He called him a bluenosed baboon.
Have you any more questions to ask the witness?
没有了 法官大人
No, milord.
That is all.
法官大人 我有些问题想 问一下布莱舰长
Milord, I should like to ask a few questions of Captain Bligh.
可以 纳尔逊舰长
Very well, Captain Nelson.
传布莱舰长 – 布莱舰长
Call Captain Bligh. – Captain Bligh.
布莱舰长 从你以前给出的证词…
Captain Bligh, in the previous evidence given before this court…
… 有一点一直没有搞清楚
…you failed to make clear one very important point.
A motive for the mutiny.
你能告诉我 为什么你的手下要夺你的舰船?
Can you tell us why your men took your ship?
我不知道 先生 直到我在舱里被抓住 我都毫无察觉
No, sir. Until I was seized in the cabin, I suspected nothing.
不过现在想起来 叛乱前一天晚上
A circumstance occurred the night
before which should have aroused my suspicions.
我到甲板上 看见弗莱彻·克里斯 和罗杰·拜阿姆…
Going on deck, I found Fletcher Christian and Roger Byam…
… 在栏杆旁说话
…talking together at the rail.
我听见罗杰·拜阿姆说 “你可以指望我”
I heard Roger Byam say, “You can count on me.”
然后我听见克里斯听见 “好 这事解决了”
I heard Christian reply, “Good. That’s settled.”
I saw them shake hands.
我后来才意识到 他们是在策划夺取帮提舰
I realized afterwards they were plotting to seize the Bounty.
但那不是事实 布莱舰长
But that’s not true, Captain Bligh.
法官大人 先生们 请允许我解释一下
Milord, gentlemen, let me explain.
要是被告要求 他可以问讯证人
If the prisoner so desires, he may question the witness.
Captain Bligh,
you’ve not repeated my whole talk with Fletcher Christian.
你听没听见 他让我去他在康勃兰的家吗?
Did you not hear him tell me about his home in Cumberland?
I did not.
嗯 那你也没听见 他让我许诺 …
Well, did you not hear him ask my promise…
… 如果他没有回去
…that if he did not return,
I would tell his parents what had happened?
I did not.
I swear before God and before this court…
… 这才是我和克里斯谈话的内容
…that was the content of my talk with Christian.
It had nothing to do with mutiny.
布莱舰长 除了你无意中听到的对话…
Captain Bligh, apart from the conversation you overheard…
… 还有什么拜阿姆以前的行为让你认为他有罪?
…was Mr. Byam’s previous conduct such that you believe him guilty?
先生 他以前的所作所为让我确信是他和克里斯策划的
Sir, his entire conduct convinces me that he plotted with Christian.
They were friends before the mutiny.
They remained friends after the mutiny.
在我到海岛的时候 他本来可以逮捕克里斯
When I arrived, the prisoner could’ve arrested Christian.
但是他允许他逃走了 他自己已经承认了
But he allowed him to escape. On his own admittance.
是的 但是你知道 我被囚禁在岛上有一年多了
Yes, but you knew I was trapped on the island, perhaps for years.
Outnumbered, unarmed.
我跟克里斯说过 不要起来反对舰长
I gave my word to Christian not to move against him.
拜阿姆先生 如果你是忠心的 当克里斯逃跑的时候…
Mr. Byam, if you were loyal when Christian escaped…
… 我应该发现你死了
…I should have found you dead.
I have nothing more to ask him.
我只能向法庭再说一次 我没有参与叛乱
I can only say again to this court, I am not guilty of mutiny.
If that is so,
当你的舰长被撵下舰船的时候 你为什么没有加入他?
why did you not join your captain when he was cast adrift?
I was below deck planning a counterattack
to regain the ship from the mutineers.
With whom did you plan the attack?
先生 和我同学 海军军校学生史都华
Sir, with my messmate, Midshipman Stewart.
…Midshipman Stewart died in the Pandora ‘s boat.
“主是我的看护人 我不应该想”
“The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.”
主是我的看护人 我不应该想
The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.
Can’t they ever reach a verdict?
I’m that sick of waiting,
我受不了了 这样生不如死的待着
I could stamp on a litter of wildcats and never feel a scratch.
喔 你在看什么?
Well, what are you looking at?
