I don’t know what you’re talking about.
你看什么 你看什么 我在这里
Where are you looking? Where are you looking? I’m over here.
Just a bit of wall.
听着伙计们 也许事情没那么糟
Look, guys, maybe it won’t be so bad.
对 你说的对
Yes, you make a good point.
But this is the Smithsonian we’re talking about here.
德克斯特 你根本不懂
Dexter, you don’t know that.
重点不是这个 铁人 我们要被扫地出门了
You’re missing the point, Gigantor! They’re shipping us out!
拉瑞 我知道你只是在安慰我们
Larry, I know you’re trying to make us feel better.
I can see that you’re genuinely slightly bothered,
but it’s never going to be the same.
我们所有人 聚在一起 在这里
All of us here, together, in this place.
It ain’t never gonna be home, boy.
杰迪戴亚 别这样
Jedediah, please!
劳伦斯 这种情况下大家都容易激动
Lawrence, these are emotional times for all of us.
But it is our last night as a family,
and I don’t want to see it squandered in self-pity.
让我们在这神圣大殿做最后一次游♥行♥吧 谁愿意来
So who will join me for one final stroll through these hallowed halls?
-你想去逛一圈吗 -不
-Do you want to go for a walk? -No.
I’m just gonna squander it in self-pity.
亲爱的 上马吧
My dear, shall we?
一路平安 亲爱的
Safe journey, my love.
嘿 德克斯特 要帮忙吗
Hey, Dexter, want some help there?
别这样伙计 别闹情绪好吗
Hey, come on, man. No hard feelings, all right?
It’s gonna be fine.
天快亮了 劳伦斯
It’s almost dawn, Lawrence.
是啊 那么 你的木箱呢 泰德
Yeah. So, where’s your crate, Teddy?
我不和他们一起走 劳伦斯
I won’t be making this journey, Lawrence.
我 雷克斯 还有其他一些签名展品
It seems myself, Rexy, and a few of the signature exhibits
还要留下 暂时
will be staying here for now.
Without the tablet?
事实上 劳伦斯
In truth, Lawrence,
阿卡曼拉的复活金牌 会和他一起留在这里
Ahkmenrah’s tablet will be remaining here with him.
复活金牌不能随他们一起走了 我的朋友
They’re going without the tablet, my friend.
I’m afraid this night is their last.
You didn’t tell them.
作为一个绅士 痛苦我们只会留给自己
Sometimes it’s more noble to tell a small lie than deliver a painful truth.
-你会没事吧 -我会尽力
-Are you gonna be okay? -I shall do my best.
And who knows?
俗话说 塞翁失马焉知非福
Sometimes the greatest change brings about even greater opportunity.
看看你 劳伦斯
Look at you, Lawrence.
你离开之后 生活发生了翻天覆地的变化
You left this place and created quite a life for yourself.
是啊 也许你说的对
Yeah, I guess so.
我的朋友 你要对自己有信心
I should hope you’d do more than guess, my friend.
你是大企业的老板 一手掌握大权
You’re a captain of industry. The world at your fingertips.
在我看来 你拥有了一切你想要的
It seems to me you have everything you wanted.
没有 我自己知道
Yeah, no, I know.
不 你不懂 如果可以 孩子
No, you don’t. If I may, lad,
allow me to offer you one piece of advice.
The key to happiness, to true happiness, is…
稍等一下 我得…
Hang on one sec. I just gotta…
I got this Japanese deal.
哦 算了 我关机吧 对不起
No, okay, I’m turning this off. I’m sorry.
The key to happiness?
再见 泰德
I’ll see you, Teddy.
他们真的走了 你什么忙都没帮上
So they’re gone? There’s nothing you can do?
我也想做点什么伙计 告诉你 我已经竭尽所能了
I wish there was, man. I’m telling you, I tried everything.
我和麦克菲谈了 给董事会打了电♥话♥
I talked to McPhee, I called the board,
but they shipped them out this morning.
好多吃的啊 老爸
This is a lot of food, Dad.
对 我公♥司♥的爱德今天要过来 我记得我告诉过你
Yeah. Ed from work’s gonna come by. I thought I told you.
We just have to go over a couple of little work things.
-那今晚你要工作 -以前我每晚都工作 记得吗
-So you’re working tonight. -I used to work every night, remember?
That was when you had the coolest job in the world.
但是”酷”可支付不起你昂贵的吉他 和别的花销
Yeah, well, “cool” doesn’t pay for your Guitar God VI or whatever.
-喂 -铁人 是我 杰迪戴亚
-Hello? -Gigantor! It’s me, Jedediah!
-撑住 撑住 -杰德
-Hold! Hold! -Jed?
Never surrender!
