Is that the Río Negro?
What do we got here?
The captain likes this one.
You won’t find their name on the lease,
but the Rodríguez brothers own the top six floors.
我靠 真的吗
Fuck. For real?
都说了 卡利还是有一些正直警♥察♥的
I told you, there are some honest cops in Cali.
Let me reach out to men I trust.
我来静悄悄的盯住这个地方 你们就回波哥大去…
Quietly. Keep an eye on this place. You go back to Bogotá and…
get a warrant.
拜托 放心吧 这楼又没长脚 不会跑的
Come on, guys, the place isn’t moving anywhere.
Get that paper and we’ll turn this place upside down.
Why wait?
Judge in Bogotá signed a warrant for us before we left.
Which you never told me about.
我不喜欢这样搞鬼 你们是在耍我吗
This is the kind of bullshit I don’t like. Are you playing me or what?
冷静点 你自己也说过 很难去判定谁真的值得信赖
Hey, man, it’s like you said. It’s hard to know who to trust.
I wasn’t even sure we were gonna need it.
There’s no address on this warrant.
你说了这个地方很可疑 那我们就填上这个地址
You said this place is connected, so let’s put in some work.
Do you know the kind of shit I could land in?
I don’t have a DEA pension waiting for me.
就算发了也没多少 说实话
Pensions aren’t that great, to be honest.
Let’s do it.
报告 请求一个战术小组到第四大道15号♥街
I need a tactical team sent to 15th Street and 4th Avenue, copy?
-收到 -请求一支战术小组
– Copy that. – Requesting a tactical team
at 15th Street and 4th Avenue.
你知道的 对吗
You do realize, don’t you,
我们归顺于政♥府♥之后 一切就结束了
after we surrender, all of this shit will end.
你不能再坐在泳池旁 抽你的雪茄了
No more sitting by the pool, smoking your cigar,
telling everyone what to do.
说实话 米格尔 我已经厌倦发号♥施令了
Look, Miguel, I’m tired of telling people what to do.
And no one has ever listened to you.
What’s the difference?
But you know what?
人类历史上 从来没有两个兄弟能达到我们的成就
Never, in human history, have two brothers accomplished what we have.
吉尔伯托 我们不是第一个建立帝国的人
We aren’t the first people in history to build an empire, Gilberto.
But we’re the first to retire leaving the empire intact.
如果妈妈还在 一定会为我们骄傲的
If Mom were alive, she’d be proud.
哥哥弟弟们挺好 侄子侄女 儿子们也都挺好
Brothers are well, nephews are well, sons are well.
老大 刚才截获了一个通讯
Boss, we just heard a call
that a tactical team left Jamundí station heading to 4th Avenue.
恩里克 你在哪
Enrique, where are you?
Watching our visitors from the DEA.
They’ve been checking addresses all over town.
不过现在停下来了 不知道在做什么
But right now, they’re stopped, just doing nothing.
Yes, but where are you?
At 15th Street and… 4th. On 4th Avenue.
他妈的 现在就有一队警♥察♥在朝你这边来
Enrique, fuck! There’s a police convoy coming at you!
Get Pallomari out of there now!
接电♥话♥啊 混♥蛋♥ 接电♥话♥
Answer, you bastard, answer.
-喂 怎么了 -我是萨尔塞多 你听我说
– Hello? What’s up? – Listen, it’s Salcedo.
现在就离开办公室 很快就有不速之客去找你了
You’re going to have unwelcome guests. Leave now.
我没时间管这些 正忙着监督一个重要的项目呢
I don’t have time for this. I’m supervising an important project.
That’s exactly why I need you to get out.
Just because you say so?
I know you’re arranging an important transaction for the bosses this afternoon.
Listen, this is none of your business.
I’ll bet your desk is covered with American dollars.
吉列尔莫 听我一劝吧
Look, Guillermo, please.
你那里的文件和名单 要是被别人发现就惨了
You’ve got papers. You’ve got names. You’ve got things that shouldn’t be seen.
-豪尔赫… -离开那里吧
– Jorge… – Get out of there!
你有你的工作 我也有我的
You do your job and I’ll do mine.
我的工作就是这个 我警告你… 婊♥子♥养♥的♥
This is my job! I’m telling you… Son of a bitch!
Fuck your mother.
I need you to check the paper shredders
and the floppy disks still in the computers.
