-你怎么做到的 -智慧和勇气
-How’d you do it? -Brains, chum. Brains and guts.
现在没什么可以阻挡你了你了 是吧 哈里
There’s no stopping you now, eh, Harry?
从来就没有过 史瑞勒呢
Never was. Where’s the Strangler?
He’s joined Madame La Posh’s circus for dinner.
Look at him.
-他不是很可爱吗 -是的 很可爱 很可爱
-Ain’t he a cute sight? -Yes, very cute. Very cute.
呃 比尔 呃…
Uh, Beer, uh…
how much do you get for the Strangler when he fights for Kristo?
-那看情况 哈里 有时候…-50镑
-That all depends, Harry. Sometimes… -Fifty quid.
That’s what you get.
好了 我让你看看
All right, now that I’ve shown you managers
that Kristo’s all bubble and squeak…
I’m ready to throw a little business your way.
下周史瑞勒为我打 100英镑
Next week the Strangler fights for me… 100 quid.
嘿 你的钱又不是随便就来的
Hey, you ain’t in such a cushy spot after all,
是吧 哈里
are you, Harry?
你真的需要史瑞勒 对吧
You really need the Strangler, don’t you?
200磅 哈里
200 quid, Harry.
好的 好的 200镑 史瑞勒与尼古拉斯打
All right, all right. 200 it is. The Strangler fights Nikolas.
尼古拉斯 应该会很好看
Nikolas? Hey, that’s a good show.
But how are you gonna make old Gregorious swallow that?
Don’t look surprised at anything that happens.
来吧 嘴合上
Come on. Keep your mouth shut.
不 不 不 我不会逼你
No,no,no,no,no. I’d do it to oblige you, Beer.
But Gregorious wouldn’t let the Strangler within 10 feet of him.
You know what he did to him that morning?
Threw him out of the gym.
The Strangler fight Nikolas?
为什么 那个小丑完全不能和尼古拉斯相提并论
Why, that clown isn’t fit to breathe the same air as Nikolas.
嘿 你 我要杀了尼古拉斯
Hey, you, I kill Nikolas.
I break him in pieces!
你好 史瑞勒
Well, hello, Strangler.
杀了他 撕碎他
You kill! You break!
你那天早上并没有这么做啊 你的人真搞笑
You didn’t do it that morning. Your boy’s quite a comedian, Beer.
I saw Nikolas take one step toward him…
你的人脸变白了 向后退了两步
your boy turned white and took two steps back.
I step back from that dancing boy?
下次我看见他 我就杀了他
Next time I see him, I’ll kill him.
你现在就可以见到他啊 勇敢的人 他在健身馆
You can see him now, brave man. He’s at the gym.
Why don’t you drop in?
噢 懂了 懂了 我懂了 你在吃饭嘛
Oh, yes, yes, yes. I know. You’re having dinner.
-呃 -嗯
-Uhuh. -Hmm.
噢 如果我走这儿 你会把我手腕锁住
Oh, if I move here, you give me wrist lock.
如果你走这儿 我会把你头锁住
If you move here, I give you head lock.
勇敢点 走吧
Be a brave boy. Move.
两位 你们为什么不走 该回家了
Hello, boys. Why don’t you both move? It’s time to go home.
不 不 不 不 只是休息几分钟
No, no, no, no, no. Just few minutes rest,
but plenty work.
史瑞勒 怎么了 你疯啦
Strangler, what’s the matter? You crazy?
你 尼古拉斯 我要粉碎你
You, Nikolas! I crush you!
-喂 听着 我要把你扔出去 -敢叫我小丑
-Now, look, I threw you out of here once! -Call me clown!
我们不想你在这儿 出去
We don’t want you here! Get out!
来打啊 跳舞小子 怎么 你怕了吗
Come and fight, dancing boy. What, are you too afraid?
-出去 -比尔 带他走 让他离开这儿
-Get out! -Beer, take him away. Get him out of here.
You… You old woman.
你为什么不让他和我打斗 来打啊
Why don’t you let him fight me? Come fight!
等等 好的
Wait! Wait! All right!
好的 你会和他打斗 尼古拉斯也会和你打斗
All right, you’ll fight him. Nikolas will fight you.
但要在赛场上 在公开场合 有裁判在场
But a match, in public, with a referee.
乔治瑞斯 我们要告诉他们
Gregorious, we’ve got to show them.
