You must be a king in your own country.
If His Majesty could see her…
…也会象我现在看见她一样 被深深的迷住
…as I see her now, he’d forgive the error.
我这样告诉她吗?- 不 不 就跟她说谢谢
Shall I tell her that? – No, no. Just say thank you.
…你的朋友很聪明 他看 他明白
…your friend is wise. He looks, he understand.
你编词典 可你什么也不懂
You make word, you understand nothing.
今天不做事 都去游泳去
No work today. Go swim, all.
来 弗莱彻 我带你去个小岛 你永生都不会忘记的
Come along, Fletcher. I’ll show you an island you’ll never forget.
你都想象不出来那儿有多么– – 拜阿姆
You can’t imagine what it’s- – – Byam.
如果你不反对 她们想和我们一起去
They’d like to come with us, if you don’t object.
反对?- 我想你不会的
Object? – I thought not.
她们简直太迷人了 不是吗?
Aren’t they amazing?
I never knew there were such people in the world.
她们天真善良 而且她们还高贵
They’re simple and kind, and yet, somehow, they’re royal.
What did you say?
I’m sorry.
I was just thinking…
… 这和舰上到底有什么区别
…what a contrast to the ship.
塔哈尼想和我比赛 来
Tehani wants to race me. Come on!
嗯 – 出什么事了?
Oh. – What’s wrong?
He comes from the ship.
布莱舰长的命令 – 布莱?
Captain Bligh’s orders. – Bligh?
You’re to report onboard immediately.
噢 我?拜阿姆 我明白他的把戏
Oh, I am? Byam, I know his game!
他给我假期 然后又收回去
He gives me leave and recalls it
就是想让我反抗 好 就如他的意吧
to devil me into insubordination. Well, I’ll oblige him!
就算是要为此受罚 我也要在岸上待满一天
I’ll have one day off that ship if I swing for it!
Tell him I refuse!
What did she say?
那人会告诉布莱舰长 他没找到你
The man will tell Captain Bligh you can’t be found.
哦 谢谢 对不起 我发脾气了
Oh, thank you. I’m sorry I lost my temper.
She says you were magnificent, like a storm at sea.
谢谢你的招待 – 你还会再来吗?
Thanks for your kindness. – You will come again?
那得由你和舰长来决定 – 你还会再过来的
That rests with you and the captain. – You will come again.
拜阿姆 我得走了
Byam, it’s been a day.
再见 麦米提
Goodbye, Maimiti.
再见 – 再见 弗莱彻
Goodbye, all. – Goodbye, Fletcher.
早上好 先生 – 早上好 史都华先生
Good morning, sir. – Good morning, Mr. Stewart.
Mr. Bligh wishes you to report to him
as soon as you come aboard, sir.
谢谢你 史都华先生
Thank you, Mr. Stewart.
报到 先生 – 你让我急坏了
Reporting, sir. – You relieve my anxiety.
我正准备派一队人全副武装 上岸去找你
I was about to send an armed shore party to look for you.
你允许我上岸的 先生 – 你是个不错的军官
I had your permission, sir. – You’re a fine figure of a king’s officer.
可是要是我证实你是个骗子 他们会逮捕你的
If I could prove to that native you’re a liar, they’d arrest you!
You’ll regret this!
在航程结束前 你要明白这里谁说了算
Before this voyage is over, you’ll know who’s master here!
布莱先生 我还记着
Mr. Bligh, I have in mind
the dead seaman you had flogged in Portsmouth.
He struck his captain.
You’d like me to strike you.
哼 我才不会上当哪 – 聪明 克里斯先生
Well, I won’t do it. – Very clever, Mr. Christian.
1000磅 先生 岛上精选出来的
1000 pounds, sir. The pick of the island!
摩根先生 我会在 约瑟夫·班克斯爵士面前表扬你的
Mr. Morgan, I shall commend your industry to Sir Joseph Banks.
谢谢 有个问题 先生 一个很严重的问题
Thank you. There’s one difficulty, sir, a very grave one.
These growing plants require more water than we can store aboard.
我们不能让它们死掉 先生
We can’t let them die, sir.
We won’t.
摩根先生 我会把这些树带到西印度群岛…
Mr. Morgan, I’ll take these trees to the West lndies…
…every tree in prime condition.
I shall cut the water allowance for the entire ship’s company.
Good morrow to you.
I’ll drink your health in Portsmouth!
