There’s fish there, all right, but they’re making jokes about the bait.
You see- –
要是我证实了我怀疑的事 我…
If I could prove what I suspect, l…
算了 我太虚弱了 还是老老实实的待着吧
No, I wouldn’t. I’m so weak, I’m peaceful.
马斯普拉特 伯基特 看看 这是晚饭
Muspratt, Burkitt, look here, supper.
克里斯先生 看一下这个 先生
Why, Mr. Christian, sir. Take a look at this, sir.
六个人的晚饭 四磅 他们说这是四磅
Supper for six men. Four pounds, they calls it.
要是超过两磅 我宁愿挨鞭子
If that weighs more than 2, I’ll eat the cat- o’- nine- tails.
这不是猪肉 是马肉
lt ain’t pig. It’s horse meat.
为了这个风 我们累死了
We pulled our hearts out for this breeze.
And what do we get? We starve.
嗯 肉是少点 不要不高兴
Well, little meat, no distemper.
把气都撒在这个风上吧 让我们航程上都有风
Keep the wind in the sails and out of your stomach.
你要知道 军官也是同样的待遇
If it’s any comfort, the officers are in the same boat.
不包括布莱舰长 他是越来越胖 这个无♥耻♥的贼…
Not Captain Bligh. He’s getting fat, the dirty, thieving- –
你要再说 我把你关起来
Any more of that, and I’ll clap you in irons.
是 先生
Yes, sir.
巴克斯 巴克斯
Buckoes. Buckoes.
Here’s your supper.
汤普森 拿你的绳子和鱼钩 – 好
Thompson, get your hook and line. – Right.
看见没有?是个大块头 嗯?
See him? He’s a big one, eh?
给你 伯基特 – 好
Here you are, Burkitt. – Right.
噢 我们得有鱼饵 鲨鱼不是海员 它们要吃的
Well, we’ve got to have bait. Sharks ain’t seamen. They expect to eat.
We’ve got to have bait.
你们同意拿这个冒险试试吗?- 好的
You want to risk this for a meal? – Aye.
我同意 – 好
I’m willing. – Yeah.
如果鱼钩杀不了它 这肉会的
If the hook don’t kill him, that pork will.
Let it go.
它过来了 过来了
There he goes. There he goes.
上钩了 – 拉上甲板
Got him. – On deck with him.
好了 小心 小心 – 抓住
Easy, now. Easy, now. Easy, now. – Hold him.
是 – 你先来 伯基特 选一块做晚餐
Aye. – You first, Burkitt. Choose for your mess.
谢谢 伙计 – 哦 让我看到了
Thanks, mates. – Yeah, fine catch you’ve got there.
你得给我一块 嗯?
You know I must have a slice, eh?
鲨鱼也要吃鲨鱼吗?- 你别忘了你在做什么事
Shark eat shark? – You forget yourself.
你给我一块 一块又大又好的 我就不会说出去
You give me a slice, a nice, large one, and I’ll say nothing.
告密去吧 你这个恶心的马屁精 拿你的这块吧
Tell him, you slimy quill- pusher. Take your slice!
舒服啊 伙计们 噢 我们的猎鲨能手怎么样了 嗯?
At ease, lads. At ease. Well, how’s our shark- killer, huh?
他都快要零碎了 先生
He’s cut to bits, sir.
他会没事的 鞭刑是什么?
He’ll be all right. What’s a flogging?
抽几下 叫几声”噢 ” 然后你穿上衣服就这样
A few blows and a few “ohs,” and then you put on your shirt.
给你 – 谢谢
Here. – Thank you, sir.
嗯 如果你失去一条腿 伙计…
Now, if you’d lost a leg, my lad….
I left mine with a Spanish pirate
off the coast of Trinidad.
A bullfighter did the trick for me.
他醉的要命 结果差点把我好的那条腿锯下来
He was so drunk he nearly cut off the wrong leg.
嘿 拿来
Hey! Here.
You’ll be all right.
A bit tattooed on the back perhaps,
那正好是大溪地的风格 嗯?
but just the right style for Tahiti, eh?
喂 拉小提琴的 来首曲子 – 是 先生
Hey, fiddler, give him a tune. – Aye, sir.
晚安 伙计们 – 晚安 先生
Good night, lads. – Good night, sir.
听 拜阿姆 你可以鞭打他们 让他们挨饿…
Listen, Byam. You can flog those fellows, starve them…
…但是一个小提琴就会让他们高兴起来 – 海上的音乐…
…but they’ll bob up again with a fiddle. – Music at sea…
… 我永远也想象不出来 这儿是这样的美丽
…I never imagined how beautiful it was.
值班的 让他们别在鬼哭狼嚎了
Master- at- arms, stop that infernal jamboree.
比野猫叫♥春♥还难听 – 是 先生
It’s worse than two cats on a fence. – Aye, aye, sir.
