-“Brundon.” -“Brundon.”
What, did they run out of U’s on your nameplate maker?
不知道 你妈是不是没教过你
I don’t know, did they run out of jokes
at the interesting-joke store that you shop at?
不好意思 看上去像是布兰顿…
Sorry, it looks like “Brandon”, but…
我不是来教你语♥音♥的 是布伦顿
I’m not here to be your speech therapist. It’s “Brundon”!
-布伦顿 好的…-你以前没听说过这名字吗
-“Brundon.” Okay… -You never heard of the name before?
布伦顿 没有
“Brundon”? No.
1984年最流行的名字 布伦顿
Look up most popular baby names in 1984. “Brundon.”
好吧 你在威胁我吗 布伦顿
Okay. Are you threatening me, Brundon?
我不知道 茉莉公主 我有吗
I don’t know, Princess Jasmine. Am I?
-哇 月光九号♥手电筒 -没错
-Oh, wow. Lunabeam nine-volt. -Yeah.
Wonderful piece of hardware, huh?
-商标在这儿 月光九号♥ -太好了
-That’s their title, Lunabeam Nine. -Great.
I prefer the Maglite LED myself, but that’s just me.
-帮我个大忙 -什么忙
-Do me a huge favor. -What?
把手放回裤带 放低你的姿态
Shove your hands into your pockets, put your attitude way down,
还有 对人友好些
and, also, be nice to people.
Great. But could I just ask you one thing?
-可以 -我只想弄清楚
-Yeah. -Okay, so just to be clear,
-我不能碰它 对吗 -好吧 你这个疯子
-so, I can’t do this, right? -Okay, that’s actually crazy.
Did you just make a decision to possibly end your life
earlier than you were expecting?
I’m gonna hit you with the flashlight.
-你在威胁我 -别碰它
-Now you are threatening me. Okay. -Do not touch it!
-别碰我 -你别碰它
-Don’t touch me. -Do not touch it!
-别碰它 -你别碰我
-Do not touch it! -Don’t touch me!
I’ll touch you with my flashlight all day.
不 你的手电筒是用来照明的
No, your flashlight is meant to illuminate.
我打个比方 我们去露营
I will literally rent a camper,
开着车横跨美国 一路上我都要拿手电筒碰你
and we will drive across America with my flashlight on your chest.
-你别这样 -别怎样
-Don’t do that. -Don’t do what?
Want to see what happens when I do it one more time?
-你等着瞧 -瞧什么瞧
-Let’s see what happens. -Watch you do nothing.
Let’s watch you do nothing when I do this.
说真的 布兰顿…
Seriously, Brandon…
-布伦顿 -布伦顿
-Brundon. -Brundon,
you do not know who you’re dealing with.
You think you know what it means to be a guard, huh?
相信我 你根本不懂守卫的含义
Trust me, you don’t know the meaning of the word.
I have seen things that you could not imagine.
-比如什么 -我不会告诉你
-Like what kind of stuff? -I’m not gonna tell you.
-But you’re gonna drop the flashlight… -The way you said it,
it sounded like you were gonna say something cool.
对 可惜你听不到
Yeah, well, you don’t get to hear it.
Drop the flashlight.
We cool?
That’s actually pretty cool, what you just did.
Thank you.
No hard feelings?
-好吗 对不起 -没事
-All right? Sorry. -Okay.
-我很抱歉 -不 是我的错 我不应该…
-I’m sorry. -No, It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have…
不 一个巴掌拍不响 再说…
No. It takes two opposing forces to cause friction, and…
你只是在尽你的本职 没事的
And you’re just doing your job, all right.
-放松点 伙计 -好的
-Take it easy, man. -Yeah!
That guy’s great.
好了 伙计 我进去了
Okay, buddy, I’m in.
太棒了 告诉我你现在的位置
Great. Where are you?
城♥堡♥的东北角走廊 刚出国会
The northeast corridor of the Castle, just off the Commons.
-带我到档案馆 -好的
-I need you to talk me to the Archives. -Okay.
到走廊尽头 右转
At the end of the hall, turn right,
and there should be a stairwell coming up on your left.
-明白 -这下面像个迷宫
-Got it. -Now, it’s kind of a maze down there.
Those underground tunnels connect a bunch of different buildings.
-地形非常复杂 -我们没时间了
-It could get complicated. -We’d better hurry,
we only got 28 minutes till sundown.
