好吧 也许我还不到九岁 只有八岁
Okay, maybe I’m eight. I’m really only eight.
Good God!
A Chocolate Giant.
Help me.
我会给你香蕉的 巧克力巨人
I’ll give you a banana, Chocolate Giant.
对不起 孩子 我吃奶的力气都用出来了
Sorry, boy. I done gived it every muscle I got.
用你的尾巴试试 巧克力巨人
Use your tail, Chocolate Giant.
耶稣在等你 孩子
Jesus is waitin’ on you, child.
This world ain’t worth a pinch of snuff nohow.
不 请不要走
No, please don’t leave.
噢 我的天 好痛啊
Oh, my God, it hurts.
给我力量 给我力量
Come on. Come on.
孩子 嘿 孩子 嘿
Boy! Hey, boy! Hey!
孩子 你还能喘气吗
Boy. You breathin’?
巨人 你舔起来味道不像巧克力
Giant, you don’t taste like chocolate.
别开枪 别开枪
Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot.
You can’t kill me.
I’m invisible!
来吧 孩子 来吧
Come on, boy. Come on.
Let’s go.
特雷纳 特雷纳
Train! Train!
哦 不
Oh, no.
Where’s Train?
他没能 他没能活下来
He ain’t… He ain’t make it.
那黑鬼比傻瓜还蠢 他去执行危险任务啦
That nigger’s dumber than a dime. You sent him over the hill?
I ain’t tell him to risk his life.
这不能怪别人 那家伙生来就危险
It’s nobody’s fault. That boy was born over the hill.
Follow me.
库拉尼亚 托斯卡纳 意大利
Special delivery for the Forer.
Holy Mother of God.
特雷纳 该死的傻瓜 我以为你死了
Train, you damn fool! I thought you was dead!
告诉你了吧 他一定会化险为夷的
Told you he was going over the hill.
噢 不 该死的
Oh, no. The fuck is he…
我们在这等到天黑 然后折返
We wait here till dark, and then we cross back.

This shit is heavy as hell.
你去哪了 你们都回到河边去
Where you going? Y’all go on back across that river.
The only person with any luck around here is him.
他还欠我1 400美元呢 那些钱
Plus, he owe me $1,400. That’s the kind of money
that can set me up for the rest of my life.
Even if the rest of my life is today.
To hell with this.
I’m up shit’s creek.
特雷纳 塞缪尔 卡明斯 毕晓普
Jesse Owens! Jack Johnson.
You go talk to your wife up there.
我一生从没感到如此寂寞 毕晓普
I never felt so lonesome in my whole life, Bishop.
我常常做梦 是吗
I been dreaming a lot. Yeah.
黑蛋 我可不想听你说梦
Nigga, I ain’t really interested in your dreams.
I want my motherfucking money.
我的宝贝比1 400美金更值钱
I got something’s worth more than $1,400.
比黑猫骨头更神奇 可以让人隐形
Better than black cat’s bones. Make you invisible.
Gives the strength of five people!
I think your cheese done slid off your biscuit.
You never see me chalk the line for no white kid like you done.
你派我去的 我可没派你把我们都害死
You told me to! I didn’t tell you to get us killed.
This uniform don’t change nothing for us.
战争是白人之间的事情 特雷纳
This is a white man’s war, Train.
Negroes ain’t got nothing to do with this.
This boy ain’t got no life nohow.
为啥要这样说 嗯
Why he don’t? Hmm?
A life of goodness is not what these white folk has chosen for they children.
Look at me.
圣经 箴言书22章16节
Good book says it, Proverbs 22:16.
“教养孩童 使他们走当行的道
“Raise up a child the way you want him to go,
and he will not depart from it.”
可现在 他学的只有仇恨
Now, he’s trained to hate.
妈的 他的命还不值一元中国钱
Shit, his life ain’t worth a dollar of Chinese money.
听着 毕晓普
Listen here, Bishop.
This boy ain’t done nothing to you.
你本来没打算救他 对吗
You didn’t want him before, did you?
你打算咋办 山姆·特雷纳
Where you goin’, Sam Train?
