tim Boyle.
噢 聪明家伙
Oh, wise guy.
Mr. Hector Negron?
意大利 罗马
亲爱的 快回床上来
Darling, come back to bed.
求你了 可以了
Please. Enough.
我的歇会儿 好吗 宝贝
I need a little break, OK, baby?
他们说你两天来 不说话也不吃东西
They say you haven’t spoken or eaten in two days.