下到B层以后 再一次左转
When you get down to B level, you want to take another left…
-尼克 喂 尼克 -老爸 听得见吗…
-Nick? Hello? Nick? -Dad! Can you hear…
尼克 你说…尼克
Nick, you’re… Nick!
-身份 布伦顿 -嘿
-ID, Brundon. -Hey.
-你晚了 老兄 -是啊
-Later, dude. -All right. Yeah.
好了 大伙儿都在哪儿
All right. Where are you guys?
哦 上帝
Oh, my God.
你这个捣蛋鬼 我一会儿再找你算账
You little troublemaker. I’m gonna deal with you later.
不 不 不 不 不
No. No! No, no, no!
英语 英语会说吗
No, English. English, perhaps.
抱歉 你是谁
I’m sorry, who are you?
我是卡门拉 我是王中之王
I am Kahmunrah, the great king of the great kings,
and from the darkest depths of ancient history,
I have come back to life!
Perhaps you did not hear what I just said.
我是古老埃及的法老 我曾经死去
I am a centuries-old Egyptian Pharaoh. I was dead,
但是现在 我死而复生
but now I have come back to life!
哦 是 我听清了
Yeah, no. I heard that.
我明白你的意思 欢迎回来
I got that. Welcome back.
-你是谁 -戴利设备的拉瑞·戴利
-Who are you? -Larry Daley. Daley Devices?
我公♥司♥在纽约市 很有趣 我还认识你弟弟阿卡曼拉
It’s up in New York. It’s funny, I know your brother, Ahkmenrah.
-是吗 -是的
-Do you? -Yeah.
他说他认识我弟弟 最受宠的儿子
He knows baby brother. The favorite son.
-对 是个好孩子 -谁说不是呢
-Yeah, good kid. -Isn’t he just?
知道吗 妈妈和爸爸总是把所有最好的给他
You know, Mother and Father always gave him the best of everything,
我说的是所有 甚至包括王位
and I do mean everything. They even gave him the throne.
The throne which was rightfully mine!
-他没提过这事 -我打赌他不会说
-He never mentioned that. -I’ll just bet he didn’t.
不过卡门拉时代现在来临了 因为我死而复…
Well, now begins the era of Kahmunrah, because I have come back to…
算了 把金牌给我
Never mind, just hand me the tablet.
别给他 铁人
-Don’t give it to him, Gigantor! -Keep him away!
安静 你们给我安静
Silence! Silence in there, please!
-别逼我进去 -我不会保持沉默
-Don’t make me come in there! -No! I won’t be muzzled!
听着 这金牌所拥有的力量
Look, that tablet is more powerful
是你这个戴利设备的拉瑞·戴利 根本无法想象的
than you, Larry Daley of Daley Devices, can possibly imagine.
Bringing things back to life is just a parlor trick.
有了它 我就可以开启尘封的地下世♥界♥之♥门♥
With it, I shall unlock the Gate to the Underworld
and bring forth my army from the Land of the Dead.
So, if it’s not too much trouble…
…hand it over.
好吧 给你
Okay, here you go.
Wise decision.
是啊 很抱歉
Yeah, I know. I’m sorry,
我以为你是想要那个魔方 不过…
I thought you wanted the Cube, but…
The Cube?
The Cube of Rubik.
好吧 这个魔法立方体是干什么的
All right, what is this Cube of Rubik, then?
就是魔方 那个可以把你的敌人化成灰的魔方
The Cube. You know, the one that turns all who oppose you to dust?
有这个玩意儿吗 随便吧 总之…
That one? Whatever. I thought…
是我不好 顺便说一句
It was my bad, ’cause… You know what? By the way,
your brother didn’t want to mess with it, either.
Yeah, he wanted to play it safe, too.
只是 你看上去像比他厉害些 所以我…
Just, you sort of struck me as a next-level sort of guy, so I was…
我不是我弟弟 拉瑞
I am not my brother, Larry.
只需一眨眼的功夫 我就能杀光你和你的朋友们
I will kill you and your friends in the blink of an eye.
Now take me to this Cube of Rubik.
-就在这儿 -打开
-Here it is. -Open it.
回来 把金牌还给我
Come back here! Come back here with my tablet!
I still have your friends!
-你来开 -什么
-Take the wheel! -What?
我说你来开 打起来了 打起来了 我爱它
I said, take the wheel! Oh, we’re in it now! I love it! I love it!
笔直往前 其他我来对付
Just keep her straight, I’ll handle the rest.
Now, charge!
好吧 你有什么计划
Okay, so what’s the plan here?
我们是美国人 不计划 只做

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
