[Horn Honks]
[肖恩的独白] 剧作家的生活是很艰辛的
[Shawn Narrating]The life of a playwright is tough.
It’s not easy, as some people seem to think.
你辛辛苦苦地写剧本 却没人愿意把它们搬上舞台
You work hard writing plays, and nobody puts them on.
于是你只好找点别的事做 试着让自己挣点钱生活
You take up other lines of work to try to make a living–
I became an actor–
and people don’t hire you.
So you just spend your days doing the errands of your trade.
今天 我不得不早上十点起床
Today I’d had to be up by 10:00 in the morning…
To make some important phone calls.
然后我去文具店买♥♥了一些信封 然后又去了影印店
Then I’d gone to the stationery store to buy envelopes. Then to the Xerox shop.
There were dozens of things to do.
到五点我终于都干完了 于是我去了邮局
By 5:00 I’d finally made it to the post office…
And mailed off several copies of my plays…
Meanwhile checking constantly with my answering service…
To see if my agent had called with any acting work.
一到早上 信箱就塞满各种账单
In the morning, the mailbox had just been stuffed with bills.
我能怎么办? 我拿什么付这些账单?
What was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to pay them?
不管怎么说 我已经够努力了
After all, I was already doing my best.
I’ve lived in this city all my life.
I grew up on the Upper East Side…
当我十岁的时候 家里挺有钱 我属于上流社会
And when I was 10 years old I was rich, I was an aristocrat…
坐着出租车四处闲逛 日子过的很安逸
Riding around in taxis, surrounded by comfort…
And all I thought about was art and music.
现在 我36岁了 一心只想着怎么挣钱
Now I’m 36, and all I think about is money.
It was now 7:00…
没什么能比得上回到家里 让女朋友黛比给我做一顿美味丰盛的晚餐
And I would have liked nothing better than to go home and have my girlfriend Debby…
Cook me a nice, delicious dinner.
不过 因为最近几年 我们的经济状况一直不好
But for the last several years our financial circumstances…
Have forced Debby to work three nights a week as a waitress.
说到底 总得有人赚点钱吧
After all, somebody had to bring in a little money.
So I was on my own.
最糟的是 我被一件古怪的事找上了
But the worst thing of all was that I’d been trapped by an odd series of circumstances…
我不得不答应和一个家伙吃顿饭 毫不夸张的说 几年以来我一直躲着他
Into agreeing to have dinner with a man I’d been avoiding literally for years.
His name was Andre Gregory.
At one time he’d been a very close friend of mine…
As well as my most valued colleague in the theater.
实际上 是他第一个看好我
In fact, he was the man who had first discovered me…
And put one of my plays on the professional stage.
我认识他那会儿 他已经在事业上有所作为了 是一个戏剧导演
When I’d known Andre, he’d been at the height of his career as a theater director.
The amazing work he did with his company, the Manhattan Project…
Had just stunned audiences throughout the world.
But then something had happened to Andre.
他不再搞戏剧 几乎人间蒸发
He dropped out of the theater. He sort of disappeared.
似乎每过几个月 他的家人只知道他在某个奇怪的地方旅行
For months at a time, his family seemed only to know that he was traveling…
In some odd place like Tibet…
这看起来很不正常 因为他非常爱他妻子和孩子们
Which was really weird because he loved his wife and children.
He never used to like to leave home at all.
还有更绝的 我听说有人曾经在一个聚会上碰到他
Or else you’d hear that someone had met him at a party and he’d been telling people…
That he talked with trees or something like that.
按我看 安德烈肯定受了什么打击
Obviously, something terrible had happened to Andre.
[钢琴曲 轻爵士乐]
##[Piano: Light Jazz]
The whole idea of meeting him made me very nervous.
I mean, I really wasn’t up for that sort of thing.
我自己一堆麻烦还没处理呢 你看 我又帮不了他什么
I had problems of my own. I mean, I couldn’t help Andre.
我是不是该跟他推心置腹一番 给他把把脉什么的?
Was I supposed to be a doctor, or what?
?? [钢琴曲]
##[Piano Continues]
你好 – 你好
Hello. – Hello.
您的衣服号♥ – 谢谢
Here you go. – Thank you.
先生您好 – 呃 我叫瓦利斯·肖恩
Yes, sir. – Ah, sir, my name is Wallace Shawn.
I’m expected at the table of Andre Gregory.
先生 桌子要等一会才能用
That table will be a moment, sir.
If you like, you may have a drink at the bar.
[Woman Laughing]
晚上好 先生 – 呃 我想来杯苏打水
Good evening, sir. – Uh, could I have a club soda, please?
抱歉先生 我们这里只有亭泉了
I’m sorry, sir. We only serve Source de Pavilion.
哦 没关系 那个就行了 谢谢
Oh, that’d be fine, thank you.
