so that if your– if your perceptions are —
I mean, if your own mechanism is operating correctly…
去珠峰也就毫不相干了 而且有点荒唐
it would become irrelevant to go to Mount Everest, and sort of absurd…
because, I mean — it just — I mean, of course, on some level, I mean…
obviously it’s very different from a cigar store on 7 th Avenue.
可是- – 是的 沃利 我同意你说的
But I mean — – Well, I agree with you, Wally.
But the problem is that people can’t see the cigar store now.
I mean, things don’t affect people the way they used to.
I mean, it may very well be that 10 years from now…
people will pay $10,000 in cash to be castrated…
just in order to be affected by something.
Well, why–why do you think that is? I mean, why is that?
是因为人们如今懒吗 还是因为他们无聊?
I mean, is it just because people are lazy today, or they’re bored?
我们是否就像无聊的 被惯坏的小孩
I mean, are we just like bored, spoiled children…
who’ve just been lying in the bathtub all day…
just playing with their plastic duck…
and now they’re just thinking, “Well, what can I do?”
没错 好的 我们就是无聊
Okay. Yes. We’re bored.
We’re all bored now.
可你是否想过 沃利 是什么样的进程
But has it every occurred to you, Wally, that the process…
that creates this boredom that we see in the world now…
它极有可能因为于一种自我延续的 不知不觉的洗♥脑♥
may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing…
而这又出自 以金钱为基础的世界集权政♥府♥
created by a world totalitarian government based on money…
and that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks…
它不仅仅是个人生存的问题 沃利
and it’s not just a question of individual survival, Wally…
更严重的是 无聊的人是麻木的
but that somebody who’s bored is asleep
and somebody who’s asleep will not say no?
我总是遇到这些人- 就在几天前
See, I keep meeting these people — I mean, uh, just a few days ago…
I met this man whom I greatly admire.
他是个瑞典物理学家 古斯塔夫·布耶恩施特兰德 (疑取自演员甘纳尔)
He’s a Swedish physicist. Gustav Bjornstrand.
And he told me that he no longer watches television…
he doesn’t read newspapers, and he doesn’t read magazines.
He’s completely cut them out of his life…
因为他的的确确感到 我们如今活在某种奥威尔式的噩梦里
because he really does feel that we’re living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare now…
也就是说 你所听见的一切 都在将你变成一个机器人
and that everything that you hear now contributes to turning you into a robot.
我还在芬德霍恩那会儿 曾遇到 一位非凡的英国植物学家
And when I was at Findhorn, I met this extraordinary English tree expert…
Who had devoted his life to saving trees.
当时他刚从华盛顿回来 是去游说保护美洲红杉的
Just got back from Washington, lobbying to save the redwoods.
他已经84岁了 总是带着一个背包旅行
He’s 84 years old, and he always travels with a backpack…
’cause he never knows where he’s gonna be tomorrow.
我在芬德霍恩看到他时 他问我“你是哪里人”
And when I met him at Findhorn, he said to me, “Where are you from?”
我说“纽约” 他说“啊 纽约 那是个非常有意思的地方”
I said, “New York.” He said, “Ah, New York. Yes, that’s a very interesting place.
你是否知道 很多纽约人一直说着想离开 却从没行动?”
Do you know a lot of New Yorkers who keep talking about the fact that they want to leave, but never do?”
我说“没错” 他又问“你说他们为什么不走呢”
And I said, “Oh, yes.” And he said, “Why do you think they don’t leave?”
我发表了一番老生常谈 他说“喔 我认为完全不是那么回事”
I gave him different banal theories. He said, “Oh, I don’t think it’s that way at all.”
He said, “I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp…
“where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves…
而囚犯自己同时也是看守 他们为自己所建之物感到骄傲
“and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they’ve built.
“They’ve built their own prison.
“And so they exist in a state of schizophrenia…
“where they are both guards and prisoners.
结果就是 他们不再- 变得麻木和迟钝以后-
“And as a result, they no longer have — having been lobotomized —
“the capacity to leave the prison they’ve made…
or to even see it as a prison.”
然后他伸进口袋 掏出一颗树种
And then he went into his pocket, and he took out a seed for a tree…
and he said, “This is a pine tree.”
他把种子放进我手心 然后说 “逃走吧 趁着为时不晚”
He put it in my hand and he said, “Escape before it’s too late.”
说实话 这两三年来
See, actually, for two or three years now…
我和乔姬塔一直有种不舒服的感觉 就是我们真的该离开这地方了
Chiquita and I have had this very unpleasant feeling that we really should get out.
