and I got a fortune cookie that said “Don’t go”…
当然了 我承认可能会有点紧张 大概1秒钟
I mean, of course, I admit I might feel a bit nervous for about one second.
可实际上 我还是会去 因为
But in fact, I would go because, I mean…
that trip is gonna be successful or unsuccessful…
根据的是 飞机的状况和驾驶员的状态
based on the state of the airplane and the state of the pilot.
And the cookie is in no position to know about that.
And I mean, you know, it’s the same…
预言 征兆或预兆都是如此
with any kind of, uh, prophecy, or a sign, or an omen.
因为一旦你相信预兆 也就意味着宇宙-
Because if you believe in omens, then that means that the universe —
I mean, I don’t even know how to begin to describe this.
That means that the future is somehow sending messages…
backwards to the present.
也就是说未来 在某种意义上必然已经存在了
Which-Which means that the future must exist in some sense already…
in order to be able to send these messages.
这也就意味着宇宙中的事物 存在皆有目的-给我们启示
And it also means that things in the universe are there for a purpose — to give us messages.
可我认为 宇宙中的事物仅仅是存在而已
Whereas I think that things in the universe are just there.
I mean, they don’t mean anything.
如果海龟蛋从树上掉下来 在铺路石上摔开花
I mean, you know, if the turtle’s egg falls out of the tree and splashes on the paving stones…
那只是因为那只海龟笨手笨脚- 是个意外
it’s just because that turtle was clumsy– by accident.
And-And to decide whether to send my ships off to war on the basis of that…
seems a big mistake to me.
好 那你根据什么派出你的舰队呢?
Well, what information would you send your ships to war on?
Because if it’s all meaningless…
what’s the difference whether you accept the fortune cookie…
还是相信福特基金会的统计数字 又有什么区别呢?
or the statistics of the Ford Foundation?
It doesn’t seem to matter.
听我说 有些无意义的事实 比如幸运签或者海龟蛋
Well, the meaningless fact of the fortune cookie or the turtle’s egg…
can’t possibly have any relevance to the subject you’re analyzing.
可是当一组无意义的事实 以一种科学的方式 被收集和解释
Whereas a group of meaningless facts that are collected and interpreted…
in a scientific way may quite possibly be relevant.
Because the wonderful thing about scientific theories about things…
is that they’re based on experiments that can be repeated.

此话不假 沃利
Well, it’s true, Wally.
I mean, you know, following omens and so on…
is probably just a way of letting ourselves off the hook…
这样我们就不用为自己的行为 承担个人责任
so that we don’t have to take individual responsibility for our own actions.
可是我想说 把自己交给无意识
But I mean, giving yourself over to the unconscious…
can leave you vulnerable to all sorts of very frightening manipulation.
在所有我参与的工作中 总是有这种危险存在
And in all the work that I was involved in, there was always that danger.
And there was always that question of tampering with people’s lives…
因为如果让我来领导某个工作坊 那我就部分成了个医生
because if I lead one of these workshops, then I do become partly a doctor…
部分是个理疗师 部分是个神父
and partly a therapist, and partly a priest.
而我不是医生 也不是理疗师或神父
And I’m not a doctor, or a therapist, or a priest.
And already some of these new monasteries…
or communities or whatever we’ve been talking about…
are becoming institutionalized…
恐怕在某些时候 可以说有点法♥西♥斯♥主义
and I guess even in a way, at times, sort of fascistic.
你知道 有种自满的精英偏执在抬头
You know, there’s a sort of self-satisfied elitist paranoia that grows up —
一种“他们”和“我们”的论调- 让人非常不安
a feeling of”them” and “us” — that is very unsettling.
但是 问题是这样的 沃利 正是对科学的过度崇拜
But I mean, uh, the thing is, Wally, I think it’s the exaggerated worship of science…
that has led us into this situation.
I mean, science has been held up to us as a magical force…
that would somehow solve everything.
实际上 恰恰相反 它做的恰恰相反
Well, quite the contrary. It’s done quite the contrary.
It’s destroyed everything.
So that is what has really led, I think…
to this very strong, deep reaction against science that we’re seeing now…
just as the Nazi demons that were released in the ’30s in Germany…
were probably a reaction against a certain oppressive kind of knowledge…
and culture and rational thinking.
所以我承认我们在谈某种 潜在巨大危险的东西
So I agree that we’re talking about something potentially very dangerous.
But modern science has not been particularly less dangerous.
是的 我同意
Right. Well, I agree with you.
I completely agree.
