假设这是你的家 突然断电 一片漆黑
What if this was your house? Power’s out. Lights are dead.
Your little ones in their bunk bed down the hall,
crying out…
妈妈 爸爸 快来 我害怕
Mommy! Daddy! Come quick! I’m scared!
-你必须第一时间赶过去 -来了宝贝 爸爸来了
-You need to get there, and fast. -Coming, honey! Daddy’s coming!
You’ll need a weapon.
但首先 你需要的是一个手电筒
But first, you’ll need a flashlight.
但你四周一片漆黑 你该怎么办
But you’re in the dark! What are you gonna do?
要怎么找到手电筒 让我来告诉你答案
How are you gonna find it? I’ll tell you how.
The Glow-in-the-Dark Flashlight!
没错 朋友们 我是戴利设备的拉瑞·戴利
That’s right, folks! I’m Larry Daley of Daley Devices,
and we’re gonna spend the next paid-programing block
rocking your world.
And I brought along a friend to do it.
女士们先生们 欢迎乔治·福尔曼
George Foreman, ladies and gentlemen!
棒极了 拉瑞 棒极了 大家说他是不是很棒
Fantastic, Larry, fantastic! Isn’t he fantastic, America?
不过说真的 这一切都是真的吗 仅仅两年以前
But, seriously, isn’t it true that just two years ago,
you were working as a night guard at some dusty museum?
没错 你是连续两届世界重量级拳王 乔治·福尔曼
That is true, two-time world heavyweight champ George Foreman.
而我只是一个小人物乔 拿着夜光手电筒怀揣着一个梦
I was just a regular Joe with a flashlight and a dream.
You mean a regular Larry.
但如今你是戴利设备的首席执行官 这可是当真的
But what’s no joke is you’re CEO of Daley Devices,
creator of such indispensable items
as the Super Big Dog Bone!
-你们喜欢吗 -还有防丢失钥匙圈
-You like that one? -The Unlosable Key Ring!
哦 对 那个小栗子
Oh, yeah, that little chestnut!
而现在你又推出了最新发明 大家一起说
And now your latest breakthrough… Say it with me, America!
The Glow-in-the-Dark Flashlight!
Whatever the household crisis,
这里是戴利设备 有什么可以帮助您
this is Daley Devices. Can I help you?
蒂娜 把这份文件还给斯图尔特 他的计算能力糟透了
Tina, give this back to Stewart. I don’t trust his math, okay?
-那家伙又打来了 -又打来
-That guy called again. -Again?
拉瑞 爆♥炸♥新闻
Lar! Huge news!
We got the Wal-Mart meeting.
-不会吧 什么时候 -三天后
-No! When? -Yeah. Three days.
好吧 好的 那我们有的好准备了
Okay, all right. We got a lot of work to do.
你有听我说吗 那可是沃尔玛
Well, okay, did you just hear me say “Wal” and “Mart” together?
是 我知道 这是件大事
Yeah! I know, it’s huge.
So just take a second to be happy about it.
All right.
You’re totally making fun of me.
今天全公♥司♥集体庆祝直到关门 怎么样
No, let’s hold off on the victory parade till we close, okay?
You got it.
-他想约什么时候见面 -礼拜五早上十点
-And when does he want to meet? -They want Friday morning, 10:00 a.m.
好吧 你知道该怎么做 取消推广会
Okay, then, you know what? Cancel that pitch
关于螺旋推进电锯的那个 好吗
for the electric saw thing with the propeller, all right?
-我得集中思想 -好的
-I just want to focus on this. -Okay.
-就这样 -我女儿的生日也泡汤了
-Just this. -My daughter’s birthday, canceled!
你可以先回去 我会呆到很晚 好吗
You can go home. I’m gonna be pretty late, okay.
是 老板
Okay, boss.
嗨抱歉 未经许可不得入内
Hello! Excuse me! Unauthorized personnel!
If it isn’t our very own Mr. Success Story.
来重游故地吗 好几个月没看到你了
Come for one of your nostalgia tours? I haven’t seen you for a few months.
对 我一直很忙 这里怎么回事
Yeah, I’ve been busy. What’s going on here?
发展 他们这样告诉我的
Progress, so they tell me.
这是发展趋势 自然历史博物馆 2 0版
The future. Behold, Natural History, version 2.0.
欢迎来到自然历史博物馆 这里能看到最鲜活的历史
Welcome to The Museum of Natural History, where history comes to life!
站出来 问出你的问题
Step up, ask your question.
Then let the next little boy or girl have their turn.
好吧 你的出生地
Okay, where were you born?
就在这里 纽约市 二十大街
Right here in New York City, on Twentieth Street.
October 27th, the year of our Lord 1858.
历史 历史 学习 学习
Blah, blah, blah. History, history. Learning, learning.