之前给安德烈打电♥话♥的时候 他建议我们在这一家饭店见面
When I’d called Andre, and he’d suggested that we meet in this particular restaurant…
我很惊讶 因为以前他的品味是很低调的
I’d been rather surprised, because Andre’s taste used to be very ascetic…
Even though people have always known that he had some money somewhere.
你想想 不然他能一边飞到亚洲去什么的
I mean, how the hell else could he have been flying off to Asia and so on…
And still have been supporting his family?
我之所以答应来这是因为一个老朋友 乔治·哥拉斯菲尔德
The reason I was meeting Andre was that an acquaintance of mine, George Grassfield…
给我打了电♥话♥ 坚持让我见见安德烈
Had called me and just insisted that I had to see him.
乔治先前在晚上遛狗 在城里一个偏僻的地方
Apparently, George had been walking his dog in an odd section of town the night before…
And he’d suddenly come upon Andre…
Leaning against a crumbling old building and sobbing.
安德烈解释说 自己之前正在看
Andre had explained to George that he’d just been watching…
英格玛·伯格曼的电影 《秋日奏鸣曲》
The Ingmar Bergman movie Autumn Sonata…
about 25 blocks away…
And he’d been seized by a fit of ungovernable crying…
When the character played by Ingrid Bergman had said…
“I could always live in my art, but never in my life. ”
哎哟 – 哎哟喂
Wow. – My God.
[Wally Chuckling]
[沃利的独白] 我记得第一次跟安德烈的班子合作时
[Wally Narrating] I remember, when I first started working with Andre’s company…
I couldn’t get over the way the actors would hug when they greeted each other.
我想 这下我可真的是在剧院里了
“Wow. Now I’m really in the theater,” I thought.
Well, you look terrific.
我心里可是糟透了 [笑声]
Well, I feel terrible. [Laughing]
[Wally Laughing]
晚上好 先生 很高兴又见到你
Good evening, sir. Nice to see you again.
谢谢你 晚上好 呃 如果可以的话 我要一杯气泡酒
Thank you. Good evening. Ah, I think I’ll have a spritzer, if I could.
没问题 – 谢谢
Yes, sir. – Thank you.
[沃利的独白] 我觉得非常紧张
[Wally Narrating] I was feeling incredibly nervous.
I wasn’t sure I could stick through an entire meal with him.
So we talked about this and that.
他告诉我一些 关于杰西·葛罗托斯基的事
He told me a few things about Jerzy Grotowski…
The great Polish theater director…
Who was a friend and almost like a kind of a guru of Andre’s.
[模糊的谈话声] – 葛罗托斯基也离开剧院了
[Indistinct Chattering] – He’d also dropped out of the theater.
Grotowski was a pretty unusual character himself.
他曾经很胖 后来减了不少体重
At one time, he’d been quite fat, then he’d lost an incredible amount of weight…
变得很瘦 还留起了大胡子
And become very thin and grown a beard.
您的桌子可以用了 如果二位想坐下的话 – 哦
Your table is ready, if you feel like sitting down. – Oh.
哦 – 好的 谢谢
Oh. – Yes. Thank you.
[沃利的独白] 我明白 能让这个晚上好过的唯一办法
[Wally Narrating] I was beginning to realize that the only way to make this evening bearable…
Would be to ask Andre a few questions.
Asking questions always relaxes me.
实际上 我有时幻想自己有个秘密职业
In fact, I sometimes think that my secret profession…
一个私密调查者 一个侦探
Is that I’m a private investigator, a detective.
I always enjoy finding out about people.
即使他们正处在绝对的痛苦中 我总是觉得这很有趣
Even if they’re in absolute agony, I always find it very… Interesting.
对了 他还是个瘦子吗 – 什么?
By the way, is he still thin? – What?
葛罗托斯基 他还瘦吗?
Grotowski. Is he still thin?
哦 [咯咯笑] 那必须的
Oh. [Chuckles] Absolutely.
服务生? 呃 我们不需要这个
Oh, waiter? Uh, I think we can do without this.
好的 先生 – 谢谢
Yes, sir. – Thank you.
What about this one?
[笑声] 七虾戏水
[Laughing] Seven swimming shrimp.
可以点菜了吗? – 嗯 好的
Ready for your order? – Ah, yes.
呃 这个Galuska 你们是怎么做的?
Uh, the Galuska — How — How do you prepare that?
[沃利的独白] 安德烈似乎 是个点菜的老手
[Wally Narrating] Andre seemed to know an awful lot about the menu.
葡萄干和焯杏仁包的饺子 – 我一个字也看不懂
Dumpling with raisins, blanched almonds. – I didn’t understand a word of it.
我认为很不错 – 嗯
Very good, I think. – Hmm.
算了 我打算点这个 葡萄干鹌鹑 鹌鹑
No, I — I think I’ll have the Cailles aux Raisin, the quail.
很好 – 哦 鹌鹑! 我也要点这个
Very good. – Oh, quails! I’ll have that as well.