No, you know, the truth is…
我知道你所形容的工作 到底哪里困扰我了
I think I do know what really disturbs me about the work you’ve described…
and I don’t even know if I can express it.
你在工作坊所做的事情 似乎全部重点在于
But somehow it seems that the whole point of the work that you did in those workshops…
如果你追根究底 你探寻它的本质-
when you get right down to it and you ask what was it really about —
The whole point, really, I think…
was to enable the people in the workshops, including yourself…
to somehow sort of strip away every scrap of purposefulness…
from certain selected moments.
这样一来 你们就都能体验
And the point of it was so that you would then all be able to experience…
somehow just pure being.
也就是说 你们尝试去探索这样一种处境
In other words, you were trying to discover what it would be like to live for certain moments…
活在某些无为的 脱离目的性的时刻
without having any particular thing that you were supposed to be doing.
And I think I just simply object to that.
I mean, I just don’t think I accept the idea that there should be moments…
in which you’re not trying to do anything.
[咯咯笑] 我觉得 行动是我们的天性
[Chuckling] I think, uh, it’s our nature, uh, to do things.
I think we should do things.
I think that, uh, purposefulness…
is part of our ineradicable basic human structure.
And to say that we ought to be able to live without it…
就像在说 一棵树要抛去根茎枝蔓一样
is like saying that, uh, a tree ought to be able to live without branches or roots.
可是 如果没有了树枝或树根 它就不会是树了
But — But actually, without branches or roots, it wouldn’t be a tree.
它只能是根木头 你明白我的意思吧?
I mean, it would just be a log. Do you see what I’m saying?
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
换句话说 如果我坐在家里 又没什么事要做
I mean, in other words, if I’m sitting at home and I have nothing to do…
well, I naturally reach for a book.
只坐在那儿有什么好的 无所事事?
I mean, what would be so great about just sitting there and, uh, doing nothing?
It just seems absurd.
And if Debby is there?
Well, that’s just the same thing.
我的意思是 是否真的存在这么一说
I mean, is there really such a thing as, uh…
两个人纯粹的共处 什么事也不做?
two people doing nothing but just being together?
I mean, would they simply then…
呃 “相关联”了吗 借一句我们常说的话
be, uh, “relating,” to use the word we’re always using?
I mean, what would that mean?
你看 我们要不就会交谈
I mean, either we’re gonna have a conversation…
or we’re going to, uh, carry out the garbage…
要不就做随便什么事 单独地或一起做
or we’re going to do something, separately or together.
I mean, do you see what I’m saying?
我是说 仅仅是坐在那儿到底有什么意义?
I mean, what does it mean to just, uh, simply, uh, sit there?
That makes you nervous.
是啊 为什么不呢? 它对我来说就是显得很荒谬
Well, well, why shouldn’t it make me nervous? It just seems ridiculous to me.
很有意思 沃利
That’s interesting, Wally.
你知道么 当我去西部藏区的拉达克时 在一个农场待过一个月
You know, when I went to Ladakh in western Tibet and stayed on a farm for a month…
那里的人晚上过来喝茶时 没人说一句话
well, there, you know, when people come over in the evening for tea, nobody says anything.
除非有什么要说的 不过几乎从来没有过
Unless there’s something to say, but there almost never is.
他们就坐在那儿 喝他们的茶 而这似乎并不让他们心烦
So they just sit there and drink their tea, and it doesn’t seem to bother them.
你看 沃利 总是跃跃欲试 总是有事要做的问题在于
I mean, you see, the trouble, Wally, with always being active and doing things…
is that I think it’s quite possible to do all sorts of things…
and at the same time be completely dead inside.
你做了所有的一切 可你做它们
I mean, you’re doing all these things, but are you doing them…
because you really feel an impulse to do them…
还是仅仅因为机械的习惯呢? 就如我们之前所说的那样
or are you doing them mechanically, as we were saying before?
因为我确实认为 如果你只是机械地活着
Because I really do believe that if you’re just living mechanically…
then you have to change your life.
你看 当你年轻的时候 你总是出去玩
I mean, you know, when you’re young, you go out on dates all the time.
去跳舞什么的 你无拘无束 逍遥自在
You go dancing or something. You’re floating free.
然后突然有一天 你发现自己恋爱了
And then one day suddenly you find yourself in a relationship…
and suddenly everything freezes.
And this can be true in your work as well.
当然 如果你真的心中真的有活力
And I mean, of course, if you’re really alive inside…
then of course there’s no problem.
我是说 如果你和某人住在一间小小的屋子里
I mean, if you’re living with somebody in one little room…
and there’s a life going on between you and the person you’re living with…