We really feel like Jews in Germany in the late ’30s.
Get out of here.
当然 问题是去哪里
Of course, the problem is where to go.
因为 很明显整个世界都在殊途同归
‘Cause it seems quite obvious that the whole world is going in the same direction.
See, I think it’s quite possible that the 1960s…
represented the last burst of the human being before he was extinguished…
而它开启的是余下的岁月 现在 从今往后
and that this is the beginning of the rest of the future, now…
and that from now on there’ll simply be all these robots walking around…
没有感情 没有思维
feeling nothing, thinking nothing.
又能剩下谁 去提醒他们
And there’ll be nobody left almost to remind them…
that there once was a species called a human being…
with feelings and thoughts…
就在此时此刻 历史和记忆正在被抹去
and that history and memory are right now being erased…
and soon nobody will really remember…
that life existed on the planet.
当然 布耶恩施特兰德感到 这一切是无可救药的
Now, of course, Bjornstrand feels that there’s really almost no hope…
and that we’re probably going back to a very savage…
无法无天 恐怖的时代
lawless, terrifying period.
在芬德霍恩 人们的看法却稍有不同
Findhorn people see it a little differently.
They’re feeling that there’ll be these pockets of light…
springing up in different parts of the world…
而这些将会成为 某种意义上的世外桃源
and that these will be, in a way, invisible planets on this planet…
and that as we, or the world, grow colder…
we can take invisible space journeys to these different planets…
补给一番 各取所需
refuel for what it is we need to do on the planet itself…
and come back.
And it’s their feeling that there have to be centers now…
好让人们过来 为世界重建新未来
where people can come and reconstruct a new future for the world.
And when I was talking to, uh, Gustav Bjornstrand…
他说实际上 到处都有基地在形成了
he was saying that actually these centers are growing up everywhere now…
它们想做的 也就是芬德霍恩想做的
and that what they’re trying to do, which is what Findhorn was trying to do…
而且 可以说是我想做的-
and, in a way, what I was trying to do —
I mean, these things can’t be given names…
但某种意义上 都是试图创立一种新式学校
but in a way, these are all attempts at creating a new kind of school…
or a new kind of monastery.
And Bjornstrand talks about the concept of”reserves” —
它是一种安全岛 在这里 历史得以被铭记
islands of safety where history can be remembered…
and the human being can continue to function…
这样在黑暗的时代里 人类火种不灭
in order to maintain the species through a dark age.
换句话说 我们谈的是一种地下组织
In other words, we’re talking about an underground…
which did exist in a different way during the Dark Ages…
among the mystical orders of the church.
And the purpose of this underground…
意在想方设法去保存 光明 生命 文化
is to find out how to preserve the light, life, the culture…
how to keep things living.
You see, I keep thinking that what we need…
is a new language —
a language of the heart…
像是在波兰的森林里 一种无需语言处的语言
a language, as in the Polish forest, where language wasn’t needed.
它是人和人之间 某种全新的诗
Some kind of language between people that is a new kind of poetry…
它是翩翩起舞的蜜蜂之歌♥ 向我们诉说蜂蜜在哪里
that’s the poetry of the dancing bee that tells us where the honey is.
And I think that in order to create that language…
you’re going to have to learn how you can go through a looking glass…
into another kind of perception…
where you have that sense of being united to all things…
and suddenly you understand everything.
[Siren Wailing In Distance]
Are you ready for some dessert?
我要一杯浓缩咖啡 谢谢
Uh, I think I’ll just have an espresso. Thank you.
好的 – 我也要一杯 谢谢
Very good. – I’ll — I’ll also have one. Thank you.
对了 我可以再来一份意式苦杏酒吗?
And –And, uh, could I also have, uh, an amaretto?
当然可以 先生
Certainly, sir.
Thank you.
你看 沃利 在芬德霍恩有一座神奇的建筑
You see, Wally, there’s this incredible building that they built at Findhorn.
And the man who designed it had never designed anything in his life.
He wrote children’s books.
And some people wanted it to be a sort of hall of meditation…
and others wanted it to be a kind of lecture hall.
可是社区里比较神的那些人 想赋予它另一种功能
But the psychic part of the community wanted it to serve another function as well…
因为他们希望它有点像飞船 到了夜里能升起来
because they wanted it to be a kind of spaceship which at night could rise up…
and let the U.F.O.’s know that this was a safe place to land…