改变美国人♥民♥ 一次一个孩子提问
Changing America, one child at a time.
很棒 这么说你们打算增加一些这样的互动展品
That’s great. So you’re adding some new interactive exhibits?
不 戴利先生 不是增加 而是替换所有旧的展品
No, Mr. Daley, not adding. Replacing the old exhibits.
-那旧展品放去哪里 -清理出去
-Where are they going? -Away.
这些垃圾都要被清走 模型 蜡像
We’re getting rid of all this junk. The dioramas, the waxworks,
还有这些破烂的动物模型 比如这只手骨嶙峋的猴子
even some of the shabbier animals, like this scrawny little monkey.
你手脚轻点 它是只僧帽猴
You should be careful. He’s a capuchin.
It’s a monkey.
它是稀有品种 它叫僧帽猴 不是只普通猴子
He’s a rare breed. He’s a capuchin. He’s not just a monkey.
猴子 它就叫猴子 干嘛分的这么细
“Monkey”, then. I said “monkey”. Why be specific?
当你准备扔掉一只猴子时 你不需要为它取个拉丁名吧
When you’re throwing away a monkey, you don’t need the Latin name.
Are you throwing him away or are you moving him?
你专管灵长垃圾吗 算了吧 宝贝
What are you, the Primate Garbage Police? Let it go, baby.
-这是谁的主意 -当然是我的
-Whose idea was this? -Me, of course.
这事我说了算 我和董事会
I’m in charge. Me and the board.
Mainly the board.
Anyway, why do you care?
不是 人们爱这些展品
No, it’s just that people love this stuff.
人们 戴利先生 永远喜新厌旧
People, Mr. Daley, love “What’s next?”
这你应该清楚 你不是也走了
You should know that. You left.
我的情况不一样 我的生意刚刚起步
My situation changed. My business took off…
对 你成功了 如果我是夜班守卫 我也能
Yeah, you became a success. So would I, if I was a night guard.
So where are these guys going?
Deep storage. Federal Archives.
-在哪儿 -华盛顿
-Where’s that? -Washington, D.C.
The Smithsonian.
There’s got to be something that we can do.
没用了 它们明天早上就会被运走 都结束了
It’s done! They leave tomorrow morning. It’s over.
嗨 伙计 你好吗 你这把老骨头还好吗
Hey, buddy, how you doing? How you doing with all this?
You want what’s in here?
猜猜我给你带什么 是一条绳子吗
You think I got something for you? You think I got a little rope?
Think you’re stronger than me, huh?
Is that all you got, huh?
劳伦斯 很高兴见到你 孩子
Lawrence! Good to see you, lad!
我也是 泰德
Yeah, you too, Teddy.
The Guardian of Brooklyn has returned!
嘿 阿克 听着 麦克菲都告诉我了
Hey, Ahk. Look, McPhee told me what’s going on around here.
-我有个主意 -真的
-I had no idea. -Indeed.
劳伦斯 你最后一次来这儿以后
A lot has transpired, Lawrence,
发生了很多事 俗话说…
since your last visit. One would say that…
-稍等 -忙人
-Just… -Cricket.
嘿 谁来帮把手
Hey, Bocephus! Little help over here!

嘿 伙计们 你们好吗
Hey, fellas. How you doing?
Well, lookee here.
If it ain’t Mr. Big-in-the-Britches himself,
come back just in time to see us off!
杰德 我听说了 听着
Yeah, Jed, I heard. Look,
I don’t even know how this happened.
是啊 你当然会觉得很奇怪
Yeah. Yeah, real mystery how this happened.
也许答案就在你手里那个 嗡嗡作响的盒子里
Maybe the answer’s on that magic buzzing box there in your hand!
你不在这里了 铁人 所以事情才会变成这样
You weren’t here, Gigantor! That’s how it happened!
Ain’t no mystery!
事实是 拉瑞 他们开会的时候
The fact is, Larry, there’s no one else here to speak on our behalf
during business hours.
没人 没人 笨瓜 笨瓜
None, none, dum-dum.
嘿 伙计们 没事的
Hey, guys! It’s okay!
我明天一早就给董事会打电♥话♥好吗 我会做弥补
I’ll call the board in the morning, all right? I got some pull now.
我会处理好 我们都会没事
I’ll handle this. We’re gonna be okay here.
我们 你听见了吗 还是我们在做白日梦 强尼
“We”? Did you hear that? You hear Daydream Johnny?
自从你对我们撒手不管以后 你是你 我们是我们
There ain’t been a “we” ever since you put us on the “pay no mind” list.
And that’s a cold place to be, boy.
拉瑞 悲剧已经发生
Larry, what’s done is done.
Even the glory of Rome had to come to an end.
Would you please not look dramatically off into the middle distance
你这么说 让我更加痛苦
when you say that? It makes me feel worse.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
