How we doing, Richard?
我们会提早十五分钟 越过英国海岸
We should pass over the English coast 15 minutes ahead of time, sir.
以我们背载的货品来说 成绩很不俗
Well, with this load on our back, that’s good going.
皇家空军 值得信赖
Just trust the RAF, sir.
搞什么鬼? – 太空梭点火了
What the hell is that? – The shuttle ignition.
消失了? – 垦月者号♥怎么了?
Disappeared? And what happened to the Moonraker?
Good God.
当然了 首相 我马上办
Yes, yes, of course, Minister. Right away.
钱班霓 007从非洲回来了没?
Moneypenny, is 007 back from that African job?
He’s on his last leg, sir.
再高一点 我的耳朵就会爆裂
Any higher, Mr. Bond, my ears will pop.
我想我不会再跟别人 一起搭飞机了
I don’t think I’m ever going to fly with anyone else.
你说得对极了 邦德先生
You’re so right, Mr. Bond.
我们就把你就留在这里 邦德先生
This is where we leave you, Mr. Bond.
A little premature, isn’t it?
Enjoy your flight.
早安 钱班霓 – 詹姆斯
Good morning, Moneypenny. – James.
But why are you so late?
I fell out of an airplane without a parachute.
谁在里面? – Q和国防部长
Who’s in there? – Q and the Minister of Defense.
You don’t believe me, do you?
快进去吧 – 是的 钱班霓
And you should go right in. – Yes, Moneypenny.
终于来了 007 – 早安
007. At last. – Good morning, sir.
I think you know Frederick Gray, Minister of Defense.
中校 – 部长 Q
Commander. – Minister. Q.
你对垦月者号♥知道多少? – 我只在报章上看过 长官
What do you know about Moonraker? – What I read in the newspaper, sir.
Then you’ll know that Moonraker, the space shuttle,
was being flown over here
运送美国人借我们的 垦月者号♥到这儿来
on loan from the Americans on the back of a 747.
Yes, which crashed somewhere in the Yukon,
飞机和太空梭完全毁掉 对吗?
aircraft and shuttle totally destroyed, correct?
这是官方的版本 – 实情令人困扰
That’s the official version. – The truth is rather more disturbing, 007.
Look at this.
这里是坠机现场 残骸撒落的范围广阔
Now, that’s the scene of the crash. Wreckage strewn over a large area.
That’s all that’s left of the fuselage.
We’ve been through it with a fine- toothed comb,
but there’s no sign of Moonraker, not a trace.
Are you suggesting the shuttle was hijacked in midair?
That’s for you to find out, 007.
太空梭是由 在加州的崔斯工业制♥造♥
The shuttles are built in California by Drax Industries.
对 我们负责 这太空梭的安全 指挥官
Yes. We were responsible for the safety of that shuttle, Commander.
The United States government is justifiably concerned.
我想像得到 从加州开始调查
I can imagine. Then, California must be the place to start.
同意 – 千万别出错 007
I agree. – Don’t make any mistakes, 007.
这次的情况相当严重 我们必须把太空梭找回来
The situation is critical. We’ve got to find that shuttle.
是的 长官
Yes, sir.
If that’s all, gentlemen…
等一下 我有东西给你
Just a minute, 007. I’ve got something for you.
把右边的袖子卷起来 好吗?
Roll up your right sleeve, will you?
This is now being issued as standard equipment.
Strap it on your wrist.
It’s activated by nerve impulses from the wrist muscles.
Like this?
谢谢 007!
Oh, thank you, 007.
你小心点 好吗? – 知道
Be careful, will you? – Yes, Q.
共有十枚镖 五枚蓝色的 可以穿透盔甲
Ten darts, five blue- tipped with armor piercing heads,
五枚红色的渗有氰化物 半分钟内致人于死
five red- tipped, cyanide coated, causing death in 30 seconds.
非常新奇 在圣诞礼品店购买♥♥的吗?
Very novel, Q. You must get them in the stores for Christmas.
Good morning, gentlemen.
欢迎来到加州 邦德先生 – 我已经爱上这里了
Welcome to California, Mr. Bond. – I like it already.
My name is Corinne Dufour.
Oh, and you’re going to be showing me around, are you, Corinne?
不 我只是崔斯企业的 一个谦卑驾驶员
No. I’m just a humble pilot in the service of the Drax Corporation.
这是崔斯庄园 你看到的一切都属于崔斯先生
This is the Drax estate now. Everything you see belongs to Mr. Drax.
他拥有很多 不是吗? – 他想要的都已经有了
Owns a lot, doesn’t he? – What he doesn’t own, he doesn’t want.
We’re approaching the main complex now.
