请问有什么事吗 先生?
Is there anything I can do for you, monsieur?
No. No, no.
有事吗 先生?
Yes, monsieur?
Just looking around.
同志 我们为什么要互相欺骗?这儿很棒啊
Comrades, why should we lie to each other? It’s wonderful.
老实说 我们俄♥罗♥斯♥有这种东西吗?
Let’s be honest. Have we anything like it in Russia?
Can you imagine what the beds would be in a hotel like that?
他们说只要摇铃一下 侍者马上就进来
They tell me when you ring once, the valet comes in.
摇两下 进来的是服务生
When you ring twice, you get a waiter.
摇三下 你知道会怎么样吗?
And do you know what happens when you ring three times?
女仆进来 法国女仆喔
A maid comes in. A French maid.
同志 如果我们摇九下…我们进去吧
Comrades, if we ring nine times…Let’s go in.
Just a minute.
我不是反对这个主意 但我还是得说…
I have nothing against the idea, but I still say…
…let’s go back to the Hotel Terminus.
莫斯科为我们订了那里的房♥间 我们有公务在身…
Moscow made our reservations there. We are on an official mission…
…and we have no right to change the orders of our superiors.
你的勇气呢 布叶诺夫?
Where is your courage, Comrade Buljanoff?
Are you the Buljanoff who fought on the barricades?
Now you are afraid to take a room with a bath?
– 我不想去西伯利亚 – 所以不想去终点饭店
– I don’t want to go to Siberia. – I don’t want to go to Hotel Terminus.
And I don’t want to…
– 不 – 听我说
– No, no. – Listen to me.
布叶诺夫 如果列♥宁♥还活着 他会说…
Look, Buljanoff, if Lenin were alive, he would say:
“布叶诺夫同志 如果这辈子有机会到巴黎…”
“Buljanoff, comrade, for once in your life, you’re in Paris.
“别当个傻瓜 进入饭店 摇三次铃”
Don’t be a fool. Go in there and ring three times. ”
He wouldn’t say that.
What he would say is: “Buljanoff, you can’t afford to live in a cheap hotel.
Doesn’t the prestige of the Bolsheviks mean anything to you?
Do you want to live in a hotel…
…where you press for the hot water and cold comes…
“压下冷水钮 却没有水出来的饭店吗?”
…and when you press for cold water, nothing comes at all?”
寒酸啊 布叶诺夫
Phooey, Buljanoff.
我还是坚持 我们应该跟平民站在一起
I still say our place is with the common people.
But who am I to contradict Lenin? Let’s go in.
– 你是经理吗? – 是的 先生
– Are you the manager? – Yes, monsieur.
Pardon me for introducing Comrade Iranoff…
– 俄♥罗♥斯♥交易所理事 – 先生 您好
– …member of the Russian Board of Trade. – Monsieur.
– 这是柯帕斯基同志 – 您好
– This is Comrade Kopalski. – Monsieur.
– 我是布叶诺夫同志 – 先生 您好
– And I am Comrade Buljanoff. – Monsieur.
May I ask you how much your rooms are?
诸位 恐怕我们的费用相当高
Well, gentlemen, I’m afraid our rates are rather high.
Why should you be afraid? Heh.
I might be able to accommodate you.
– 还有别的行李吗? – 有
– Is there some more luggage? – Oh, Yes.
But have you a safe big enough to hold this?
I’m afraid we have no boxes of that size in the vault…
…but there’s a suite with a private safe.
That’s even better.
– 可是 各位 我恐怕… – 他老是在害怕
– But, gentlemen, I’m afraid… – He’s always afraid.
I just wanted to explain.
The apartment may suit your convenience…
…but I doubt whether it will fit your convictions.
– 那是皇家套房♥ – 皇家套房♥?
– It’s the royal suite. – The royal suite?
Just a minute.
同志 我警告你
Comrades, I warn you,
if it gets out in Moscow that we stay in the royal suite…
…we’ll get into terrible trouble.
就跟他们说 是因为保险箱的关系
We just tell them we had to do it on account of the safe.
这理由太好了 其它地方找不到这么大的保险箱
That’s a perfect excuse. There was no other safe big enough.
– 没错 – 很好
– That’s right. – That’s fine.
Of course, we could take out the pieces…
分开放在三 四个保险箱里…
…and distribute them in three or four boxes in the vault…
…and take a small room.
– 这也是一种想法 – 对 这是个好主意
– That’s an idea, isn’t it? – Yes, that’s an idea.