Once and for all, we’ve got to show them.
We’ll let Nikolas break this clown in half.

-我让我的小子粉碎你 -粉碎我
-I let my boy crush you. -Crush me?
比尔 带你的人到我的办公室
Beer! Take your boy in my office.
I’ll be in in a minute.
乔治瑞斯 这是唯一的办法
Gregorious, it’s the only way.
We’ll let Nikolas finish him and his whole cheap circus,
once and for all.
Once and for all.
-哈里 你…-嘘
-Harry, you’re… -Shh.
哈里 你真耸人听闻 你是个奇迹
Harry, you’re sensational. You’re a wonder.
Do you know what you’ve just done?
Wow, you’ve just cooked up
the biggest wrestling match London will ever see.
-你怎么做到的 -智慧与勇气而已
-How’d you do it, boy? -Just brains and guts.
你很聪明 不会错的 你反应也很快
You’re clever, Harry, and no mistake. And you’re quick too.
How quick can you pay me that 200 quid?
米克 先别说这个
Mickey, hold your breath.
你回去读下合同 200镑
Be back by the time you read the contract, with the 200 quid.
你们喝一杯吧 这个 用我的笔签上名字
Have yourself a drink. Here, use my pen to sign it.
哈里 我不知道你怎么做啊
Harry, boy, I don’t know how you do it.
菲尔 搞定了 美女与野兽 昨天和今天
Phil, I’ve done it. Beauty versus the beast. Yesterday versus today.
You’ll get 1000% on your money.
-我跟你说过别再来这儿了 -我找到史瑞勒
-I told you never to come here. -I’ve got the Strangler.
-是真的吗 -他和他的经纪人现在就在健身馆
-Is this the truth? -He’s at the gym right now with his manager.
去吧 自己看 给我办公室打电♥话♥
Go ahead. See for yourself. Call my office.
坦普尔栅门 两个0 01
Temple Bar, double O, O one.
Double O, O one.
是的 史瑞勒和他的经纪人正坐在我的办公桌前
Yes, sir! Strangler and his manager sitting at my desk.
Sitting at my desk.
协议已经准备好 准备好签协议
Contract’s ready, ready to be signed.
And all he wants is…
200 quid.
也就是说你找到了史瑞勒 嗯哼
So you’ve got the Strangler, hmm?
-他现在在你的健身中心 -对了
-And he’s in your gymnasium at the moment. -That’s right.
太棒了 哈里
Wonderful, Harry.
你真是个奇迹 不会错的
You really are a wonder, no mistake.
-我知道我能指望你 -当然
-I knew I could count on you. -Sure.
你好 我是罗瑟先生
Hello? Mr. Nosseross here.
I want to talk to Mr. Kristo, please.
多谢 我等着
Thank you. I’ll hold on.
-克瑞斯多 -是的 克瑞斯多
-Kristo? -Yes, dear boy. Kristo.
There comes a time when a lad must learn
the true facts of life… and death.
亲爱的 你学习的时候到了
Well, dear boy, your time has come.
What are you saying?
You see, Kristo and I are old friends.
所以 我感觉我有责任告诉他史瑞勒的事
Consequently, I feel it my duty to tell him about the Strangler.
What are you saying?
I’m saying that nobody… nobody cuts in on Philip Nosseross.
没有 我不会给你200镑
No, dear boy, I am not giving you 200 quid.
I am giving you the sharp edge of the knife.
你好 我等着
Hello? I’ll wait.
You’ve been trying to kill me.
-是啊 -为什么
-I have. -Why?
Because you’re a thief…
who tried to steal something from me,
something that I bought and paid for.
哦 我…
Well, I…
不 不 不 菲尔 听我说 不是这样的
Oh, no. No, no, no. Phil, listen to me. it’s crazy.
放下电♥话♥ 放下电♥话♥
Put down that phone. Put that phone down!
我不要海伦 她对我什么也不是 什么也不是
I don’t want Helen. She means nothing to me. Nothing!
She gave you the money.
是的 我拿了 因为我绝望了
Yes, but I took it because I was desperate.
你不听我的 记得吗
You wouldn’t listen to me, remember?
但我没有骗你 我和你一起用了
But I didn’t cross you, Phil. I played it straight with you.
你好 找到他 很紧急的
Hello? Well, find him, please. It’s very urgent.