把东西放在那儿 – 这是我的 先生 是礼物
Put your stuff there. – It’s mine, sir. It’s a gift.
舰长的命令 放下然后过去
Captain’s orders. Put it down and go forward!
天堂般的岸上假期 又要回地狱做工了
Shore leave in heaven, duty in hell again.
你那里是什么东西?- 曼德万斯 先生
What have you got there? – Monday Wash, sir.
是个宠物 先生 它的名字叫曼德万斯
It’s a pet, sir. Her name’s Monday Wash.
麦格斯先生 把那布洗一下 舰长的桌子用得上
Mr. Maggs, take that laundry for the captain’s table.
但是 先生
But, sir!
Now get forward!
来 过来 快点 – 他伤到你没有?
Come along, there. Hurry! – Did he hurt you?
没有 但总有一天 我要把藤条拿走 – 看你后面
No, but one day, I’ll take that cane away… Look behind you.

你不去船上了吗 黑提黑提?
Aren’t you coming aboard, Hitihiti?
I have said farewell to Bligh.
I have sent gift to King George.
那么再见了 – 好
Then this is goodbye. – Yes.
拜阿姆 朋友
Byam, tayo.
你在这里快乐吗?- 非常快乐 黑提黑提
You have been happy here? – Very happy, Hitihiti.
拜阿姆 我没有儿子
Byam, I have no son.
留在这儿 做我的儿子
Stay here with me. Be my son.
I must return to England.
I shall never come back.
…你以后会想我们的 – 黑提黑提
…you will think of us sometime. – Hitihiti.
罗杰 麻烦你过来一下?
Roger! Will you come here, please?
看 – 好大啊
Look. – Big as gooseberries!
请告诉她 这是无价之宝 我不能要
Please make her understand. These are priceless, I can’t take them.
She says they’re for your mother.
噢 好 谢谢她 罗杰
Oh. Well, thank her, Roger.
还有告诉她 这次航程一结束 我就会回来的
And tell her when this voyage is over, somehow, I’m coming back.
我不能这样告诉她 – 我是认真的 罗杰
I can’t tell her that. – I mean it, Roger.
但这只是个梦 弗莱彻
But it’s a dream, Fletcher.
这岛对你我并不是真实的 只有船才是真实的
This island isn’t real for you and me. It’s the ship that’s real.
船会带我们回家的 – 跟她说 罗杰
It’s taking us home. – Tell her, Roger.
谢谢 罗杰
Thank you, Roger.
再见 麦米提
Goodbye, Maimiti.
这样才对 不能哭
That’s right. No tears, lass.

Reporting with deserters.
在岛的另一面找到 没有反抗
Taken on the other side of the island. No resistance.
很好 杨先生
Very well, Mr. Young.
So you let them take you alive.
你们要后悔的 伙计 把他们带下去
You’ll regret that, me lads. Take them below.
我们不是逃兵 先生
We ain’t deserters, sir.
因为我们弄坏了个面包树 你罚我们不让上岸
You kept us aboard because we dropped that tub of breadfruit.
We wanted to see the island…
把他们押下去 锁起来
Take them below and put them in irons.
押解囚犯 站队
Prisoners in escort, into file.
Left, turn!
Quick march!
可以出海了吗 傅兰雅先生?- 可以了 先生
ls she ready for sea, Mr. Fryer? – Ready, sir.
升上桅帆和三角帆 – 准备 上桅帆和三角帆
Set topsails and jibs. – Stand by. Topsails and jibs.
All hands on deck!
你们看看 我都不相信 我们是在皇家海军的舰船上
Looking about me, I can’t believe we’re in a ship of the royal navy.
甲板象个谷场 乐园已经在后面了 先生们
The deck’s like a barnyard! Paradise is astern, gentlemen.
I’ll break the men of that island
我得鞭打每个在岛上的人 这提醒了我…
if I have to flog every thieving…Which reminds me…
… 10个椰子 王室财产
…10 coconuts, Crown property,
在你的看管下 被偷窃了
were stolen on your watch.
我说的对吗 麦格斯先生?
Am I correct, Mr. Maggs?
我亲自数的 – 我相信我负责的那些人
I counted myself. – I’ll account for the men in my watch.
他们没有拿椰子 – 你相信你自己吗?
They didn’t take them. – Can you account for yourself?
布莱先生 这让我想起 往这航行的时候