But who said we have to have an idea?
– 没错 – 这样很好
– That’s right. Ha-ha-ha. – That’s very good.
– 给我们皇家套房♥ – 这边请
– Give us the royal suite. – Step this way, please.

请帮我接梅西尔 对 珠宝商
Please connect me with Mercier. Yes, the jeweler.
Hell? Hello?
不 我要跟梅西尔先生本人说话
No, I want to speak to Monsieur Mercier personally.
喂 梅西尔先生?
Hello, Monsieur Mercier?
我是伊拉诺夫 俄♥罗♥斯♥交易所理事
This is Iranoff, member of the Russian Board of Trade.
是的 今天早上到
Yes, we arrived this morning.
Oh, thank you very, very much.
是的 东西都带来了 项链也带来了
Yes, we have everything here. The necklace too.
总共十四件 在哪里?
All 14 pieces at the… What?
不 梅西尔先生
No, Monsieur Mercier.
史华娜公主的宫廷珠宝 总共有十四件
The court jewels of the Grand Duchess Swana consisted of 14 pieces.
Why don’t you check on that?
Of course, we have all the necessary credentials.
请照顾一下皇家套房♥ 我十分钟就回来
Will you take care of the royal suite? I’ll be back in 10 minutes.
– 好的 拉柯宁 – 谢谢你
– All right, Rakonin. – Thank you very much. Thank you.
– 夏隆路八号♥ – 好的 先生
– 8 rue de Chalon. – Yeah, monsieur.
– 哈啰 里昂 – 早 史华娜
– Hello, Leon. – Morning, Swana, darling.
诸事不顺的早晨 怎么看自己都不对劲
It’s really a wretched morning. Wretched. I can’t get myself right.
我想看起来圆润 结果却干枯
I wanted to look mellow and I look brittle.
我的脸不匀称 太突兀
My face doesn’t compose well. It’s all highlights.
怎么样弄柔和一点 里昂?给点建议吧
How can I dim myself down, Leon? Suggest something.
这张脸看都看烦了 希望能换一张脸
Oh, I’m so bored with this face. I wish I had someone else’s face.
如果能选择 你想要谁的脸?
Whose face would you have if you had your choice?
Oh, well, I guess one gets the face one deserves.
There’s one marvelous advantage to your conversation.
不管你问多少问题 你根本不希望得到答案
However many questions you ask, you never expect an answer.
Don’t you find that restful?
– 早安 亲爱的 – 早安
– Good morning, darling. – Good morning.
– 你昨晚怎么没来? – 还不是为了你的利益
– Why didn’t you come last night? – Darling, I was looking after your interests.
Did you win?
赛马 轮盘 统统都别提了
We can forget horse racing, roulette, everything.
Our worries are over.
You remember the platinum watch with the diamond numbers?
You’ll be in a position to give it to me now.
亲爱的 你对我太好了
Oh, darling, you’re so good to me.
你说那个字 我们就会发财
We could be rich, if you say the word.
I had dinner with the Guizots last night.
Those awful newspaper people?
You’d be surprised how many nice people dine with the Guizots.
– 媒体威力的可怕证明 – 听着
– What a gruesome proof of the power of the press. – Listen to this one
I sold Monsieur Guizot the idea …
– 在《巴黎公报》出版你的回忆录 – 什么?
– …of publishing your memoirsin the Gazette Parisienne. – What?
The Life and Loves of the Grand Duchess Swana of Russia
噢 里昂
Oh, Leon.
But darling, we won’t have to worry about our future
if you’re willing to raffle off your past.
Come in.
拉柯宁伯爵求见 殿下
Count Rakonin asks the privilege of a few words, Your Highness.
– 拉柯宁? – 可怜的家伙在克雷轮斯当侍者
– Rakonin? – Yes, he’s a waiter at the Clarence, poor devil.
– 你认识他 – 对
– You know him. – Oh, yes.
跟他说抱歉 半个钟头内不行
Tell him I’m sorry, I won’t be able to see him for half an hour.
The count says if it could be as soon as possible.
现在是午餐时间 正在上菜呢
It’s luncheon time, and he’s just between courses.
好吧 现在见他
All right, all right, I’ll see him right away.
– 今天就是不对劲… – 拉柯宁伯爵打断用餐
– I can’t get myself right today… – Count Rakonin’s between courses.
My little Volga, mwah, boatman.