垦月者号♥ 就是在这里制♥造♥的吗?
That’s where the Moonraker shuttle is made?
对 工场 飞机库
That’s right, workshops, hangars,
设计和实验大楼 检验中心等等
design and experimental blocks, test centers, everything.
Very impressive.
听说雨果崔斯 很沉迷于征服宇宙
I’d heard that Hugo Drax is obsessed with the conquest of space.
我现在相信了 老天
Now, I can believe it. Good Lord.
崔斯大宅 一砖一瓦均购自法国
The Drax residence. Every stone brought from France.
很可爱 不是吗? – 很宏伟
Cute, isn’t it? – Magnificent.
Why didn’t he buy the Eiffel Tower as well?
他有 只是法国政♥府♥不让铁塔出口
He did, but the French government refused him an export permit.
你看 她们是正在受训的太空人
Look there. Those are the astronaut trainees.
崔斯先生独力资助 这个训练计划
Mr. Drax is financing the entire training program out of his own pocket.
He seems to have an eye for a good investment.
崔斯先生会在划厅 接见邦德先生 杜弗尔小姐
Mr. Drax will see Mr. Bond in the drawing room, Miss Dufour.
谢谢你 – 这边走
Thank you, Cavendish. – This way, please, sir.
Mr. Bond, sir.
邦德先生 – 崔斯先生
Mr. Bond. – Mr. Drax.
在她们离开前 容我介绍 鲁宝斯基女伯爵
Allow me to present, before they leave us, Countess Lubinski,
哩多莉亚夫人 他是邦德先生
Lady Victoria Devon, Mr. Bond.
How do you do?
Well, my dear fellow, your reputation precedes you, of course.
很荣幸贵国政♥府♥派你负责 这个微妙的任务
I’m honored that your government should send you on so delicate a mission.
微妙 崔斯先生?
Delicate, Mr. Drax?
Well, to apologize in person for the loss of my space shuttle.
How would Oscar Wilde have put it?
“To lose one aircraft may be regarded as a misfortune,
“to lose two seems like carelessness.”
崔斯先生 当我们调查出 垦月者号♥的下落后
Well, an apology will be made to the American government, Mr. Drax,
when we’ve discovered why there was no trace of the Moonraker in that wreckage.
你的忠诚真值得尊敬 邦德先生
And your loyalty commands respect, Mr. Bond.
You have arrived at a propitious moment,
coincident with your country’s one indisputable contribution
to Western civilization.
Afternoon tea.
你要吃黄瓜三明治吗? – 谢谢 我不吃了
May I press you to a cucumber sandwich? – Thank you, no, nothing at all.
整艘太空梭 是在加州制♥造♥的吗?
The shuttle, is it made entirely here in California?
不 我在世界各地的子公♥司♥
No. I own a number of subsidiaries throughout the world,
producing components.
要征服宇宙 必须为人类的将来
The conquest of space represents an investment in the future
作出投资 邦德先生
of the entire human race, Mr. Bond.
It is, therefore, logical to seek out the best that each nation has to offer.
你是说人还是技术? – 两者都是
Are you referring to people or skills? – Both, Mr. Bond.
我来得太早了吗? – 一点都不会
Am I too soon? – Not at all.
我确定邦德先生 很渴望开始参观
I’m sure Mr. Bond is eager to start his tour.
杜佛尔小姐 会带你见向导妙算博士
Miss Dufour will escort you to Dr. Goodhead who will show you around.
Ask anything you like.
谢谢你的合作 – 别客气
Thank you for being so cooperative. – A pleasure.
你去照顾邦德先生 要确定他会有危险
Look after Mr. Bond. See that some harm comes to him.
You’ll find Dr. Goodhead first on the right.
谢谢你的指引 – 有什么需要 请随便吩咐
Oh. Thank you for the ride. – Call on me if you need anything.
Good afternoon.
有何贵干? – 是的 我叫邦德
Can I help you? – Yes. My name is Bond.
詹姆斯邦德 我找妙算博士
James Bond. I’m looking for Dr. Goodhead.
你刚刚找到她 – 是个女人
You just found her. – A woman.
你的观察力果然名不虚传 邦德先生
Your powers of observation do you credit, Mr. Bond.
James, to my friends.
Holly Goodhead.
你在这里接受太空人训练吗? – 我已接受过全盘训练
Are you training to be an astronaut? – I’m fully trained.
我是从太空总署 太空管理部被借来的
On loan from NASA, the Space Administration.
邦德先生 我想我们最好开始吧
Well, Mr. Bond, I guess we’d better get started.
你不想浪费时间 和失去垦月者号♥ 不是吗?
You don’t want to lose time as well as a space shuttle, do you?
This is it, the Moonraker.