杰德 你们在干嘛 你是怎么拨通电♥话♥的
Jed, what are you… How did you dial the phone?
说来话长 那个死猴子偷来了复活金牌
Long story! That brazen little monkey stole the tablet,
and now we’re in a world of hurt, boy!
-出什么事了 -卡门拉
-What’s going on? -Kahmunrah!
-卡门拉 -阿卡曼拉的哥哥 他来了
-Kahmunrah? -Ahkmenrah’s big brother! He’s here!
相信我 他是来者不善
-And trust me, not a friendly! -Never!
我重复一遍 来者不善
I repeat, not a friendly!
那是匈奴王的声音吗 杰德
Is that Attila, Jed?
I don’t know how much longer
-不要 -杰德 你没事吧
-we can fight them off! No! -Jed? Are you okay?
-放开我 救命 -嘿 杰德
-Let go of me! Help! -Hey, Jed.
-放开我 放开 你放开我 救命啊 -杰德
-Let go! No, you let go of me! Help! -Jed?
What was that about?
I don’t know.
快点 我要把你送到你妈那儿
Here, come on. Gonna drop you off at your mom’s.
-出什么事了 老爸 -我会去弄清楚的
-What’s going on, Dad? -I’m gonna go find out.
伙计 麦克菲说联邦档案馆在史密森尼
Okay, buddy, McPhee said the Federal Archives are in the Smithsonian.
Where exactly am I going?
问得好 老爸 史密森尼其实是19座不同的博物馆
That’s the thing, Dad. The Smithsonian is actually 19 different museums.
They’re laid out around the National Mall,
from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial.
那里面什么藏品都有 确实有很多特别酷的东西
They got everything there. There’s actually some really cool stuff.
尼克 别扯别的 档案馆到底在哪座博物馆里
Nicky, please focus. Which museum are the Archives in?
不是博物馆里 而是地下
Not in, under.
It looks like it runs underneath the entire Smithsonian.
So if Ahkmenrah’s tablet is down there…
The biggest museum in the world is coming alive.
你打算怎么办 老爸
What is exactly is your plan here, Dad?
-这你别担心 -你根本没有计划是不是
-Don’t worry about it. -You have no plan, do you?
尼古拉斯 我有一个超级绝妙的计划
Now, Nicholas, I have a very good, highly thought-out plan.
-你没有计划 -好吧 我没有计划
-You have no plan. -Yes, I have no plan.
I’ll call you when I’m in.
给你 谢谢
Here you go. Thanks.
Welcome to the biggest museum in the world.
是啊 这像一场旅行
I know, right? It’s a trip.
那些挂在天花板上的飞机怎么样 很神奇吧
How about these planes dangling from the ceilings, huh? Pretty weird.
不好意思打扰了 请问联邦档案馆怎么去
Hi, excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Federal Archives?
Of course. Just be a historical document worthy
of storing for all eternity.
开个玩笑 他不是档案
I’m kidding. He’s not a document.
抱歉 先生 档案馆在地下层 那里是禁区
I’m sorry, sir, the Archives are underground, and they’re a secure area.
真的 完全禁止入内吗 好吧 谢谢
Really? Like, totally secure? Okay, thank you.
女士们先生们 博物馆将在一小时后闭馆
Ladies and gentlemen, the museum will be closing in one hour.
嘿 你想干嘛
Hey! What are you doing?
-严禁触摸 -不 我没有想摸
-No touching. -No, I wasn’t gonna touch it.
你已经产生”摸机”了 伙计
You’re moving in with some I.T.T., bro.
-摸机 -触摸动机 朋友
-I.T. T? -That’s “Intent to Touch”, homey.
我没有 我知道这不许碰…
No, I wasn’t. You’re not allowed to go over the…
-怎么 你还想亲它吗 -好吧 对不起
-What, are you gonna kiss it? -All right, sorry.
你手放上去碰一下试试 我站在那儿等上一天
Put your hand on it and touch it. ‘Cause I stand there
and I wait all day for a little girl like you to come in
and put her precious nail-polished nails all over the exhibits.
对不起 我以为我们生活在一个自♥由♥民♥主♥的国家…
Sorry. Last time I checked, I thought we lived in a free country, so…
-不 不是 -不是
-No, we don’t. -No?
这个国家规定你 不许碰你前面的这个东西
It’s the United States of Don’t Touch That Thing Right in Front of You.
I just want to… I’m allowed to look at it here, okay?
See what happens when you touch it!
你在威胁我吗 你在威胁我吗 布兰顿
So you’re threatening me? You’re threatening me, Brandon?
-是布伦顿 -什么
-It’s “Brundon.” -Excuse me?
-布伦顿 -布伦顿
-“Brundon”! -“Brundon”?
-布伦顿 -布伦顿

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