发♥票♥ 提单 电脑里所有的资料都查查
Invoices. Bills of lading. Anything on the computers.
-搜查令上说只能查纸质文件 -是嘛 它上面说的东西可多了
– Warrant says paper only. – Yeah? Warrants say a lot of things.
Let’s go.
At least someone’s willing to get wet.
别担心 你很快就能回情报组工作了
Don’t worry, you’ll be back in Intelligence Group soon enough.
It’s not…
这是在浪费时间 克里斯
This is a waste of our time, Chris.
浪费时间就算了 这是在浪费我们的搜查令
And more importantly, this is a waste of a warrant.
You know what?
安德鲁·杰克逊说 我们在这栋高楼上的唯一收获
Andrew Jackson here says all we find in this fucking high rise
-就是能俯瞰一下这座城市 -得了吧
– is a nice view of the city. – All right.
我这的线人…不管他叫啥 反正他不是这么说的
Well, I got… whoever this guy is and he says otherwise.
Fucking shit!
先生们 有什么需要帮忙的吗
Gentlemen, how may I help you?
我们要去七楼 帕洛马力的办公室
Seventh floor. Mr. Pallomari’s office.
好的 请让我先通报一下
I’ll let them know you’re here so you can head up.
People love surprises.
先生 你不能这样…
Gentlemen, you can’t…
你 你♥他♥妈♥的还在这里干嘛
You. What the fuck are you still doing here?
我在干嘛 我在做我的工作 同样的话已经告诉你手下了
What the fuck am I doing? My job. We told your associate the same thing.
对不起 老大 我尽力了 他不听我的
Sorry, boss, I tried, but he won’t listen.
-你去开车 -请出去
– You go get the car. – Please get out.
-我必须做完 去你的 -从后面的楼梯走
– I have to finish. Fuck your mother. – The back stairs.
-好的 -做完什么事
– Yes, sir. – Finish what?
我的工作 豪尔赫
My job, Jorge.
不 听我说 我们现在就要把那些东西♥藏♥起来
No. Please, we have to get rid of all of that now.
我不想和你吵 但是你不能碰任何东西
We aren’t arguing. You aren’t touching anything.
I’ve got a method and a system.
-方法和体系 -没错
– Method and a system? – Yes, sir.
是嘛 你个白♥痴♥ 你桌上的那堆东西能让你在监狱里蹲上10年
Yes? What you’ve got is ten years of jail time sitting on your desk, you idiot.
-出去 -不
– Get out. – No.
注意 哥伦比亚国家警♥察♥局
Attention! Colombian National Police!
Where are the files?
开工了 快点
Get to work. Let’s go!
This is an office.
我们在工作 我能帮你什么忙吗
We’re working. How can I help you?
我们要检查你的档案 发♥票♥还有你们所有的通信往来
We need access to your files, invoices, and all of your correspondence.
这样的话 我要看你们的搜查令
If that’s the case, I need to see a warrant.
Are you supposed to be in charge?
对 我是这里的头
Well, yes, I’m in charge.
Come on.
早上好 我要检查你们所有的发♥票♥
Good morning. I have to see every invoice you have.
这上面只写了文件 操♥你♥妈♥
This says documents only. Fuck your mother.
你能重复一遍吗 先生 我的西班牙语… 一般般
Could you repeat that, sir? My Spanish is… is a bit rough.
You didn’t get that?
-只有文件 -只能查文件
– Only papers. – Documents only.
-好吧 -克劳迪娅
– All right. – Claudia.
看好他们都拿了什么 快去
Keep an eye on the things they’re taking. Now!
是 先生
Yes, sir.
放下 放在原位
Leave it. Let it be.
奇沃 检查所有东西 列好清单 知道没
Chivo, check everything and make an inventory, all right?
我喜欢礼物 你给我们带了什么
I like presents. What’d you get us?
That’s private.
伊格纳西奥 给他们看看去年的档案
Ignacio, please show the gentleman last year’s documents.
This way, please.
不好意思 先生
Excuse me, sir.
I must insist.
Your phone’s off the hook.
你们有提货单吗 有吗 让我看看
Do you have a bill of lading? Yes? Let me see.
还有呢 全拿过来
More? Everything.
-就这些吗 -还有复印件
– Just these? – And copies below.
-这些呢 不用吗 -是的先生