这不是大溪地 这只是朴茨茅斯
It ain’t Tahiti. It’s only Portsmouth.
I thought she might row by in a boat.
谁 女王?
Who, the queen?
不 我妻子
No, my wife.
Sorry, lad.
我为什么不能看见她?我妻子 我儿子…
Why can’t I see her? My wife, my boy…
… 这是我为什么要回来的原因
…that’s all I’ve come back for.
I knew they’d hang me.
但是我要见她们 我得见见她们
But I’ve got to see them. I’ve got to see them!
Blast these sea captains!
谁定的军法?上帝没有定 这些杀人凶手
Who made their sea law? God didn’t. The burning killers!
喂 我们处境都一样 汤姆
Lad! We’re all in the same boat, Tom.
They won’t let me see my mother.
帮个忙 静静地等等 好吗?
Won’t you help us now by holding on?
是 先生
Yes, sir.
Roger Byam?
Follow me, please.
约瑟夫爵士 – 孩子 判决下来了
Sir Joseph. – My lad, they’ve reached a verdict.
看匕♥首♥ – 匕♥首♥?
Watch the dirk. – The dirk?
The midshipman’s dirk will be lying on the table before Lord Hood.
如果是横着放的 你会被宣布无罪
If it lies crosswise, you’ve been acquitted.
如果是指向你的 你的罪名成立
If the point lies toward you, you’ve been condemned.
God be with you.
Thank you, sir.
囚犯 军士 立定
Prisoner and escort, halt. Left, hut.
Have you anything to say
before the sentence of this court is passed upon you?
法官大人 尽管我非常渴望能活下来 但我并不怕死
Milord, much as I desire to live, I’m not afraid to die.
自从我四年前 在帮提舰第一次出海…
Since I first sailed on the Bounty four years ago…
… 我已经见识了一个人所能带来的灾难
…I’ve known how men can be made
to suffer worse things than death.
冷血无情 超越职权 无缘无故
Cruelly, beyond duty, beyond necessity.
布莱舰长 你已经讲了帮提舰叛乱的事情
Captain Bligh, you’ve told your story of mutiny on the Bounty.
他们怎样密谋反对你 夺取你的舰船
How men plotted against you, seized your ship,
cast you adrift in an open boat.
一次伟大的科学探险无功而返 两艘英国舰船损失
A great venture in science brought to nothing. Two British ships lost.
但是还有其它的故事 布莱舰长…
But there’s another story, Captain Bligh…
…of 10 coconuts and two cheeses.
一个关于一个人怎样剥夺海员 辱骂他们 鞭打他们的故事
A story of a man who robbed his seamen, cursed them, flogged them.
那不是惩罚 是要摧毁他们的精神
Not to punish, but to break their spirit.
A story of greed and tyranny
…and of anger against it, of what it cost.
只要是一个人 法官大人 就无法忍♥受这样的暴君
One man, milord, would not endure such tyranny.
That’s why you hounded him.
就是你为什么恨他 为什么恨他的朋友
That’s why you hate him, hate his friends.
And that’s why you’re beaten.
Fletcher Christian’s still free.
但是克里斯也失踪了 法官大人
But Christian lost too, milord.
God knows he’s judged himself
more harshly than you could judge him.
我对他父亲说 他是我的朋友
I say to his father, he was my friend.
No finer man ever lived.
在这儿 我并不是想证实他的叛乱是正当的…
I don’t try to justify his crime, his mutiny…
…但是我想说 造成这灾难的暴君也有罪
…but I condemn the tyranny that drove him to it.
I don’t speak here for myself alone,
but for these men you’ve condemned.
I speak in their names
and Fletcher Christian’s name for all men at sea.
他们没有要求舒适 也没有要求安全
These men don’t ask for comfort. They don’t ask for safety.
如果他们有机会当面和你们说 他们会说
If they could speak to you, they’d say:
“Let us choose to do our duty willingly.
不要把我们当作奴隶 而是自♥由♥的英国人”
Not the choice of a slave, but that of free Englishmen.”
They ask only the freedom that England expects for every man.
只要你们中间有一个人相信这个– 只要一个人
If one man among you believed that- – One man.
He could command the fleets of England.
He could sweep the seas for England.
If he called his men to their duty not by flaying their backs…
…but by lifting their hearts…