The old death’s- head.
他是个很好的海员 我还没见过比他强的
I’ve never known a better seaman,
但是作为一个人 他太阴险卑鄙了
but as a man, he’s a snake.
他不是为了军纪来处罚人 他喜欢别人屈膝奉承
He doesn’t punish for discipline. He likes to see men crawl.
I’d like to push his poison down his own throat.
你们两个有个共同点 脾气都坏的要命
You both have one thing in common, the devil’s own temper.
He can let his go…
… 我这两年能不能忍♥住不发作 还是个问题
…but whether I can keep mine bottled up for the next two years is a question.
I believe you will.
无论发生什么事 能认识你都是我的荣幸
Whatever happens, I’ll always be glad I’ve known you.
你当上舰队司令的时候 我会记得这句话的
I’ll remember that when you’re an admiral.
晚安 年轻人
Good night, youngster.
Good night.
加茶吗 先生?- 不 你出去
More tea, sir? – No, you get out.
是 先生
Yes, sir.
你叫我有事吗 先生?- 是的 今天上午你得做件事
You sent for me, sir? – Yes, I’ve got a job for you this morning.
请坐 吃早饭了吗?- 吃了 谢谢 先生
Sit down. Had your breakfast? – Yes, thank you, sir.
I want you to sign the list of all supplies issued on the voyage.
Certify and sign.
我们应该马上就到目的地了 还算不坏的航行
We should raise the island anytime now. Not a bad voyage so far.
所有人都平安到达 只有六个死于坏血病
All hands accounted for. Only six down with scurvy.
五个坏血病 一个死于鞭打
Five with scurvy, one with flogging.
正确 那是你的观点 五个坏血病 一个鞭刑
Correct, there’s your credit. Five with scurvy, one with flogging.
We’re still under canvas.
布莱先生 我不能在这上面签字 没有补给这么多东西
Mr. Bligh, I can’t sign this book. No such amounts have been issued.
你曾经在日记帐上 多签了船没有带的额外的桶
You’ve signed daybooks with extra kegs the ship never carried.
是的 先生 – 那么这个为什么不签?
I have, sir. – And why not? We all do it.
We’d be fools if we didn’t on a lieutenant’s pay.
我想搞些东西出来 免得我穷的跟灾民一样
I want to stow away enough to keep me out of the gutter.
我明白这个 舰长的特权 一般情况 我不会介意的
I understand, a captain’s prerogative. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t mind.
Why is this case different?
我以前服务的舰长 没有饿他的手下
The captains I’ve served with didn’t starve their men.
他们也没有为了省钱 都买♥♥发臭的肉
They didn’t save money by buying up the stinking meat.
他们也不会买♥♥ 连猪吃了都会生病的山药
They didn’t buy yams that would sicken a pig.
They didn’t call their men thieves
and flog them in the bone.
你这个无赖 签名 – 我拒绝签…
You impudent scoundrel! Sign that book! – I refuse…
… 你没有这个权利
…and you have no authority.
I haven’t?! I’ll show you authority.
叫所有人到船尾 所有人
Lay all hands aft! All hands aft!
好的 先生
Very good, sir.
全体船员 立正
Company, attend!
克里斯先生 上前一步
Mr. Christian, step forward.
“lf any officer or other person in the fleet
shall disobey any lawful command…
…的命令 任何有这样…
…of any of his superior officers, every such person…
… 过错的人 都将接受军事法庭 …
…being convicted of such offense shall suffer death…
… 判决的死刑
…or other punishment as shall be inflicted on him
by the sentence of a court-martial.”
克里斯先生 请在这上面签名
Mr. Christian, you will sign this book.
Mr. Bligh…
…the ship’s company will bear witness that
I sign in obedience to your orders.
不过 请记住 先生
But remember, sir,
回英国后 我会要求法庭重新调查
I shall demand a court of inquiry in England.
You mutinous dog.
请收回你的话 先生
Retract that, sir.
我再说一次 你是个养不熟的狗
I will repeat it. You’re a mutinous dog.
克里斯先生 – 陆地 先生
Mr. Christian. – Land ho, sir!
Furl away!
在那儿 伙计
There she waits, lads!
那是哪里 傅兰雅先生?- 大溪地 傻瓜
What is it, Mr. Fryer? – Tahiti, you fool.
So you’ll face me with a court of inquiry?
我们离英国远着哪 在我们回到英国之前…
We’re a long way from England and what can happen on this ship…
…before we get there may surprise even you.
奶 这是奶
Milk! It’s milk!
舰长 他们这儿的奶牛能下蛋 太棒的地方了
Captain, they got cows here that lays eggs. What a place.
你能扶我起来一下吗 先生?我想看一下这个岛
Would you help me up, sir? I’d like to see the island.