嘿 斯坦普斯 到底走不走
Hey, Stamps, we movin’ or not?
我们到晚上 我和 毕晓普 站第一班岗
We hold here till night. Me and Bishop’ll take first watch.
赫克托 你和 特雷纳第二班
Hector, you and Train take second.
看急救包有啥药 救救这孩子
Give the boy whatever first aid you got.
看看你给我们添了多少麻烦 麻烦精
What’d you get us into now, Diesel?
你屁事太多 大块头 拿着 你会有用的
It’s always something with you, big fella. Here, you gonna need these.
张嘴 孩子 吃了它
Come on, kid. Eat.
Come on.
He won’t take the medicine.
来 把药给我
Go on, give it here.
想吃巧克力吗 孩子
You want some chocolate, boy?
我可不会付出感情 他活不过一星期
I wouldn’t get attached. He’ll be dead in a week.
我从来没这样靠近过一个白人 赫克
I ain’t never been this close to a white person before, Hec.
甚至从来没碰过 包括死人
Never even touched one. Not even a dead one.
如果这孩子死了 我会给你个口哨作为鼓励
If this one dies, I’ll give you a whistle as a consolation prize.
你觉得他真的会死 干吗要担心他
You really think he’ll die? Why worry about it?
We could all be dead in an hour anyway.
你怎么总吻那东西 赫克
Why you always kissing that thing, Hec?
我在提醒我 我的父亲是谁
Reminds me who my father is.
I don’t need help remembering my pa.
他的名字是切斯特 切斯特 特雷纳
His name’s Chester. Chester Train.
Let’s give this kid some water.

Can I ask you something?
你要干什么 孩子
What you want, boy?
能告诉我 我是谁吗
Can you tell me who I am?
赫克托你不是懂意大利语吗 他说啥
Hector, you speak that Italian? What’s he saying?
他说“我是谁” 谁在和他说话
He said, “Who am I?” But who’s he talking to?
在跟神讲话 我知道
Lord, I knew it!
从他表情能看出来 看看他 赫克
I could see it in his face! Look at him, Hec.
嘘 小声点
Shh! Quiet down.
Good God!
他有特异天赋 什么天赋
He got the power! What power?
神知道 远古时代 所有的东西都会交流
God knows it. In the olden days, everything could speak.
树木会说话 鸟也会
The trees, the birds. Shh!
如果你能听到这些 证明你也具有特异天赋
If you could hear them things, then that mean you had it.
这孩子受到上帝的屁护 赫克托
This boy’s standing in the shadow of God, Hector.
感谢耶稣 谢谢你坚持正义的语言 上帝呀
Thank you, Jesus! Thank you for standing on Your holy righteous word, Lord!
神和我们同在 感谢主
Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus!
As you were.
92步兵师部 戈兰卡德 托斯卡纳 意大利
阿曼德将军 上校
General Almond. Colonel.
有张照片请看一下 长官
I have a photo you should see, sir.
先不谈这些 昨天的伤亡有多惨
Forget that a minute. How bad are the numbers from yesterday?
很惨 长官 艾克(艾森豪威尔)非常生气
Bad, sir. And lke gets mad when he gives me
waiters and shoeshine boys to fight the Krauts with.
德国人在挖战壕 斯塔西亚那杆枪让我们伤亡惨重
Germans are dug in. And that gun at La Spezia’s killing us.
一千五百黑人士兵 四分之一阵亡
Fifteen thousand colored soldiers. One in four is a casualty.
And all I’m hearing about is one goddamned gun?
我们也有枪 看见吗 我就有一支
We have guns, too, here. Look, see, colonel? I got one.
这支由黑人组成的分队 成了牺牲品 杰克
This colored division… This is an experiment, Jack.
牺牲品啊 他们是总统夫人派来的 不是我们
An experiment. These are the first lady Eleanor Roosevelt’s niggers. Not ours.
长官 恕我不敢苟同
Sir, I respectfully disagree.
这就是他们派你来的原因 杰克
That’s why they sent you here, Jack.
